Book Read Free

Discarded by Fate

Page 35

by Morgan Kelley

  At that point, it didn’t matter. His whole heart was aching for what he’d just seen.

  “Sure, I’m free. Your bed or mine?”

  “If you’re staying here, yours. It’s closer.”

  From the corner of his eye, he saw motion.

  “Works for me. Be ready to party.”

  As he turned, he saw her.

  There stood Blue, and she was staring at him with tears in her eyes.

  “I figured your offer was still on the table,” she said, her voice hitching.

  “Sorry, I’ve found something better.”

  The words hurt.

  They really crushed her.

  Everything in Blue reverted back to that child that worked too hard, gave too much, and got nothing in return.

  “I see.”

  “You should go. I have a dessert date.”

  He hated himself.

  The way he was lashing out at her meant one thing. He had to burn it to the ground so he’d never go back, and this was how he’d do it with her.

  He’d break her out of his self-loathing.

  She was standing there in a pretty blue dress, and she was even wearing heels. He knew he should stop being a dick, but he was hurt.

  He was pissed.

  “I see.”

  He turned so he could ignore her as he finished his drink. “I’m waiting for a sure thing.”

  Her lip trembled.

  Blue wanted to run.

  As she turned, she saw the waitress laughing in the mirror’s reflection, and she saw herself.

  Blue wasn’t a child anymore, and she wasn’t going to break because of Ivan. She had worth.

  She was valuable to herself. This was exactly why she didn’t sleep around. She wanted someone to see that value in her too.

  Her heart mattered.

  Instead, she decided to defend herself. It wasn’t for him. Screw it. He was a stupid man. She was going to fight for her dignity.

  As he sat there flirting with the woman, she tapped him on the shoulder.

  “What do you want, little girl? Shouldn’t you be back at your room making friends?”

  She narrowed her eyes.

  “I see. So, that was to hurt me, wasn’t it?” she asked. “You think it’s okay to be mean to me whenever you feel like it?”

  Was she kidding?

  She was the one with another man.

  Now he was going to lose his pain in some nameless woman.




  He couldn’t recall her name, and it didn’t matter.

  “Hey, you can think whatever you want. Just like I can too. You were busy with that guy.”

  She got it.

  This bridge was burned.

  “Yeah, I was working. Elizabeth told us to head to the hotel and she ordered me to keep an eye on the detective. Remember her? That big scary woman who chews up her minions at a high rate of speed?”

  He listened, but didn’t react.

  Ivan was getting that sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was the one he got when he’d screwed up.

  Like yesterday when Elizabeth found a body in her room.

  “Well, Mr. Bennet, someone leaked the case, and she wanted me to watch him. I was doing my job.”

  He glanced over.


  She didn’t see why he was focused on that. It was nothing.

  “Well, your silence says it all. You kiss me, and then you fuck someone else.”

  She stared at him.

  Then, Blue did something she never thought she’d do in her entire life. She picked up his glass of whatever the hell he was drinking, and she tossed it in his face.

  He gasped.

  EVERYONE looked.

  “I have news for you, Mr. Bennet. He got pizza on his shirt and was washing it off. You could have come in and seen that, but you got mad. I’m the one who should be angry with how you’re behaving.”

  He sat there, shocked.

  “You were the one trying to lure me in. That whole game with the key, you being naked, and the kiss. You should talk about kissing me and trying to fuck her,” she said, pointing at the bartender.

  “Blue,” he began.

  “I came down here to be with you! I told the detective to head out, despite it risking my damn job. For some reason, I thought you were worth it. Well, I was wrong. I may be a genius, but I am clueless. You had ME conned.”

  She slammed the glass down and stared at the bartender.

  “Have fun. He likes games. Good luck with that. I can guarantee he won’t call you again, remember your name, or tell you jack shit about his personal life. He doesn’t care. ‘Igor the Terrible’ doesn’t have a heart.”

  Blue spun on her heel, ignoring him as he called after her. She needed to escape, and she didn’t know what to do. She wanted to be sick.

  She really liked him.

  As in she fell for the asshole.

  When he taught her how to fold pizza, and tucked her into bed, she really believed that she’d found someone she could love. Out of the men she dated, none had been worthy.

  He’d been.

  And she’d been wrong.

  This was just more proof how horrible she was with people, and how trusting them only got you hurt.

  As she headed out of the hotel, she couldn’t breathe. She hopped into the nearest cab to escape.

  Blue had to get away.

  “Where to, lady?” the cabby asked, turning in his seat. “Hey, honey, are you okay?” he asked, as tears were falling down her cheeks.

  “I’m good. Man issues. Can you please take me away from here?”

  “Sure, where?”

  “The Boston Gardens. Please.”

  “It’s around the block,” he said not wanting to screw her over with making her take a longer ride.

  She pulled out a fifty-dollar bill. “Just drive me around, okay, then drop me off there. Take the scenic route.”

  He was good with that as he hit the meter and pulled away.

