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Nightworld Academy: Term Four

Page 12

by LJ Swallow

  "Did you help Amelia leave?"

  This time he pauses and presses his lips together. "Why would I help Amelia when I would like you all together? She did approach me and question me about Ravenhold, and I was tempted to help but didn't. I'm as surprised as you, because I never expected her to be the loose cannon amongst you."

  "But you knew Matt and Amelia have a witch bond. A bond like that is powerful and capable of influencing an otherwise sensible girl."

  He sighs and shakes his head. "So it would seem. Jamie, I am asking people I know at the Confederacy to let me know if she's mentioned or found. I just hope..." He trails off. "That she stays safe."

  "You mean out of Dominion hands? Does she have what they want—she's not the most skilled witch."

  "Jamie, you just mentioned their intense witch bond. You underestimate your friend."

  Shit. I watch my feet instead. Amelia underestimates herself, so I've always underestimated her too. How powerful will the pair be together? One thing's certain, the Dominion like the world's most potent witches and vampires in their ranks.

  "You don't think Matt would work with the Dominion, do you?" I look back and run my hand through my fringe. "Ravenhold must be a melting pot of Confederacy resentment."

  "They've yet to infiltrate Ravenhold," he says. "Besides, most of the kids there aren't interested in taking sides. Recruiting them is a waste of time."

  Something in the way he says the words shows a greater understanding than if another had told him. Who recruited him? "But you work for the Confederacy. They recruited you despite what you did."

  Tobias pauses and crosses his arms. We're several metres from the building, where students walk down the steps and head out to the lawns.

  "Maeve told you?" he asks.

  "About the witches you killed?" I attempt nonchalance but my lungs constrict.

  "Yes." Instead of anger, he smiles. "I like that she doesn't keep secrets from you."

  "We've no secrets anymore. Have you?"

  Tobias sets off walking again and his evasiveness triggers my suspicions again. "I think Maeve appreciates your strength over the last few days. Thank you."

  I frown. "Why are you thanking me?"

  "You know how much Maeve struggles with her situation and her closeness to Andrei has made the last few days tougher. She's lucky to have friends like you."

  Friends. We're more than friends. Aren't we?

  The attraction between us has existed from the day I greeted her just metres from where I stand now. But I'm not like Ash, with his confidence and charm. Nor am I an Andrei, whose intensity and mystery attracted her. I'm just clueless Jamie, the guy who can never read signals.

  But you know what? She cares for me as much as the others. We've a bond they don't share. I had Maeve to myself the last few days, but I refused to be the arsehole who would take advantage of the situation when she struggled with her emotions. Hell, I could've kissed her a number of times over the last couple of days, and the temptation was there.

  No, Maeve doesn't need me confusing the situation. The problem is, I suspect there's something that confuses our situation more than a kiss would.

  For now, I give Maeve what I'll always give her, whoever she chooses to surround herself with. Understanding. Support.


  "What do you think about the situation with Ash?" asks Tobias, interrupting my musing.

  "Maeve's entitled to choose who she wants. I'm happy, if she's happy. I guess it depends whether Ash and Andrei will be okay with the situation."

  Tobias's lips purse in amusement. "I meant the situation with his brother."

  Damn. "Oh. Uh. That's tough. How dangerous do you think Vincent is right now?"

  "The man—or whatever he is—is playing a long game. There's no urgency currently."

  "There's always urgency, Tobias."

  He cocks his head. "Yes, but Andrei is an emergency. I didn't want to say this to Maeve, but it's possible Rupert didn't accompany him to Ravenhold."

  "That's a good thing, right?"

  "No. Others have plans for Andrei. They want to remove him completely."

  Is this a polite term for a horrible situation. "Kill?"

  "That cannot be discounted. The Confederacy have their excuse now, and it's the most common punishment for killers."

  "His grandfather won't allow that," I protest.

  "That's what I'm hoping."

  I run my fingers through my fringe. "I'm glad you didn't mention this to Maeve. She would've freaked out."

  "She reacted badly when Andrei was taken. I don't want her unfocused, because Maeve dips into her old self when she is. She returns to the girl who fears our world and can't see her place in it."

