Book Read Free

Bought and Paid For

Page 3

by Shaw Hart

  Chapter Four


  I trail behind Flynn as we march into the coffee shop. We’ve been coming into this shop every morning for four weeks now and she still hasn’t accepted any of our invitations. We’ve tried everything we can think of. We invited her to different night clubs, bars, and even just a night in our bed but she’s turned them all down.

  We even thought that maybe she was intimidated by there being two of us. This kind of lifestyle isn’t for everyone and we thought we could ease her into it. For a whole week we took turns going into the coffee shop one at a time. That person would ask her out but would be upfront about it being with both of us. Still no. Then we thought that maybe she didn’t want both of us, just one and we spent a week trying to figure out if she had a preference between us. She treated both of us indifferently though.

  The second week we both went in together and we didn’t ask her out. Instead, we just tried to get her to talk to us. She would give us curt answers but that was it. The third week, we went back to inviting her out but she’s still turning us down flat.

  There are moments though, when we’re talking to her that I can see the hint of attraction in her eyes or the way that her body leans towards us. I know she’s felt the connection whenever our hands brush too, if the little involuntary gasps she lets out each time is any indication.

  Flynn isn’t the most patient guy and I can tell that he’s getting frustrated. We’ve both tried to forget about her and chat up other girls but she just keeps popping into our heads.

  I can’t get what her friend said out of my head. I know we don’t know Aspen very well but there’s something about her that keeps drawing us in. It keeps us coming back again and again, even after being rejected dozens of times. I care about her and I don’t want anything bad to happen to her.

  Aspen, she’s, well she’s got enough going on in her life. She doesn’t need any more trouble or heartbreak and you two have that written all over you. She just has enough to worry about without adding either of you guys to the mix. What her friend said to us has been playing over and over in my head. I’ve tried to look over her to see if I could find any bruises or other signs of abuse but besides from the almost constant dark eye circles beneath her eyes, there hasn’t been anything.

  She works too hard. I’ve noticed that she seems a little tired some days but there’s something else there in her eyes. This deep sadness that I would give anything to take away.

  I stand next to Flynn in line, not bothering with looking at the menu. By now we have a usual. Today, Bianca is working with our girl and she smiles and nudges Aspen when she sees us walk in. I keep my eyes locked on Aspen, anxious to see her reaction to seeing us here again.

  I watch as her eyes swing and meet mine. She turns away quickly but I see the slight smile before she can hide it. God, I want this girl, I think as I smile to myself.

  We wait patiently in line until it’s our turn.

  “Morning, boys. The usual?” Bianca asks.

  “Morning, Bianca. Yes, please.” Flynn says as he smiles at her and hands over his card.

  “Hey Aspen. You’re looking beautiful today, as usual.” Flynn says with a charming smile.

  “Good morning.” She says over her shoulder as she makes our food and coffee.

  “How are you doing today?” I ask.

  “I’m fine.” She says, same as every other time I ask her this question.

  Frustration grows in my stomach. I wish that she would open up to us more. We would give her the world if she would just let us in.

  “Got any fun plans tonight?” Flynn asks.

  “Yup.” She says, popping the p.

  She says this every day but she never elaborates.

  “What about tomorrow? It’s your day off, right?” Flynn tries again.

  “Yeah.” She says as she places the coffee cups and pastry bag on the counter in front of us.

  “Why don’t you let us take you out to breakfast? Have someone else make the coffee for a change?” Flynn offers.

  “No, thanks.” She says before she starts on the next customers order.

  “When’s your break?” I try.

  I know she has a break coming up, unless she’s already taken it today. There’s been a couple of times when we’ve come that Bianca has been on break or our girl is just coming back from her break.

  We’ve only caught her on her break once and she spent the entire time giving us brief answers while she texted someone else on her phone. I wanted to rip the phone out of her hand and see who she was texting. When she smiled down at her phone, I saw red and almost did rip it out of her hands to see who was making her grin like that. Was it another guy? I wanted Flynn and I to be the ones who made her happy. The ones who made her light up like that.

  “It’s now.” Bianca pipes up before Aspen can say anything.

  Aspens head shoots to look at her friend and I see her give her a what the fuck look. Bianca just smiles back at her.

  “I’ve got this Aspen. You go ahead.” She says as she shoos Aspen away and turns to take the next order.

  Aspen has an annoyed look on her face but she hangs up her apron and then heads for the back door. We head outside and around the building, past the dumpster to see Aspen sitting on her usual milk crate. Her phone is already in her hand.

  “Who are you texting?” I ask. I can’t take it anymore and I need to know.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” She replies primly.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?” I blurt out.

  We probably should have asked her this a month ago but maybe that’s why she’s been turning us down. Although if that was the case, then why didn’t she tell us sooner?

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” She says again.

  “Aspen. Please.” I beg. I just need to know.

  She studies my face and I don’t know what she sees but she finally answers me.

  “No, I don’t have a boyfriend.” She says before she goes back to her phone.

