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Pegasus and the Fight for Olympus

Page 17

by Kate O'Hearn

  Chrysaor shook his head.

  ‘Look at him, Em, he won’t do it,’ Joel shot. ‘Even after you saved him, he won’t help us!’

  Chrysaor looked at Tange and squealed softly. Obeying him, Tange suddenly wrapped his four arms around Joel and hoisted him in the air.

  ‘Tange, no!’ Emily cried. ‘Let him go!’

  Across from them, Pegasus whinnied softly. He was bobbing his head up and down.

  ‘Please, Tange,’ Emily begged, ‘please don’t hurt him.’

  The huge Nirad lifted Joel higher and grunted. Chrysaor moved and stood beneath Joel’s dangling legs and opened his wings so that Tange could lower Joel on to his bare back.

  It was Emily who understood first. ‘Joel wait, they want you to go with them.’

  ‘What?’ Joel said. ‘No, they don’t …’ Tange released him and took a step back. Joel was now seated on Chrysaor with his legs hanging down under the boar’s brown wings. When he looked back up to the huge Nirad, Tange pointed to him, then the boar, and finally to the entrance.

  ‘Yes he does,’ Emily said. ‘And they’re right. You must go.’

  ‘There’s no way I’m leaving you!’ Joel tried to climb off, but Chrysaor clamped his wings tightly over Joel’s legs, pinning him in place.

  ‘You must!’ Emily insisted. ‘Chrysaor betrayed Olympus. They won’t believe him. But they’ll believe you. Tell them everything you’ve seen here. Tell them about Diana and Apollo and how they expect me to kill Jupiter.’

  ‘I can’t leave you here,’ Joel said. ‘If the gorgons find out, they’ll kill you and the queen!’

  ‘They’ll never know. It’s still early. If you go now, you can still come back before they return. Just be as fast as you can and get back here before dawn.’

  Joel looked uncertain. But Tange and Pegasus were nodding in encouragement. Up in the cage, the pink queen also nodded her head. ‘See,’ Emily said. ‘Everyone agrees. I’ll be all right. Pegasus is here, so is Tange.’ Emily struggled to gain her feet. Tange helped her up and led her over to Joel. She gave him a fierce hug. ‘Please be careful. My dad should be in Olympus by now. Find him and tell him what’s happened and that I’m waiting for him.’

  ‘I will,’ Joel said. ‘And I’ll be right back, I promise.’

  Emily reached forward and lightly stroked the boar’s head. ‘Please take good care of him, Chrysaor, and come back quick.’

  Now that she was out of the cage, Emily looked over to Pegasus and was tempted to heal his leg, but knew that she couldn’t. Leaving him in pain was one of the hardest things she’d had to do, but it would be too dangerous to leave any evidence that she’d been out of the cage. Tange carried her back into her prison and locked the door. With a final wave goodbye, she watched as the large orange Nirad escorted Joel and Chrysaor safely out of the throne room to help them escape the palace.


  Olympus was far too quiet. Paelen knew instantly something was terribly wrong. Flying down into the back gardens of Jupiter’s palace, he heard and saw no one. There were birds, small animals and insects, but not one Olympian.

  The palace itself was standing silent and untouched. If the Nirads had conquered Olympus, he felt certain there would have been more signs of damage. But as he searched there were no traces of Nirads at all.

  Olympus was completely empty.

  Ordering the sandals to take him into the air, Paelen flew over the top of the palace and looked around. Nothing moved and he could hear no sound.

  ‘Hello!’ Paelen shouted. ‘Is there anyone here? Please answer me!’

  The gentle breeze was all he heard back. As panic started to settle in on him, Paelen ordered the sandals to search for any Olympians in the area. They carried him higher. For the first time, they seemed uncertain of where to go.

  But then they seemed to catch the scent of something. They turned sharply and darted forward. Paelen strained his eyes, searching for movement below. Every building, theatre and roadway was eerily quiet and free from Olympians.

  The sandals carried him away from the palace and towards the Temple of the Flame. As he approached, Paelen caught movement on the ground beneath him. His eyes shot open when he saw who was there.

  ‘Chrysaor!’ Paelen shouted as he flew at the winged boar. ‘Where is she?’ he demanded. ‘What have you done with Emily?’

