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A Shared Wife Stolen

Page 7

by Shalamara Jax

  Chapter 7: Deceit

  “We shouldn’t be doing this!” Sophie cried out, her legs pulling Howie in, urging him on.

  He kissed her protests away, licking her lips and tongue, overwhelming her. She thought she would die. His cock was like a drug, she couldn’t get enough of him. So much that she was fucking him in a hotel room on the main high street when she was supposed to be at work.

  He’d texted and phoned and kept on with her, he’d worn her down, and she was so glad, as he drilled it into her again, forcing her ass deep into the crappy mattress.

  “That’s right you little whore, that’s right. You wanted this, didn’t you?” he grabbed her hair into a rope and pulled it as he ploughed her., yanked it so hard she squealed, “say it Sophie,” he snarled.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! I wanted…ittttttttt.”

  He pulled out fast, leaping back and watching her lying spread-eagled, searching for breath, her naked body like something from a classic painting. “On your knees,” it was a demand and she never thought of denying him.

  She scrambled into position and then he made her rotate to face the mirror on the wall. “I want you to see yourself Sophia, see your face as you’re fucked, as you’re taken and used, fucked in a way your husband could never do.”

  At the mention of Kael, her insides turned to lead, she hadn’t told him about this, hadn’t… “Oh shit!” he held her hair again and entered her roughly, making her head drop and her eyes close. He wrenched her golden hair so that she had to lift it, lift it so far her back arched, “Howieee don’t stop, fuck me… Pleaseeee FUCK ME!”

  Through the tears streaming down her face, she saw them together, Howie crouched over her, humping her like a dog in heat, and her bucking back against him. She loved the way her tits swung as he punched himself into her over and over again. She knew he was claiming her, and while he couldn’t fuck her as hard or as deeply as Kaelan, she loved it, needed it. Needed him. She tried to stare into her own eyes, tried to understand herself. But his pounding was too much for her, and she howled into the ceiling as he crushed her tits.

  “You’re mine now, you’re my slut Sophia. MINE!”


  “How are things?” Jess asked, she’d come to the school to take him for lunch. They were in the restaurant of the local supermarket, it was quick and easy for him, and he needed to get back to work. Cilla had not been pleased to see an attractive young woman come to meet him.

  “Yeah, they’re good,” he lied, “all good. How’s Alan?” he knew from Sophie that one of the best ways of deflecting was to ask Jess about herself, about her life. In truth, it worked with most people.

  Jess smiled and looked off into the distance, “he’s a dream, I can’t wait until the wedding, it seems an age away, although the planning isn’t speeding along I’m afraid. His parents are…difficult.”

  “Mmmhhhmmm,” he bedded himself in for a listening session, but Jess wasn’t having that.

  “So, how’s this thing with Howie and Sophie going?” Kaelan nearly spat his orange juice. Jess grinned and handed him a napkin.

  “I…” he choked, “think it’s going okay?” how was he supposed to answer a question like that? He knew Sophie would have spoken to Jessie, they talked about everything, but how much would she know? “As far as I’m aware things are alright.” Did she know something?

  Jess tucked into her salad and said nothing, it was disconcerting, he wasn’t a bumbler, but he felt the urge to fill the silence. She beat him to it. “You don’t mind her being with him? I’d go crazy if some woman was seeing Alan…” She caught a sliver of cucumber and pushed it back into her mouth. It was kind of sexy… he stopped himself right there.

  How honest could he be with her? She was a good friend, and he thought she cared about him too, so he made the decision to confide in her. “I’m not that chuffed about it, but she really wanted to try it. I think he’s a dick, but I felt like she would see him anyway, and at least knowing about it we can work through it together,” he hesitated, “besides she isn’t the only one to have strayed.”

  She didn’t even look surprised, “yeah you’ve been seeing that tart from the school…Sheila?”


  “Right, Cilla, but is it the same for you? Do you have feelings for her? For Cilla?” her clear eyes bored into him, “I mean, is it just…sex?”

  He couldn’t believe she was doing this, asking him these questions? He fought down the desire to tell her to mind her own fucking business, but the place was packed and he couldn’t face the drama. “No, there aren’t any feelings, I…I can’t believe we are having this conversation!” he lowered his voice, “why are we having this discussion, exactly?”

  Her expression transformed from curious to concerned, “we’re having this talk, my friend, because I’m worried about you both. I get the sense that Sophie is in trouble with this. She hasn’t been talking to me, I’ve left messages, I’ve texted. The best I’ve got back is cursory shit. And the only thing I can think of that’s different is this Howie thing, unless there’s something else?”

