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Bought and Paid For

Page 7

by Shaw Hart

  “Yes, and I’m sure you realize how private she is so and what a big deal that is. So, I just have one question for you two.”

  “Anything.” I say as I move closer to Aspen.

  “What are your intentions with my sister?”

  I want to laugh at the formal, old fashioned question and Flynn does laugh.

  “We love her.” I say simply.

  “We want to take care of her. To marry her and have babies with her.” Flynn adds.

  “We want to be a part of your guys family and we want you both to be a part of ours.” I finish.

  Adeline thinks over our answer for a minute before she turns to Aspen, who is standing next to me with tears in her eyes looking up at the two of us. I lean down and brush a kiss across her lips, wiping her tears away when a few slip from her eyes.

  “Good answer.” Adeline says, drawing our eyes back to hers.

  She has a few tears in her eyes too and Aspen pulls away from me to go over to her. She sits on the edge of her hospital bed and grabs her hand in hers.

  “Roman and I have been thinking about it, and well, you’ll probably want to be together while you recover and we have all this extra space and we were wondering if you both would like to move in with us. We can be there to help with whatever you need and all get to know each other a little better.” Flynn finishes in a rush.

  I hold my breath as the girls look at each other, having some sort of silent conversation with their eyes. Finally, they turn back to us and I relax when I see they both have smiles stretched across their faces.

  “Sounds good, roomies.” Adeline says and I smile as Aspen laughs at her friend.

  The nurse comes back in after and tells us that visiting hours are over and Adeline needs to get some rest. We pull Aspen out with us, promising Adeline that we would all be back tomorrow morning as soon as visiting hours started again and that we would bring donuts.

  Aspen tries to argue to stay and spend the night with her friend but Adeline waves us out and I can see that she’s struggling to keep hers eyes open long enough for us to leave. We drag Aspen out and text Jack to meet us out front. We’re bringing our girl home.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I hold the door open as Roman carries the last of the girl’s boxes in. Adeline is finally out of the hospital and the girls have been laying on the couch pretending to order us around all morning. I just smile as I hear them giggle as they tease Roman.

  “Oh, I don’t know if I like those boxes there. What do you think Aspen?”

  “No, you’re right. I think they would look much better in that corner.” Our girl says, pointing to the opposite corner.

  “Mmm. Yes, that would really tie the room together.” Adeline says as she pretends to look at the boxes with a critical eye.

  “You guys know the boxes aren’t staying, right? That eventually you’ll need to unpack the boxes and then we can break them down.” Roman asks.

  “I kind of like them there. Maybe we should never unpack and just leave it like that.” Aspen says.

  Roman and I shake our heads but the truth is, if boxes everywhere really made Aspen happy, then we would do it in a heartbeat. We would do anything for our girl. Roman walks into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and I trail after him.

  “Did you get it?” I ask.

  “Yeah.” He says, pulling the velvet jewelers box out of his pocket.

  He flips the lid, revealing a sparkling emerald cut ring. We picked it out a week ago but we had to have it sized and it hasn’t been ready until today.

  “Tonight?” I confirm, looking at Roman.

  He nods at me as the biggest grin stretches across his face.

  “Oh boys!” The girls sing song from the other room and I just laugh and shake my head as I walk back into the living room to see what they need.

  “Goodnight Adeline.” Aspen whispers as she backs out of her room.

  “She fell asleep?” I ask as I close the door behind her.

  “Yeah, she’s still getting tired pretty easily.”

  “The doctor’s said that was normal. I’m sure she’ll get her strength back soon.” I try to reassure her.

  “I know.” She says as she wraps her arm around my waist and leans into me.

  “Thanks for letting us stay here.” She says as I tug her towards our room.

  “You live here now too.” I remind her. “You already said yes. No take backs!” I say only half joking.

  She laughs as I lead her into the bedroom and when she sees what we’ve done her laughter dies off immediately.

  “What is all of this?” She asks as she looks around at all of the flowers.

  They cover every available surface of our room. Flower petals are scattered in a path towards the bed where more flower petals form a heart on the bedspread. Roman stands next to the bed and he watches with me as Aspen takes it all in.

  I grab her hand and lead her over to the bed and Roman comes to join us. He grabs her other hand and together we both lower down to one knee. Aspen gasps and we smile up at her.

