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Cowboy Daddy

Page 23

by Hannah McBride

  “You must enjoy it.”

  “It’s money,” she shrugged and stuck a cocktail stick in his glass. “And the other staff are pretty chill.”

  “That’s good. It sucks working with people you don’t get on with.”

  “It really does.”

  He handed over the money, giving another generous tip which she slightly raised her eyebrow to, but nonetheless went to put it in the jar.

  “Why don’t you put it straight in your pocket?” He asked, leaning closer and touching her elbow, giving her a cheeky wink. “I don’t want the rest of the staff to get it, I want it to go direct to you.”

  “That’s not how it works,” she smiled, dropping the money inside the big glass jar with all the rest of the dollar bills and coins. “But you can buy me a drink, if you like.”

  “I would definitely like,” he grinned and stood upright, taking his thick wallet out again. “What are you having?”

  “I can’t drink it till after I’ve finished my shift, but I’ll take a Sex on the Beach.”

  “Will you now?” Tyler said saucily, waggling both his eyebrows at her.

  Jamia snorted softly and shook her head. “I might have known you’d be the type of guy to laugh at a cocktail name.”

  “Well, come on, it is pretty funny,” he held his arms up defensively. “Plus, I’m just a big kid at heart.”

  “At heart? You look like a big kid. How old even are you anyway? I probably should have asked to see your ID.”

  “Aw hey, come on, I’m over twenty-one.”


  “Yeah, I’m twenty-four. How old are you?”

  “Twenty-one,” she admitted with a smirk.

  “Ha!” He pointed at her triumphantly. “Exactly! You can’t talk, youngster. I knew there was a reason you were so gorgeous. The beauty of youth.”

  She rolled her eyes again at the flirty comment, then took the money for her drink later, cashing it in. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have customers to serve. Shouldn’t you be doing something else other than standing here flirting with the staff?” She looked at him pointedly, giving him a cheeky smirk before walking off.

  Immediately, Tyler liked her even more. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. Yeah, he thought, there was definitely something unique about this one. She was right though, he probably should do something other than just stand there. He took a sip of his drink and wandered off away from the bar, walking round the place, taking in some of the atmosphere, watching a couple of people grooving on the dance floor, then finding a booth in the corner to sit in, where he could be alone and out of the way, but also watch everything that was going on and feel a part of it.

  He took out his phone and checked his messages, discovering that a couple of the people he usually hung out with on weekends had gone to a different club and weren’t planning to come here to meet him although they had extended the offer for him to join them. He didn’t feel like it though. He wanted to stay right where he was and push on with his plan to make Jamia fall for his charms. He wondered what she was like in bed, and idly sat there listening to the music and daydreaming.

  Once he’d finished his drink, about twenty minutes later and slightly slower than the first, he went up to the bar again and ordered another, at which point Jamia told him it would have to be his last, as they were closing up in twenty minutes.

  “Really?” He frowned and pulled back his suit jacket to glance at his Rolex. Well, it had been late already when he’d left the office, he thought to himself, and not everywhere had a license to open till all hours of the morning. Still, that meant he might get more chance to hit on Jamia. “What are you doing after work?” he went straight in with the question. If she hadn’t figured out he was interested already, she certainly would now.

  “Going to bed,” she answered bluntly.

  Tyler smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yep,” she popped the ‘p’ and took the money off him for his last drink. “Alone.”

  Tyler mock gasped and looked horrified. “Surely not! A pretty girl like you should never have to sleep alone. What the hell is your boyfriend thinking of?!”

  Jamia laughed a little and rolled her eyes – for probably the fifth time that night. “Your pick up lines are terrible. I’m not sure how you ever get any girls.”

  “I’m not sure either but…some of them seem to like it,” he mumbled, some of the cockiness going as he shrugged a bit. “The stupid ones anyway. But…you’re not stupid, are you?”