  Paelen’s anger took over as he attacked the winged boar. Chrysaor was more than twice his weight, and much larger than him, but Paelen didn’t care. Chrysaor had sided with the Nirads and taken Emily and Pegasus away.

  ‘Where are they?’ he demanded as he struck the boar. Wrapping his arms around its thick neck, he fought to tackle the large animal to the ground. But despite his best efforts, Paelen was no match for Chrysaor’s strength. He couldn’t move him. He jumped on his back, punched down on his wings, his head, and his face.

  Yet despite the pounding, Chrysaor did nothing to defend himself. He stood perfectly still and let Paelen do his worst.

  ‘Paelen, stop!’ Arms wrapped around his waist and hauled him off the boar’s back. ‘Stop it, please!’

  That voice!

  ‘Joel!’ Paelen turned and screamed when he saw Joel trying to hold him back. Tears rushed to his eyes at the sight of his best friend. He threw his arms around Joel and gave him a ferocious hug. ‘I thought you were dead!’

  ‘Can’t breathe …’ Joel gasped. ‘Paelen, stop … can’t breathe!’

  Paelen released him quickly. He was shaking all over and could hardly believe what he was seeing. ‘How?’ he rasped. ‘That Nirad killed you!’

  Regaining his breath, Joel rubbed his crushed ribs. ‘No, he just knocked me out. But listen – I can’t stay here long. I’ve got to get back to Emily. Where are Jupiter and the others?’

  ‘I do not know. I just arrived here.’

  ‘So did we,’ Joel said. ‘Emily’s in terrible danger. We came here to raise an army, but everyone is gone.’

  ‘Where is she?’ Paelen said. ‘What happened? Is Pegasus with her?’ Finally his eyes settled back to the winged boar and his rage resurfaced. He pointed an accusing finger at Chrysaor. ‘And what are you doing with him? He betrayed us!’

  ‘Yes he did, at first,’ Joel explained. ‘But now he’s helping us. But we don’t have a lot of time. If the gorgons find out I’m gone, they’ll kill the Nirad queen and all their children.’

  ‘Gorgons?’ Paelen asked. ‘Are they involved in this?’

  ‘It was never the Nirads. It is the gorgons who are waging war on Olympus.’ Joel explained about how the Nirads had been enslaved by the gorgons. How they had just turned Diana and Apollo to stone and how they discovered that Emily had the ability to restore those turned to stone by the gorgons.

  ‘Why are they doing this?’ Paelen asked.

  ‘They say it is revenge for Medusa’s death, but I think it is more than that. They’re after power. Their plan is to force Emily to kill Jupiter. When she does, they will take over.’ Joel started to walk away, ‘C’mon, we’ve got to find everyone so we can tell them what’s happened.’

  ‘Joel, stop. There is no one here,’ Paelen insisted. ‘I asked the sandals to find any Olympians and they only brought me to you. The others must be using the Solar Stream to search all the other worlds for Emily.’

  ‘Then it’s just us,’ Joel said. ‘We’ve got to stop the gorgons.’ He paused and looked around. ‘Where are Steve and Cupid?’

  ‘Cupid!’ Paelen cried. ‘I almost forgot! He is still in your world and has been badly wounded. I need to take ambrosia and nectar to him!’

  Together they flew back to Jupiter’s palace. The banquet table was still laid out with untouched bowls of ambrosia, golden plates heaving with ambrosia cakes and urns filled with nectar. They gathered as much as they could carry and raced into the back gardens of the palace.

  ‘I will deliver this to the cabin and will meet you at the Nirad world,’ Paelen said.

  Joel shook his head. ‘No, I
’m coming with you.’

  ‘You must not,’ Paelen insisted. ‘Joel, you must get back to Emily before the gorgons awake. There is no telling what they will do if they discover you have gone. Go back to her, and I will take ambrosia to Cupid and then find you.’

  ‘How will you find the Nirad world?’ Joel asked. ‘Can your sandals track us through the Solar Stream?’

  Paelen paused. ‘I am uncertain.’

  Joel caught him by the arm. ‘Then let’s not waste any more precious time. We’ll get Cupid and Steve and then we can all go to the Nirad world together.’

  ‘All right.’ Paelen surrendered. ‘If we move quickly, we may still get you back before you are missed.’

  They arrived at the cottage. Agent T had bandaged Cupid’s wounds, but the winged Olympian was dangerously pale and remained unconscious.