  And in the back of the cab, Blue broke down. All she wanted to do was escape.

  She’d made a horrible mistake becoming a Fed, and tomorrow, she was going home.

  She was a doctor.

  She wasn’t a forensic artist.

  And she was a joke.

  He watched her leave.

  Ivan had embarrassed her and himself.

  He knew he had to make this right. Ivan memorized the cab number, and he headed up to his room. He’d run it using their security technology, he’d get changed, and then he’d go and make this right.

  He had to.

  Ivan had done the opposite of what he’d wanted to do.

  He hadn’t protected Blue.

  He’d broken her heart.

  She could hate him, and he would deserve it, but now, he was going to make it right.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Across Boston

  For the last two hours, Johanna had been tailing the ME. She went shopping, got her nails done, and then wandered around in some alleys.

  Now, unless she was out looking for bodies, that seemed bizarre to her.

  It was like she was trying to lose a tail.

  Only, she didn’t see her. She was sure of it. Johanna had sat beside her getting her nails done, too, so she could listen to any phone calls.

  Even then, there wasn’t a hint of recognition.

  So, she was pretty sure she was onto something big.

  Normal people didn’t wander around in allies in Boston looking for trouble.

  So, Johanna sat in the blacked-out ride and watched. As she was observing, her phone rang.

  It was her hubby.

  She would know that tone anywhere.

  “Hey, babe!”

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  In all truthfulness, Brody really missed his wife. He was as bored as hell, and he needed to talk to her.

; He was sitting at home, watching TV.

  “I’m tailing a suspect for the boss. We think she leaked that shit storm to the media. I’m sure you saw it.”

  “I did.”

  Johanna was taking pictures of some man approaching the ME on the steps of the building. From the outside, they looked like two people meeting up to go grab a bite.

  “Yes, that’s right. Come to momma,” she said, snapping more pictures. “Yeah, right there, big guy.”

  “Uh, are you sure you’re just following someone?” he asked in alarm. “That sounded more like a precursor to sex.”

  That made her laugh.

  “Yeah, I’m getting some good shots. I recognize him. He’s that douchebag who harasses the shit out of the Blackhawks. You know that one redheaded reporter.”

  “Yeah, he’s an asshole.”

  “Well, MR. ASSHOLE just approached an ME, and she handed him a piece of paper. I’m going to say she’s our leak. The bosses are going to be in their glory.”

  There was silence.

  “I miss you. I miss being there with you, Joey. I feel so lost here without you. When I got up this morning, I actually looked for you.”

  Her heart skipped.

  “I miss you, too, babe.”

  “I was stupid.”

  She didn’t know where this was heading. “Um…for what? For paragliding?”

  “Yeah, I risked my stupid neck to do something lame. I should have listened to you instead of my ego.”

  And here was the part of her husband that she cherished so much. It wasn’t the macho man.


  It was the sweet, gentle soul.

  She got why he did it. His father’s death had weighed heavily on him, and he was trying to shake off the pain. How could Johanna blame him?

  “You know you can catch a flight here and stay in my room at the hotel, right?”

  “I already got my ticket. I’m at the airport.”

  “Well, I can one up you there, sexy man. I already bought your favorite beer. It’s in the mini fridge. Get here, and we can have a toast.”

  He laughed, as he rolled his wheelchair up the ramp to the gate.

  “And that’s why you’re my girl.”

  That was a lie.

  There were so many damn reasons.

  He couldn’t pick one.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  McCory’s Pub

  As they headed in, it wasn’t easy not to draw attention to themselves.

  Not that anyone walking in with two giant Indians could avoid attention. The men were flanking her and Chris, as they were protectively placed between them.

  As they sat at a table, the waitress rushed over.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Molly, I’ll have a beer,” Elizabeth said.

  The woman looked around. “Uh, how did you know my name?” she asked. “Do I know you?”

  Chris laughed. “I’ll have a beer, too, and, yes, you waited on us over ten years ago.”

  She stared at them.

  “Yeah, no idea,” she said, impatiently waiting for the two other men to order.

  “Irish Car Bomb,” Callen stated.

  Ethan seconded that.

  “Well, so much for working,” Elizabeth stated. “When you order that, you’re not looking for sobriety at the bottom of the glass.”

  “I had to meet up with the commissioner,” Ethan said. “Oh, and the police captain is a dick.”

  He told her what he said.

  Elizabeth looked upset.

  “Hey! Heath handled it,” Ethan said, filling them in.

  “I’m sad I missed it. I would have paid good money to see Heath tell the man that.”

  Callen laughed. “Yeah, especially since he’s not gay and was dating some blonde—or three.”

  Ethan snorted. “Yeah, but he played it perfectly. People think he’s slow because he’s big. Some men are, but not Heath.”

  Callen stared at him. “If that was a reference…”

  Ethan grinned.

  “What were you two doing?”

  Oh, he could wipe the smirk off his brother’s face. “I was proposing to Elizabeth on a college campus, and she’s going to remarry me, and she and I are taking a honeymoon. Alone.”

