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Timor (Bratva Blood Brothers, #13)

Page 5

by KJ Dahlen

  Timor smiled as he let her ramble on for a moment. Finally, he reached out and pulled her flat on her back. Hovering over her, he kissed her hard. He pushed his tongue past her lips and began the dance of going in and out, mimicking what he knew he would be doing in a short amount to time.

  He pulled the sheet off of both of them and when the sheet was on the floor, he laid his own body over top of hers and settled himself in the cradle of her hips. Her night gown had ridden up and leaving her core exposed to the night air, he quickly covered her skin with his. Growling at not being all skin to skin, he quickly pulled her gown over her head. That was better as now he could see everything, could feel everything.

  He groaned as he felt her bare skin on his own. Where he was hard, she was soft. It had been a while since he was with a woman last but she had him so hard at the moment and he couldn’t remember being this hard for a very long time.

  Looking down into her face he asked, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  She began to tremble. “Oh god, yes. Please...”

  He looked down at her and leaning down, he crushed her lips under his own. He felt his heartbeat speeding up as the blood flowed to flood his cock making it grow hard fairly quickly. He nibbled along her jaw and to her neck. She groaned as he made his way down to her shoulders and the top of her breasts.

  Her breasts might not have been taut and high but they were still full and round. And oh, so soft. They filled Timor’s hands rather nicely. He noted her nipples were like hard little buttons and he suckled them into his mouth.

  Her scent then hit him, as she grew aroused. Da, she reminded him of apples and sugar like the sweet cookies they make in Russia. Timor wanted to taste her sweetness, maybe next time. If he took her core into his mouth right now, he wouldn’t be able to hold off long enough to fuck her. Just now, he wanted to be inside her when he came for the first time.

  He dropped his hand between them and went straight to her core. She was damp already but he knew he was a bigger size for a man his age. He’d always been bigger and at least age hadn’t taken that away from him. He began pushing his fingers inside her. The more he pushed the wetter she was getting.

  “Please I need more, I need you inside me,” she begged.

  “You aren’t ready to take me yet,” he whispered.

  “I don’t care I need to feel you inside me.” She groaned.

  Timor wrapped her arms around her legs and pulled her closer. The tip of his cock found her core and he took her slowly, pushing his way into her heat gradually. Her juices covered him and he groaned as he slipped inside her.

  Daisy moaned as he pushed into her. He had been right, his cock was bigger than most men even at their ages. But she took him into her tightness slowly. God, did he feel good. She had to bite her lip in order not to shout out his name.

  When he was balls deep inside her he waited for her to adjust to his size before he began moving. Very slowly he began the dance older than time. Sliding in and out of her, he began to really feel them together, she was a perfect fit for him.

  When she wrapped her legs around his waist Timor groaned as he slipped in deeper with every stroke. Her hand wrapped around his back and Timor felt them urging him in deeper. But he didn’t want to hurt her. He tried to hold back but when he felt her fingers dig into the meat on his ass he began to lose control.

  He slammed into her and she took his thrusts. Again and again, he slammed into her as she widened her legs. Soon, he was hammering her core with his body and suddenly they both lost it at the very same time. Timor covered her mouth with his own in order to keep the noise of their flying over the edge as quiet as he could and he sucked on her tongue

  She tightened down on him as she came apart in his arms and he painted her walls with his heat. He hadn’t come this hard in years and when he finished, he fell on top of her, weakened by the experience. For a long moment... he couldn’t move.

  Finally, he tried to move off her but her arms tightened around him holding him in place a moment longer. When she finally released him, he slid down beside her.

  Wrapping his huge arms around her, he snuggled close to her. She felt good in his arms, she fit his body perfectly in this way also. Timor couldn’t believe his own actions. In the past, he’d never been one to snuggle with his partner. Before when he finished, he would get up and dress and went home alone. He always slept alone in his own bed but now? Now he didn’t want to sleep alone, he wanted to fall asleep with her in his arms.

  He rolled over on his back and pulled her over to his chest. She laid her head down on his skin and then she did something that surprised him. She poked her tongue out and licked his sweaty nipple.

  Timor groaned and tightened his arm around her.

  She smiled and snuggled down in his arms.

  Timor stared at the ceiling a few minutes. The world around him was good. He closed his eyes and for once, his world was right and whole

  Daisy had fallen asleep swiftly. Then sometime later she s awoke to his kisses along her neck. Her eyes lowly opened. It was still dark in the room so she didn’t know how long a time had gone by.

  His mouth moved to her chest then down to her nipples and he laved both of them with his hot mouth.

  At this point, she didn’t know which part of her wanted him more. There was a part that wanted to slide her lips over his delicate skin and taste every inch of him. Another ached to the point she feared she might curl into a ball if he didn’t satisfy her again.

  He climbed over her and settled in between her thighs like he’d done before. “Are you ready for some more?” he asked as he rested the head of his cock at her juncture and she dropped her head back.

