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A Shared Wife Stolen

Page 11

by Shalamara Jax

  “And the dust has settled? It’s only been just over two months, are you sure that your marriage is over?” The directness of the question from her Mother, in front of Howie, surprised her.

  Howie didn’t give her time to answer, “it was over long before I came along, it was just a matter of time. You can’t treat someone the way Kaelan did and maintain a relationship…”

  “I’m sure he would value your expert opinion Howard, particularly given your success at keeping Anna around.” The cool smile slipped off his face and the temperature dropped to zero.

  “Mum!” Sophie moved from surprise to shock in a millisecond, “I’m with Howie now, and…”

  “And I’d better get used to it? I’d better learn to like it? Hmmmmm?” The room went sub-zero, and Sophie felt Howie’s arm tense around her, “well I won’t get used to it. I certainly will never like it. I’m sorry darling, but this man isn’t good enough for you; for anyone as far as I can see, and I’d like him to leave now.”

  Her Mother stood and turned in an act of dismissal. Her slender body visibly bristled as she wandered back into the house through the French windows.

  Howie followed her with eyes of flint. With a sinking feeling in her stomach Sophie knew she was going to move in with Howie, and that it would be sooner rather later, there was no way to resist it. When he pulled her into a possessive kiss, Sophie knew her Mother would be watching, and her nose prickled.

  Chapter 13: Dropping the shackles

  Working at St James’ had been a mixed blessing. The facilities were unrivalled, and the kids were so much better than his previous charges, largely because most of them came to the place on sports scholarships. How the other half lived. He had much greater support, as the senior management team were keen to improve their sports profile. But it was also more pressured and far more formal. Not only did the boys call him ‘sir’ but the other staff did too.

  He walked through the hallowed halls to his room. It was cosy but as opulent as the rest of the place. There was no running in the corridors, no skateboards that had to be confiscated, no laughter. It was like working in a cathedral. Oh well, he thought, pros and cons.

  Kaelan reached his solid oak door, eased it open and sat at his antique writing desk. He hadn’t even had the inclination to unpack. His knick-knacks felt so proletarian. He sat in his maroon leather chair, spun it towards the mullioned windows and looked out over the quad. Outside there were a few boys sitting in clusters poring over books, yes indeed, how the other half lived. Even if he could afford it, he wouldn’t send Finlay here.

  That thought led him down a particular path, to Sophie. He wondered how she was? They had barely exchanged a word since her forced departure. She had cried all the way to her Mum’s and he had faltered at the last hurdle. He’d found out recently from Carys that she was moving in with Howie. Good luck with that, he thought. The shit. He was still committed to sorting the fucker out at some point.

  It all felt so surreal. To be a single parent, to sleep alone, not to have someone to discuss the day’s events with. He missed her so much it hurt, like the loss of a limb. He still couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong, how they’d allowed everything to slide like this.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in!”

  “Sorry to disturb you Sir…”

  “Not a problem, Jenkins, isn’t it?”

  “Yes Sir, I’ve been sent with a message from Mr. Grayson, could you go to his office immediately please?”

  Kaelan put on his most serious face, “absolutely not, tell him to get lost Jenkins, I don’t have time to waste on that nonsense. Tell him I have to wash my car, anything you like.”

  The small red-haired boy stood there agog, not quite knowing what to say, the over-riding reaction was fear. Kaelan stifled a laugh. These boys weren’t used to him yet, but they’d learn. “That’s fine Jenkins, tell him I’ll be along right way.”

  The relief on his face was hilarious, and he sped out of the door with a mumbled acknowledgement. When he knew he was out of earshot he did laugh. It was either that or cry, and Kaelan had done his fair share of crying.


  “He isn’t here yet Mr. Cope, can I get you a coffee or something? He shouldn’t be too long. Take a seat.” Mandy inclined her head to one of the three chairs against the opposite wall.

  He gave her a wink, “no thanks Mandy, and the name’s Kaelan, especially when no one’s around.”

  Mandy smirked, “Mr. Cope, you are incorrigible.” But he wasn’t getting the ‘leave me alone’ vibe. He knew she was married, and according to Chris, his Deputy Head of Department, she was very prim and proper. A few of the male teachers had tried it on with her. Kaelan liked a challenge.

  “I can be. So, when are you going to let me take you out for coffee?” It was like a stranger was working his controls. Even when he’d been single he’d never been this forward, or this eager. He’d always played a longer game. If Chris was right, he was going to queer his pitch.

  She shook her honey blonde hair and bit her lip, her hands stopped typing and she looked at him with a steady gaze. It was as if there were two people warring inside her, and Kaelan was certain he was about to be given the hairdryer. When she turned the wedding ring on her finger, he knew he was in trouble.

  “We could nip out during second break? Benedict, I mean Mr. Grayson, is out then…”

  They looked at each other. Kaelan’s pulse was thundering in his ears. This was not what he’d expected, and now faced with it, he wasn’t sure it was what he really wanted. The chase had been the thing, and yet, faced with success he wasn’t going to run from it.