  Within moments of nectar being poured into Cupid’s mouth, he started to come around. When his eyes fluttered open, Paelen and Agent T helped him to eat the ambrosia. The winged Olympian feasted as though he’d never eaten before. With each bite, his strength returned.

  Joel helped feed nectar to Steve and Earl. The effect was slower for the humans, but it worked. Steve soon awoke and was able to move. Before long, he was able to sit up and feed himself. It took longer for Earl to react to the healing properties of the nectar and ambrosia, but finally his breathing steadied and his burns started to fade.

  ‘Wow, this is powerful stuff,’ Joel said in awe. ‘The myths say if a mortal eats ambrosia, they become immortal. I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s sure working wonders on Steve and Earl.’

  Cupid rose slowly from the coffee table. His eyes settled on Joel in shock. ‘I thought you were dead!’

  ‘I could say the same about you,’ Joel said as he stepped closer. The Olympian was covered in bandages.

  Agent T was fussing with Cupid to help him to his feet and hand him another ambrosia cake. Cupid took a big bite and then a long draught of nectar. He held the glass up to Paelen. ‘You brought this?’

  Paelen nodded. ‘It was the only way to help you. Unfortunately we do not have time to set your wing properly as we must get moving.’

  While Cupid and Steve continued to eat, Paelen and Joel brought them up to date with everything that had happened. ‘The gorgons have Emily in the Nirad world and will force her to kill Jupiter when he arrives.’

  Paelen saw a flash of fear in the winged Olympian’s face. Cupid was still terrified at the mention of Nirads.

  ‘Surely you are not suggesting I go with you to the Nirad world?’ Cupid cried.

  ‘You don’t have to come, but I’ve got to go,’ Joel insisted. ‘The Nirads are on our side. It was the gorgons who forced them to attack. It’s not their fault. They want to help.’

  ‘And what if the gorgons order them to kill us?’ Cupid challenged.

  ‘I don’t think the Nirads would do it,’ Joel said. ‘They now know Emily can restore their dead, so they won’t do anything against us. And it was a Nirad called Tange that helped Chrysaor and me escape to warn Jupiter. But Olympus is empty.’ Joel reached for a coat. ‘Now, you can stay here if you want. But I’ve got to get back to Emily before I’m missed.’

  As he moved to the door, Chrysaor moved with him. He squealed lightly and Paelen translated. ‘He says climb on his back. He will take you to the Nirad world.’

  ‘Wait!’ Steve rose stiffly from the sofa and reached for a shirt. ‘Can he carry two of us? I’m coming with you.’

  Paelen saw the fierce determination on Emily’s father’s face. He’d seen that same determination in Emily enough times to know there would be no talking him out of it, despite his wounds. ‘Chrysaor says he can take you both. But we must go now.’

  Just as they were about to leave, Cupid stepped forward. ‘Chrysaor is going to have to carry three of us. If you are going to fight the gorgons, I am coming with you.’

  ‘But there are Nirads,’ Joel warned, ‘millions of them.’

  ‘Then you had better not have lied to me, Joel. You say the Nirads are on our side? I will trust you.’

  ‘Cupid, no!’ Agent T howled. ‘Your wing is broken and you aren’t well enough! You can’t go to the Nirads, not without me!’

  Cupid dropped his head and swayed on his feet. ‘Agent T,’ he said slowly, ‘come with me.’ He escorted the CRU agent over to Earl. Cupid closed his eyes and turned on his charm. Power flowed out of him towards Agent T. ‘You want nothing more than to stay here and help Earl. He means more to you than me, more than anyone. Use your CRU skills to keep him safe. Do this for me and do it for him.’

  Cupid turned towards Paelen. ‘I have never tried that before. I hope it works.’

  Agent T stood beside Earl’s stretcher. He was looking down on Earl and stroking his hair gently. His eyes shone with brotherly love for the wounded man.

  ‘That was kind of you, Cupid,’ Joel said.

  ‘Kindness has nothing to do with it,’ Cupid said gruffly. ‘I could not have him trying to follow us and raising the alarm. At least now, Earl may be safe while he recovers. Now may we please go before I change my mind!’


  On the other side of the Solar Stream, they found themselves in a cave filled with huge orange Nirads. Despite Joel’s assurances, Paelen still had doubts and Cupid was noticeably terrified.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Joel assured as he, Steve and Cupid climbed off Chrysaor. ‘They’ve been waiting for us.’

