Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1) Page 11

by Crystal Dawn

  “I admire a female with spunk. The difference is that I’m more experienced with dodging darts than you are. I’d lay money on my ability to get you before you get me.”

  Moe looked at him and didn’t see a gun. Was he even armed? He certainly should be under the circumstances. It made sense when she thought about it. Those two idiots had help, they wouldn’t know where to get a tranq gun. He was the one they’d talked about who wanted to buy a female.

  They must have called him and told him who they had, but how did they know? Moe was starting to get a headache. She was afraid to take her eyes off Graves. Now the male was looking behind her like someone was there. It was a risk not to look so she moved to where she could shoot a quick look at the cave opening.

  When she looked back, Graves was gone. Holy shit! What had she done? She headed down the trail and around the first curve. The brick wall she hit was none other than Tyne. Moe jumped on him wrapping her hands and her legs around him and peppering his face with kisses.

  “Oh, dear God! You’ve found me. All I could think about was escaping and you finding me. I was so scared and I missed you so much.”

  Tyne held her tight in his embrace. Nothing had ever felt as good when his spicy masculine scent washed over her. His warmth infused her with a calm she needed right now. “Those two idiots are in that cave at the end of the trail unless Nicholas Graves has freed them.”

  “Graves was here?” Tyne asked his voice sharp with concern.

  “I was surprised too. For some reason he really wants a white wolf. He was disappointed he had to escape rather than capture me.”

  “The son of a bitch is probably long gone. I doubt he stopped to free those two worthless bastards.”

  “He might. He’s trying to make new friends in different places.”

  “How long did you two talk?” Tyne asked.

  “Maybe five minutes?” Moe guessed.

  “Why did he leave?”

  “I think he knew you were coming a couple of minutes before I did.”

  “That wolf avoids going down for his crimes much like Chief did, but we’ll get him too. We’re going to take you out of here and someone else can check on those two. If we get them, they’ll go to jail for a long time.” Tyne assured her.

  Moe clung to Tyne as if he were her life line. “I’m glad you came when you did. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come.”

  “You had to know I would no matter what. You seem different, they didn’t touch you, did they?” Tyne asked. So far Twila had just been silent and stayed in the background. Being here had to be hard on her.

  “Not in a sexual way. That asshole Ted carried me up the mountain and dropped me on a rock. I should have kicked him before I left.”

  “That’s my girl, full of piss and vinegar. Don’t worry, he’ll be punished. The council will deal with him harshly.”

  “If he’s still there.”

  “I have a feeling Graves won’t put out any effort to save those two. They are a liability he doesn’t need.”

  “If that’s true, shouldn’t we check on them?”

  “Someone else will and Drake will send them soon. I’m more worried about you.”

  It showed in the way he held her as he carried her down the mountain, refusing to let her walk. She’d offered to walk, but honestly, she felt so loved and cared for in his arms, she didn’t want to leave them. They made it down the hill with Tyne matching Twila’s stride. Her male had no trouble carrying her and he wasn’t even breathing fast.

  Tyne did feel a little heated, but that was natural between mates. As soon as they hit the house they ran into Drake and Charlotte. “You found her!” Charlotte squealed.

  “She’d already freed herself and was on her way down the mountain.” Tyne replied with pride evident in his tone.

  “What happened to the guys who took her?” Drake asked.

  “They are tied up in a cavern at the top of the main path. We need to send someone to get them so they don’t getaway.” Tyne explained.

  “Is that possible?” Drake asked.

  “Graves was here too. He came after I got loose and I took Denny’s tranq gun. He seems to have a strong desire for a white wolf.” Moe observed.

  “We need to warn all the cousins.” Charlotte suggested.

  “Why? They already know they are targets.” Drake observed.

  “Maybe so, but after a while when nothing happens, you get sloppy.” Charlotte pointed out.

  “That’s certainly true.” Tyne said with his eyes on his female.

  “Hey, I think I did pretty good.” Moe insisted.

  “I think it was because of the constant training and testing.” Tyne admonished.

