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Cowboy Daddy

Page 57

by Hannah McBride

  “I was just asking myself…whether I should give you the answer I normally give in interviews, or the answer that’s most real to me.”

  Ashleigh raised one eyebrow slightly. “Just tell me whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  “I want to be honest with you,” he insisted. “I feel you deserve that. Honesty.”

  “Well…thanks.” She smiled.

  “I always tell people that I got inspired by the movies I saw as a kid, that I wanted to be like my heroes…and that’s true, that’s all true. But there’s something else as well. The real reason I pursued my career in acting with such determination and conviction is…I had someone relying on me…”

  Ashleigh leaned in a bit, as Rico was talking fairly quietly now, and she couldn’t pick up on every word, especially over the noise of the restaurant.

  “My mother,” he continued. “She was very sick. It was up to me to support her. All the money I earned from acting, it went to pay her bills and for her treatment and care.”

  Ashleigh’s eyes widened. She had no idea Rico had this whole other, caring side to his personality. He was such a sweetheart underneath that suave, smooth exterior.

  “That’s really kind of you, Rico.”

  He shrugged. “She was my mother. It’s not a big deal. Any son would have done the same. Or at least, they should. Family is important to me.”

  “Why don’t you tell people that in interviews though? It might make them think differently of you.”

  “I don’t want them to think I’m just saying it for sympathy, or to try and make myself look good. That wasn’t why I did it.”

  “I know it isn’t.”

  “I know you do. But other people might not see it that way. Especially if I start talking about it publicly. Do you understand?”

  She nodded sadly. “Yes…I do think it’s really sweet that you care for your mother though. You guys must be really close.”

  Rico’s demeanour changed slightly at her words, and he sat back, looking down at his plate. “Well…we were. She passed away last year.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” Ashleigh gasped, covering her mouth with her hand and feeling bad for having said something.

  “No, no, don’t worry, you couldn’t have known,” he insisted, shaking his head then reaching out and gently taking hold of Ashleigh’s hand, removing it from her mouth and holding it on top of the table. “But thank you.”

  “I’m still sorry. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. I’ve never lost a parent.”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled, looking away again. “It was hard. It still is. I’m still…pretty broken up over it sometimes. I think about her a lot.”

  She squeezed his hand gently, honored and surprised that he had chosen to share so much and really open up to her like this, but she appreciated it.

  “Hey, we can…we can talk about something else, if you like,” she offered softly.

  He glanced up at her and smiled, returning the small squeeze to her hand. “That might be a good idea.”

  “Honestly though,” she added. “I think it’s so sweet of you to be able to admit something like this to me, and I’m…I’m grateful. Seeing a softer side to you is really…heart-warming.”

  She felt herself blushing a little bit and she could have sworn that Rico was too, although it was hard to tell with that beautiful swarthy skin, and in the flicker of the light from the candle on the table.

  “I’ve never told anyone before,” he admitted with a shrug. “And I don’t even know why I told you exactly, I just…I find you easy to talk to. I can just blurt stuff out to you and it doesn’t feel weird.”

  “I feel the same way,” she gushed, still holding his hand. “I really love spending time with you, Rico. I really value our time together.”

  She was getting pretty sentimental and soppy now, and she felt that Rico sensed that. He gave her hand another small squeeze, then slowly retreated his own and picked up his glass of sake, taking a little sip as he glanced around the restaurant. “Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk with you, Ashleigh,” he began. “About…about us…”

  And suddenly, she knew what was coming.

  It made her heart sink in sadness and disappointment, but she’d known all along that she shouldn’t get too attached to him.

  “It’s fine,” she interrupted, before he could say anymore. “I know. You don’t want any strings attached, I know.”

  He swallowed and looked across at her. “Is that…okay? It’s just…relationships…”

  “Aren’t really your thing. I know. They’re not really my thing either.”


  “Yeah. I’ve had a couple of not so great experiences in the past so…I think I’m probably done with relationships now.”

  “Yeah, me too,” he nodded. “I’m glad you understand.”

  “It’s fine,” she said again.

  But was it?

  Later in bed that night, at Rico’s hotel room, as he was pounding into her and making her scream with pleasure, the last thing on her mind was a relationship. She was perfectly happy with the hot, sweaty sex and the dinner dates.

  She scratched her nails down his back and clung to him, her legs wrapped around him as she felt him deep inside her, each thrust sending her closer and closer to the edge, the top of his dick rubbing at her clit every time he moved due to the angle.

  She whimpered and moaned, leaning up and biting down on his shoulder, sucking at the skin and marking him. They were both covered in a shimmery film of sweat by the time, a few moments later, he finally exploded, his thrusts becoming irregular and jilted in their rhythm, and she was sent over the edge too, her vision blurring to white for a split second at the intensity of it, screaming out his name.

