Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1) Page 12

by Crystal Dawn

  There were many that he just deleted, they were scams, people selling things, or just spam. The ones left after his quick scroll through, needed to be dealt with in some fashion or another. He went through the informative ones, deleting some and saving a few. Those emails left at this point, had to be answered. Some were from council members asking for information.

  He drafted a vague answer and sent it to all of them. The one from Damon and another from Ariel, he answered in detail. The rest were less personal, but business had to be dealt with. Sadly, by the time he joined his female she was asleep. Moe would probably be pissed in the morning.

  Tyne stripped and snuggled in against her. He kissed her lips and wrapped his arms around her. This was where he felt the most peaceful. She was his everything and almost losing her had nearly drove him mad. Her scent wrapped around him and he felt the comfort of her nearness lull him to sleep. Tomorrow could take care of itself.

  Moe wasn’t a bashful female. It came as no surprise that she was waking him in the middle of the night to take care of her needs. “Baby!” He moaned as her hand wrapped tight around his shaft stroking from tip to root.

  She had his cock hard and weeping as she moved on top of him and slid down until he filled her fully. They moaned together, the pleasure intense. Moe began to lift and drop, rocking and rolling on top of him. Tyne lifted and bucked under her wanting more and more. When he couldn’t stand it anymore, he rolled so he was on top and he thrust into her hammering his cock home over and over.

  His mate was on the edge ready to fall into bliss, he could feel it. “Bite me! She screamed as her channel clutched at him. The male was confused, but the wolf took her at her word and latched on to the spot where her neck and shoulder met. The ancient words filled his mind and he felt the sting of her bite at the same time. Goddess help him if she hadn’t meant what she’d said.

  They jerked and bucked against each other riding out the most incredible orgasm ever. The mating intensified everything and he could feel the bond as it fell into place. They’d had ties that had bound them to together, but nothing compared to the strength and intensity of the mating bond. The act of mating had sapped their strength leaving them content but exhausted.

  Tyne could think of nothing that could compare to the bliss he’d just felt and the certainty that Moe was now forever and completely his. Maybe he should have waited, but his wolf felt like they had waited long enough. Their mating had been looming in front of them no matter how hard Moe had tried to push it back. He could never regret the claiming of his perfect mate.

  It would kill him if she regretted it or changed her mind now. He looked at her lying there in his arms, her face relaxed in sleep. A more beautiful female he’d never seen. Possessiveness rushed through him, he would never let her go now. Tyne relaxed his head on his pillow and fell asleep with his whole world in his embrace. Tomorrow everything would work out just like he’d promised her. His eyes closed and it was just too hard to stay awake.

  Tyne slept well until the morning when his alarm went off. Moe had already woke and her side of the bed was cool to his touch. He could smell coffee and breakfast cooking so he knew where she was and what she was up to. It still didn’t tell him how she felt about what they’d done last night but he decided to assume it was all good.

  He showered and prepared for his day. Once he was dressed he headed to the kitchen. Moe was at the stove cooking the last of the pancakes and bacon. Slipping up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her pulling her against him and he kissed the back of her neck.

  The bond between them felt so strong it nearly took him to his knees. Two years of living together only made it stronger. “Hey, Babe.” Tyne greeted her.

  “Hey, yourself.” Moe returned.

  “Could you guys save the cuddly shit for later?” Twila growled.

  “What climbed up your ass?” Moe asked.

  “All the sweetness around here is rough on the unmated.” Twila admitted.

  “In other words, you need to get laid?” Moe asked.

  “Damn, Baby. That’s my sister.” Tyne pointed out.

  “Sisters need love too.” Moe joked.

  “Not my sister. She’ll be a virgin until she’s a hundred.” Tyne teased back.

  “That’s what my brother wants to believe too.” Moe replied.

  “He’ll know different once I knock you up.” Tyne advised.

  “You’re pregnant?” Twila squealed.

  “No, we’re mated.” Moe admitted.

  “Then it could happen anytime.” Twila looked pleased. “I want some nieces and nephews to spoil.”

  “I suppose anything is possible. A few pups would be fine by me.” Tyne agreed.

  “We need to eat and get to work.” Moe snapped. They might have mated, but it didn’t look like she was ready for pups yet. That was okay, he’d take things one step at a time.