  Moe snorted. The snorting was a bad white wolf habit the whole family seemed to have, but it got the point across. It was just something that Tyne had adjusted to. She thought he even liked it. Okay, maybe that was a stretch, because sometimes it annoyed him. Today, she thought he was just happy to have her safely in his arms.

  There was no denying that she was just as happy to be there. They got into a SUV with Drake, Charlotte, and Twila. Oh, God, Twila. “You are so brave, Twila to come with Tyne.”

  Twila didn’t answer, she only nodded and Moe figured she’d been through enough. There was no need to force a conversation.

  They were heading to Drake’s pack house. Moe just wanted to shower, eat a big meal, and sleep for a while, pretty much in that order. Tyne sat with her constantly touching and she was alright with that.

  They arrived and Charlotte led her to the guest room so she could clean up. While she was showering, Charlotte must have gotten her some clean clothes, because after she’d showered and dried off, she’d looked into the bedroom to find clothes on the bed. The clothes fit surprisingly well.

  Moe came out and followed her nose downstairs where the meal was ready and everyone was waiting for her before they ate. Her stomach growled like a monster when the smell of food overwhelmed her. Everyone laughed at the sound and they began to fill their plates. Tyne made her sit and he filled hers before going back to fill his.

  “This smells amazing.” Moe said.

  “You can thank my mother-in-law. She’s an amazing cook and she fixes the food two days a week when the regular cook is off.” Charlotte gestured to a pretty and young looking female sitting with her mate.

  “This is truly wonderful.” Moe said.

  “Thank you.” The lady smiled. Moe had heard Drake’s parents were a bit stuffy, but becoming grandparents must have loosened them up.

  “I thought we would spend the night since Drake invited us, and head home tomorrow, if that’s okay with you?” Tyne asked.

  “That sounds great.” Moe said and she meant it. A good night’s sleep would do a lot to get her back to normal.

  They ate supper, even had some marvelous German chocolate cake for dessert, but now Moe was exhausted. Tyne seemed to recognize her need for rest. They said their thanks and good night’s then. Tyne carried her up the stairs to the bedroom she’d been in earlier.

  “You’ve had quite a busy day.” He commented as he undressed her. “Nothing will help you more than some sleep.” He pulled back the covers and settled his female under them. Then he stripped bare and slid underneath on the other side. Moe fell asleep as soon as he was wrapped around her.

  Chapter 8

  Bite Me

  Moe was different although he couldn’t say exactly how. He worried that she’d been mistreated and he fought to control the anger that pushed into him with those thoughts. She denied it, but she might be trying to protect him. They woke the next morning and he was glad to find she was more like her usual self.

  Drake had sent a team up the mountain to take the two brothers into custody and to search for any signs of Graves. Ted and Denny had been exactly where Moe had left them and they couldn’t find hide or hair of Graves. Tyne wasn’t surprised by any of that news. He was glad that as they spoke, those two morons that had
taken his female were being transported to the council prison. It was not a pleasant place to be, but it was no worse than they deserved.

  His mate had been clingy and he loved it. It gave him hope that she might commit sooner rather than later. Right now they were eating breakfast with Drake’s pack. It felt nice and normal.

  “Pass the jelly.” Drake asked motioning towards it. Moe passed it to Tyne who handed it to Drake. Biscuits were big around here and served with sausage gravy or jelly. Moe had the sausage gravy since she’d been raised on the stuff. Charlotte too and Tyne had to admit he’d come to love the southern cooking Moe and her family had exposed him too.

  “You sure you don’t want to stay a few days?” Charlotte asked hopefully.

  “Sorry, we have to get back to work.” Tyne offered and Moe nodded in agreement. Moe had been agreeable, unusually so since she’d freed herself. Don’t get things wrong, he liked it. The problem was it just wasn’t like Moe to be so accepting.

  “So you’re leaving right after we finish eating?” Charlotte asked. Moe was popular with the family. It was always sad for them to see her go.