  In the aftermath of their heated sex, they lay curled up in each other’s arms as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, not just two casual lovers who wanted the cheap thrill of an orgasm, and it was moments like that that she realized she was falling for him. When her heart beat in time to his, when she could feel him so close to her, smell him, taste him, when all she ever wanted was his arms around her, and when she could drift off to sleep so easily just knowing he was there.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After that night, and the conversation they’d had, Ashleigh made some efforts to distance herself from Rico. Now that she’d learnt the truth, she wasn’t going to allow herself to fall any deeper than she already had, otherwise she knew she’d only end up getting hurt again. She continued to see him casually, but she definitely stepped back from the intensity of their regular meet-ups, and over the next two and a half weeks, they only went out for dinner twice, and hadn’t slept together anymore, Ashleigh saying she was tired both times.

  The truth was, she missed the sex, and would have wanted more of it, but she was too scared about her growing feelings for this man, and was trying her best to keep it casual. That was what he wanted. That was what she wanted too. She kept telling herself that and hoped it would become more of a reality.

  She threw herself into a work and spoke to a lot more people on the set about their different jobs, learning everything she could about the film industry while simultaneously trying to prepare for her audition, which was coming up very soon. She was nervous about it, and the last time she and Rico had grabbed a bite to eat together, she’d confessed as much to him.

  Now, with the audition only four days away, and looming on her mind, Rico knocked on her office door and popped his head in, grinning at her with his set of sparkling pearly whites. She was preparing some more amendments to scripts that were to be sent out to actors at the end of the day, and was a little snowed under with it all, several lines and scenes having been rewritten literally overnight.

  “Hey, how’s it going?”

  She looked up and returned the smile. “Not bad. Busy.”

  “You still freaking out about that audition?”

  She stopped what she was doing a moment and sat ba
ck. “Little bit, yeah.”

  “I was wondering if you wanted to like…run lines or…sing your piece for me, and I could give you some pointers or try and help you with your nerves,” he offered gently, then shrugged. “I mean…if you want to. If you think it might help. No pressure.”

  She smiled slightly. It was actually really nice of him to offer, and it probably would help, considering he was such an experienced actor. He’d probably nailed hundreds of auditions in his time. He was an expert.

  “Actually…I’d like that. Thank you.”

  “Great. Well just…gimme a ring later or whatever, and we’ll sort something out.”

  So she did.

  And after work that night, he came around to her hotel, the two of them squeezed into her small room. It was cosy, but pleasant. The window was open and the excited hum of the city could be heard, and they’d ordered room service so they could have a bite to eat and something to drink while they went through the lines together.

  Then it came to the song.

  Ashleigh stood up to perform it. She knew Rico had heard her voice before, so she wasn’t totally nervous about it, but that had been by accident, when she’d been singing in the shower. It was a different matter to stand up in front of him and belt it out so she was a little shy at first, but then she closed her eyes and allowed herself to get into it, swaying slightly to the lilt of her own voice and concentrating on the lyrics and the meaning behind them, the soul and passion really emerging as she delivered quite the performance.

  When she opened her eyes again, she noticed Rico was staring up at her from his position on the bed with his mouth hanging open in awe, his eyes sparkling, looking at her as if he was totally in love.

  Although maybe that was just her imagination.


  “That was…that was incredible,” he whispered, smiling at her. “Wow…you really took my breath away.”

  “Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes a bit and picked up her glass of wine, taking a sip. A few weeks ago, when they’d first met, she might have blushed at his compliments, but now she was more used to them, and she knew they probably meant nothing anyway. They were just his little flirtatious way of getting the girl. She’d come to accept that, or at least, she was trying to.

  “I’m serious, it really was,” Rico insisted, patting the space on the bed next to her.

  She went over to sit down.

  “You’ve got a really great voice.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled.

  “And honestly, that was perfect. I can’t really think of any suggestions or improvements.”

  “You’re just saying that to try and get me into bed, Rico Fernandez,” she teased with a smile, lightly slapping him on the arm.

  “I’m not, I promise,” he smiled, then it turned into a little smirk and he winked at her. “Although actually, that’s not a bad idea.”

  And at that, he leaned in, coming in for a kiss, or at least, what he hoped would be a kiss.

  This time, she didn’t let him.

  She pulled back and turned her head away, taking another sip of wine and standing up again.

  Rico looked at her, a slightly dejected expression on his face, mingled with surprise. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I’m not like the other girls, Rico…” she began.

  “I know you’re not.”

  Maybe it was because she was a little drunk. Maybe it was because his admission that he wasn’t into commitment had gotten to her more than she’d care to admit. Maybe she was just nervous about the audition and it was testing her patience. But whatever it was, she wasn’t in the mood for his games tonight and she felt like telling him straight.

  “I want more than what you can give me,” she admitted for the first time out loud, both to him and to herself. The truth of it was oddly liberating, and it allowed her to continue. “And I’ve been with guys in the past who have hurt me. I’m not ready for that again. I think you should leave.”

  And with that, she pointed one arm slightly towards the door.

