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Promise Her

Page 17

by Johnston, Andrea

  Grant’s quiet as a door closes in the background and I hear his fob unlocking his truck. The engine roars to life and the distinctive sound of the Bluetooth connecting confirms it’ll be hours before I know if we finally have a lead on the break-in.

  “I don’t like saying this, but I have to agree. I didn’t want to say anything before because you’re a bit of a hothead when it comes to Scarlett, but I think someone’s been at the house. Some of the flowers were stepped on and Connor thinks there was a footprint in the back where he let the water run too long and it made a muddy mess.”

  “Get me those pictures, Grant. I want to get this fucker and give her some peace of mind.”

  Chapter 27


  Our morning walks are always my favorite part of the day. Taylor doesn’t live in a traditional neighborhood, and there are stretches of road between each home. He’s close enough to have neighbors but far enough we can barely see the other house and surely can’t hear anyone sneeze or swear at the contestants on a game show. Just thinking of Mr. Stanton makes me smile. Actually, thinking of Fayhill in general makes me smile. My house, not so much.

  I’d rather do just about anything than go back there. It isn’t only the break-in that has me reconsidering where I call home. When Henry passed, I planned on staying there in our home, the one we planned to raise our family in. But, little by little, as time went on, it felt less and less like a permanent part of my future. Not even a part of my present most days.

  The fact of the matter is, I am a lost ship at sea. I have no home base and no single location I can call home. Until I came to Lexington. I haven’t ventured much into the town. Just a grocery run here and there, mostly staying close to home. Home. That’s what I feel when I wake in Taylor’s house. The warmth and comfort I feel here makes it hard to imagine ever leaving.

  As I reach the half-mile mark on my walk, I turn and smile at Helen and Fran, who are venturing out on their own morning trek. I met them on one of my first days out for a walk. Of course, those first days I was barely making it to the next property before turning around and heading home for a nap. But, I’m adding on a little more each day and, like clockwork, encounter them on the other side of the street at the same point each day. There’s comfort in this simple routine, and I welcome it. Normalcy. When I met Helen and Fran, they didn’t know who I was. They didn’t see me as the poor widow or the single mom. They simply saw me as a woman out for a walk with a baby strapped to her chest. I didn’t know how much I needed that until I encountered it.

  Waving, I continue on the rest of my walk and ponder exactly what happens between Taylor and me now. Last night was incredible, but I’m not naïve enough to believe it means anything more than what it was: two people finding comfort in one another. The attraction between us has been building for months, and I had a lot of regrets after the first night we were together that I didn’t pursue something then. I wanted to. I almost did. And then I chickened out.

  Last night I took a chance, and it paid off in spades. When Nicholas stirred in his bed this morning, I startled, and although it sounds horrible, I didn’t move immediately. I stayed nestled in Taylor’s arms and relished the feeling for a few beats before untangling myself to tend to my son. We snuck out of the room, leaving Taylor sleeping and headed to the kitchen.

  My nerves were like a live wire as I waited for him to wake up. Would we pretend nothing happened? Would he say he had regrets? When he walked in the kitchen, my heart beat rapidly, flutters of nerves and excitement running through me, and then I saw the look in his eyes. Happiness. Contentment. The same emotions I felt reflected in his gaze and I was relieved. And officially in love.

  “Nick, your mama is a mess,” I whisper to my sweet baby as I gently rub the top of his head.

  As we approach the end of Taylor’s driveaway, I shift the sling a little and he stirs but doesn’t wake. Thank goodness. The last thing I need when I already have anxiety over a date tonight is a newborn not getting his sleep. A date. Lord. When was the last time I had a first date? I was a lot younger than I am now and a whole hell of a lot smaller.

  Oh my gosh! I have nothing to wear tonight. When I packed to come here, I was days post-delivery and limited my packing to leggings and tank tops. I did throw in a pair of my maternity shorts and a few T-shirts but definitely nothing that will work with these nursing boobs and my post baby body.