  “Hey, you could visit us.” Moe pointed out.

  “True, but when we come home, there are so many family in the area, that we are pulled in every direction.” Charlotte explained.

  “Next time business takes us near here, we’ll call and see if we can spend some time with you before we head home. This time everything is just out of sorts.” Moe declared.

  Tyne thought he couldn’t have given a better explanation. They both felt driven to get home. Twila hadn’t said much and while she had been quiet before, since they had found Moe, he couldn’t remember her saying a word. He pushed that worry to the back of his mind. Once they were home and safe, he’d see what was up with both his girls.

  They could hear the helicopter landing and they had nothing to pack so it was time to leave. He hugged Charlotte, shook hands with Drake, and waved goodbye to everyone else. Moe and Charlotte had tears in their eyes but it was all good. It was just the way with family, you either cried when you saw them because they were a pain or when you left because they were great.

  He helped Twila in first and then Moe, climbing in last himself. Twila was clearly wrapped up inside herself. The helicopter was too loud for talking so he just pulled Moe up against him and enjoyed the closeness while Twila looked miserable. It bothered him to see her that way and he considered going home may have been a bad thing for her.

  At this point in her recovery, the reminder may have set her back. That was his fault. He should have made her stay. Now he watched her carefully, concerned, but as long as they traveled, helpless to do a thing.

  The trip to the helicopter pad went well, then the short trip by SUV to the airport went equally well. Now they were on the plane, one of the four the council owned. Others were in the plane too and watching them cautiously. Maybe it was fairer to say they were watching him cautiously and Twila and Moe like they were candy. Both of them scented as she-wolves and had the alpha attitude.

  Neither of his girls backed down and they both met the eyes of the males drooling over them. Hopefully the males knew enough to back off. He wasn’t looking for a fight, but he was ready for one. A growl broke free as a male stepped by them and bumped Twila.

  “Tyne Wolf? Is that you?” the male said. “It’s me, Arturo Delirossi. You remember me, don’t you?”

  “Sure I do. Southwest Texas, right?” Tyne remarked.

  “Yes, that’s where I live. What are you doing up here and in the company of two such fetching females?” Arturo asked.

  “This is my mate and this is my sister.” He said motioning to each in turn.

  “My mate wouldn’t come with me. She said she was tired of nothing but stuffy old wolves at these functions. She’ll be disappointed she missed the opportunity to meet a white wolf and your sister.” Arturo observed.

  “How did you know…?”

  “Everyone knows you have a white wolf mate. Many of the council members have the changed white wolves memorized, but they all have a list. We are supposed to be protecting them.” His voice dropped low. “Telling all the members who they are and where they are wasn’t the smartest choice.”

  “I have to agree with that. Are you by yourself?” Tyne questioned.

  “All by my lonesome.”

  “Why don’t you sit by us? We’ll be getting off at Branson, but we can keep you company until then.”

  “I would be delighted.” Arturo agreed.

  Tyne introduced Arturo to the girls. Moe seemed thrilled to have someone else to talk to, but Twila never said a word, she only nodded. Her behavior was beyond strange. Drinks were brought around and they chatted about current concerns in the wolf world. All except Twila, but Tyne noticed she listened.

  Arturo was a long seated member of the council and could make a good ally. Maybe he and his mate could visit Ariel. It was a good thing to suggest. “How about giving me your phone number so I can get a hold of you?” Tyne asked.

  Arturo scribbled something down and handed it to him. “Make sure you keep in touch.” The plane had stopped at Chicago and St. Louis so Branson was the next stop. There would probably be a couple stops before Arturo ended up a home.

  “I’ll be sure and call you soon. Maybe we can even discuss a visit.”

  “I would enjoy hosting you or visiting your area. I’ve heard there are many things to see and do where you live.”

  “It’s tourist central. There’s no end of great places to see and things to do if you have a proper guide. We’re surrounded by lakes, forests with great hunting, and the tourist attraction cover a broad range of activities. We’ve never had an unhappy visitor.”