  The Nirads parted and a strange creature stepped forward. He looked like a Nirad, but was smaller than the others, with intelligent grey eyes and features that were fine and sharp. His skin tone was dark pink with a black marbling effect, making him stand out even more from the other orange Nirads in the cave.

  Chrysaor approached the pink Nirad and started to squeal. When the pink Nirad responded, Paelen was shocked to discover he understood.

  ‘I am Paelen,’ he said as he bowed to the pink Nirad.

  ‘Who is he?’ Joel asked coming forward. ‘He’s the same colour as the queen.’

  ‘That is because he is her brother,’ Paelen explained. ‘This is Prince Toban. His sister sent him and these royal guards to help us defeat the gorgons.’

  The prince closed his eyes and lifted his head. He looked back at Paelen and made several strange sounds.

  ‘He can speak with his sister silently, just as the queen can communicate with all her people through the power of thought,’ Paelen explained. ‘That is what makes her queen. Segan says the gorgons are still asleep, but does not know for how much longer. Joel must return quickly.’

  Joel approached Chrysaor. ‘Will you take me back to the palace?’

  The boar opened his wings and invited Joel to climb on his back. ‘I’ll tell Emily you are here,’ Joel told Steve. ‘That will calm her down.’

  Steve patted Joel on the back. ‘Be careful, son, don’t let them catch you. Please tell Emily I’ll be there as soon as I can and that I love her.’

  ‘I will,’ Joel promised. He looked over to Paelen. ‘Stay safe and watch out for the gorgons. They have killer eyes!’

  ‘You also,’ Paelen said as he watched Chrysaor carry his best friend to the front of the cave, spread his wings and take off into the dull night sky.

  Paelen walked out of the cave and into the dark, arid world. In the distance, he could make out stone structures. There was a glow of green coming out of most of the windows, but very few Nirads were walking around the area.

  Cupid emerged from the cave with an expression of doubt on his face. He looked at Toban and then at the huge Nirads surrounding them. ‘If you are siding with us, why did you hand over Diana and Apollo to the gorgons? They could have helped us defeat them.’

  The prince sighed before he spoke. Both Paelen and Cupid nodded.

  ‘Well?’ Steve asked.

  Paelen translated, shaking his head sadly. ‘Toban says it was Diana’s fault, not the Nirads. When she and Apollo emerged from this cave, they sta
rted to attack the Nirads in the village. The villagers were unable to explain the situation and were forced to defend themselves. The fight caused such a stir that the gorgons were alerted. The queen had no choice but to order their capture or the gorgons would have killed more of their people.’

  ‘Do you believe him?’ Steve asked.

  ‘With Diana’s temper?’ Paelen asked. ‘Absolutely. You have met her. She is not one for negotiating or waiting to hear details. Apollo will follow his sister in everything. Had they paused for a moment, they would not have been captured and would have been here with us.’

  The prince spoke again. ‘Toban has offered to take us to a safe place until we are ready to go after the gorgons. We cannot remain near this cave as the gorgons check it regularly after Diana and Apollo’s arrival.’ He looked at Emily’s father. ‘You need to rest.’

  ‘I’m all right,’ Emily’s father said. ‘Besides if Jupiter is coming, we should wait here to warn him.’

  But Paelen could see that he was far from all right. Though the ambrosia had helped greatly, Steve was still very weak and was swaying lightly on his feet. He needed more time to heal.

  The prince shook his head and spoke urgently. ‘Toban says the gorgons have made a fatal mistake,’ Cupid translated. ‘They are unaware of how powerful or intelligent Queen Segan really is. Once she realized Emily’s abilities and that she could heal their dead, she called across the Solar Stream to her warriors. They have already alerted Jupiter to the danger he is facing and from whom. The Nirads are no longer bringing him here as their prisoner. Jupiter is leading them.’


  Paelen was seated on a smooth rock in a Nirad home, deep inside the village close to the cave. The furnishings were sparse and all made of carved, black stone. There were pots of moss scattered throughout the small room. The living moss was giving off the bright greenish glow that was the room’s only light source and had been what he’d seen from the cave. In his hands was a stone bowl of foul-smelling, slimy black goo – he couldn’t bring himself to eat it.


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