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A Shared Wife Stolen

Page 13

by Shalamara Jax

  Kaelan decided that truth was required here, and he wanted to help this poor soul, help him in any way he could, “you do deserve her. What you need to work out, my friend, is whether she deserves you.”

  Nothing was said for an extended period. Kaelan wondered if he’d pushed Mark too far, but as he watched, the man’s expression shifted. It moved from open despair to a still determination.

  “She does deserve me, but not like this. I need to talk to her. Would you talk to her for me maybe?”

  Kaelan sat back in his chair, “no, I think it’s best I don’t have any more interaction with her. It would only confuse things, complicate them further.”

  Mark nodded as if to himself, “you’re right. Thank you, Kaelan. I have to take control of this, and if I lose her, well, then things weren’t meant to be. You know, you’re a good bloke, for a wife-fucking scumbag.”

  Kaelan winced but Mark followed it up with a watery laugh, he jumped up, clapped said scumbag on the shoulder and hurried back into the interior of the club. After a minute or so, Elliot returned with drinks and the gait of a man wanting to be sure that returning was safe.

  “It’s okay, he’s gone.”

  Elliot put the drinks down, “I saw that. Christ Kaelan, you really need to take your foot off the pedal. You’re making life too interesting.”

  Kaelan snorted, “tell me about it.” he watched at the games going on across the four tennis courts, but his mind was elsewhere. What was Sophie doing? Did she think about him at all? Or was she too engaged in her new and exciting life as Howie’s partner? The same fear that he’d seen on Mark seeped through his body, and no amount of alcohol or pleasant company would drive it away.

  Chapter 15: Slipping

  Sophie’s heart was racing. She rang the doorbell and waited. It was so odd, so awful, to be standing on her own doorstep waiting for an answer. It was like a bad dream, and for a second, she entertained the possibility that it was. That none of the things she’d done were real, none of the things Kaelan had done were real, it was all a fiction. And then the door opened.

  Howie put his hand on her waist and squeezed, but it didn’t feel supportive, more possessive. Kaelan’s face set hard as he saw first Howie, then the way he was holding her. She resisted the urge to shrug him off. If her heart had been racing before, it was positively hammering now.

  Her husband looked tired, a bit worn, but he was still a formidable sight. He was still incredibly beautiful. As he stood there, his eyes narrowing, she couldn’t help taking him in. The messy black hair, the striking face, the impressive physique honed and vital. A rush of love swept over her that she couldn’t prevent.

  “Hi Kael, are they ready?” her voice trembled and she wondered if Kaelan knew why.

  “It’ll only be Finn today, Carys doesn’t want to go,” his tone was flat, giving nothing away, but his eyes were fixed on Howie. In response, her boyfriend moved his hand to her arse and patted it. Sophie wanted to push him away even more strongly, but her primary focus was the fact that her daughter didn’t want to see her.

  “Can we come in for a minute? Maybe I can talk to her?”

  Kaelan chuckled mirthlessly, “no, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” Howie’s question was sharp, deliberately provocative.

  Kaelan turned back to them slowly. He’d been about to go inside and chase Finn up. His eyes smouldered and Sophie noticed his shoulders flex. He was angry. Seething. Howie was poking a bear with a stick and he had no idea how much danger he was in.

  He soon found out.

  “If you don’t get off my doorstep I’m going to break you in two.”

  Howie gulped and he stopped touching Sophie, it came as a relief. Her emotional existence was in constant flux, she didn’t always know what she felt or what she wanted. But right now, all she truly wanted was her kids. She needed them, and she would do anything to be with them. Just for this afternoon.

  “Maybe you should wait in the car?” although she spoke quietly, it wasn’t really a question. Howie’s mouth flapped open and shut, his wavy fringe bobbed with disgust. But sensing that Kaelan was deadly serious, he spun on his heel and stomped down the drive to his car. “Can I come in Kael? Just to speak to her, please?”

  His expression softened and he stood aside. Sophie entered their house, their home, like a stranger. It had been so long since she’d been there, so long, too long. She noted, as she went up to her daughter’s room, that everything was as it had been. Kaelan was coping without her, and somewhere inside a tiny wail of despair was choked down. He didn’t need her. They didn’t need her.

  “Care…?” There was no answer to her knock.


  That fucking arsehole, that smarmy fucking shit! Kaelan fumed as he paced wildly around the empty house. How dare he come here? How dare he question him on his own fucking doorstep. Carys had refused to respond to her Mum, opting instead to go out with friends for the afternoon. Sophie had been devastated, he could tell, but he hadn’t felt the sense of satisfaction about it that he might have expected. The rage though, the all-consuming desire to smash something, or someone, was scorching through him.

  He picked up his mobile. The plan for the day had been to relax, chill, maybe watch some of the football, but all that changed when he’d seen Howie standing there groping his wife, laying claim to her. It was still so raw. It seared him.

  “Get your arse over here,” he snapped as the call was answered, “is he at home? Good bring him too.” He swiped it closed and threw it on the chair. He paced manically until the doorbell went again.

