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A Shared Wife Stolen

Page 9

by Shalamara Jax

  She hated him suddenly, “I don’t belong to you.”

  He laughed and stroked his dick, taking her by the wrist and leading her to the sofa in front of the window, “Yeah okay Sophia, when you have my cock down your throat for all to see, we’ll debate that again.”

  And without another word of protest, he arranged her so that she was above the sill, and stuffed himself back into her mouth. She couldn’t stop the feeling of desire that spread through her body from her pussy. She couldn’t resist touching herself, churning her fingers over her clit as he started to fuck her face.

  She moaned as he slapped her face with his thick shaft again and made her suck his balls. As her eyes opened, and she inhaled that manly scent she loved, something entered her line of vision. It was like an hallucination, an image that couldn’t be real. She blinked and let his scrotum fall from her mouth.

  “Mum!!!!!” it was no vision, Carys was standing in the doorway, her face a mask of horror, her hand pressed to her mouth as if she was trying to stop herself from vomiting.

  It felt like an eternity, but it was probably a handful of seconds, while Mother and daughter stared at one another. Howie had become a piece of furniture in the familial drama, and Sophie vaguely heard him snigger nervously, and then it all went into fast forward. Carys screamed and ran from the room, Sophie went after her, ignoring Howie altogether. She took the stairs two at a time in a frenzied run, but Carys was already locked in her room.

  If she hadn’t been hammering on the door begging to be admitted, Sophie would have heard the front door close and registered her lover’s departure.

  “Please baby, let me in. I can explain!” Sophie was sobbing, her breath coming in great wracking heaves, tears streaming down her cheeks and dousing her open shirt. Absentmindedly she buttoned herself up, even though it was pointless, it was all too late, far too late for that. “Baby, Care Bear, let me in, please let Mummy in.”

  “Go away, just leave me alone!” Carys shrieked, and something heavy hit the inside of the door. Sophie cried out as if whatever it was had struck her body, that her daughter’s intent had morphed into a real physical blow. “I hate you!”

  Sophie slid down to the floor and everything slipped away. Her life was over, she knew it. She was at the end of the sentence, and all that was needed was the full-stop.


  Kaelan was home. He’d been floating all afternoon, and then he’d received a strange text from

  Carys: [Carys]: Sorry dad, so sorry x

  He’d replied but she hadn’t texted again, so he’d asked Cilla if he could go early, and as he’d expected she’d told him to go right then. What was wrong with her? What had she done? Surely it couldn’t be anything too terrible? After all, Sophie hadn’t contacted him.

  As soon as he came through the door, Finn was on him. “Dad, something’s wrong with Carys, she won’t come out of her room. Mummy is crying upstairs, I didn’t know what to do.”

  Kaelan crouched down to him, “everything is alright Finn, you don’t need to worry, okay? I’m going to sort things out. Go and play your game and I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Finn looked at him with Sophie’s eyes, “okay Dad,” Kaelan was touched by the trust he saw there, the belief that things would be alright because his Father said they would. He kissed Finn’s head and went up to find out what the hell was going on.

  Sophie was standing next to their daughter’s door leaning on the wall, she was bright red and her eyes were swollen from crying. For some reason, he didn’t want to speak to her in that moment, so he went to the door and knocked gently, “Care, are you alright, what’s wrong baby girl?”

  “Daddy!” the door flung open, and the wreckage Sophie represented was mirrored in Carys, she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. His wife frantically grabbed at his other arm but he shrugged it off, closed the door, and locked it again. They sat on the bed and Carys recounted her story.


  Sophie watched Kaelan go into Care’s room and she knew the end was close. She paced up and down outside, biting her nails, trying not to sneeze because of the disgrace and grief. It was so quiet. Why was it so quiet? She thought there would be yelling, roaring, she expected him to burst out and shake her like a rag doll, maybe even hit her, break her. She almost wanted that. the silence was worse, infinitely worse.

  She found herself walking a strange circuit of the landing their bedroom, the bathroom and back to Carys’s room. She bit her nails to the quicks and mumbled incoherently to herself. The fear grew as the time lengthened. Her instinct was to run, to get away, but where could she go? This was her world? This was her tribe? Everything she loved, everything she’d worked to build, was here.

  Then she heard the door open, and she rushed along the landing to meet her fate. Maybe he could forgive her? He had to. She would forgive him. Except, as she vaguely accepted, he would never have done it in the first place. He wasn’t so weak, so stupid, he would never risk their life, play fast and loose with their collective future. Never.

  “Kael?” any hope that Care might not have told him the truth went up in flames as she saw his expression, “I…”

  His face was so cold it sent a shiver down her spine. He stalked past her and she was caught up in his wake, following like a chastised puppy. He held their door open for her and ushered her into their bedroom.

  She expected him to scream at her, but he didn’t. He let her walk into the room and turn to face him, her arms hanging impotently at her sides, awaiting the onslaught. Still he said nothing. He rubbed his eyes, let out a shuddering sigh, and said in a flat, even tone: “you have until Saturday, then I want you out of here. We will get through Finn’s party, then you’re moving out.”