  They finished eating and cleaned up in record time. Tyne drove them all to work in Moe’s SUV. They got there just minutes before the office opened. Moe and Twila went to work at the front desk right away. It was time for things to get back to normal. He felt best when everything was on track and everyone was accounted for.

  “I have several security specialists that have finished up assignments coming in today.” Tyne mentioned.

  “We’ll be on the lookout for them.” Moe answered.

  Chapter 9

  More Mates

  It wasn’t long before the guys started heading in and picking up their assignments. There were several new clients and the training was beginning next week and the spots were almost filled. Twila would be training and Moe would be an instructor for the basic self-defense portion. Things went great during the morning and Moe called in for delivery for lunch.

  Once the food came, they had pizza boxes and drinks stacked all over the conference room. The guys came in and they were all grateful for the food. Tyne was a good boss and provided lunch a couple times a week. This was a good way for Twila to meet the guys as they came in and relaxed, eating lunch, and talking for a while before they had to go back to work.

  “How many guys work for Tyne?” Twila asked.

  “We have thirty something guys that are based out of this office. Tyne has other offices nationwide and a few in foreign countries. The ones outside the U.S. are the hardest to manage. This is his headquarters. Some of the guys work out of their homes, especially the ones who travel a lot and they aren’t considered based here even though when they do come in after an assignment, most of them come here.”

  “I had no idea his business was so big.” Twila managed.

  “It’s big now, but it’s also constantly growing. He recently opened another office with a partner. I never know what’s going to happen next.” Moe remarked.

  “How did you meet my brother, anyway?” Twila asked.

  “My aunt Ariel hired him to protect me.” Moe explained.

  “And you two just fell in love?” Twila wondered.

  “He’s an easy male to fall for. Most of my cousins are halfway in love with him.”

  “So you had competition?”

  “No, I never did. We knew the second we met although neither of us mentioned it. I was worried about mating before I had a chance to do the things I wanted to.”

  “But you two are mated now?”

  “Yes, I realized I couldn’t live without him. When I thought about all the things I wanted to do, it came to me that I hadn’t done any of them since I’d met Tyne. I wasn’t committing, but I wasn’t really living either. There was nothing I wanted to do, that I couldn’t do with him at my side.”

  “It took being abducted to make you realize that?”

  “Pretty messed up, huh?”

  “You can say that again.”

  “I could, but there’s no point. It seems sometimes things work out the way they should.”

  The door buzzed and we waited to see who would show up. If it was a customer, there was a bell for them to ring, but if
it was one of the guys we were looking for, they would just come back here. A guy appeared seconds later.

  “Hey, Moe. I heard you’ve had an exciting time.”

  “Yeah, but I’m back. Hey Trail, this is Twila. Twila, Trail is one of our field specialists.” Moe watched as the two of them just stared at each other. “Oh, my. This is about to get interesting.” Tyne was going to be upset that his sister, the one he had just gotten back, had found her mate and he was a man whore.

  “Dear goddess!” Twila cursed.

  “Oh, Sweetness.” Trail exclaimed. He didn’t seem upset at all. In fact, Trail seemed happy to have finally found his mate. “What’s wrong?”

  “This is, it’s all wrong. I have to go.” Twila said as she grabbed Tyne’s keys and hurried away. Trail started to go after her.

  “Don’t. She has to work this out on her own. You need to know what she’s been through recently.” Moe offered and then she proceeded to tell him without going into details.

  “How does someone get over something like that?” Trail asked.

  Moe assumed it was rhetorical, she had no answer. “You’d best get in to see Tyne now. He’s been waiting for you. It just doesn’t seem smart to keep him waiting.”

  “You’re right. Where is Twila staying?”

  “With me and Tyne for now.”

  “Thanks Moe. I won’t hurt her, I promise.” Trail said before going in to see Tyne. When she heard Tyne roar, she assumed Trail had come clean. She worried that telling him now may have been a mistake.


  Two weeks had passed since she had taken Tyne’s bite and bitten him in return. She had never been happier in her life and they had come up with a plan for their lives together. Moe had no desire to be an anchor around Tyne’s neck and he said he wouldn’t hold her back either.

  The plans she had for a business would move forward, but she would work with Tyne until her new building was complete. Even after that, she would travel with him often combining business and pleasure. It was something she should have done all along.