  Kaelan caved in immediately, “no, there’s nothing else, and I have to admit, it’s been playing on my mind as well. For a while it was fun, we worked out the rules and things were cool. I got to watch them together, which I thought would be terrible, but I got to enjoy it, mostly. Now, I’m not so sure…”

  She leaned forward, putting down her cutlery, “go on…”

  “They’ve started doing things alone, and…well Cilla has…she wants to go behind her husband’s back. It all feels like things are spinning out of control. When I try to talk to Sophie about it, she pretends like there is nothing wrong. Although, she has been more open about things again. So maybe we’re through the worst…”

  Jess didn’t look convinced, “I hope so Kael, I really do, and I know you both think I’m a meddler, yes you do! But it’s only because I care. I don’t know what I can do to help, but let’s both keep an eye on her. I’ll try and talk to her, make her see what’s happening. I hate that fucking man, always did. Anna was right to leave him. Arrogant prick.”

  “Thanks Jess, I really appreciate it. I don’t think you’re meddling, I take it as its intended. You’re a good mate.” She squeezed his hand over the table. He didn’t know that she’d encouraged Sophie in the first place, if he had, things would have been different.

  “Chin up Kael, and look at it this way, if she carries on, maybe she would let you and I have a little fun?” She gave him her best saucy wink, and they burst out laughing. It felt great, he wasn’t all alone with it.


  Sophie was on her knees on the bed, holding her tongue and her tits out while Howie rubbed himself to his second orgasm. She felt so bad, she’d only done this with Kaelan a couple of times and it had never been that sexy, but now her cunt, dribbling the remains of his last climax, was throbbing with lust.

  “Cum all over me,” she blinked her big blue eyes seductively and waggled her tongue, “spray that hot spunk all over my tits and face!” With her husband, it would have sounded cheesy and stupid, but she loved it with Howie, he was such an animal, he wanted her to do terrible things. He had even suggested pissing on her. She shivered as he began to tremble and his cock pulsed in his hand, fuck he was hot. She couldn’t take her eyes off his rippling abs as he strained and rubbed even harder.

  When it arrived, it was like a fire hydrant, hitting her forehead, her nose, covering her eyes, it dripped onto her tits and she made humming noises of satisfaction as she rubbed it into her skin. She was a real slut now, not just a happily married mother of two.

  “Good girl,“ he said, stepping forward, panting and wiping the sweat from his brow, it made her want to lick his belly, but instead he took her hair again and wiped his seeping glans all over her mouth. Sophie pouted to make her lips fuller for him, and he groaned, “you really are a dirty girl, we are going to have so much fun together. He slapped her face with his still rigid cock and m
arched over to the desk with the mirror above it. “I’ll get this footage sorted out and then we can have a shower, you don’t want to be late home, it might arouse his suspicions about how bad you’ve been today…”

  Sophie stared at him, watching his tight ass without really seeing it, “wait, what? Did you say footage?”

  He picked something off the desk and held it up, it was tiny but she recognised it as some kind of camera. “That’s right, I filmed us babe. We should get something great out of this session, with some editing it should be ready for uploading tomorrow.” He tossed the camera between his hands as if he hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary.

  “Upload? What do you mean?” she slid off the bed and intercepted him before he could reach the bathroom, “no wait right there Howie, what the fuck do you mean?” she put her hand on his chest, but he shrugged it off.

  “What I said, I’ll edit it tonight and post it on the website tomorrow,” he kissed her, put the camera into his briefcase and went into the bathroom.

  Sophie’s mouth opened and closed, she was speechless. He had to be joking. But he wasn’t. While they showered, he told her all about the website he posted videos to. He hadn’t done anything for a while, but he knew she would look great and that she liked to be watched. He promised to conceal most of her face, and by the time he’d held her against the tiled wall and fucked her to another tremendous orgasm, she’d agreed to all of it.

  Only climbing into her car, hoping to hell that she didn’t see anyone she knew, did she begin to regret giving her consent. The most frightening thing was, she was certain he would have done it anyway, consent or otherwise. And there was something else, what if he used the video to blackmail her? Would he do that? No, she was being paranoid. Kaelan would never know, the odds of him finding that video were miniscule, she was worrying over nothing.

  Chapter 8: Descent

  The past few days had been difficult, Howie had wanted more and more of her time, and Kaelan had become simultaneously more attentive. She needed a break, so Sophie was using some of her flexi-time to get some final bits and pieces for Finn’s birthday. The first shopping trip hadn’t ended well, and she’d had to eat a lot of humble pie with Jessie to get past it. They were all friends again, but she found that knowing Jess was judging her for her relationship with Howie made it harder to spend time with her.

  She was just about to pick up some stationery for the party, when she saw a familiar face walking through the store. It was Anna, she was sure of it. It was so strange seeing the woman who’d been Howie’s partner for so long, particularly now that Sophie was so intimate with him herself.

  Anna looked very different, she’d cut her hair into a messy pixie cut, and she was wearing a faded sweatshirt with tatty old jeans and pink trainers; certainly not the polished woman that had been part of their friendship group. If Sophie hadn’t seen her full-on she would never have recognised her. There was something else about her that was different too, it was the way she carried herself. She seemed shifty, edgy, as if she didn’t want to be recognised. Probably ashamed, Sophie thought sniffily.

