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ADifferentKindOfCosplay Page 4

by Lucy Felthouse

  “Yes.” He stepped up to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “I love you, sweetheart. What I love even more is the fact that I bought you an Amazon voucher for your thirtieth birthday and you didn’t bat an eye. But that’s not your real present. This is.” Waving his hand, he indicated himself.

  “You put a shirt and trousers on to have sex?” She giggled. “That’s very, um, considerate of you, darling, but wouldn’t it have made more sense to take your clothes off?”

  The look on Zach’s face told Reese she still wasn’t getting it.

  He rolled his eyes. “Doctor, for a seriously smart woman, you’re being very dumb. Think about it. Yes, this is my shirt. But have you ever seen these trousers before? Or these glasses? I’m trying to be someone.” Running his hand through his hair, he sighed. “Fuck, I’ve done this all wrong, haven’t I? I remembered your chosen order and was sticking to it, but this outfit is the most vague—you’d have twigged straight away if I’d chosen any of the other ones, I’m sure.”

  “Outfit? My chosen order?” Zach was right—she must be being completely dumb, because she could not comprehend what was going on. Who the fuck was he supposed to be? And why?

  “Let me help you out, sweetheart.” He cleared his throat, then spoke again. “That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always angry.”

  Reese’s mouth dropped open as she finally caught on. Her heart pounded and she felt heat rushing to her cheeks. “Fuck! Seriously? You dressed up as Bruce Banner? For me?” Another realization hit her. “And you’ve got other outfits? Shit—do you have the whole collection?”

  “Shut up, Reese, and kiss me. Doctor’s orders.”

  Grinning, she took that as his answer. Slipping her arms around Zach’s waist, she pulled him close and stretched up to do as he commanded. Their lips met, and immediately delicious sensations began rushing around Reese’s body. She’d pretty much worked out how the late afternoon, evening and night were going to go now, and they held immeasurable amounts of pleasure and promise.

  Zach had leaned down into their embrace so they could deepen their kiss. Parting her lips, Reese eagerly accepted Zach’s tongue, capturing it with her own and tangling them together. They explored each other’s mouths, their mutual affection and attraction ramping up steadily as they kissed.

  The heat that had taken over Reese’s cheeks had now gone considerably further south, pooling in her groin. Without even looking or touching, she knew her vulva and clit were swelling, and that she was growing wetter by the second. Zach had the ability to do this to her on any given day—even after several years together, she still fancied the pants off of him—but today was something special. He’d gone above and beyond, buying her a gift card to put her off the scent while secretly planning something that was so utterly personal, so totally thoughtful and unbelievably sexy that she could scarcely believe it was happening. He’d clearly put some serious time and effort into this, and all without her suspecting a thing.

  Kissing him harder, more passionately, she poured every ounce of her need for him into it, hoping he felt it. Felt just how fucking delighted, ecstatic she was about his insane yet ingenious plan.

  After several long, erotic moments, Reese pulled away, gasping for air. “Doctor Banner,” she said huskily, smirking as she spotted the erection tenting the crotch of Zach’s trousers, “my boyfriend isn’t around right now. Would you like to take advantage of that fact?”

  “What do you have in mind?” He pushed his glasses up his nose. Reese thought it was fucking adorable.

  “Oh, I dunno…maybe super-hot monkey sex in your laboratory? Just keep that gamma radiation stuff away from me. And for God’s sake, don’t get angry.”

  “I think I can manage that.” Taking her hand, he led her into the kitchen, then to the table. “Pop your sweet little ass on my laboratory workstation, and I’ll make sure none of my fellow scientists can see what we’re about to get up to. Especially not Stark.” He tipped her a wink before moving off to shut the door—which had a line of sight through to the living room window—and close all the blinds.