  “Great, I’ll pick you up at two, okay?”

  “I’ll look forward to it,” Mandy went back to her typing as if nothing important had happened. Kaelan took a seat and stared at the floor. Nothing important had happened yet, he supposed, but it was only a matter of time. Maybe even second period. He tried to embrace the thrill that went through him.


  Sophie wasn’t feeling very well. She was lying on Howie’s sofa having phoned in sick again, reading and re-reading a crappy chick lit novel that wasn’t worth the perseverance. Unlike Kaelan, Howie didn’t ride her about time off, he didn’t care, her salary was immaterial, peanuts. In some ways that was refreshing, but it also made her feel like a trophy.

  The doorbell rang. She grumbled to herself and went to answer it. He’d probably sent her some flowers again, he was sweet like that. Another difference. When she opened the door, she was faced with a smiling man in his thirties, “Hi, Sophie?” he said in a strange accent that she couldn’t quite place.

  “Yes, hello, I’m sorry do I know you?” unconsciously she pushed the door closed a little which made his eyes twinkle.

  “My name’s Kieran, Howie said you’d be expecting me? No? Bloody hell, he’s a nightmare. Can I come in?” He looked around and shuffled his feet, then looked up at her from under his brows expectantly.

  “Um no, I’m afraid not. Howie won’t be back for some time.” His handsome face clouded over slightly.

  “Maybe you should contact him?” he suggested.

  Sophie experienced a twinge of annoyance, “Alright, but you’ll have to wait out here, okay?”

  “Okay, whatever you say…” Sophie cut him off by closing the door. She whipped out her mobile and sent him a cross text message. She paced the hallway. Before long she got a reply.

  [Howie]: Let him in Sophia, u won’t regret it x

  [Sophie]: Why? x

  [Howie]: Just do it. Trust me x

  Sophie huffed and stared at the screen, that was all very well but did she trust him? She honestly didn’t know.


  Kaelan picked his way through the café with the tray, Mandy was waiting in the furthest corner. She smiled at him and as he arrived she stood and helped him by taking the teapot and the cup and saucer.

  “Thank you, Mr…I mean Kaelan. It’s nice to get
out of that office for a while.” As she sat down she leaned forward slightly and he caught a glimpse of her dark blue bra. She was a very shapely woman and he felt a stirring in his loins.

  “It sure is, I was surprised you said yes.”

  She giggled, “oh, the old ice princess thing?” he didn’t respond, he didn’t expect her to be so candid, “the problem with the guys at the school is they all think I’m frigid. But I am married, you know.” He nodded and felt a weight lift as well as a sinking sensation. “I’m not dead though, I just don’t fancy any of them.”

  Kaelan was excited now, they might be on the same page after all, so with a dry mouth he put his hand on her knee. She smiled at him, and gently removed his hand, though she didn’t release it. He was confused.

  “I’m not easy either…” he was about to protest, “but I do like a little fun now and again. How about we get to know each other first?”

  “I’m down with that,” he replied, gripping gently her hand under the table. This would be a chase worth undertaking.


  “Oh fuck!” Sophie grabbed Kieran’s hair and pulled him harder onto her pussy. His eyes twinkled as they had before and he sucked her clit harder and pressed it flat with his tongue.

  He was incredibly sexy. When he’d taken his shirt off, Sophie had melted. He was ripped, like an underwear model, and with his dark hair and pale skin, he was irresistible. He’d explained that Howie had sent him to cheer her up, and the novelty of having sex with a stranger as a tonic provided by her boyfriend, had convinced her to go with it.

  Kieran made her groan as he pushed two fingers into her wetness and twisted them in time with his sucking. “Oh fuck!” she repeated and tried to swallow his whole head with her snatch.

  He licked and sucked and fingered her into a stupor, her whole body was twitching, and she knew that she was going to have a monumental orgasm. “Don’t…OHHHH…don’t…please don’t…STOP!”

  She came hard, so hard that she felt herself squirt all over his face. Her body trembled uncontrollably and she rolled onto her side on the bed, curling into a foetal position.

  She wasn’t aware that Kieran was removing his pants and boxer shorts, she didn’t know that he was only just getting started. If he left now he’d already done what Howie had sent him for. That wasn’t going to happen.

  “On your back Sophie,” his voice was soft but directive, but it took her a moment to work out what he’d said, “hurry up, Howie told me what a grateful little slut you are. Open up those legs for me.”

  When she didn’t move, he took her right ankle and moved her into position, she moaned as she saw his huge cock stretching over her. “I…can’t.”

  He laughed and ran his thick glans through her soaking folds. “I beg to differ.” And without any delay he pushed himself deep into her pussy.

  “Aggghrrrrrrhhh,” she roared and grabbed at his arms. He wasn’t gentle. Kieran fucked her brutally until she clung to him like a monkey, then he forced her onto her hands and knees and mounted her. It was a long afternoon, and when she was finally alone, she reflected that Howie had gotten it right. She did feel better. His tonic was effective. She would be sure to thank him when he got home.