  I pull my phone from my pocket and pull up Addy’s name and send a S.O.S. text message.

  Me: 911!

  Addy: You have nothing to wear tonight.

  Me: You’re clairvoyant now?

  Addy: *shrugs* I remember the first time Dickhead Dan took me out after Mason was born. I wore a maternity top with a belt because it *kind of* passed for a dress.

  Addy: DO NOT DO THAT! I’ve got you covered. See you around 4:30.

  I don’t bother responding because what is there to say? Thanks for saving my ass even though I don’t know how or what you’re doing? Yeah, I’ll pass. Walking up the long driveway, I see the garage door open and head that direction. Within a few steps of the door, I hear a “thwap thwap” sound and slow my walk and peek around the corner of my car, which has been pulled out into the driveway.

  A shirtless and very sweaty Taylor is beating the hell out of his punching bag, and I’m not sure there’s been anything hotter. I stand still for a few minutes and ogle him. The way his skin glistens with beads of sweat dripping onto the ground beneath him, I can’t take my eyes off him. His shorts are slung low on his waist, that muscle at his hips shifting with each movement. The back and forth of his feet remind me of a complicated dance routine, and I’m lost in thought when the hitting sound stops.

  Not wanting to be busted for staring, I quickly retrace my steps and head to the front door. As soon as I’m in the house, I take two deep breaths and laugh to myself. I am absolutely ridiculous. My hormones are in overdrive, and I’m acting like some love-sick teenager. I suppose I am a little love-sick, so maybe my behavior isn’t as immature as I think it is.

  Slowly, I move Nicholas from the sling to his portable bassinet in the living room. Since I didn’t have a baby shower before he was born, I had very few items to bring with us when we came to stay with Taylor. This is a hand-me-down from Addy and absolutely adorable with little lions and elephants scattered all over it. Bending over, I check the tucks of my swaddle job from earlier and deem it sufficient.

  As ridiculous as it sounds, I rub my finger across my teeth, fluff my hair and adjust my boobs inside my tank. Glancing at the clock, I note I have about forty minutes before Nicholas demands his next feeding. I could do a load of laundry or read a few chapters of my new book. Or I could snag another glimpse of Taylor.

  Scurrying to the door off the kitchen leading to the garage, I slowly open it and am greeted by a sight far more amazing than the one I walked up on earlier. On the floor, Taylor is doing a routine of crunches and now I know how he earns those abs of his. I stand mesmerized for at least three counts of his intricate routine before he looks up and sees me. A slow smile creeps across his face, and I immediately follow suit.

  “Whatcha doin’, Red?” His voice is low, slightly gravelly, and absolutely not showing any signs he’s out of breath. That’s so unfair. Three regular sit-ups and I’d probably need oxygen.

  “Uh . . . nothing. I was . . . just . . . umm . . .Yeah, I got nothing. I was just staring. You’re really into ab work.”

  Laughing, he stops his movements and grabs his water bottle from the floor next to him, throwing his head back as he gulps down the water. I watch his throat bob with each swallow; who knew drinking from a tin water bottle would be hot? Not me.

  He walks toward me, and leans forward like he’s going to kiss me but stops. “I’m super sweaty. I should hit the shower.”

  “Oh, yeah. I’ll just do laundry or something,” I reply awkwardly.

  Leaning around me, he pulls a towel from on top of the work bench and runs it down his fa
ce and across his chest. Tossing the towel aside, he takes another sip from his water bottle and sets it down with the discarded towel. Before I can blink, he’s tugging me to him, lifting my feet off the ground, and I can’t stop the squeal that escapes my lips. My arms wrap around his neck, and my eyes widen at the expression on his face. Smiling wide, he is only a few inches from my face, and because I finally found my words, I ruin the moment.

  “You’re much more affectionate than I thought.”

  “You thought about my level of affection?” he teases, his arms tightening around my waist.

  “Stop it,” I say, my smile widening as I smack his shoulder. “I’m just sayin’.”