  Reese watched him, shaking her head incredulously. Her estate agent boyfriend was dressed up as Bruce Banner! His face and hair might not bear any resemblance to Mark Ruffalo’s, but his backside looked equally good in those high-waisted trousers. Firm and taut and utterly squeezable. Yum. She could understand why he’d chosen to go the Banner route, rather than the Hulk route, and she was glad. Even an uber-geek like her would struggle to find a man covered in green body makeup sexy. Not to mention that it would be a pain in the arse to get the stuff off Zach. No, she liked her men skin-colored, and she was going to thoroughly enjoy screwing Bruce Banner in his laboratory before he went off to do some more experiments and was replaced by Iron Man. She wondered whether her next superhero visitor would be in human clothes or his metal suit.

  As Zach turned to her with a grin, pushing his glasses up his nose again, Reese figured her wonderings could wait. Right now, she had a genius scientist to fuck.

  Chapter Nine

  “You look very sexy in those glasses, doctor,” Reese said as Zach stepped up next to the table. “But can you see me all right?”

  He winked. “Don’t worry, they’re plain glass. I can see you just fine, gorgeous. Happy birthday.”

  He moved between her thighs, and she took advantage by hooking her feet around the backs of his legs and pulling him closer. “Thank you. I have to say, I’m very much looking forward to my present.” Rocking her hips, she enjoyed the sensation of his hard cock pressing against her through their layers of clothes.

  “And I,” he replied, leaning down and kissing her, “am very much looking forward to giving you your present.” He kissed her again, but lingered this time, nibbling on her bottom lip then sucking it into his mouth. Tingles radiated out from the area, and she hummed happily as arousal zinged her nipples, then pooled in her groin.

  When he released her lip, she immediately pushed her tongue into his mouth, seeking his out once more. They dueled and caressed, explored and played. Reese was supremely excited by the turn of events, mentally, physically and sexually, and was torn between the temptation to pull out Zach’s cock and stick it inside her, and the need to take her time, truly savor what was happening.

  She decided to keep a check on her rampant hormones for now. Well, for as long as she could hold out, anyway. Reaching around Zach, she gripped his buttocks. They were just as luscious as she’d imagined when she’d been checking him out just minutes before. Squeezing, she rocked her pelvis at the same time, stimulating her clit, sending sparks of pleasure dancing across her skin. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and that indescribable feeling of warmth, of intense need, crashed through her body.

  Zach pushed her further into bliss when he began to play with her breasts, holding them, weighing them. He pinched her nipples, lightly at first, then gradually increasing the pressure until Reese was forced to twist her face away from his and let out a cry. It was as if he’d tapped directly into her bloodstream and was pumping it full of pure arousal. Jerking her hips, she ground against his erection, eager for contact, for stimulation. The pain he was creating in her nipples was driving her crazy, removing the precarious grip she had on her self-control.

  “Uh,” she moaned, sucking in a deep breath and attempting to regain the use of her voice. “I didn’t know you were into giving pain, doctor.”

  Releasing one of her nipples, he slid the glasses back up his noise again. Reese’s pussy let out a trickle of warm juice in response. Christ, she’d have to get him to wear those more often—with or without the rest of the Bruce Banner get-up.

  “I’m into whatever you like, little lady. It’s your birthday, after all. My wish is your command.” Grinning, he added, “Within reason.”

  “Damn,” she said with a giggle, “I was going to ask you to get one of your fellow Avengers in here so you could share me.”

  Zach quirked a brow. “That might be problematic
. I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with me.”

  “Ohhh,” she sighed dramatically, “I’m sure I’ll cope. Anyway, I think I’d like you to make me come now, please.”

  “Any preference as to how?”

  “You’re the clever one. Surprise me.”

  Shooting her a wicked grin that made her melt, he replied, “I’ll do my best.”

  He reached for the hem of her top, yanked it up and over her head, and dropped it carelessly to the tiled floor. Then he bent to her chest and closed his lips over her right nipple—through her bra. It was a thin, satiny affair that did little to mask the heat and wetness of his mouth, and added an unusual dimension to having her nipples sucked.

  She liked it. Arching into his touch, she was grateful for his hands supporting her back as she tangled her fingers in his hair and held on, keeping him right where she wanted him. When he tried to move, she allowed him only as far as the other stiff bud, which was eager to be given the same treatment. She enjoyed the delicious sensation all over again, the gradual buildup of heat, the dampness of his saliva slowly seeping through the material and onto her sensitive skin.

