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A Treasure Brought by Fate: A Historical Western Romance Book

Page 28

by Lorelei Brogan

  Lyla nodded. “I’m famished. Roast sounds perfect.”

  “What, you didn’t fill up on the jerky we had this morning?” James teased.

  “There is nothing in the world that compares to your mother’s cooking.” Lyla laughed.

  “You’re right there,” James agreed, scooping Joey up and placing him on his shoulders. “Let’s go have some of that home cooking.”

  Lyla watched the way that James treated her son. It made her love him even more. She wondered how it was possible that she had found a man like him. He was everything a girl could hope for—exactly the kind of man that she had thought didn’t exist.

  She smiled. Her sister would have been happy for her. She would have gone on and on about how she knew that Lyla would find the right one. Lyla could almost hear her voice now.

  Sadness washed over her for a moment. If only her sister were here to see her now, or even her parents. Even her minister father would have been pleased with James.

  Lyla sighed. She hoped that her luck in life had changed. She wasn’t sure that she would be able to get over it if something happened to James or to Joey.

  When Lyla stepped into the cabin, she was hit by the familiar smell of cooking food and the heat of the fire, crackling in the parlor fireplace.

  She was surprised when she found Karen in the kitchen. Karen came running over and gave Lyla a tight hug. “I’m so glad you are okay and back. I was so worried. I didn’t come out with everyone else, because I wanted to give you all a moment, first.”

  Lyla stepped back with tears in her eyes. She was so glad that this whole ordeal as over, and she was also touched by how many people she had in her life who cared about her now.

  “What happened? Did he make you go? Where is Keith now?” Karen’s questions came one after another and Lyla felt a little overwhelmed.

  She had never had a friend who was so concerned about her or seemed to genuinely care the way Karen did.

  “I think he might be going to jail. He didn’t hurt me, but he would have taken me and made me marry him if James hadn’t stopped him.”

  “So, are you and James still getting married now?” Karen asked, glancing between Lyla and James.

  James chuckled and wrapped his arm around Lyla’s shoulders. “I believe that our wedding is still in order. Do you have a date in mind?”

  Lyla balked at the question. She really hadn’t thought of a date. Before all of this had happened, she had been planning with Karen and Bonnie, but now, all of that seemed so long ago.

  “Actually, Merrick and I were talking. If you would like, we thought maybe we could share the day for both of our weddings.”

  Lyla looked between James and Karen. “Are you sure? Isn’t that your special day?”

  Karen smiled from ear to ear. “It would be that much more special if we shared it with our closest friends.”

  James looked touched by the thoughtfulness. “We’ll talk about it and let you know, but I do believe that’s the kindest proposal that’s been given to me in a while.”

  The three of them stood in silence until Joey and Bonnie joined them. “Come on, you guys. Dinner is ready and waiting.”

  Lyla wanted to talk more, but everything around her was moving so fast. Everyone was talking and everyone wanted her attention. It was as if she were coming home after being gone for years instead of days.

  Lyla, James, and Karen all walked into the kitchen just as there was a knock at the door. Lyla watched as James went to open it.

  Merrick and Daniel were standing there, looking awkward as if they didn’t know if it was okay that they had showed up or not.

  “Come on in! We were just about to have supper.” James motioned for his two friends to step into the parlor. “Ma? Is there enough roast for two more?”

  Bonnie poked her head back out of the kitchen. “The more the merrier! Find a seat; there’s plenty of food.”

  Lyla was glad Daniel and Merrick had come. After all, they had played a big role in her rescue. She didn’t know what would have happened if they hadn’t been there to help James. She could still see his face as he had demanded that Keith let her go.

  She had been so relieved and yet so scared for him. She had thought that her worst fear was about to play out, and she was going to see James shot right in front of her.

  Everyone filed into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Daniel and Merrick pulled over a board and two stumps to make a bench on one side, since there weren’t enough chairs for everyone.

  Bonnie and Karen began to set out the food. Lyla had offered to help, but they’d insisted that she should rest and enjoy the night with Joey and James.

  There were mashed potatoes with a delicious-looking gravy, a perfectly cooked roast, steamed squash, and carrots. There was also freshly-baked bread and a block of butter churned from the cream from the cows on the ranch.

