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Page 13

by Honey Palomino

  “Is that so?” I said. “Even worse than kidnapping me and holding me hostage for weeks, Mona?”

  She stopped, nodding.

  “I understand that you’re angry, baby. I do. I would be angry, too. But if you just give me a chance, you’ll see I’m a good person.”

  “A good person?” I cried, almost losing it, my voice rising in anger. “Mona, you kidnapped Grace’s baby and hit her in the head! You had someone beat the shit out of Slade! And I don’t know what you did to Bullet, but it wasn’t good.”

  “Bullet?” she asked, with a sly smile. “Oh, honey, don’t you worry about that! That man is devoted to you, that’s for sure.”

  I shook my head, looking at her with disgust. “You’re pathetic. You’re not a good person, Mona. I don’t know if you ever were, but I don’t see it. And nothing you are saying to me is convincing me otherwise.”

  She sighed, picking up her glass and taking another swig.

  “I knew this wouldn’t be easy,” she said. “Tell me about your parents, Libby.”

  “My parents?” I repeated. “They’re wonderful, kind people. They took great care of me and my brother. Until he died. And after that, they made sure to look after me, to make sure I was getting the help I needed, even in the midst of their own grief. Do you know what that means, Mona? To help someone, even when you’re hurting?”

  “Oh, Libby, I didn’t know, I’m so sorry.”

  “There’s so much you don’t know. But you don’t care about me. You don’t care about my happiness. All you care about it begging me to forgive you so you can go on with your life guilt-free. But that’s never going to happen, Mona. I’ll never forgive you. As long as I live, I’ll never forgive you!”

  I was shouting now, tears streaming down my face, and at some point, I’d stood up. I towered over Mona as she sat at the desk, looking up at me with a pained expression on her face.

  Disgusted with my tears, I wiped them away quickly.

  “I am so sorry I hurt you, Libby,” she said, her words gentle and slow. “I really am. I’m sorry for everything. I didn’t know you were my daughter when I kidnapped you. I didn’t know until it was almost all over, when Grace told me your name. And when I found out, I was mortified. If I’d known, I’d never have hurt you. I wouldn’t have taken you.”

  “And yet, here you are, lying to get me here. Nothing’s changed, Mona. You’re only thinking of yourself.”

  “That’s not true, Libby! I want you to know the truth so you can be free!”

  “Free from what?”

  “Free from thinking I’m a part of you! This evil that runs through my veins, it doesn’t run through yours! The last thing I want is for you to think you’ve inherited my craziness. You haven’t. Look at you! You’re amazing, baby! You’re talented, but more than that, you’re kind and sweet. You know how to love. I’ve seen the way you look at Bullet, it’s obvious. You have an open heart, no matter all the stuff you’ve gone through, no matter that I’m your mother.”

  “You’re not my mother, goddammit!” I shouted.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she whispered, putting up a hand. “You’re right. I’m no mother. But you’ll always be my baby, Libby. That will never change.”

  “Mona, I’m sorry all that shit happened to you. I’m sure being in jail sucked. I can’t imagine how you must have felt to choose to give up your child. But I’ve got a good life, Mona. And you’ve done nothing but cause me pain. I don’t have room for that in my life. I don’t have room for you!”



  I’d dreamt of this moment. When I could finally explain myself to Libby, when she’d finally listen to my story and she’d understand why I’d done what I’d done.

  But I was blowing it.

  My emotions were getting to me, and I’d scared her again by shooting off the gun, and I could tell the only thing she wanted to do was leave.

  “I get it, I do,” I said. “And I’m not asking for anything right away. I’m just asking you to think about it, Libby. Think about giving me just a little bit of time. We can start slow. We can go for coffee, get to know each other. Just let me love you, baby, please can’t we just try?”

  I was begging now.

  I’d never begged for anything in my life. I was Mona Fucking Superhero. The woman whose superpower was getting people to say yes.

  Obviously, my powers were useless on Libby.

  She was angry. She was hurt. She felt betrayed by me, over and over, no doubt. But I was convinced if I just kept talking, she’d come around.

  “When I found out you were my daughter, Libby, I was shocked. But then, you know, it all made sense. We connected so strongly that first night we met, do you remember? We drove around the city in the back of the limo after my art show and talked all night. Can’t we just go back to that moment and start over? God, I should have known it was you that night! I saw you across the room and I knew the second I saw you that you were special. That you’d be someone important in my life. And it was true, wasn’t it? You’re irreplaceable now. I need you, Libby. Nobody else will do.”

  “You talk about me like I’m a possession, Mona. I’m not some pretty object you place on a shelf! I’m a person!”

  “That’s not what I meant, Libby. Please, if you can just find it in your heart to hate me just a little less, then I won’t have to —.”

  “Police! Open up!” A huge bang sounded on the door, startling both of us. I looked over at Libby, who’s eyes were wide with relief.

  I burst out laughing.

  “The cops!” I cried. “Who called the cops?”

  “Probably someone who heard you shooting a fucking gun,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Look, it’s over, Mona, just give it up.”

  She started toward the door and I grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t move!”

  “Mona, for god’s sake!” she cried, twisting her arm from my grip.

  I grabbed the gun and clicked the safety and she froze.

  “Mona! Put the fucking gun down!”

  “Police! Open up now or we’ll shoot!” They banged again and I pushed Libby behind me, laughing again. This was all so absurd.

  How had everything gone so bad, so quickly?

  “Mona, we have to open the door! Please!” Libby begged.

  “No, baby, don’t worry,” I said, shaking my head. “If we don’t answer, they’ll go away. I promise. Trust me.”

  “They’re going to shoot the door down!” She cried.

  “No, they won’t. They’re not going to sh —.”