  Zach licked, sucked and nibbled at her flesh, switching back and forth between her nipples until she was wild with lust, feeling like a feral cat on heat. “Za—I mean, Bruce?”

  “Hmm?” He didn’t take his mouth off her.

  “Please take my clothes off and put your talented tongue between my legs.”

  Straightening, he said, “It would be my genuine pleasure.”

  “That’s not even your line,” she giggled, impressed by the amount of research he’d put into his insane venture.

  “It is now,” he shot back, capturing her lips and kissing her long and hard, until she was breathless. Only then did he pull away, making short work of her bra, then bending to remove her shoes and socks.

  “Stand up a sec, babe.” Zach patted her thigh. “Let me get these off you.”

  Seconds later she was utterly naked, a fact that was amplified for her by the fact she was standing in their kitchen. It was weird, kinky and sexy all at once.

  Guiding her back onto the table, Zach grabbed a chair and placed it in front of her. Sitting down, he was in the perfect position to eat her pussy. And that was exactly what he did. He spread her legs and blew repeatedly over her heated skin, sending shivers skittering up her spine and giving her goose bumps.

  Then, without any warning whatsoever, he clamped his hot mouth onto her vulva.

  Reese let out a yelp and jerked her legs over his shoulders, pulling him harder onto her. There was no way she was letting her gorgeous scientist go until she’d come all over his face. At the rate he was going, it wouldn’t take too long anyway.

  The talented tongue she’d spoken of was working its magic, lapping at her folds and exploring her entrance before moving to write a veritable novel on her clit. Zach swiped his tongue this way and that, stopping every now and again to draw circles around the distended flesh, drawing out the teasing to the extreme.

  With a growl and a squeeze of her thighs, Reese said, “Hey, Banner. If you wanna fuck me, you’d better hurry up and make me come before I change my mind.”

  She got no verbal response. Instead he pulled her needy clit between his lips and sucked relentlessly. Tingles built up in her body at an almost alarming rate, overwhelming her and shoving her into blissful oblivion before her brain had a chance to catch up.

  Squealing and bucking, she gripped the edge of the table hard to stop herself falling over, riding out the orgasm that, after a slow, sensual buildup, had been forced from her with enough speed to leave her dizzy.

  “Whoa,” she said, her tongue feeling thick in her mouth as Zach stood and wrapped her in his arms. “That was…” Trailing off, she let out a high-pitched giggle. She sounded stoned or something. Perhaps she was—stoned on pleasure. That didn’t even make sense, but she didn’t care.

  “Reese.” Zach was speaking to her. She got the impression it wasn’t the first time he’d said her name to get her attention.

  “Hmm?” was her reply.

  “Can I fuck you now? Because if I don’t, my cock might make like the other guy and rip out of my trousers.”

  Chapter Ten

  Grinning, Reese gave a slow nod.

  Zach didn’t hesitate. He shoved the chair out of his way. Then he undid his trousers and let them fall to his ankles, swiftly followed by his boxer shorts. Gripping his cock, he aimed it at her entrance. Leaning his forehead against hers, he looked deeply into her eyes as he pushed inside. His hands roamed to her thighs, holding on to her so she couldn’t slip away across the surface of the table.

  It was a struggle for Reese to keep her eyes open as the pleasure of being filled and stretched coursed through her. Gritting her teeth, she reached around and grabbed Zach’s buttocks once more, pulling him roughly into her until his balls pressed against her backside.

  Their grunts and groans mingled, and Zach tilted his head, giving her bottom lip a sharp bite.

  “Ow, fuck!” she yelled, digging her fingernails hard into his buttocks.

  “Ow to you too,” he responded, pulling back a little, then shunting roughly back into her. His fingers dug into her thighs.

  “Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be, is it?” She smirked. “Well that’s fine by me, doctor. I never suspected you had it in you.”

  “Well you learn something new every day, don’t you?” With that, Zach shifted his hands, cupping them beneath her knees and pulling her to the very edge of the table.