  He gave her a long lick along the column of her neck and she let out a long moan, “Yessss...” In response, she felt herself fill as he lifted her left leg, opened her wider and went deeper. Again, neither could control themselves as the sounds of release and pleasure filled the room.

  Strokes against her body made every book with sex in it she ever read seem like child’s play. Timor was the type of lover she’d dreamed of, but never imagined she would find. His lips explored her neck and her mouth as he kept a rhythm that had her on a pleasure ride and on the verge of orgasm.

  “Not yet,” he whispered. “Hold onto it Deyzi.”

  How does one do that? She thought as she let out a whimper and wrapped her arms tight around his body while her nails scored his back. He let out a hiss and gave her a look of satisfaction as his pace increased. Her right leg locked around his waist and they were more than one being. As his eyes peered into hers, she became transfixed. He owned her and not just in that moment. She prayed it was a mutual feeling as he captured her lips and they rolled in the bed, so she was on top of him. His hardness hadn’t diminished. In fact, it had grown longer and now was piercing her in the sweetest way imaginable.

  Her hips rotated and she rode him slow at first as she attempted to fit him perfectly inside her. The pain of his large length dissipated and the sweet feel of release rippled against his shaft as she came apart above him. He groaned and thrust upwards as she rode him. Her fingers locked on his as she pinned them to the mattress to give herself a base.

  “I thought I told you to wait.”

  “I never said I liked to be told what to do,” she replied with a nip to his bottom lip. “But you are making me very susceptible to it.”

  “You do seem to be what they call mouthy,” he smirked and she continued to rotate her hips making the first orgasm roll into another and another. His eyes rolled back in his head and he pulled her down to him. Their mouths melted against each other and he pulsed inside her.

  Every part of Daisy felt wanted and loved. Her skin was alive as she discovered a connection she never dreamed existed in the world.

  They both again, came together. Never had she dreamed sex could be so perfect. Not like this.

  Timor reached for the blanket, and wrapped her up as she curled against his chest. His
fingers played with her hair as he let out a satisfied sigh and they both fell asleep again.

  Chapter Five

  By the time the sun came up hours later, Timor opened his eyes slowly. They hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before but he felt well rested. They had had come together two more times during the night and while he should have been exhausted he felt great.

  He looked down at the woman still in his bed and smiled. Then he thanked god he wasn’t twenty or even thirty at the moment. He had been a cruel man back then. When he found his ex and found out about his sons, he had been an arrogant man. He didn’t understand that until years later.

  It was the way he’d grown up, the lessons he’d learned at his father’s side that led him to believe his way was the only way that counted. He had come to know he had a lot to learn on how to treat a woman back then. He realized that the boy’s mother had run because of his harsh nature. He didn’t know now if it would have changed the outcome. She hadn’t been responsible with the boys he’d found out much later.

  He turned his head toward the window and watched as the light began to filter through the trees outside. He turned his head back to the woman at his side to see she was watching him back. Her eyes were a swirl of blue varying in color from light to dark.

  She watched him for a moment then closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she too looked toward the window. “I suppose we should get up huh? Another day is starting and I got work to do.” She pushed the covers off to quickly find her nightgown and threw it over her shoulders.

  Timor put out his hand to hold her shoulder and keep her with him. Leaning over her shoulder, he whispered in her ear, “Thank you for last night.”

  Daisy stiffened and glanced over her shoulder. Looking him in the eyes, she said, “I hope I wasn’t too forward.”

  Timor took her hand and pushed it to his waist. “If we had more time I’d show you that I still want you badly but right now, we both have work to do. Maybe tonight?”

  Daisy smiled slightly. “Perhaps, we’ll see what the day brings won’t we?”

  “Da, but you belong to me now,” Timor stated. He meant this too, he realized. He was ready for a woman, ready for this woman. He just didn’t know if he should push her like he just did. He needed to handle this better than he had in the past. If he knew how. What was that about a cat changing its spots?

  Daisy didn’t say anything but got up and walked over to the hidden door. After she disappeared through it, Timor frowned. He got out of bed and began swearing in Russian. Gathering some clean clothes from his bag, he went to shower and get ready for the day.

  A few minutes later, he joined the rest of them in the kitchen. He looked to his men and they nodded. “Everything went well last night?” he asked.

  “Da, everything was quiet,” Petr assured him.

  Sasha sipped his coffee. “I was able to place some cameras last night, we should have every angle covered both front and back. I put eyes on the barns as well.”

  Daisy swung around and stared at them both. “What are you guys talking about? Eyes front and back? What does that mean?”

  “It means if Anton comes back, we’ll see him long before he sees us,” Timor told her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what you were going to do before you did it?” Daisy asked harshly.

  “We spoke about this last night,” Timor reminded her. “I assumed you would be okay with the safety measures we were going to use.” He walked over to her and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “I didn’t want to have you ever feel the way you felt when he firebombed your chicken coop. At least this way, you could take him by surprise the next time he shows up.”

  Daisy stared at him in confusion.

  Timor grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Unless we take him down in the next three days, then my men will take the cameras down before they leave.”