  “Nah, not much. One sec.” She darted off to serve someone else, the bar starting to get busier as people realized the place was closing soon and wanted to get one last drink in before they were asked to leave.

  Tyler stayed at the bar, sipping his drink, and Jamia soon came back, leaning on her elbows and this time happily talking to him.

  “You can have that drink now, can’t you?” he asked, nodding at the gradually emptying bar.

  “Well…I’d better wait a few more minutes. My boss is lurking around here somewhere.”

  “Fair enough. I’d like to stay and watch you drink it though.”

  “Why? Do you have a fetish for watching girls drink cocktails? Is that like, your kink?” she teased him.

  “No, no…” He blushed a bit and shook his head, chuckling. “I just want an excuse to spend more time with you.”

  “Wow, you really are the charmer, aren’t you? Do you do this with all the bar girls?”

  “Nah, just the hot ones. Actually, mostly I’m interested in the girls IN the bar rather than the ones behind it, but…this is an exception.”

  “Well, no offence but…I don’t want to be just another notch on your bedpost. I’m not that kinda girl.”

  Tyler laughed. “What does that even mean…don’t be so old fashioned. We’re young, we can have fun, right? Or are you…into love and all that bullshit?”

  The music had been turned down quieter now, in preparation for throwing people out at the end of the night, and it was easier for them to talk as a result, no longer having to shout.

  “You don’t believe in love?” She raised an eyebrow, then slowly began to make the drink he’d bought her earlier while they continued to talk.

  “Nah. Do you?”

  “Yeah, of course. My parents were in love. Weren’t yours?”

  “I dunno. I never asked them,” Tyler shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Maybe you should,” she gave him a small, encouraging smile.

  “Well hey, get me a Ouija board and we’ll have a go,” he cracked a joke, sneering slightly and downing the last of his cocktail.

  Jamia gasped, her eyes widening. “Oh my gosh, I’m...”

  “It’s fine,” he grinned and waved a hand. “Yeah, my folks are dead, it’s not a big deal, it happens.”

  “Yeah, I know but…it still sucks,” she frowned, then added quietly, “My mom’s dead so…I kinda know how it feels.”

  Tyler nodded and looked down at his fingernails, his arms rested upon the bar. He wasn’t used to this kind of emotional conversations and it made him feel awkward as hell, but now he couldn’t think of anything to say to break them out of it.

  Thankfully, he didn’t have to. Jamia’s boss came out from the backroom and called her over to help the other staff collect up the glasses. Then he came over to count up the cash drawer and Tyler turned away to give some privacy, taking out his phone and pretending he was doing something on it.

  “You’re gonna have to leave now, sir,” Jamia’s boss announced, leaning over to Tyler a bit. “We’re closed.”

  “Oh uh…” Tyler turned to him and smiled. “Yeah, I know, I’m just…waiting for Jamia. I’m giving her a ride home tonight.”

  “Oh right.” He seemed surprised for a moment, then nodded in agreement and dropped the issue, Tyler’s little lie buying him more time to stay in the bar.

  When Jamia returned, he leaned over and quickly told her what he’d told the boss, just so she could c
ontinue the ruse and not drop him in it.

  “You said what?” She stared at him, not seeming very impressed. “Do you make a habit of lying to get what you want?”

  “Now and again,” Tyler admitted, pushing a stray strand of hair back off his forehead. “It’s only a little white lie.”

  “A little?” She scoffed, going round the other side of the bar and now actually picking up the drink she’d made for herself earlier, the Sex on the Beach. “You’re not giving me a ride home.”

  “I know. I don’t even have my car with me.”

  She smirked and shook her head. “You little liar. Plus, I have my own car with me. I always do.”

  “That’s…probably why your boss looked at me that way.”

  “Yeah, probably. He clearly believed you though so, well done, you haven’t been thrown out.” She took a sip of her drink and looked at him over the rim.

  “And you’re still talking to me. I’d consider that a success.”