  “I’ve never really thought about it but it’s different. This . . . I can stop if you want. If it’s too much. If you’re uncomf—”

  I cut him off with my lips on his. I am not uncomfortable, and the idea of him stopping hurts my soul a little. Instead, I give all I have to offer him in this kiss. Hoping to portray how okay with everything I am. He accepts it with each swipe of his tongue, and before I know it, his hands slide under my butt and he’s lifting me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He takes a step up into the house, never breaking our kiss until he runs me into a wall, and I start laughing.

  My hand flies to my mouth to stifle the onslaught of hysterical laughter brewing inside me. We both glance to the living room where Nicholas sleeps and wait for him to wake, but he doesn’t. Simultaneously, we exhale relief and look back at each other. Our lips meet again, the kisses more intense. The desire to move my body overwhelming.

  He begins walking again, this time skirting all walls and other obstacles. When we make it to the bedroom, he lays me onto the bed, the coolness of the sheets send a chill up my back and I feel my nipples harden, begging for attention. Taylor’s attention is elsewhere. Lifting the hem of my tank, he places tender kisses on my stomach beginning just above my belly button. Tensing at the thought of him seeing my stretch marks I suck in a breath but at the same time, he tugs open the button of my shorts and I lift my hips to help him slide them from my body.

  Resuming his spot between my legs, I can’t help the flood of wetness that covers my panties as he pulls the cotton to the side, exposing me to him. A low moan from deep in his throat is barely a whisper as his tongue makes contact with my skin. He must know how sensitive I am from last night because each swipe of his tongue is gentle to the touch but fills my body with nothing but pleasure.

  Sucking, licking, and bringing me to the brink of orgasm, I lift my hips, unashamed of taking from him as much as he’ll give. When he inserts a finger and curls it toward himself, I soar up and over the cliff of my orgasm. My breathing is labored, my arm flung over my eyes in exhaustion as I feel the bed shift, a quick moment of loss from his body touching mine.

  It’s only seconds but the loss is still there. Then, he’s on me, the warmth of him covers me, I slowly open my eyes and stare back at his stormy grays with the brightest blue chips.

  With one quick thrust, he fills me and my upper body lifts from the bed. Gripping his shoulders, I throw my head back and don’t bother to hold in the sounds of passion that fall from my lips.

  “Are you okay?”

  Placing a hand on his cheek, I look deep in his eyes. “Yes. I’m not as fragile as you think. I just didn’t expect it to feel this good. And for all that is holy, I need you to move and fuck me before I die.”

  Roaring with laughter, he leans down and kisses me while rotating his hips. Each movement hits me like a flick of a match. My skin is on fire, my heart is beating rapidly, and for the first time in a long time, I feel loved and wanted. It doesn’t matter how much extra of me there is around the middle, or that I’m sure my boobs are on the verge of exploding; he makes me feel amazing.

  Last night was slow and about two people getting to know each other’s bodies. Connecting our hearts and minds with physical touch. This is different. It’s more frantic and wilder. It’s not an expression of love or emotions, it’s pure sex.

  Lifting my leg, he slings it over his arm, forcing himself deeper and in two thrusts, my orgasm explodes around us, my cries loud and without a care. He follows shortly after. Throwing himself off me, he lands with a small thud on the bed next to me, our rapid breaths filling the room.

  I open my mouth to say something when Nicholas lets me know it’s time for a little mama time. Lifting up on my elbows, I blow the hair from my eyes and turn to get up.

  “I’ll get him,” he says, and I fall back, my head on the pillow and sigh in bliss.

  Chapter 28


  After our morning romp, Scarlett and I took turns showering and spending time with Nicholas. It’s amazing how quickly a baby grows. It feels like if you blink too many times, he’ll have already doubled in size by the time your eyes come back into focus. As I watch him stare at the mobile over his bouncy seat, having his own conversation with the shapes hanging over his head, I smile. Maybe I need a vibrating seat that plays music to mesmerize me. I suppose that would be a massaging recliner for adults.