  “This looks like the best meal I’ve had all year,” Daniel exclaimed, rubbing his hands together.

  Everyone laughed and James stood up to help his mother pass plates around.

  “Let’s all say grace,” James announced when everyone was served and ready to eat.

  They joined hands and Lyla listened as James said one of the most beautiful prayers that she had ever heard.

  She felt her heart swell with love and pride. She finally had the family that she’d thought she would never have. She had people who loved her, she had her son, and soon, she would have a husband.

  When she opened her eyes, they were misty, and from across the table, she saw that Bonnie’s were, too.

  “What happened to Keith? Is he in the jailhouse?” James asked, bringing Lyla’s attention back to him.

  “Yes, one of the men from town is watching him for a couple hours until we get back. I’m sure that he will more than qualify to go to prison in one of the bigger cities, since we don’t have what it takes to keep him locked up here for long. Besides I wouldn’t want to have to listen to that man chatter on and complain like he does for long.”

  “You’re probably right about that. The question is, where will they send him? I think for everything he did, they won’t be letting him out, even though he does have a lot of money.”

  Lyla certainly hoped not. She hoped Keith would go to jail for a very long time—in fact, hopefully, forever.

  He deserved every bit of punishment they gave him. Anyone who would take a child from his mother to fulfill his own selfish desires deserved much worse than prison.

  Lyla took a bite of the potatoes and gravy and savored the flavor. Bonnie had certainly outdone herself on this dinner.

  The whole time she had been in that stagecoach with Keith, she had wondered if she’d ever again sit at this table and eat food made by Bonnie.

  Now that those things were happening, she could hardly believe it. She felt so thankful and happy she could hardly contain herself.

  Lyla sent up a little prayer of her own, a prayer of gratefulness and happiness. God seemed to know what he was doing. He had put her right where she needed to be and fixed her life in way that she had never imagined possible.

  “Lyla, Grandma Bonnie said you’re going to be my new mama. Is that true?” Joey’s little voice brought her back to the present.

  “Yes, Joey. Would you like that?”

  Joey looked as if he were thinking about it. His little nose and eyebrows scrunched together.

  “I think I would, but if you’re going to be my new mama, what happens to my other mama?” Joey looked at her with big blue eyes full of sadness.

  “Well, your other mama is up in a very special place in heaven. She told me that she wanted me to take care of you until you can be with her again one day. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds good. What about James? My parents sent him to watch me, too. Will he still watch out for me?”

  Lyla gave a little laugh and glanced at James. “Of course, he will. James and I are going to be married, so that kind of makes him like your second papa.
Does that sound nice?”

  Joey nodded and grinned. “It does.” After a moment, his look of worry returned. “We’re not going to leave Grandma Bonnie, are we?”

  “Of course not, she’s going to live right here with us, and you’ll see her every single day.”

  “And Sam, too? Will he always be my dog?”

  “Yes, Sam will be your dog. He is also happy that you came back home.”

  “Oh, okay.” Joey took a big bite of roast. “I’m glad you came back, Lyla. I was really scared the bad man wasn’t going to let you come home.”

  It was the first time Lyla had heard Joey speak of their ordeal. It made her sad to know that Joey had had any part of that.

  “You don’t have to worry about the bad man anymore. He’s locked up somewhere where he can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

  This time, Joey seemed content with her answers. He continued to shovel food into his mouth while Lyla watched him, and the conversation continued around them.

  Chapter 38

  “You look absolutely stunning.” Karen turned to Lyla with a genuine smile on her face.

  “Are you sure? I’m not sure that I look that good in it.” Lyla still wasn’t certain about the wedding dress. It looked a little over the top. She felt bad that James had spent so much money getting a new dress made for their wedding.

  James had insisted that it was completely worth it, that it was just one day in their lives and it needed to be special.

  “You look so beautiful and so different in your dress that I doubt James will even recognize you.”

  Lyla smiled at her friend. “You look twice as beautiful as I do.”

  Karen smoothed down her skirt with a shy smile. “Do you think so? Do you think Merrick will like it?”

  “I’ve seen the way Merrick looks at you, and I think that he would love you even if you were dressed in a potato sack.”

  The two erupted into giggles together.