  “Surely it’s only a success if you get me in your bed,” she raised an eyebrow. “Which, by the way, is not going to happen.”

  “Sure, keep telling yourself that, babe,” Tyler smirked.

  Jamia chuckled and drank some more of her cocktail. “You don’t give up, do you?”

  “Not often,” Tyler leaned his elbows up against the bar and looked at her. “So…what are you actually doing after work?”

  “I told you. I’m going home to bed. Alone. Unlike you, I wasn’t lying.”

  “Are you seriously? But it’s only midnight. And it’s the weekend.”

  “Yeah, and I have work in the morning.”

  “On a Saturday? In a bar?” He looked at her in disbelief.

  “I have more than one job, you know. It happens. Some people have to work hard for a living unlike you rich guys.”

  “How do you know I’m rich?” He chuckled.

  She looked him up and down. “Oh come on. It’s not that hard. You come in here with your Armani suit on, spending twelve bucks on a cocktail and tipping eight bucks a time. Plus, you wear a Rolex.”

  Tyler nodded slowly, impressed. “Very observant.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty good at that kinda stuff,” Jamia shrugged and finished off the rest of her drink, turning round and stacking it with the other dirty glasses, the whole bar pretty much tided up now, and empty of customers aside from Tyler. “Well,” she announced when she turned back round. “Your time’s up, buddy. I’m going, and so should you. And not together.”

  Tyler smirked and shook his head. She’d definitely played this game well, but he wasn’t prepared to give up on the chase just yet. “Could I get some kinda receipt? For all the drinks I’ve had tonight.”

  She sighed slightly, probably knowing he was being difficult on purpose, but she nodded and hit a few buttons on the computer, printing him out a paper receipt a second or so later before tearing it off and giving it to him.

  But Tyler didn’t slip it into his pocket. Instead, he flipped it over onto the back, grabbed a pen off the counter and began to scribble something down.

  Jamia leaned in out of interest. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you my number. You know you’re gonna want to call me in the morning.”

  “Am I now?”

  “Yep.” He smirked and handed it across to her. To his delight, she folded it in half and put it into her pocket.

  “We’ll see about that,” she murmured, smiling as she shook her head at him and turned away. “Goodnight Tyler Preston.”

  He was surprised and impressed that she remembered his full name but, if anything, it was even more of a turn on. “Goodnight Jamia.”

  And that was that. At least, for the time being. Tyler decided not to go on and meet his acquaintances at the club. After a few cocktails and such a long night at the office, he discovered he was actually pretty tired, so he went back home to crash, hailing a cab and getting a surprisingly early night, made even more surprising by the fact that he wasn’t bringing a random girl home with him.

  Less than twenty minutes across town, however, the situation was very different for Tyler’s oldest and most competitive business rival.

  Chapter Two

  Frank Morgan was forty-seven years old, but he was still as fit and healthy as he was at twenty; he could still pack a decent punch, and he still knew how to make love to a beautiful woman. He made sure to practice both of those fine arts on a regular basis and tonight, it was the latter.

  He’d had a tough day, with a lot of business matters on his mind. Things hadn’t been easy lately, especially after the murder of Trent Preston, but now, things were starting to take a turn for the better, with the exceptionally beautiful woman currently in his bed.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d been naked beneath him, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. She was a regular of his, and Frank liked it that way. It was a good arrangement they had going on.

  She let out a soft little moan as he leaned down and kissed at her neck. He knew that part was one of her more sensitive areas, and due to their previous experiences together, he knew exactly what buttons to push and just how to make her moan and scream the way he liked.

  He slowly danced his worn, calloused fingertips down her semi-naked body, pausing at the lace panties that covered her well-trimmed private parts. His lips continued to do the work on her neck, sucking on the soft, pale skin and leaving a little mark. Frank loved to mark her. He liked the thought of her going back to work wearing part of him, although she sometimes told him off for doing it. Not tonight though. Tonight, they both needed to let off steam, and he knew from the start that the sex was going to be steamy and rough.