  She’d almost decided to let Anna walk past without saying anything, but in the end her curiosity overcame her, so she stepped into the aisle, “hello Anna, how are you? I nearly didn’t recognise you. It’s been a long time, how have you been?” The concern was false, and Sophie hoped it wouldn’t be too obvious.

  Anna nearly jumped out of her skin, she looked ready to bolt, and then she gave Sophie a hesitant smile. “Hi Sophie, I’m…I’m good. How have you been?” Her eyes cast around shiftily, constantly scanning the shop floor.

  “Really well, you know how it is, the kids fighting, Kaelan playing sport, same-old. Have you seen Howie at all?” at the mention of his name Anna gave a visible start, “he really misses you, never stops talking about you. He took it pretty hard when you left.”

  Anna was imperceptibly backing away, like she couldn’t bear to hear it. Sophie felt angry for her lover, clearly, she didn’t care about the hurt she’d caused him, the bitch.

  “I…I have to go, sorrryyy. It was good to…er…see you Sophie.” She turned and strode away as fast as she could go. Sophie watched her with a mixture of disbelief and outrage. What a cow! To hurt her man like that. Her man? Where had that thought come from?


  Howie messaged her, he told her to get online. So, she settled into the snug, fired up the PC and waited, he’d sent her a link. When it opened her heart nearly beat free of her chest. It was a porn site, and the page was called ‘fucking my friend’s wife’. The thumbnail was too small to be positive, but when she clicked on it she was truly shocked.

  There she was, Sophie Cope, on her knees on a hotel bed, with Howie pulling her hair, smacking her ass and fucking her like a slut. Her first instinct was to shut it down, but the more she watched, the more intense it became. You couldn’t see her whole face, so unless you knew her well she couldn’t be identified, but fucking hell! The sound quality was good, and every grunt, every filthy word was razor sharp.

  He called her his slutcunt, his bitch, she told him to screw her, fill her with his seed. She knew she should be horrified, and part of her was, but another part was so turned on she could hardly think straight. Her hand went into her jeans and she rubbed at herself, rubbed until her movements matched Howie’s fucking. It didn’t take long to get off, before she knew it she was cursing and bucking against her fingers.

  As she started to regain her senses, something happened on the screen that nearly stopped her heart altogether. She was laying across the bed, legs akimbo, arms out to the sides panting and laughing. And then the words: “Yeah, so much better than my husband!” What? Had she said that? When? All the excitement and contentment drained out of her. Had it just been a throwaway line she’d blurted out? It wasn’t true, Kaelan was the better lover, more considerate, with a much bigger cock and the stamina to use it, Howie only delivered danger and novelty. And yet… It was her voice, her words.


  As if on cue she received a text: [Howie]: coming right over need a release x

  Now? At home? She didn’t have that long, she was typing a refusal when something occurred to her.


  [Sophie]: OK but u edit vid and cut last 5 mins x

  [Howie]: I’m coming over now x

  And she realised that she had no leverage. All the power now lay with him. What a stupid bitch she was. She put her head into her hands and then slapped her own face making it sting. What a slut! Through her fingers she saw that the video had over twelve thousand views and was 95% ‘liked’. Wow.

  There were comments too. The first one was posted by someone called ClayBull4WhiteHos. He said: Damn that woman is fine, I’d love to seed her tight little cunt. She’s a proper whore. Someone get me her number!

  She groaned and hid her face again, but despite her shame and fear, her cunt had started to throb and she hoped that Howie would get there soon. She had her own release to think about now.


  When Kaelan had gotten home later than usual, Sophie had been off with him. He was sure she thought he’d been with Cilla. He hadn’t. Why would she think he would do anything behind her back after their agreement? It bothered him. It also bothered him that she had been flustered, not quite herself. The chat with Jessie came back into his mind. There was something wrong, and he doubted it was only the anxiety that he might be doing more with Cilla than he was admitting to.

  She was out food shopping, leaving him with the kids, or at least at home with the kids around. Finn was in his room reading, which was a pleasant change, while Carys, Brenda and another of their friends, Sam (short for Samantha), were in the living room.

  He nursed his coffee and stared out into the garden. He felt someone watching and turned to find Brenda in the doorway, leaning prettily against the doorframe. “Mr. Cope, can I get a cold drink please? I’m really hot.” She gave him a mischievous smirk and played with
her curly hair, looking at him from under her long lashes.

  She was wearing her uniform, but it looked like something from a sexy fancy dress store. Her skirt was rolled up so that it sat not far below the soft shelf of her ass, and her shirt was unbuttoned deep, showing another large swathe of sumptuous deep divide.

  Kaelan gulped, “Um…sure Brenda, help yourself,” he waved his cup towards the fridge. She bit her lip and strutted over to it, exaggerating every movement. It would have been comical on most girls, but not Brenda, for her it exuded a raw sexual energy, which was only heightened by her bending over unnecessarily to take out the can she wanted.

  He watched as she brought herself upright from the waist and, to his horror, walked over to him, rather than back to the others. His first reaction was to get out of there, but as she fixed him with a smouldering look, he found himself pinned to the spot.


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