  "Don't underestimate her," I mutter at Tobias.

  "On the contrary, she underestimates herself."

  "Maeve wouldn't be happy if she knew we were discussing her." I give him an uncertain smile.

  "Indeed." His formality comes with a grin too. "Perhaps we should stop."

  "And talk about Amelia?" I ask.

  "I wish I could help you more. Once we've fixed Andrei's situation and ensured Vincent isn't a threat to the academy, we can focus more on her."

  "That's a little harsh," I say.

  "Why? She made this decision. Perhaps she doesn't want us searching for her and drawing attention."

  "I bloody hope she doesn't end up in Ravenhold with Matt."

  "I doubt that. If she wanted to, Amelia could've misused her magic in order to be remanded at Ravenhold. No, instead she ran. I think Amelia has a wild notion that she can free him."

  My blood cools to match the wind lifting my hair. "Do you think she's travelled to Ravenhold island?"

  "She wouldn't get close. Nobody from the outside can." Tobias nods. "Jamie. We will find Amelia—if she wants to be found."

  We part ways at the edge of the pathway which splits—one to Walcott and the other to Petrescu. Tobias has little else to say and now isn't the time to tackle the mountainous issues between us. I watch as his figure strides tall towards his house and pupils, and consider why he has such a key role in the academy.

  One in a long line of confusing things.

  Walking along the Walcott halls, another confusing question drops into my mind as I pass students' rooms. I'm not the only psychomancer in this world. Supernatural investigators should've performed their magic on Lorna and Becci's room to pick up traces of memories, but evidently didn't. I hated to admit this early on, especially as I wanted Maeve to stay positive, but the authorities don't give a shit. This death is a convenient way to take Andrei out of the picture.

  Too convenient.

  The Walcott girls who pass me are brighter, now they can leave the building again. A group of elemental witches on the lawn sneakily create extra light and warmth around them as they capture and manipulate the sun's rays. Sometimes, I wish I was an elemental witch. Matt's powerful elemental control amazed me; the guy impressed everybody.

  But my skill is more useful—currently.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  "Are you happy to do this?" I ask Ash.

  "Sure." I haven't seen the guy for days and now he's about to remove his clothes in front of me. He sits on the sofa and pats the seat. "Can we at least talk before you try to get me naked?"

  "Ha ha. Tobias suggested we do." I sit beside him and clasp my hands in my lap. I've imagined reuniting with Ash, concerned about what might happen, but didn't expect this awkward situation thrust on us. "We don't need to if you're not comf—"

  Ash interrupts by pulling me to him, lips meeting mine. A hand slides into my hair, fingers stroking the nape of my neck with his thumb and sending shivers across my scalp. I didn't mean for this to happen yet, but the suddenness catches me off guard and sends tiny shivers through my body.

  I part my mouth, craving more of his taste, and touch as I push myself against his warm chest. He grips my hair in his fist, holding my head so I can't move, de
epening our kiss. My resolve is snatched away by the intensity of the moment, as I relish the way his tongue explores my mouth, reconnecting with the last time his hands were on me.

  I lie back, head hitting the sofa arm and I dig my fingers into his shoulders as his body presses into mine. Ash holds himself away just enough to stop his powerful body overwhelming me, but enough that his heat burns through everywhere he touches.

  The kiss continues; neither of us stopping for air, but something taps on my shoulder and whispers you need to talk first. I gently push at his shoulders and look into his soft eyes, blood pumping hot as he rests his forehead on mine.

  "I missed you," he says hoarsely.

  "I can tell." I brush my lips against his again and the desire remains wound around, holding us tight. "Are you really okay?" I whisper.

  "Mostly." Ash kisses my palm, then wraps his fingers through mine. "I'm safe. You're safe. I can deal with the rest."

  He shifts away from me and I sit up, smoothing my mussed hair. Ash doesn't say anything, but I can sense he's wondering why I stopped. "Ash. Something happened when you were away."