  “Then why won’t you go out with us?” I ask. I’ve always been the more direct of the two of us.


  Aspen’s phone goes off and she stands to head back from her break.

  Flynn reaches out and grabs her hand.

  “Let us take you out, Aspen. Please.”

  “I-I have to go.” She says before she darts back inside the coffee shop.

  Flynn and I both let out frustrated groans as we watch her disappear inside. We push off the wall and head back to the car. Flynn has a meeting this morning for a new client so he’s just dropping me off at the office before he heads out.

  “I’ll see you this afternoon.” He says as I get out of the car. I just nod as I slam the door shut and head into my office.

  I’m going to do something that I should have done weeks ago. I pick up the phone and call a private investigator that I know.

  “It’s Roman. I need everything you can find on an Aspen. She works at Southside Coffee but that’s all I now.”

  “Got it. I’ll get back to you.” He says before he hangs up.

  I lean back in my chair and try to focus on work all morning but I’m too anxious to find out what my guy finds out.

  Finally, around noon, an email pings in my inbox with the subject line, ASPEN PARILLA. I open it and start to read.

  Personal Details

  Name: Aspen Ann ParillaEyes: Blue

  Sex: FemaleHair: Brown

  Race: CaucasianHeight: 5’4”

  Birthday: October 9,1997 Weight: 110 lbs

  Age: 22



  Grew up in foster care. Placed and MacArthur Children’s Home.


  Southside Coffee- Barista

  Peaches ‘N Clean Services- Custodial Services


  She lives with her friend, Adeline Monroe, who as far as I can tell is the closest thing she has to family. They m
et in foster care when Ms. Monroe was placed at MacArthur Children’s Home with Ms. Parilla. They’ve been living together ever since they both aged out of the system.

  I’ve attached any information I could find on Ms. Monroe as well.

  Personal Details

  Name: Adeline Marie MonroeEyes: Purple

  Sex: FemaleHair: Brown

  Race: CaucasianHeight: 5’2”

  Birthday: October 11,1997 Weight: 105 lbs

  Age: 22


  Arthur Monroe- Father (Deceased) May 23, 1977- November 3rd, 2004

  Melanie Monroe- Mother (Deceased) June 1st, 1978-Novermber 3rd, 2004

  Parents were killed in a home invasion.

  No known living relatives.

  Placed and MacArthur Children’s Home in 2004.


  97th Street Animal Shelter


  Ms. Monroe has a brain tumor. Prognosis must not be well but without getting into her medical records I can’t know more. The only other thing I was able to find out is that their insurance won’t cover the surgery.

  Would you like me to keep digging?

  I reread the email three more times before I collapse back into my chair. Our poor girl. Struggling to keep afloat, working two jobs, and caring for her sick friend. She’s been carrying this around and dealing with it by herself. No wonder she never met us when we invited her out. She was busy working two jobs, trying to pay the bills.

  Aspen’s phone number is listed underneath her information and I quickly type it into my phone. We had given her our numbers weeks ago but she had never used them. I debate sending her a text but she would want to know how I got her number and I don’t want to tell her that I had one of my security friends dig into her and her friend.

  Flynn finds me still sitting in my chair staring at my computer screen an hour later and he can immediately tell that something is wrong.

  “What is it?” He asks urgently.

  I forward the email to him and wait while he reads through it.

  “Damn.” He says under his breath.

  “I know.” I say.

  “She must be so scared. To lose the only family she has. The only family she’s ever had.”

  “We have to help her.” I say.

  “Maybe we can use this.” Flynn says hesitantly.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Maybe we can offer her the money in exchange for her going out with us.” He says all in a rush.

  “Flynn” I say, not believing that he could even suggest that.

  “Roman, hear me out. She’s it. I know you can feel it too. If we both weren’t 100% sure that she was our one then we would have stopped pursuing her weeks ago. We can leverage the money and spend time with her. Get her to see that she belongs with us. That we can take care of her, we can take care of both of them. That she’s the one for us.”

  I think about what he’s saying and I know it’s wrong. We should offer her the money with no strings attached but we’ve been trying for weeks and we’re both so desperate for her.

  “It’s worth a shot.” I say as I look across the desk at Flynn.

  “We’ll make her the offer tomorrow.” He says.

  I just nod in agreement.

  “You about ready to head home?” He asks as he stands from the chair and heads for my door.

  “Yeah, I’m ready whenever you are.” I say.

  I shut down my computer and grab my briefcase from beside my desk, shoving my chair back under my desk as I head out after him.

  Chapter Five


  It’s been a slow morning and I wipe down the already spotless counters as Bianca wipes down tables and clears away dishes. I look to the door for what has to be the hundredth time this morning but my guys still haven’t come in yet. I shake my head; I shouldn’t be calling them my guys.

  I’ll never admit it but I look forward to seeing them every day. Their sweet flirting and sexy smiles. I want to accept their invitations more and more every time that they ask me out but then I remember Adeline. She’s been worse lately, losing weight and getting weaker every day. I need to focus on her right now.