  “They?” she whispered under her breath, so only he would hear her.

  “I’m thinking maybe I’ll stick around. I like this farm and I could get used to you in my bed every night,” he whispered back.

  “I could go for that myself,” she admitted while looking bright eyed. Then she turned to the men. “Well, we got chores to do before we can eat, so let’s get on them.”

  Joel and Edward got to their feet. When Pavel, Petr and Sasha got to theirs as well, Timor nodded and fell into line as everyone else went out to the barn.

  Halfway to the barn, Sasha got an alert on his phone. He called out to Timor quietly, “Boss, we got a breach.”

  Timor grabbed Daisy and asked, “Front or back?”

  “Back and on foot.”

  He looked down at her and saw her worried expression. “You and your men have to go back to the house. We have an intruder coming in from the back.” He looked over at Sasha and took note of the two fingers Sasha was holding up. He looked over at Edward and took note of his snarling face. “Take positions both in the front of the house and the back of the house. Don’t shoot unless you have to. Then shoot to wound, not to kill. Protect your home and your cousin.”

  “I can take care of myself you stupid man.” Daisy snarled. “I can also protect my home.”

  When he turned to look at her, he found no fear in her eyes only rage. Suddenly, he felt proud of her courage. “We’ll take a look around and find them.” He put his huge hands around her face and stared at her for a moment. “I know you can take care of you and yours, I just hate the fact that you have to do so. I’ll be back, so you’d better take care that you don’t get hurt. I have plans for you later.” He brushed his lips on hers then turned her toward the house again.

  Daisy looked stunned speechless as she stared at him with wide eyes.

  Swatting her ass, he smiled when she growled at him then he watched as the three of them got back inside the house.

  When they were all inside, he turned back to his men. Pulling his weapon out from under his jacket, he grinned. Damn, he felt good, so alive and ready to rock. “Let’s go hunting boys. We need to find them before they get to the animals or to the house. Anton isn’t going to get this farm or her.” Then he glared at them. “Don’t kill them but neutralize them. They can stand trial for what they’ve done here, once we get them back home. We can use them to spread the word not to fuck with the Bratva.”

  They split up and covered the barns and sheds.

  Timor knew his men were comfortable playing this kind of game and they were the best of his entire team. When Timor entered the barn, he sought out the sensors in the barn. When he found them, he noted the lights were red. If anyone had breached this place, the lights would have been green.

  He made his way deeper into the barn while his eyes began searching the shadows. The animals weren’t showing signs yet, of anything being wrong, so he wasn’t worried about that. Making his way to the back of the structure, he found a place to search the back pastures.

  At first, he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, then on the second sweep, he saw some movement in the distance. He grabbed his phone and tapped it for Sasha. When the other man answered he whispered, “Down by the fence line near the big tree.”

  “Ok, I’ll get this one, you got the other one coming up almost to the barn.”

  “Da, I’ll get this one. Tell the others to stay out of sight but to keep eyes open in case there are more out there. Remember don’t kill him, we might be able to get some information on Anton from them.”

  “Ok, boss we won’t kill him but he may be a bit bruised.”

  “I don’t care about that, by the time we get done with him he’ll be a lot bruised,” Timor agreed. “Here I go... my guy is about to breach the exterior.” He slipped the phone into his pocket and crept along the back wall. He judged the right place Anton’s man would sneak in and he was there waiting for him. He waited until the man stuck his head through the door then brought his weapon down on his head. The man collapsed to lie half in and half out of the barn. Timor pulled him inside and closed
the door behind him.

  He grabbed a small tangle of twine and tied the unconscious man’s hands behind his back. Then he dragged him to a far corner of the barn and tossed him against the wall. Next, he searched his body.

  The others joined him dragging the other man along with him.

  Timor placed the items he found on the ground beside him and the more he found... the more enraged he became. Between the two men, they found several knives a small can of lighter fluid and a bunch of zip ties. They weren’t the usual size but instead they were longer and thicker.

  Timor could only imagine what they intended to do with what they brought with them. He dug deeper and found one of them had a cigarette lighter in his pocket. They figured out part of it anyway. Timor had a feeling the zip ties were for the animals and once they were all tied up the men were going to set fire to the barn. Well, that wasn’t going to happen, not on his watch.

  “What do you want to do with these two?” Sasha asked as they all stared at what was found between the two of them.

  “I have to call Yuri in on this as I’m sure he’ll want to question these two. Pavel, track their footprints back to their vehicles and find out if anyone is waiting for them. If not, drive their car into the lake. Then return,” Timor ordered.

  “Da, I think he will. Of course that will be after we talk to them.” Pavel sneered.

  “Da,” Timor agreed. “They dared to harm what’s not theirs to harm. Daisy is mine and I’m going to show them the error of their ways.”

  “You are claiming her then?” Sasha looked shocked.

  “Da, I have claimed her, she just doesn’t know it yet.” Timor rose to his full height and turned to face his men. He caught sight of another man standing at the front door of the barn, actually two men standing there.


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