  Alarmed, Ash takes my face in both hands. "Something? Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

  "I'm fine." He'll know soon why I could offer Andrei an alibi, and although Ash told me relationships aren't always exclusive in his world, I'm uncomfortable with a secret. Secrets are poisonous and I can't hide this, however awkward I feel. "Something happened between me and Andrei."

  With a deep frown, Ash pushes my hair from my neck and runs his rough fingertips along the skin, the touch triggering a delicious shiver along my back. His touch ends on my pulse point. "Did he bite you?"

  "What? No!"

  I push his hand away and rub my forehead. This is the most awkward conversation I've had for a long time; worse than telling Rupert last night.

  "I spent the night with him," I blurt, searching his face for the reaction and squirming when Ash stares at me without speaking. "That's how I know Andrei didn't kill Lorna. I was with him. All night."

  Still he doesn't speak, and his eyes darken.


  He takes a slow, shuddery breath. "I guess you like to play with fire, Maeve."

  "I'm sorry. I understand why you're upset. I'm confused and..." I can't disentangle everything I feel. I'm lost. I have no excuse.

  Ash shakes his head. "Maeve, I'm not upset that you were with another guy. I'm concerned which guy. I trust Andrei more than I did, and I'm happy he's helping us, but Andrei has a reputation." He pauses. "And you're a witch."

  "He didn't hurt me," I press.

  He shakes his head slowly. "Wow. I never thought you'd get together with Andrei. Is this a love to hate each other thing?"

  "Are you sure you're not upset?" I'm totally confused. How can a guy be okay if the girl kissing him admits to spending time with another? I haven't spelled out what 'spent the night' means, but Ash isn't naive.

  "I hardly touched you or came near you for weeks, Maeve. I let Vince influence me too much. I'm surprised you want me, after the way I treated you."

  I take Ash's face in my hands and his saddened eyes meet mine. "But I should've waited."

  He wrinkles his nose. "Nah. All good. Like I said, I'm a bit shocked who stepped up to the plate. I thought Jamie might." I blink at him. "Maeve, it's fine. I know you and Jamie have, uh… 'unresolved feelings' too."

  I squirm again, because I'm more aware of those unresolved feelings than ever before. "Everything confuses me. I feel weird."

  His hand slips beneath my shirt and he rests his hand against my waist. "You don't feel weird to me."

  We share a smile. "Very funny."

  "Listen, Maeve." He tips my chin with his other hand. "Your body, your choices, but if Andrei hurts you, I'll rip his head off."

  "I honestly don't think he will." I swear my cheeks remain bright red even though Ash accepts every embarrassing word. "Sorry for dropping this on you now, but I wanted you to be aware. No secrets."

  "Don't stress. If you were a shifter who wanted a few mates, that wouldn't be unusual and I'd accept that too."

  Mates. Omigod. "Right," I croak. "Can we stop talking about this now?"

  He laughs. "I'm fine, so don't stress, okay? Now…" Ash stands and pulls his T-shirt over his head.

  My eyes widen. "What are you doing?"

  "Following Tobias's orders. I'd prefer to strip for you than anyone else."

  "Strip? I only need to see your back."

  He chuckles. "A guy can dream."

  Ash turns away from me and I'm distracted from my task by how perfectly defined the muscles are across his massive shoulders and how his jeans hug his backside in the best possible way.

  "Take a good look," he says with another laugh.

  I stand and hesitate, before lightly running my finger along his back. This isn't helping the desire humming between us as I explore every inch of the smooth skin I can see, searching for any marks. "What am I looking for?"

  "If I'm destined to be a dragon shifter, scales." The amusement has dropped from his voice. "Tell me if a patch of my skin is a different colour."

  My stomach lurches. "Right."

  Strictly speaking, I don't need to touch him, but he's too tempting, and his shoulders move up and he shivers at the sensation. Ash has freckles dotted around his tanned back, but nothing unusual.

  "I don't see anything," I say. "Do you need me to look elsewhere?"

  He turns and lets out a mock gasp. "Are you asking me to strip, Maeve?"

  "No!" I swallow. "Can you check the rest of your body yourself?"

  Sweeping me into his arms, Ash laughs and nuzzles my neck. "I'm teasing. Back or chest is the usual spot to find alterations, and I can see my chest."