  Sophie felt a pain in her chest that she could hardly believe, her whole body froze, she felt her mouth flapping uselessly. On rubbery legs she stumbled towards him, desperate to plead her case, to make him see her remorse, that she would never do it again, that she would never see Howie again. Anything he wanted. Anything.

  But Kaelan wouldn’t meet her eye, he obviously couldn’t stay in the same room with his tainted wife. He opened the door, slid out of it, and went downstairs. Whatever power was left in her flooded out and she collapsed in a pitiful heap. The red raw agony was enough to smother her and she surrendered to it.

  Chapter 10: Twilight

  For Sophie, it was like a living death. Carys hadn’t spoken to her since that day, and Kaelan had tried to be as normal as possible in front of Finn, but when they were alone, he ignored her completely. It was making her ill. Her stomach was alive with acid, and she wasn’t sleeping.

  “Finn can you get your clothes from your room please?” For fleeting moments, acting as if nothing was wrong, helped. The moments sometimes connected like a paper chain, but the links were too weak to hold, and the reality of her situation came crashing in again.

  “Yes Mum,” he went off right away, which was unusual and Sophie felt a lump form in her throat. Poor little man, he had no idea what was coming. And as his birthday approached she was becoming more and more certain that her husband wouldn’t relent.

  Her only option was to stay with her Mum for a while but she didn’t really want that. She hadn’t even told Jess about what had happened, partly because to say it would make it real; she was still clinging onto the hope that it would all be alright.

  Kaelan wandered into the kitchen.

  “Do you want something to drink?” her tone was absurdly cheerful.

  “Nope,” he picked up his tennis gear and walked out.

  Sophie slid into one of the chairs and put her head in her hands. If he was serious then she had two more days, then she was homeless. Surely, he wouldn’t go through with it? What about Finn? How would he explain it to him? Carys would probably help with that, she was so angry that she wouldn’t even look at her.

  In the whole of her life, she had never felt so lost. Even after her Dad died there was the foundation of a home. If sh
e left here, there was nothing underneath, nothing to hold her up. Her phone lit up and she saw that Howie had messaged her again, she refused to respond to him. She blamed him for it all, he was the architect of her fall, even though she knew that wasn’t fair. She needed a scape goat and he was the only one available. Bastard.


  He wasn’t going to meet Elliot, he’d called it off the day before. His friend wasn’t too aggrieved, his romance with Liza was progressing well. He was going to see Cilla, and for some reason he didn’t want Sophie to know where he was really going.

  Her little sports car was already in the carpark of the motel. He wasn’t sure whether Dave would be with her or not. It would be good if he was, mainly because he wasn’t in the mood to fend her off. What he needed was an experienced ear, and possibly some advice.

  The little tea room attached to the place was empty except for his friend, she was sitting in a booth at the back, on her own, Kaelan noted.

  “Hey sexy, everything okay?” Cilla got to her feet and embraced him.

  “All good, what can I get you? Thanks for meeting with me.”

  She gave him a gentle smile, “of course, it sounded important. I’ll have a ginger tea please.”

  He went to order the drinks from the bored middle-aged woman at the counter. Ordinarily, Kaelan wouldn’t take any notice, but today her casual rudeness pissed him off, “thanks so much! We’re over there,” he waved towards Cilla, “as long as it isn’t too much trouble for you.”

  He stalked back to the table, where Cilla was giggling. “Really K? You want her to spit in your coffee?”

  “Who would notice? I mean that frothy stuff always looks suspicious to me anyway.” He surprised himself with his own levity.

  When the woman brought the tray over and almost dropped it in front of them, he winced. He resisted the urge to apologise. They waited until she’d stumped back to her workstation, and then Kaelan told her everything. Even Cilla was shocked, which scared him a little.

  “So, what should I do?” He didn’t really expect her to solve his problems, but he sincerely wished she would.

  Cilla stared off into the middle distance, “do you want her to leave?”

  He played with his spoon, “I don’t know,” he sighed, “sometimes I do. I just want her out of the house and I never want to see her again, and then I really think about it, and it scares me shitless. How will Finn take it? I mean, Carys is so pissed off with Sophie that I don’t think she’ll care, at first. But Finn? He’ll wonder what the fuck is going on. I don’t even know what’s going on!”

  “It seems to me that you either have to draw new boundaries or she really has to go. I say that having wanted to keep Dave in the dark about things. I’ve never done that before, never even been tempted. It took you to underline how dangerous that was. I appreciate it. I won’t go down that road again, but can you trust Sophie to stick to new rules even if you draw them up?”

  Kaelan huffed and his shoulders hunched as if a huge weight had landed on them again, “I’m not sure of anything anymore. I still love her, but it’s like she’s a completely different person. I hate what she’s been doing, and if I see that twat again I’m going to break him.” He couldn’t bring himself to utter Howie’s name.