  “My mate mentioned the shopping in your area. She’s wanted to go there for a while.”

  “The little shops in Eureka Springs are wonderful and Branson has those kinds of goods and outlets. If you come when the weather is good, there are yard sales and flea markets everywhere.”

  “Looks like we’re at your stop. Don’t forget to call me. You’ve made me excited to visit.”

  “We’ll call. Don’t worry.” Tyne waved to him as he herded the girls in front of him to the exit. Sliding past, he got off first so he could help each of them down.

  “Let’s go eat in Branson before we go home.” Moe suggested as we walked to the SUV and driver that he assumed Ariel had sent.

  “Okay.” He agreed as he helped Twila and Moe in before getting into the passenger seat. “Hello Greg. Tell Ariel I appreciate her sending transportation and you driving for us.”

  Greg and Tyne talked and Tyne told him all about what Moe had been through. He could hear a buzz of conversation from the back and he felt better since Twila’s silence had been broken. Tyne directed Greg to a nearby restaurant where they entered and were seated.

  “What were you girls talking about?” Tyne asked.

  “I had to threaten to beat Twila’s ass to get her to open up. She’s been feeling guilty and shouldering responsibility for what those two slime bags did.” Moe explained.

  Damn! He should have realized that was the problem. He’d discussed it with her, but she must not have believed him. “I already told her she wasn’t to blame.” Tyne growled.

  “Well you forgot to threaten her ass. I wonder why? You tell me that all the time.” Moe exposed.

  “Dear goddess, I so did not want to know that. He’s my brother, Moe.” Twila screeched.

  “So? It’s all perfectly natural.” Moe commented.

  “You think spanking your mate is natural?” Twila asked aghast.

  “Not so much doing it as threatening to.” Moe admitted.

  They both got quiet when the waitress came and took drink orders. “Everyone know what they want?” Tyne asked.

  “Steak.” Moe said.

  “That sounds good.” Twila agreed.

  “You going to make it four steaks?” Tyne asked Greg.

  “It’s my favorite.” G
reg admitted.

  The waitress brought the drinks and took their orders. Everyone ordered steak, either rare or medium, but the sides were different. She left quickly to get their orders put in while everyone sipped their drinks and chatted about the usual things people talk about minus politics and religion. Those subjects could get volatile.

  The food came quickly and they all dug in. Tyne felt comfortable and he didn’t notice anymore awkward feelings in Moe or Twila. They were headed home and he intended for them to be safe and happy. He worried, and he always would, but he felt confident things would be alright, at least for a little while.

  They finished eating and Greg drove them home. He felt peaceful when their house came into view and he hoped the feeling would last. Once Greg pulled into the driveway, they got out. Tyne tried to tip him, but he refused to take it.

  “No way, put that back. You bought me lunch and that’s plenty. I wish you luck. I’d stay, but Ariel will be full of questions.” Greg pulled out of the driveway and they all waved goodbye. He opened the door and the scent of home hit him hard. Tyne was thankful to be home and have Twila and his Moe with him.

  “Home sweet home.” Moe said as she dropped down onto the couch. The traveling had tired them all.

  “Let’s rest and relax today, tomorrow it’s back to work as usual if you two feel up to it.” Tyne requested.

  “I’ll be fine.” Moe said.

  “Me too.” Twila added.

  “I’m ready for a nap.” Moe observed.

  “You lay down now, your day will be over.” Tyne advised.

  “That’s okay if you go to bed with me.” Moe added.

  “I have to deal with emails, then I’ll join you.” Tyne offered as he pulled her up off the couch and into his arms. He kissed her hot and heavy before turning her loose.

  “I’ll see you soon.” Moe observed, her voice husky with need. “Good night, Twila.”

  “Good night.” Twila agreed as she, too, headed for her room.

  Tyne was quickly left to his own devices. He headed to the home office he shared with Moe and sat in his desk chair. Powering up his computer, he pulled up his emails and started to go through them. It was amazing how many had piled up in just the three days since he had cleared them out last time.


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