  Reese lay back, her arms folded beneath her head so she could still watch all the action without getting neck strain.

  Seemingly satisfied she was comfortable and not in any danger of falling off the table, Zach began to shunt his hips, in slow, shallow movements at first. He was almost languid, and yet the resultant sensations running through Reese’s body were delicious. She felt every inch of Zach’s cock sliding in and out of her, parting her lips, dragging at the delicate skin of her labia, which in turn tugged at her clit.

  The tingles built, and to her utter surprise, Reese tumbled into a gentle orgasm. It was new, unusual, but no less pleasurable than the ones that ripped through her and left her in pieces in their wake.

  “Did you just come?” Zach said, frowning.

  “Uh-huh. Just a little one.”

  “Cool. Ready for some more?”

  Reese nodded.

  Picking up his pace slightly, Zach moved his right hand down to where their bodies joined, gathered up some juices and slicked them over Reese’s clit. Now he touched it, she felt just how swollen it was. She squirmed beneath him and he responded by gripping her leg more tightly to stop her getting away, then moved faster.

  Reese curled her hands, which were still behind her head, into fists, silently screwing up her need, her frustration. Her tiny climax hadn’t taken any of the edge off her need. It had simply left her craving more.

  Part of her, a feral part, wanted her to beg Zach to speed up, go as fast as he could, fuck her hard and deep and pinch her clit until she came so hard he’d have to scrape her off the ceiling. But another part was content to see how things played out, to lie back—literally—and enjoy the sight of her gorgeous boyfriend dressed up as one of her favorite comic book heroes, screwing her senseless.

  The geek in her won out. It wasn’t every day she had sex with Bruce Banner, whose glasses were now so far down his nose they were in danger of falling off. Grinning, she commented, “Doc? Much as you’re smoking hot in those glasses, I think you should take them off. Don’t want ’em falling off in the heat of the moment, now do we?”

  With a cheeky grin, Zach did as she suggested, taking his fingers from her clit to remove the glasses. Stretching out, he put them on the chair he’d discarded earlier. Then he resumed his previous position, strumming at her clit as he rocked rhythmically in and out of her eager pussy.

  Reese was a little disappointed that the glasses had gone, because they
’d been damn cute, but they weren’t practical. Not for what she knew would inevitably happen.

  As if he’d read her mind, Zach pistoned faster, each thrust stroking deliciously against her internal walls, stimulating them, revving her up. The more he gave her, the more she wanted. She bucked up to meet him, her pelvis crashing against his, unseating his hand from its place at her clit. He moved it back straight away, pinching the swollen bundle of nerve endings as what she guessed was supposed to be a rebuke, but was actually a huge turn on.

  She moaned. “Fuuuck, that was good.”

  “What, that?” He pinched her again, harder this time.

  A line of fire ran from her clit, along her labia and radiated out through her body, gradually dissipating as it reached her extremities. Her areolas crinkled, her buds stood out, begging for stimulation. “Yes,” she hissed. “That!”

  Neck ache be damned, she thought. Bringing her hands out from behind her head, she grasped her nipples, tormenting them as Zach tormented her clit. In unison they pinched and pulled, twisted and rubbed, all while Zach continued to fuck her. Sparks fired throughout her again and again. Her chest heaved as her breaths grew shorter, her heart pounded faster to keep up with what her body was experiencing.

  And what it was experiencing was bliss. Pure and simple. But the two of them couldn’t stay that way forever, keeping up the same speed without coming. Their hormones, their impulses, would never allow it.

  Zach knew that as well as she did, and he allowed his movements to be dictated by his dick rather than his brain. And his dick, it seemed, was ready to blow.

  Releasing her clit, Zach snatched at Reese’s right wrist and shoved it to her crotch, indicating that she should take over. Then he put his hands on her hips and held on tight.

  Reese knew what was coming next, and a thrill of anticipation rushed through her.

  “Fuck me, baby,” she said, her voice husky. “Fuck me, and don’t stop until we both come.”


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