  “Aspen, you’re it for us. We’ve been looking for the perfect girl for so long now and I was starting to think that we would never find you but then we walked into that coffee shop and saw you and we just knew that you were it.”

  “We want to give you the family and stability that you never had. We want to love you and take care of you for the rest of our lives. We want to have babies and grow old with you.” Roman continues.

  “So, Aspen Jane Parilla, Will you marry us?” I ask as I slide the ring out of my pocket.

  “Yes!” She cries and I leap to my feet to wrap my arms around her.

  I feel Roman wrap his arms around both of us. We stand, clinging to each other as I slide the ring onto her finger. She grips my hair and brings my head down to hers so our lips meet. Passion quickly takes over and I steer her back to the bed and gently push her down on the petal covered mattress.

  She strips out of her sleep shorts and tank top and reaches her hand out to each of us and we rip our clothes off before we join her on the bed. Roman pulls her into his body and she hooks her leg around his waist as she wraps her arms around his neck. I snuggle up to her back and kiss along her shoulder and up to her ear. My hand slides down to her center and my fingers spread her, stroking circles around her hard clit.

  “She’s soaked, Rome.” I say.

  “You ready for me, Kitten?” He asks.

  “God yes.” She moans as she rubs herself against him.

  I hold her leg open for him as he strokes himself against her, coating himself in her wetness. I look down over her hip as he starts to slowly push inside of her. She rocks her hips against him, desperate to feel him seated fully inside her. When he’s finally buried in her to the root, we all pause.

  “We love you.” Roman says.

  “I love you too. Both of you. So much.” She says.

  Roman starts to move after that and I hold her leg open with one hand while the other rubs tight circles around her clit. She moans and I feel her cream coat my fingers as Roman pumps in and out of her. I can tell that she’s getting closer to her orgasm and I pick up my pace on her clit. Her leg jerks in my hold and I feel her body tense as her orgasm barrels down on her. She screams our names as she comes all over Roman’s cock and my fingers. I hear Roman groan as he finds his release inside her too. I turn her head and she opens her mouth for me instantly and I waste no time in tangling my tongue with hers.

  Roman pulls out of her and helps her settle on her back before he lays down next to her. I climb up on my knees and position my throbbing cock at her slick entrance. Roman kisses her, slipping one hand down to play with her tits as I slowly push into her warm pussy. I can feel Roman’s cum and her cream mixed together as I start to pound into her. After watching them, I know that I’m not going to last long.

  I pound into her as Roman kisses her and tweaks her nipples. Her back starts to arch as her thighs tighten around my
waist and I know she’s close again. Thank fuck, I think because I know I’m not going to last much longer.

  My strokes start to grow erratic as the familiar tingle starts at the base of my spine. I need her to go first though so I lean back on my heels and thrust deep as I reach between us and pinch her clit. She goes off like a rocket and I follow her over the edge. I thrust into her until her orgasm completely subsides before I pull out of her, collapsing on the bed on her other side.

  She laughs as she turns her head, kissing me. I watch as she pulls away and lifts her hand up, admiring her ring in the light.

  “Do you like it?” I ask.

  “I love it. And I love you too.”

  “Love you too Kitten.”

  Chapter Nineteen



  I sign the marriage license and hand the pen over to my husband. He smiles at me as he takes the pen from my fingers and scrawls his signature on the line.

  We talked about it and decided that I would marry Roman but I would take both their last names. Flynn says the first baby should be his, that it was only fair. I told him that it was still a little too early to be thinking about babies. I want a couple years of just the three of us before we start trying. I’m not sure they were happy about it, but they both agreed with me.

  Tomorrow I’ll go down and change my name and then I’ll officially by Mrs. Aspen Stone-James. I watch as Roman signs the paper before he takes our copy and folds it, putting it in his pocket. Flynn pulls me into his side and kisses my forehead.

  “Happy, Mrs. Stone-James?” He whispers in my ear.

  “Very.” I say as I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

  I feel Roman sidle up closer to my other side and as soon as Flynn pulls away, he’s turning my head and slipping his tongue into my mouth. When he pulls away, I hear the applause and I turn to face our guests.

  We got married a month after Adeline was released from the hospital. I wanted her to be my maid of honor and be at our wedding without getting too tired and so we didn’t rush down to the courthouse the next day, like both Roman and Flynn waited. They said I only got a month though. That they couldn’t wait longer than that to make me theirs.