  He needed some release. Kaelan had phoned Carys and told her he’d be slightly later home, but that she could order pizza for dinner if she could look after Finn for a while. She’d readily agreed with the additional proviso that she could have Brenda over. He had to cave on that. Hopefully, her Mum would pick her up before he got back.

  Once he’d sorted that, he’d contacted Cilla and demanded a session. At first, she’d been reluctant, but he knew that if pressed she would do what he asked. She was his. It was that simple. It turned out that it was Dave’s birthday, and they had a table reserved at his favourite restaurant. He didn’t give a shit. They could rearrange it, his needs came first, that was the whole point of their relationship.

  He pulled into their drive and jumped out of the car. Cilla opened the door in the latex catsuit he’d asked for.

  “Where’s Dave?”

  Cilla was cold, even distant, “he’s upstairs.”

  Kaelan wasn’t happy, “get him down here. Now!” he went to the sitting room. She went without a word and came back with her husband in tow. “Get naked Dave and stand in the corner, I’m going to breed your wife tonight.”

  Unusually, Dave didn’t jump to comply with Kaelan’s instructions, but he did eventually strip and stand in the corner, his body illuminated by the neon blue glow from the fish tank.

  “Where do you want me?” Cilla asked him in a mechanical voice.

  “Over here, but unzip your catsuit and crawl to me,” with a sigh she unzipped her suit and did as she was told. The way her big breasts swung back and forth made his cock rage to full hardness. The promise of a successful chase with Mandy had fuelled his lust and Cilla was going to feel the brunt of it.

  He dark hair fell over her face as she reached him, and he tenderly pushed it away. Cilla went back onto her haunches and for the first time since he’d arrived he saw her hunger for him. Kaelan stroked her face and she kissed his palm.

  “Who do you belong to?” he wondered if he would get the answer he wanted.

  “Yours,” without hesitation, she was getting over her irritation at the change in their plans, and it pleased him. He let his hand slip down her neck to cup her right breast. It was so big and heavy, so firm in his hand. He would never tire of her tits.

  “I have some presents for you both. Go to my bag in the hallway and bring it to me,” Cilla stood, letting his hand drop from her as gently as she could manage, and went to get it. Her ass looked so fucking good in tight latex, the way her tight buns shifted and moved, the way the light played over the glossy black material. She was just what he needed.

  He cast a glance at Dave, who was staring back at him with just a hint of defiance. He would soon sort that out. Cilla came back into the room. She didn’t even look at her husband. Kaelan enjoyed the power he held here, and he was about to stretch the boundaries even further.

  Cilla sashayed over to him, her dark eyes alive with anticipation, she opened her catsuit without direction and handed him the bag. He’d been to the adult shop at the rear of the high street of the small town his new school was located in. it had been surprisingly bright and clean, almost clinical, and the young woman serving had been extremely helpful.

  Kaelan gave it back to Cilla, “open it.”

  She did, taking out the plain black plastic bag, and with a little laugh she pulled out a huge black dildo. “I know what that’s for master,” she said breathily, “but what’s this?” in her hand was a small brown cardboard box.

  “Have a look.”

  Cilla opened it and took out a tiny cage, it was shaped like a small banana, fashioned out of gleaming chrome. It had a set of keys with it. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Dave come here,” Kaelan barked, “hurry up, you useless prick.” Cilla’s husband slouched across the room and stood next to his wife. What a picture they made. Cilla, her luscious body encased in latex, except for her big tits, and Dave, naked and obviously suffering. The sense of control buzzed through Kaelan once more. “Put it on him.”

  Cilla took her husband’s flaccid penis and fed it into the cage, lopping the hoop at the back under his balls. She made sure it was snug, which made Dave wince, and she locked it without prompting. How pathetic he looked. How could Cilla love such a specimen?

  “Give me the keys,” that made Dave look up sharply, he was about to speak but thought better of it, “she’s not yours anymore Dave. I think it’s about time you understood that. I’m going to fuck my cum into her whenever I want and if it takes, you’ll have the honour of raising my child. But it’s time that you lost your privileges. She’s my woman, you can’t have her unless I say. Understood?”

  Cilla was shifting from one leg to the other, her eyes sparkled and Kaelan knew it was because her cu
nt was twitching from desire. She was his now. Completely. She hadn’t said a word when he’d outlined his rules to Dave. This was the final play in his bid for ownership, and it had gone better than he’d ever imagined.

  “There are chocolate bars in there, take them out too Cilla.”


  Howie was clearly delighted. Even waiting for Sophie to get off the phone to Finn wasn’t pissing him off. “Okay darling, I’ll see you at the weekend, okay?” She blew several kisses into the receiver and shrugged off the hand that slipped into the waistband of her tracksuit bottoms, “stop it!” she mouthed.


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