  Cilla leaned over the table and squeezed his hand, “I am sorry babe, really.”

  Despite the way he was feeling, his eyes were dragged to the deep cleavage in her shirt. Cilla smiled at him, it was a hopeful smile. He licked his lips and stroked her hand, “It’s alright, I think you’re right. Even if we try to set new parameters I have no faith that she’ll stick to them. I don’t trust her anymore Cill.”

  She didn’t speak, but the glow in her eyes was communicating everything. He couldn’t believe the next words out of his own mouth. “Is Dave around?”

  Cilla took his hand and placed it on the upper swell of her exposed flesh, “he can be.”

  “Give him a call.”


  “Carys can you get me…”

  “No, I can’t,” Carys turned on her heel and strode out of the room.

  Sophie and Finn just looked at one another open-mouthed. She couldn’t allow it. Carys was just about to climb the stairs when Sophie came out into the passageway.

  “Stop right there, young lady, who the hell do you think you’re talking to?!” there was a wobble in her voice that she tried desperately to control.

  Carys halted with her foot on the bottom stair, she stared at Sophie like an echo from her own teenage years, “I thought I was talking to my Mum, but you only look like her,” she ran up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door behind her.

  Sophie didn’t know what to say or do. In the past, she would have charged up after her and demanded to be let in. Now, she felt lost, and bereft of all authority.

  “What’s wrong Mum?” Finn put his arms around her waist and pushed his head into her armpit to examine her face. She stroked it and sniffed back the tears that threatened to flow.

  “Nothing Finn, it’s all okay, just teenage stroppiness, I just hope you won’t go through it,” she kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t get like HER,” her son said, emphasising the last word so loudly he obviously hoped that his sister would hear. Jesus, she was such a fool. How had she allowed this to happen?

  Finn kissed her side and went off to play his game. Sophie stood alone in the hall for a moment, watching the empty stairwell. It was time to act. She needed to speak to her Mum, she needed to sort this out, and if she had to have a base of operations, then that was the only place she could think of that would be safe.

  In times of crisis Sophie had to do things, action was a barrier to pain, it always had been. She went back into the kitchen and picked up her mobile.

  “Hi Mum, yeah I’m…okay. I wonder if I could ask a favour?”


  Dave had been summoned, while Kaelan booked a room at the motel. Cilla came into the reception. The young lad behind the desk tried not to stare at her, but his eyes went up and down her lithe form.

  “Ahem, breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.30, check out is…”

  Cilla leaned onto the desk treating the insipid youngster to a view that almost included her long nipples, “Check out by 11.30, we know. Don’t worry,” she made a play of reading his name badge, “Stephen, we won’t be here that long, not unless Kaelan here has been training very hard,” Cilla grabbed her lover’s bicep and squeezed it.

  Stephen gulped and didn’t know where to look. His acne blazed cherry red with embarrassment. “Mmmmm maybe we will be here that long, could you send my husband along to our room, when he gets here?” she purred through his evident shock.

  Kaelan smiled inwardly, he liked Cilla’s audaciousness, but he felt the need to make his status in this tryst clear. He grabbed her ass aggressively, “get yourself up to the room you little slut, I’ve waited long enough.”

  Something about the way he said it made Cilla gasp and the playful expression on her pretty face fell away, she walked towards the lifts with a mesmerising roll of the hips. The jeans were so tight that the crease between her firm round ass and her shapely leg, appeared and disappeared with every stride. It was exquisite.

  Kaelan gave Stephen a wink, “don’t worry, I’ll fuck her for the both of us.”

  The ride in the lift was torrid. Kaelan manhandled her against the mirrored back wall and kissed her with a savage desire that made Cilla pant. Her eyes were wild and she bucked against his hand as it cupped and rubbed her cunt through the skin-tight denim.

  “Fuck K, easy babe,” she panted, “my little kitty isn’t made of stone.” He eased up a little and turned his attention to her shirt. With a tug, he pulled it open so that her blue lacy bra was exposed, her big pale mounds heaving. “K!”

  “Shut up Cill. Shut the fuck up. You wanted to shock that poor little bastard, you are good at teasing, giving them a little hint, then wrenching it away. Now I’m goi
ng to fuck you until you beg for mercy.” She hissed as he crushed her breast, kneading it so hard she couldn’t contain a squeal.

  The lift came to a halt seven floors below theirs, and an older couple stepped in. The woman’s eyes went comically round as she noticed Cilla’s tits virtually hanging out. She shared a look with the man, who pressed the button for the top floor, and then they both turned away to watch the digital numbers.

  Kaelan rubbed Cilla’s left tit, sliding his fingers inside her bra to scoop it free. Her strong hand caught his wrist, and they fought a visual duel. Kaelan sneered at her and with his other hand he prised Cilla’s free. Then he manoeuvred her breast into the open air. It hung there, held up by the elastic, her nipple was so hard it almost pulsed.


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