  Shots rang out, piercing through the door. I turned quickly, pushing Libby down on the floor and landing on top of her.

  White-hot bullets pierced my back.

  The door burst open as I gasped for breath, Libby’s face inches from mine.

  “Mona!” she cried. “Mona! Are you okay?”

  “Are you hurt?” I asked, my words slow and painful, my eyes wide in disbelief.

  “No!” she cried, her voice filled with panic. “I’m okay, but you…Mona!”

  She wasn’t hurt.

  She was okay.

  I’d saved her.

  My baby. I saved her life.

  I protected her.

  My eyes fluttered as a peaceful smile spread across my face before I closed them for the last time.



  The Breeze Block Gallery was packed to capacity.

  Gods and all their families filled the place and there were sculptures, leather, muscles and smiles wall-to-wall.

  Libby’s heart was so full she was sure it might burst. She’d been congratulated so many times she’d stopped counting.

  And Bullet stood by her side through it all.

  After Mona’s death, he’d been her rock.

  She’d taken it so hard, convinced Mona never would have died if it hadn’t been for her. Mona saved her, and as hard as that was to reconcile with the evil
woman Libby had convinced herself she’d been borne from, the love of her parent’s and Bullet, along with the guidance of an experienced therapist, were helping her navigate the loss.

  A few weeks after Mona’s funeral, she’d been contacted by a lawyer. Mona left her everything she owned. All of her unsold art pieces, her apartment, all her money, and even the weird little ghost town at the foot of Mt. Hood where it had all started — they were all Libby’s now.

  Libby wanted none of it, although she still hadn’t found the strength to get rid of it. She’d decided to sell most of the pieces and the town and then donate everything to charity.

  Julia was trying to convince her to keep it all, as compensation for all the pain Mona had caused, but Libby didn’t want any part of it. She was contemplating keeping a few of the art pieces, but she wasn’t quite sure yet.

  Everything Mona had left her was tainted with pain.

  Of course, not everyone felt that way. Once word got out that Libby was the owner of Mona’s work, she’d been inundated with offers from around the country from potential buyers, offering her so much money her head spun.

  Sure, it would have been easy to say yes, to keep the money to live off for the rest of her life, but once again, Libby was anxious to finally move on with her life.

  She wanted normalcy.

  She wanted nothing more than to be a struggling artist, to experience her own journey, to find the road to her own success.

  Instead, now that the world knew who she was, thanks to some meddling journalists who’d picked up the story, she feared she’d forever live in Mona’s shadow.

  “Is this who I think it is?” Wreck asked, pointing at one of the pieces, as she and Bullet slowly walked hand in hand around the gallery, greeting everyone.

  She’d worked so hard the last month, throwing herself into her work, determined to have a successful first show, despite all the trauma she’d gone through.

  “Sure is,” Libby replied. “It’s called Eyes Wide Open.”

  This sculpture was an eight foot tall Oak tree, with two tiny, identical owls sitting on one of the branches.

  “Maybe we should buy this one for the clubhouse,” Grace said. Sadie was bundled up in her arms, and Ryder stood by their side, the beaming proud papa. “I think Oliver and Olivia would like to see this.”

  Libby smiled and nodded. “I think so, too.”

  They moved on to the next one, which Riot and Lacey were eyeing.

  Simply called “Superhero”, she’d created a life-sized marble statue of Mona. Inspired by one of Mona’s murals, she towered over the entire exhibit. She sat on the top of a globe, wearing a huge, triumphant smile, and a tiny wisp of a costume. Even after everything, Libby was hoping that lifting Mona up in a victorious light would somehow provide her with a little bit of peace.

  She’d drawn on all her recent experiences, trying to exorcise some of the demons she’d been left with. Trying to somehow make sense of it all through her art.

  They moved on to the next piece, which was her favorite, as well as Bullet’s. Two lovers were kissing and tightly embracing each other while standing on a huge boulder. Her inspiration had come from that night in the woods with Bullet, where they’d kissed under the moonlight and she’d realized they really were meant for each other.

  “What’s this one called?” Slade asked. Diana stood next to him, both of them oozing love.

  “Gods and Angels,” she replied, shooting a secret smile Bullet’s way.

  He threw an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to his side, incredibly grateful for all they’d shared. It had been a hard road getting here, but they both saw happiness on the horizon.

  It looked like love.


  Dear Friend,

  Thank you so much for reading Gods & Angels, the eleventh Gods of Chaos MC book! I hope you enjoyed it.

  I have a few things I need to say about this book, and the previous one, Caged.

  First of all, Miss Mona Superhero is a real-live person! She’s a brilliant duct-tape artist, based in Portland, Oregon, and a dear friend of mine. Her work is stunning and you should look it up and buy her pieces. While she is a real woman, it’s important for me to say that she is NOT a real villain! Instead, she’s an eccentric sweetheart who has a wicked side and asked me to write her in as a villain in one of my books. So, other than the artwork, nothing I’ve written about Mona in this book is true. So, don’t stalk her because she hurt your favorite God, okay? Promise? Thank you!!

  But do tell her Honey sent you if you talk to her! You can find her work at

  Secondly, I hope you aren’t too disappointed in Cherry’s departure. Please don’t fret, because I have a big announcement — I have a new series in the works, and the God’s beloved caretaker Cherry will be the star of this new series! We’ll follow along as she delves into her new career as a private eye in New Orleans and see what her new life has in store for her. I’m so excited to get started on her story and I hope you’ll give it a try. Make sure you’ve signed up for my mailing list so you’ll know when it’s available!

  Lastly, even though this is book eleven, I want you to know that I’m still not finished with the Gods. I love the Gods of Chaos and I’ll keep writing them as long as you keep reading and telling your friends about them!

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support over the years, I couldn’t have made it this far without you!


  Honey Palomino

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