  Cilla stepped in followed by Dave. Her husband wouldn’t look up, he looked defeated, a broken man.

  Without direction Cilla went upstairs. “Not you,” Kaelan called out to Dave, “you can stay down here. Have you got your cage on?”

  “Yes,” he replied, keeping his eyes averted.

  Kaelan forced him to call him ‘master’, and then elicited from him that he hadn’t taken the thing off at all since he’d been locked into it. Then he stormed up after Cilla.

  She was on his bed, already naked, holding her pussy open. “Are you going to breed me master?” she asked breathlessly. Her eyes were wide and her lips glistened. She was every man’s wet dream.

  “Yes, I am you little whore. Get onto your front, legs together.” She did as she was instructed, no sign of the reluctance or impatience she had shown on Dave’s birthday. She wanted this. The notion that he could summon her like this, use her like this, channelled his aggression. “Get up here you little wussy and see what I’m going to do to your wife!”

  He didn’t wait to see if Dave would comply, he tore off his clothes and clambered up behind Cilla. She squealed as he smacked her ass, and then he fed his long, thick prick inch-by-inch into her tight, clamping cunt. He started to fuck right away, sawing in and out of her frantically as his hands pressed her hips into the mattress.

  Kaelan saw Dave slip into the room and take the chair by the window. As he lifted Cilla into the doggy position, he sent a challenging look to her husband. “Like this? Like the way I fuck her? Tell him how much more you like my cock.”

  Cilla tossed her hair, so that she could see Dave, and though a strangled moan she said: “he’s so much bigger than you baby, so much…AH…bigger. He fills me up. OH GOD. You’re little… AHHHHHH dick… It’s so SMALLLLLLLLL.”

  Kaelan slapped her beautiful round ass making it jiggle and fucked her harder still, so hard that his balls set up a rhythmic slapping that echoed obscenely around the room. He fucked her so hard that her juices sprayed out every so often, underlining the wet sounds of their coupling.

  “You like this don’t you Davey boy. Like to see her taken by a real man?” he pulled out making Cilla moan, “get up, go to your pathetic excuse of a man. Give him some comfort.”

  Cilla rolled off the bed and crawled over to Dave. She put her hands on his knees and wiped the tears from his eyes. She undressed him slowly
, whispering sweet words to him. It was almost touching. His masculine body looked so weak, so vulnerable, his cock wedged into the spiteful looking cage.

  Just as Cilla seemed to have consoled him, Kaelan made his move. He pounced on her, holding her hips and lifting them so she was braced on Dave’s knees but in such a way that meant she was presenting. He met Dave’s stare, ignoring the other man’s silent plea, went to his knees, lined her up and entered her in one long powerful thrust.

  “Ohhhhhh FUCK!” Cilla screamed, trying to wriggle away. She had no opportunity. Kaelan locked her in place by folding his left arm under her belly, and the other across her upper back and he screwed her like a bitch. Her head went into Dave’s lap and her arms along his sides in the chair.

  This time the sound of their mating was epic, she squealed and begged, asked for more, she demanded his seed. Kaelan watched her husband’s face, savoured the despair and the pain, savoured the helplessness.

  Every jolt of her body went through her spouse. Every moan of pleasure went through him like a knife. Kaelan fed off it, breathed it like air. His cock, harder than he’d ever felt it, speared his former boss, penetrated her as far as she’d ever been penetrated. Her tits slapped against Dave’s knees.

  “Pleaasseeeeeeee KKKKKKKK. Breed me, breed me, breed meeeeeeeeeee!”

  He didn’t need the encouragement, he fucked her repeatedly. He came in her cunt, her ass, her mouth. He spilt his seed on her tits and face, he made Dave rub it in, made him massage his cum into her skin. It was another act of cruelty that he relished.

  He kept them there until it was nearly time for the kids to return, and when they eventually staggered out of the door, Cilla’s cunt was so red and swollen and dripping with seed that she could hardly walk, and Dave, bawling so hard that it sounded like his heart had imploded, could barely hold himself upright. They had to support each other back to her little sports car like casualties of war. Kaelan watched them numbly, wondering what the neighbours would think. He didn’t care, and that worried him, profoundly. Who the fuck was he, who was he becoming?


  It had been a mixed day for Sophie. Having Finn had been wonderful, but being rejected by Carys, again, after making so much progress had been terrible. Howie had tried hard to make the afternoon fun, and her son had responded well. He’d taken them to a travelling fair on the outskirts of town and like a potential step dad he’d won Finn cuddly toys on the dart throwing games, he’d bought him candy floss. Howie had even gone on the more serious rides with Finn, the ones Sophie would never go on, not even with her son pleading with her. She absolutely hated them.

  The fresh memories brought a warm flush to her face and neck. And yet, even though her son had enjoyed it and she was grateful to Howie for the effort he’d expended, it hadn’t been right. It had been playacting, Sophie had been pretending. It hadn’t been a family, merely a facsimile, a mirage. Her throat caught as she remembered another Mum grinning at her, sharing an experience that wasn’t genuine. The woman had been silently congratulating her on such a beautiful family, a family that did not exist.