  “What?” Blackhawk asked.

  Elizabeth found that amusing.

  “Well, you did get two weddings, technically,” Elizabeth admitted. “Callen wants one with all of our family. Maybe we can have it at some fancy venue.”

  Callen loved that idea. She’d get anything she wanted.

  “Chris gets to be my maid of honor.”

  He gave her a kiss. “I’m in. Penis decorated jewelry for everyone when I plan the bachelorette party.”

  Both men stared at him.

  “Too much, huh?”

  Ethan stared at his wife. “Are you being serious?”


  Callen stared at his brother. “Are you upset?”

  “Not in the least. Although, I did think I’d get to be the maid of honor,” he teased.

  “You can’t,” Callen stated.

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “You’re going to be my best man,” Callen stated. “You know, stand by my side and be there the day I marry her in front of our family. I know it’s not legit, but…”

  Ethan placed his hand on the back of his brother’s head, and pulled him toward him. They sat, forehead to forehead.

  “That’s a beautiful offer, and I am proud to be your best man, Callen.”

  Then he kissed him.

  “And that’s why the world thinks you like dick,” Elizabeth said, trying not to cry at what she’d witnessed.

  She loved them both.

  Ethan began laughing.

  “Anyway,” Ethan said, “I can’t wait to help you plan a wedding.”

  She stared at him. “NO.”

  “What? Why not?” Ethan asked, already knowing where this was going.

  “You are a control freak. You are not planning your brother’s wedding to your wife.”

  “Well, when you say it that way, it sounds wrong.”

  Chris couldn’t help himself. He was laughing so hard, he was crying.

  She stopped them as the waitress approached.

  When they all got their drinks, they relaxed and took the place in. There were some dark sections where she imagined the dean and Tajel hung out.

  “How was the Harvard visit?” Ethan asked. “Other than you getting proposed to…again.”

  They told him everything, and he really looked amused by the whole thing.

  “You are a menace.”

  “Really? No one got manhandled, well, Lucca did, but that was of his own recognizance.”

  Callen laughed. “When she referenced swollen lips from giving head, it was a thing of beauty.”

  All three men toasted each other.

  “HAR HAR! When the waitress comes back, you three get water.”

  “Can we order?” Chris asked. “I’m starving. I skipped every meal the last half a day.”

  “Yeah, I could eat a whole cow. It’s been two very long days, and I feel like there’s no end in sight.”

  They all agreed.

  Ethan signaled the waitress.

  “Four burgers, medium well, fries, and another round of drinks,” Ethan said.

  She wrote it down.

  “Who owns this delightful little place?” Elizabeth asked the woman before she could escape.

  “My boss.”

  “Really? You don’t work here for free?” she asked sarcastically. “I’m shocked. Listen, Molly, just get him over here and lose the chitchat. You’re irritating me.”

  The woman headed away.

  “She’s spitting on your burger,” Chris said, laughing.

  “It won’t be the first time, nor the last,” Ethan stated, earning a fist bump.

  “I always take one of your burgers just in case. Who’s laughing now?�
� she asked.

  They looked horrified.

  Did she really do that?

  It was shocking they didn’t have some disease if that were the case.

  “Excuse me,” some man said, getting their attention.

  They all looked over.

  “Yes?” Callen asked, since he was closer to the man.

  “Are you by any chance Jackson James?”

  Elizabeth ignored him.

  She already knew where this was heading. Since Callen had been outed by a killer on a previous case, they didn’t often get to have a meal without someone recognizing him.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Can I ask you for an autograph?” he asked. “I love your work. It’s really good. You’re sick and twisted.”

  Callen laughed. “Thank you, I think.”

  “Seriously. You have a real talent.”

  “Thank you,” he said, taking the man’s pen and signing the inside of his book. “What’s your name?” he asked.


  Callen wrote him a message.

  “This is awesome! My old lady thinks I’m obsessed with your books! She’s not going to believe this!”

  Then he recognized the woman beside him.

  “Hey! You’re that investigator,” he said, pointing at the TV playing in the bar area.

  “Yep,” she said checking out all the other patrons.

  “You look silly in cowboy boots in Boston.”

  She opened her mouth, but he already walked away.

  “Why is everyone ragging on my frigging boots and clothes everywhere I go? They’re comfortable.”

  Ethan said NOTHING.

  He knew better.

  Callen didn’t get it either. They had matching ones. Hers had ravens and his had foxes.

  “This must be the owner,” Chris said, clearing his throat. He had to admit he was having a good time. He was with family, and everything was calm.

  He liked calm.

  This was his core, and Bethe was going to be safe. Chris hadn’t made all bad mistakes in his life.

  The woman beside him was a very good one.

  Chris knew he had to stop hating himself for cheating on her. Because he had, he now had two men in his life that genuinely accepted him.

  “You needed me?” the man asked.

  “I’m Elizabeth Blackhawk.”


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