  This was something that Lyla had imagined doing with a friend, back when she hadn’t really had one. The two women were having the most important day of their lives together.

  Merrick and James had talked it over and everyone had agreed that it would make a happy day even more joyful if they shared it.

  “Here are your flowers. Now, look in the mirror.” Karen turned Lyla by the shoulders toward the small mirror on the wall.

  Lyla looked back at the girl staring at her. Her hair was done up with little white flowers and she had a happy glow about her. Lyla knew it was her, but she barely even recognized herself.

  “Thank you, for everything you’ve done for me. You are everything I ever wanted in a friend,” she said genuinely, looking through the mirror at Karen behind her.

  Karen giggled, a little nervously. “You, Lyla, have been a better friend than I could ever ask for.”

  The two women embraced each other, and Lyla felt a warmth spread through her soul.

  A knock at the door made them both spin around. It opened a crack and Bonnie slipped inside. “Look at the two of you! You’re the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen!” she gushed.

  “Thank you,” Lyla and Karen said in unison.

  “I came to get you because they’re ready to begin.”

  Karen and Lyla exchange a glance. They followed Bonnie out of the room and outside to where the local preacher was waiting for them, along with their grooms.

  Their family, friends, and most of the townspeople were gathered, waiting to see them united together, creating two new families.

  As the music began, they walked side by side to the front to join their waiting grooms.

  Lyla stood beside James and they watched as Merrick and Karen joined hands and began their wedding vows.

  The preacher performed the simple ceremony and, when they had completed it, he announced, “You may kiss your bride. I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  They turned and walked through the middle of the crowd while everyone cheered and threw rice at them.

  Then, everyone settled down and turned toward the front once more. Now that it was their turn, Lyla felt suddenly nervous.

  “Are you ready for this?” James asked softly.

  “More ready than I’ll ever be,” Lyla answered, looking up at him with eyes full of love.

  He took her hand and led her to the center in front. She looked around at all the people watching.

  In the crowd, Lyla spotted several familiar faces that she had gotten to know over last few months. They were smiling up at the couple with encouraging, kind looks.

  Lyla looked into James’s eyes. He looked so happy, so gentle and kind. She felt as if she didn’t deserve such a wonderful man. What had she done for God to bless her in this way?

  They went through all of their vows as Karen and Merrick had done and finally, it was their turn to share their first kiss as a married couple. James leaned forward and kissed Lyla gently on the lips and she leaned into him, enjoying the warmth he gave out.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” the preacher said, making Lyla return to the reality she was living.

  This was what she had never imagined was possible…marrying someone she loved so much that her heart actually ached.

  One they were officially wed, it was their turn to walk down into the crowd and receive their congratulations, as well as the rice that was tossed at them with love and happiness.

  Once they had joined Karen and Merrick, someone called out that it was time to eat.

  Everyone headed to the two long tables filled with food that the guests had all brought. There were often weddings where there was barely enough for everyone to have a small cup of something or share a little morsel—but today, everyone had brought generously and there were foods of all kinds to share.

  “So, looks like I’m the only one left out,” Daniel said, walking up to them.

  James gave him a mocking sympathetic look. “I suppose you are, but it shouldn’t take you too long to find a wife if you really try. Look around… there are lots of pretty ladies here. You just need to charm one with your good looks.”

  Daniel shrugged. “I think I’ll let the two of you try this whole marriage thing out first and let me know if it’s worth it.”

  Merrick shoved him playfully in the shoulder. “Of course, it’s worth it. You just wait. We’re going to be eating like kings and you’ll still be having bachelor food.”

  “So, you’re saying you only married for the food?” Daniel asked, wiggling his eyebrows in Karen’s direction.

  “Of course not. That’s just one of the benefits.” Merrick grabbed Karen suddenly and swung her around in a circle.

  “I have to get back to the jailhouse.” Daniel looked disappointed. “They decided that today, of all days, they are going to pick up Keith from his cell.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry about that. One of us would go, but we’re all tied up here.” James held Lyla’s hand up to emphasize his point, earning him a fake glare from Daniel.

  “I’ll forgive you this time, just because it’s your wedding day, but I expect you should take over lots of extra days to make up for all the time I’ve covered for you these past few months.”


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