  Rico eyes were blown wide. He looked pretty shocked by everything she’d said but, to her surprise, he didn’t attempt to argue back or make excuses.

  He pursed his lips slowly, nodded, then stood up.

  “Alright.” He gave her a small smile and finished off his wine. “Well uh…I’ll see you at work,” he said finally, before making his way out. “Have a good night,” were his last words before he gently closed her bedroom door behind him and left.

  She immediately felt a little bit bad. Had she been too harsh on him? Well, it was too late now. Perhaps it was for the best. They needed to keep their distance from each other a bit more; not get too attached.

  Chapter Eighteen

  And that’s exactly what they did. Over the next two days, the pair didn’t speak at all, even to the extent that they actively avoided each other when they passed in the corridor or were in the same room. Considering how they’d grown so close and jokey since the beginning of shoot, it was obvious to most people on the set that there was a growing rift between them that had started after their last date and increased since the hotel room incident.

  So much so that Francis must’ve seen an opening.

  He knocked on her door one day when she was working, and came in without her having had a chance to respond, his rapacious eyes roaming up and down her body immediately.

  “It’s been a while, Ashleigh,” he remarked.

  “I’ve been very busy in the office, Mr R– Francis,” she corrected herself, remembering that he liked her to call him by his first name, even if she didn’t actually want to.

  “Yes, I suppose you have. But that can stop now. I think I have some work for you on set.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. One moment he was trying to remove her from the set and now he was putting her back on it? This had to be more than just a coincidence. The first time it was because she was getting too close to Rico and he was jealous and trying to separate them, and now that he’s heard and seen the two of them aren’t as close anymore, he’s clearly trying to spend more time with her himself and move in on what he thought was Rico’s territory. It was all so blindingly obvious, but at this point, Ashleigh didn’t care; she was just excited to be going back to the set. It was so much more fun to actually be involved and see part of the filming, even if that meant she would have to be around Rico more.

  “But this time, I don’t want you just making coffee or holding costumes. I want you to stay close to me. I’ll let you watch what I do… you can shadow me, and I can train you. You’re destined for stardom, Ashleigh, so you need to stick with me.”

  She didn’t much like the sound of being at Francis’ side the entire time.

  “But…won’t there be other things I need to be helping out with?”

  “I’m the boss around here,” he replied firmly. “What I say goes, remember?”

  And there was just something about the way he’d said that last sentence that put her on edge. It sounded more like a threat than anything else, as if he was reminding her of his power; that he could get her to lose her job if he really wanted.

  And the next day, she started in her new position.

  Francis set up a chair for her right next to his. It was one of those cool, movie set ones that she’d always wanted to sit in, and a part of her felt honored and excited to be given the opportunity, but it was clear from the offset what Francis’s intentions were.

  “You look stunning this morning,” he murmured as she sat down, before reaching over and placing his hand on her leg. He gave it a quick squeeze, then let go.

  Her cheeks flushed with shame and outrage. He had no business just touching her like that in front of everyone, but no one had been looking, all too busy doing their own thing and getting everything ready for the next take.

  Francis lifted up his megaphone and began barking orders at people, pointing and instructing as they ran about doing whatever he told them. He was a hard tas
kmaster on the set, and she’d noticed people rolling their eyes behind his back a few times; she definitely wasn’t the only one he rubbed the wrong way.

  In between giving out orders, he would lean in close to Ashleigh and explain to her exactly what was going on and what he was doing.

  The majority of the time he did stick to business, and she was learning, but after every sentence he always managed to slip in some kind of compliment about how she looked or a flirtatious remark.

  It was extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable. It was like being in the restaurant all over again and she wasn’t sure how she could stand her job if it was going to be like this every day from now on.

  A couple of times she saw Rico look over in her direction and they’d accidentally make eye contact. Then one of them would look away. She wondered what he was thinking, and wished he could rescue her somehow from Francis.

  But Francis seemed to revel in the fact that she and Rico weren’t talking, even making subtle references to it now and again.

  “You don’t need big, hot-shot movie stars like Rico,” he murmured. “You just need to stick with the producers like me. I’m the one who can get you the parts, not him. You just stick with me, gorgeous.”

  By the end of two days on set with Francis like this, Ashleigh felt physically and mentally exhausted, and in dire need of escape.

  She was growing increasingly worried about his flirtatious behavior, and was wondering if she could get it to stop somehow. If she told Francis she thought it was inappropriate, would he drop it and stop? Or would he be offended, angry, and fire her? Was it worth the risk? Could she tell anyone else about his behavior and how it made her feel? She felt so alone and helpless.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The night before her audition, Ashleigh was alone in her hotel room, sitting at the little dresser table opposite the mirror, eating her room service dinner. The restaurant in the hotel wasn’t the best, but it served a purpose, and she wasn’t particularly hungry that night anyway, far too nervous and on edge to actually have a proper appetite.


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