  Still, maybe a night out with those two would do me some good. I know that’s what Bianca keeps telling me. She pushes me in their direction every time they come in.

  The bell chimes as the door opens and I look up to see Flynn and Roman walking in.

  “Morning, Kitten!” Flynn says in a silly sing song voice as soon as he sees me.

  I bite my cheek to keep from smiling back at him.

  “Morning.” I say.

  “Hey, Aspen? I’m going to take my break now if that’s ok?” Bianca asks as she walks back behind the counter, already taking off her apron.

  She disappears out the side door before I can answer her and I turn back to Roman and Flynn, already typing in their usual order.

  “Your usual?” I ask as I finish typing in their order.

  “That’d be great, Kitten.” Flynn says as he leans on the counter.

  He swipes his card while I get started on their order.

  “We wanted to talk to you about something.” Roman says as I place their coffee down in front of them.

  I turn to the pastry case to grab their food, looking back at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “We know about Adeline.” He says simply.

  I swallow around the lump in my throat as I slowly place the last pastry in the bag.

  “We want to help.” Flynn says.

  “Help how?” I ask.

  “We have money. We could give it to you. Pay for her medical bills or whatever you need.” Flynn says.

  “And why would you do that? I can’t pay you back. It would take me ten lifetimes to pay you back.” I say as I place the pastry bag down in front of them.

  “Go out with us. Give us one night and we will cover all of the medical expenses. Just name your price and we’ll pay it.”

  Pain lances through my chest as I take in their offer. Sex. That’s all they want from me. Here I thought that maybe they actually cared about me. That they were being sweet coming in here every morning to see me but it was all just a game. They were only interested in one thing. Sleeping with me.

  I look away before they can see the tears in my eyes. I blink rapidly, trying to clear them enough so that I can answer them. God, I feel so stupid. Believing that they were different from the other guys who hit on me.

  “Fuck you.” I say between gritted teeth.

  “What?” They ask in unison.

  “I said, fuck you. I’m not a prostitute and you can take your offer and shove it up your ass.” I say as Bianca walks in the back door.

  She shoots me a startled look and I take off my apron as I make my way towards the back door. I know I can’t go outside; they’ll just find me there but I can’t stay in there with them. Not when I feel so raw. So angry at myself for thinking that they could really be interested in me.

  Bianca takes one look at my face before she grabs her own apron and goes back out to the counter to get rid of them. I hear her tell them to get lost as I lean against the wall, out of their sight. They argue with her, wanting to talk to me, to explain themselves, to apologize but she’s not having it. I smile when they finally leave. Bianca is a good friend.

  I finish out the rest of my shift without incident. Bianca can tell that I’m upset and something happened but she doesn’t press me on it. We split up the tips at the end of our shift and she walks me back to my apartment in silence. It’s nice to have the company.

  I walk into the apartment and jump when I see Adeline curled up on the mattress. She shouldn’t be home yet and I rush over to her immediately.

  “What are you doing home already?” I ask.

  “I wasn’t feeling well so they let me leave early.” She says.

  My stomach sinks at her words. She’s been getting worse the last few weeks but she’s still been able to go to work. To function.<
br />
  “Maybe we should make another doctor appointment.” I say in a shaky voice.

  When she only just nods her head, I know things are really bad. Tears form in my eyes and this time I can’t hold them back. I curl up behind her on the mattress and just hold onto her. She feels warm and I just feel so helpless. I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to be all alone.

  Roman and Flynn’s offer floats through my mind. Even when things were really dire, I never once considered prostituting myself. This is Adeline though and I would do anything for her. If one night could save her than isn’t it worth it? It will be one night of my life but it could mean that Adeline lives another sixty years.

  I tuck the blankets tighter around us as Adeline sleeps and I ponder what I should do. At five I get up and get ready to go clean offices. Adeline is still asleep so I make her some food that she can heat up if she wakes up and is hungry. I log into the hospital system and schedule an appointment for Adeline to be checked over for tomorrow afternoon. It will be a rush for me to head there and then to work but I haven’t missed an appointment yet and I’m not going to start now.

  I change into my cleaning clothes and kiss Adeline on the forehead before I head out the door, locking it behind me.

  Chapter Six


  We ride back home in silence. Neither of us needs to talk to know that we both feel like shit. That did not go how I thought it would and I doubt how Roman thought it would either.

  “We can go back tomorrow. Apologize and explain ourselves better.” I say.

  “Fuck, Flynn. I feel like shit. We hurt her.” Roman says.

  “I know. That’s why we have to go back. If we can just get her to hear us out. Explain how much she means to us and that it’s not just one night we want her for. That we were just trying to ease her into the idea of being with both of us. She’ll understand then.” I reason.

  I don’t know who I’m trying to convince, Roman or myself. We both know that our Kitten can be stubborn.


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