  He slid his thick fingers into her delicate underwear, grabbing hold of the hem in his firm hand and yanking them down. She raised her butt up off the bed to help him, eager and whimpering at the merest of touches.

  “Hurry up, Frank,” she urged him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and neck, and leaning up to plaster his jaw with hungry little wet kisses. She kicked the panties off the end of her feet then spread her legs and wrapped them round one of Frank’s thighs, beginning to push her hips up into him, humping his muscular thigh, pressing her warm wetness into his skin and letting him know just how eager she was for more of him that night.

  “You’re a dirty girl,” he growled low under his breath, his cock growing even harder if possible, and aching with need and desire. He nudged her legs apart further with his knee and positioned himself in between her.

  The pair of them had long since given up on using condoms. Frank had had ‘the snip’ a few years back so was now unable to have kids, and she…well…once they’d started seeing each other fairly regularly, she’d started taking the pill. It was just easier for them both. Neither of them had diseases, and they preferred it without having to worry, or stop in the middle of their passion fueled sex sessions to slip on a rubber.

  It was without much hesitation, then, that he slid straight in. She was already wet and ready for him, begging him to stretch her open with his thick girth, and Frank was all too happy to oblige, both of them letting out a quiet moan in unison at the feel of it.

  He leaned down over her and tucked his muscular arms underneath her shoulders, clamping their already sweaty bodies together as he pushed in deeper, until his balls were softly banging against her ass.

  She whimpered and tilted her head back a bit, showing her long, soft, pale neck. He ducked his head down and kissed and bit at the skin gently.

  “Mmm, stop teasing me and move,” she groaned, raising her hips up into him to cause some friction.

  Frank smirked and sucked a spot on her skin, leaving a nice purple mark and knowing she’d need to cover that up when she went back to work. He liked to think of his marks all over her; that all it would take would be the rain to wash the makeup away and the game would be up. It was a risk he loved to flirt with.

  He stayed where he was for a few more moments, but not long. He wasn’t
a patient man, and he needed the release just as much as she did. It had been a hard day for them both and he knew it.

  He pulled back his hips a couple of inches, then pushed back in, giving a low groan as he felt the sensations start to shoot down him. She always felt so warm and wet and tight. He loved fucking her; it was a delight.

  She lifted up her legs and wrapped them round his waist, digging her heels into his ass to make him go in deeper. “More,” she begged hungrily.

  “You’re a little slut for me, aren’t you?”

  “Y-yeah,” she whimpered, pushing her butt up off the bed.

  “You dirty little whore…Beg me for it.”


  “Louder,” he growled, rolling his hips slowly and deliberately, knowing it was driving her crazy.

  “PLEASE!” she raised her voice and almost screamed.

  Frank knew that people would hear them, but he didn’t care. His employees knew how to keep their mouths shut, unlike the dirty girl he had beneath him.

  He grinned and gave her what she wanted, grabbing hold of her wrists and pinning them down either side of her head as he began to thrust hard and fast inside her.

  She gasped and tossed her head back, her mouth falling open in pleasure.

  He pounded into her relentlessly, going as deep as possible and speeding up with each snap of his hips, the bed starting to creak and shake from the exertion of their speedy sex.

  They weren’t going to last long at that pace, but that didn’t matter. They weren’t interested in slow, romantic love making. All they wanted was some good hard fucking to get their tension out. That was their arrangement.

  After a while, he released her hands so she could touch him. He knew she liked that.

  She instantly reached up and began to scratch up and down his back, leaving marks with her manicured fingernails. He liked it too. A bit of pain mingled in with the pleasure. There was nothing quite like it.

  He groaned and closed his eyes, trying to keep up with his smooth, quick thrusts, driving them both onwards to their inevitable climax.


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