  Being with Scarlett today, just hanging out and doing household chores was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I quickly realized that any time I spend with her, or them, are my best days. Since she’s been here, I’m more relaxed, and although I’ll never admit it to my sister, smiling more.

  Speaking of my sister, she walked in my house like a hurricane and swooped Scarlett up and into the bedroom over thirty minutes ago. Rising from the couch, I bend over and pick up the baby, holding him in front of me, his eyes focusing on me before he blows a little bubble on his tiny lips then smiles.

  “I wish you could talk so we could figure this out. Since you can’t, I’ll have to go with your expressions. I am taking your mama out for dinner tonight. A date. We’re going on a date. I hope you don’t mind that.”

  Smile still spread across his face, I continue, “I know I’m not your daddy, but I love you and will always be here for you both. The real question here is, How long do we wait before we interrupt whatever it is they’re doing back there?”

  The response from my little sidekick is a full diaper. “Thanks, dude.” Laughing to myself, I grab the basket from the floor that is full of diapers and wipes as I shift him to my side. With all of the tools in my hand, I shift Nicholas to the couch and begin changing his diaper.

  As I’m buttoning his little pajamas into place, I hear a clap and raise my eyes. Standing behind the couch with her hands pressed together in a prayer pose is my sister. Crying. “Oh my goodness. Taylor Cain, I never thought I would see the day. You’re changing a diaper.”

  Rolling my eyes, I scoop Nicholas up and place him back in his seat before walking toward the kitchen. Tossing the diaper in the trash can, I move to the sink and lather up my hands.

  “Seriously, little brother. I’m blown away. Seeing you with him. It was like . . . I wish Mom and Dad could see all of this. I know it’s a little awkward, and you feel this obligation to Henry, but you’re building a family here.”

  “First, you have to stop crying. It’s a little over the top. Second, we’ve always been family. It just looks a little different because we’ve lost Henry. Now, you’ve eaten up at least thirty minutes of the three hours we have before that little dictator needs to be fed. Is my date ready?”

  “Do not call my godson a dictator,” she scolds.

  I’m about to question her role as godmother when Nicholas begins whining. With a raised brow, I motion to the baby. Addy rolls her eyes and smacks me in the arm before attending to her charge.

  I bark out a laugh but stop mid-bark when I see the beautiful woman standing across the room. Moving around the counter, I step toward Scarlett. Dressed in a long black and blue striped dress, she’s a vision. Her long auburn hair is falling across her shoulders, but I see a sliver of skin through the tresses and move them to the side to expose it.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” sh
e whispers.

  “I should feed him a little before we go.”

  “Do you think that’s—” Before I can finish my question, Scarlett gestures to her chest, and I nod in understanding. I watch as she walks around the couch and settles into her favorite spot in the corner, tucks her half donut pillow thing around her and reaches for Nicholas. Addy happily hands him off with a light blanket and takes a seat on the opposite side of the couch.

  “I’m going to pull the truck out and give you some time,” I say before leaving them alone. I can tell by the way my sister is staring at Scarlett, she’s having some sort of maternal craving.

  Heading to the garage, I take my time backing my truck out of the garage and into the driveway. I scroll through music options on my satellite radio, settling on a random country station. Resting my head back on the seat, I enjoy the quiet. I wouldn’t call how I’m feeling nervous but it’s something, that’s for sure. Maybe it’s a little excitement laced with . . . okay, it’s nerves. I don’t think I’ve been on an honest-to-God date in at least five years. It’s been even longer since I’ve felt remotely close to a woman like I do to Scarlett.

  Glancing at the clock, she’s likely finishing up with Nicholas, so I leave the truck running and hop from the cab. As I enter the garage and move toward the door to the house, it opens. Standing in the doorway is my date. She’s turned saying something to Addy so I quietly step up to the bottom step, but she takes that moment to turn. Jumping, she yelps, hands outstretched to push me.

  Grabbing her wrists to steady myself, I say, “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was coming in to see if you were ready.”

  “You scared the crap out of me. Hold on, I have to catch my breath.”


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