  “Penny for them?” Howie whispered, making her jump.

  Sophie blushed, they were in the kitchen getting the starters ready for their guests. Howie had invited his boss over for dinner, and he and his wife were sitting patiently in the dining room, chatting quietly.

  “I was just thinking about today. It was nice.”

  Howie’s handsome face brightened, and the small scar on his chin stretched whiter. It was a flaw that only added to his charm. His eyes twinkled. “It was good, wasn’t it? Finn is such a good boy. Now I need you to be a good girl and impress Craig Johnson for me.” A flash of irritation passed through her, she didn’t like being treated like a child, and she certainly didn’t appreciate being used as a sweetener for his fat, obnoxious boss. “I just mean, if we can put on a united front tonight, it would be brilliant. I could get regional director, which would mean a swish holiday at the very least…”

  Sophie let him sidle in behind her, and she sighed as he kissed her neck. She felt his cock pressing into her back and it sent another warm flush through her lower body. “Okay, I’ll be the perfect little hostess, but only for you.”

  “You won’t regret it,” he breathed and patted her ass. She giggled and went back into the dining room with the tray of prawn cocktails, while Howie brought the wine.


  “Tell me more about your job Sophie…” Craig’s wife Helena took a sip of her wine and cocked her pretty head to one side.

  Sophie wiped her hands on her napkin and cast a quick look at Howie. He was waiting as the rest of them were, for her answer. She coughed and said, “there really isn’t much to tell. It’s boring. I just do basic admin work, mostly on the computer. I’m locked away in a cubicle all day, lonely and jaded and underutilised.” The description surprised her, she hadn’t meant to let it out like that.

  Helena smiled, “and you think you deserve better? I would say, from what you’ve said, that you are being wasted.”

  How far should she go? She was being invited to vent her spleen, but that surely wouldn’t help Howie. Before she could respond, her boyfriend intervened, “I hear you spend a lot of your time in the break room, so it can’t be all that bad.”

  What did he mean? Heard from whom? Sophie inspected his face but he wouldn’t look at her. Deftly, he changed the subject, “so, Craig, what chance do we have of winning the Farriday fund?”

  Helena pretended to yawn, “here we go. I knew it wouldn’t take long,” she shook her head and laughed. Sophie liked her, she was a petite woman with auburn hair and unusual grey-green eyes. Although she was delicate, she had womanly curves and she clearly wasn’t afraid to show off her impressive, pert breasts.

  While the men ignored them, and went into detail about different exchange rates and interest rates and various other fictional things, the woman chatted away about their own lives. Sophie couldn’t quite believe that Helena was married to the overweight, boorish Craig.

  The meal went well, and when Howie gripped her knee under the table, Sophie knew Howie was pleased. It was a relief. She perhaps should have interrogated that feeling more, but she didn’t. They went into the sitting room and the conversation moved to holidays and worldly experiences.

  “I loved being with those two Swedish women I can tell you. Fucking nymphos!” Craig’s deep voice thundered around the room, and he chuckled loudly. If Sophie expected his wife to be annoyed, or to feel humiliated, she was wrong.

  “I know, you’ve told me a hundred times Craig.”

  “I’m sorry love, but the tits on them!” It soon became obvious that the threesome had been only a few weeks earlier. It dawned on Sophie that the couple were swingers. After all she’d done, all she’d experienced, the notion still surprised her.

  She didn’t join in as the lewdness of the conversation accelerated. The thought of Craig heaving and sweating between a woman’s thighs was something Sophie didn’t want to contemplate. Then things took a very nasty turn.

  Howie stood up and held his hand out to Helena. She tossed her hair and affected a surprised expression, even going as far as touching her chest as if to say ‘moi’?’

  “Yes, you, come on. I’ve got plans for you upstairs,” Howie said in a low rumble. Sophie shuffled to the edge of the sofa, confused and horrified. This was a game surely? A tease. She looked over at Craig, and was stunned to see a lascivious smile on his pig-like face. Was he touching himself?

  “Oh, you have, have you?” Helena responded at last, licking her lips and tracing the outline of her tits, “and will I enjoy your plans Mr. Law?”

  “You’ll love then you little slut.” Helena rose to her feet like a cat about to be stroked and stepped over to take Howie’s hand. Sophie spluttered, outraged, she was about to leap up, remonstrate with her man. “You can have the downstairs Craig, make sure Sophie here shows you all her little tricks, she’s quite the animal if you press
the right buttons.”

  Before she could react, Howie glowered at her, defying her to speak. Her legs went to jelly and she couldn’t have stood even if she wanted to. He couldn’t want her to… No, he wouldn’t do that to her? But with another warning look, Howie led Helena out of the room.

  “Just you and me then, let’s find those buttons, shall we?” Craig leered. Sophie wanted to scream.


  He could not believe what he was seeing. It couldn’t be. It could not. He wasn’t sure what to think, or how to process it. Should he be angry with Elliot? He was, even if he shouldn’t be. Don’t shoot the messenger he thought, watching the clip for the fifth time.


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