  For his part, Tyne had promised to make more time for them. He’d gone so far as to train an assistant manager who would fill in when he needed off. Twila had trained for the front desk position, but she had no intention of staying long. They were looking for a replacement and hopefully would find one soon.

  She had agreed to become Moe’s partner in the huge undertaking. The council had awarded her and other survivors damages from the Graves estate. The treasures found hidden there, with the information Twila had given the wardens, were auctioned off and Drake bought the property adding to his pack lands. Drake was thrilled since he’d never expected any land nearby to become available.

  Twila was also planning on moving out soon. She had bought a house from Ariel’s company. It was being finished this week. It was a big step, but it was one Twila felt was necessary for her healing.

  Moe knew this would help the victims move on financially, but Twila still had issues. She had met her mate and she avoided him as if he were the plague. Trail, for his part, moped around and refused to take any traveling jobs. He took local ones, but he was wasting his expertise on such simple tasks.

  Tyne was still against the mating and as long as Twila refused to come to terms with it, that didn’t matter. Twila was getting counseling, but it was hard to say if it was effective or not.

  Tina, from the salon, had come through everything fine, but oddly she had accepted what she was told and ask no questions. Moe couldn’t help but feel that was weird. Maybe it was just because Tina had developed a relationship with the wolf Tyne had left with her and that had distracted her.

  The wolf council was continuing the investigation into Graves and his years of abusing people he had captured. They were even trying to identify the skeletal remains they had found peppered all over the property. Some of the remains were estimated to be hundreds of years old. At least the council no longer had any plans to cover up atrocities like these.

  Ted and Denny Graves were in the custody of the Werewolf Council held at one of their facilities. The location was not listed in case there were others that might attempt to free them.

  Nicholas Graves had still not been located and was wanted for questioning. His part in the recent abduction was undetermined, but his guilt in past kidnappings was pretty much a proven fact. Once he was found, unless he had valuable information to trade, he would likely be imprisoned for life.

  Moe had gotten her happily ever after with her fated mate, but it was clear that danger still potentially lurked around every corner. She could only hope someday all the loose ends would be tied and the world her pups were born into would be safer than the one she now knew.

  Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Series

  Book 2

  Bad Habit

  Trail knew the second he saw Twila that his whole life was about to change. Surprisingly, he didn’t run, she did. After all the seemingly timid she-wolf had been through, he knew he’d have to handle her carefully. If he didn’t get this right, his boss, who was her brother, would want to pound on him.

  Twila had run from the most gorgeous male she’d ever seen. She just wasn’t ready to settle down. A friend had finally talked her into dating and checking into a business and a bossy alpha male would ruin everything. The problem was she wanted him and she could tell he wanted her too.

  What were two seemingly mismatched wolves to do, but try to avoid each other? Life was about to get even more interesting and hopefully they would both survive it.

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  (Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)

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  If you want to read books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Planet Amazon Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series (a completed trilogy)

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series (A free series)

  Keepers of the Land Series (A completed 6 book series.)

  Frozen Origin Series

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series (A ménage series)

  Loved by a God series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack 1 & 2

  The Red Wolf Series

  Lucifer Frozen Origin Demons

  Winged Beast Series

  Witches of Ulyss Series

  White Wolf Matriarchs (A completed Trilogy)

  Coming soon:

  The Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc.

  Catty Diva

  The Mating Games Series

  Books 1-10

  The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe


  Can a bad day turn your life around?

  Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew, and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it. Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  He is the leader of the gods. No, not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are
named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.

  She leads the team that has come to free them. She and her team always come in first and leave first on every mission, which is a good thing because she is drawn to the gorgeous god. She needs to leave to get on with her life and the career she loves.

  She doesn’t want to settle down, he is unwilling to settle for anything less. When they are thrown together fighting Origin and secrets are revealed, will it bring them closer together or place insurmountable obstacles in their path?

  Note: graphic sex and is for adult readers only.

  The Mating Games

  By Catty Diva

  Book 1


  Razar needs a mate but on his planet there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible but if they find out the secrets of his kind, they will refuse to send them mates.

  Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game she will be free to keep the money and return home.

  Can she outwit him or will he claim her heart before it's game over?

  Note: For mature readers only.




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