  Our wedding wasn’t big. The only family that I have is Adeline and Bianca so my side of the venue is pretty empty. Actually, Adeline was my maid of honor so the only person on my side was Bianca.

  Roman and Flynn didn’t really want to invite that many people either. Just their parents, Flynn’s brother, Ryan, and an aunt and uncle on Roman’s side. They invited a few of their work friends too.

  We got married in the restaurant that we rented out for the reception. The restaurant had a beautiful garden in the back and we were able to have the ceremony out there before moving inside to eat and dance. It was perfect.

  I laugh as Roman and Flynn drag me over to the table. We decided to have a pretty casual reception and everyone is sitting at one long table. Roman, Flynn, and I sit in the middle with Adeline across from me. Ryan, Flynn’s brother sits on one side of her and one of Roman and Flynn’s work buddies sits on the other side of her.

  I watch as he shoots a glare at Ryan over Addy’s head when he whispers something into Adeline’s ear. He’s been watching her all night and I’ve noticed that he never seems to be too far from her. Maybe Adeline’s finally going to meet her dream guy, I think as I watch him scoot his chair closer to her.

  I lean into Flynn and whisper in his ear.

  “Who is that sitting next to Addy?” I ask.

  He looks across the table before turning back to me.

  “His name’s Lincoln Hook. He runs a security company. Why?” He whispers back.

  “I think he likes Addy.” I say with a laugh as I watch Addy start to turn in his direction only for Ryan to say something else and cause her to look away from Lincoln once again. Lincoln scowls at Flynn’s brother and I want to ask Flynn if he thinks we should warn him about the security expert glaring daggers at him. Before I can ask though, I watch as Lincoln reaches out and slips one arm around the back of Addy’s chair and slides her over to his side.

  I want to laugh at the shocked look on Adeline’s face and she stares across the table at me, wondering what the hell just happened. She turns to Lincoln with a speculative look on her face and he just smiles down at her as he hands her a menu. I’ll have to keep my eyes on them, I think.

  Adeline has recovered one hundred percent from her surgery and so far, there’s been no signs of the tumor. She’s still living with the three of us in our townhouse but lately she’s been talking about moving out. Roman and Flynn have offered to buy her a place nearby but she doesn’t want to take advantage of them. I keep trying to tell her that they love her and would do anything for her but she won’t listen.

  She promised that she wouldn’t move out until after we get back from our honeymoon. She’s going to watch after the house while we’re gone and we told her we would help her look for a place once we got back. She’s back to working at the animal shelter, although she’s still taking it easy.

  I look around the table at my new family. When I was a girl, I never dreamed about what my wedding would look like. I never thought I’d get married but as I take it all in, I realize that I’ve never been happier. I have two men who love me more than anything and who I love with all of my heart. I have my sister, Adeline, and a new brother, Ryan. I have two sets of in-laws now and aunts and uncles. Best of all, they accept me. They accept and love Adeline. This is more than I ever dreamed of and I look over at Roman and then Flynn and feel my heart burst with love.

  The reception is fun. We eat and drink, laughing as we all talk over each other at the table. I dance with Flynn and Roman and even manage to pull Adeline out onto the dance floor for a couple of dances. I want to ask her about the man who hasn’t been able to pry his eyes off of her all night but she just wants to talk about the wedding.

  Finally, at around midnight, the party winds down and we wave goodbye at everyone before my husband’s bundle me into the back of our town car and whisk me away to the airport. Our bags are already packed and Ryan is going to give Adeline a ride back to our place so everything is set. I’m about to spend two weeks in Bali with my husbands, wearing as little clothes as possible.

  “Ready to go, Kitten?” Flynn asks.

  “More than ready, husband.” I say as I push the button to raise the partition and climb into Flynn’s lap.

  “How long do we have before we’re at the airport?” I ask as I loosen his tie.

  “Enough.” Roman says as he slides his hand under my dress, finding my wet center.

  I moan as I lean my head back, letting the sensations course through me.

  “I love you.” I say as I kiss Flynn and then Roman.

  “We love you, too.” They say as they kiss me back and I know that we’ll spend the rest of our lives feeling this love and pleasure with each other.

  I pull them down to kiss me as the car speeds into the night, taking me to my happily ever after.

  The End.

  Stay tuned for Adeline and Lincoln’s story next! His Miracle out July 21st!




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