  Alterations. Ash keeps joking and playing things down, but I sense his fear. I rest my cheek against him and we stand together in silence. If we'd been alone, with time, who knows which direction we would've taken.

  I hear his heartbeat—and I feel his fear. "Do you want me to try and read your thoughts?" I ask.

  "If you read my exact thoughts right now, you'd slap me," he murmurs against my hair.

  I ignore the temptation to ask. "I mean your memories. Tobias said that magic blocks are difficult to push past, and I can't promise I'll see anything, but I can try."

  I step back and place a hand on his chest, looking into his worried face.

  "I hope you can. I want to know what happened to me. Even if I didn't shift, something doesn't feel right."

  The mood drops and I tiptoe to kiss his downturned mouth. "I'll try. I promise."

  Still distractingly shirtless, Ash sits on the sofa with an expectant but nervous look on his face. He always refused to let me 'practice' on him, and I respected that. I occasionally pick up hints of his thoughts, but usually just his mood. Now, that mood has dropped into apprehension. I sit beside him and take a hand, mine tiny against his.

  "What do you do?" he asks.

  Ash never attended Mental Magic classes, which adds an extra layer of the unknown for him. "You'll need to look at me and allow me to push into your mind. You'll naturally push back, but I'm... quite good at this."

  "Modesty." He grins. "Just promise to keep out of the dirty thoughts I have about you."

  "Ash!" I slap his hand and he winces with a mock pout. "I'm looking for something specific. I'm not interested in your secret fantasies."

  "Yet," he teases.

  I give him a steely stare and Ash clears his throat, straightening. "Sorry. Go on."

  "I know this must be frightening," I say and stroke the back of his hand. "I promise we'll find whatever happened to you."

  Ash places his hand over mine. "I'm scared what Vince is planning. Who he's working with."

  "I know. I am too. But we've got this."


  Our shared certainty is underpinned by doubt. Who are we but a group of kids and a professor trying to solve situations bigger than the five of us?
/>   But I need to push those doubts away and stay true to Andrei's belief that together, we're powerful.

  As a group, we can do this.

  Otherwise why are people attempting to split us?

  Ash settles back against the sofa and eyes me nervously with a false smile. I focus on his eyes, their colour and what might lie behind. "Tell me again what you remember, Ash."

  He blinks and repeats what he told the group earlier, eyes moving rapidly through the memories. I seize hold of an image as it passes through his mind—the farmhouse. As he speaks, I picture the room, slowly pulled in as if I sit on the dilapidated sofa beside him. I can smell the pizza and beer, that distinctive male odour that also comes from the rugby changing rooms if I pass them.

  The scene begins to slip away as he pauses. "Go on," I urge. "Run through everything again. I'm listening."

  As Ash continues, the images return and I hear Vince's voice, sensing Ash's tension. I watch as if Ash is showing me images on his phone—a video clip playing in my head.

  "Is it working?" he whispers.

  "So far. Keep talking."

  Ash breathes in heavily and then exhales before nodding. "I don't remember much after this."

  "Shush. Let me stay with you."

  Shaking away the present surroundings, I focus on joining Ash's past. Aching crosses my temples as I concentrate harder, gripping his hand tighter. People rarely stay focused on my eyes the whole time, and with each passing second my mind stays joined to his, my hope rises. He's easy to read because he's unskilled in mental magic and unable to resist me. I'm not surprised—Ash is open with everybody. Always.

  I moisten my lips and jump back into his memories. Vince weighs Ash down with an arm around his shoulder and they step outside. I feel the cool air and breathe in the earthy smell.


  Ash walks with his brother, gravel crunching beneath his feet. Like a hidden spectator, I creep after him, straining to see where Vince leads him.

  A sudden crack, as loud as a thunderbolt, bursts in my ears and the sound reverberates through my mind. The images disappear and I'm hurtling forward as if in a speeding car, unable to stop as a black wall speeds towards me. I pull my hands from Ash's and hold them either side of my head, nausea rising with fear as I hurtle closer to the wall.


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