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Nightworld Academy: Term Four

Page 20

by LJ Swallow

"No. I'm frightened that the same thing might happen to you again," says Tobias from behind me.

  I turn, crisp bag in hand. "Or it may not. I was affected by a strong spell."

  He slowly shakes his head. "You weren't strong enough alone."

  "I didn't realise what I was dealing with. If I'd known, I would've asked for your help."

  He gives a rueful smile. "Jamie told me you were upset and accosted Becci. We need to work on your impulsivity."

  His words hold another behind: immaturity.

  "I thought Becci was leaving and we wouldn't have another chance," I protest. "You kept saying time was short."

  "I don't want you in danger, Maeve."

  "I understand. You have a role to protect me and Andrei. To help the Confederacy and—"

  He rests a shoulder against the door frame. "Why say that? You know this is more than my protecting you."

  My heart skips out of rhythm for a second. No. Not now. "Are you saying that you care, Tobias?"

  The softened eyes and unguarded expression take me aback as much as his words. "You know that I do."

  "Do I? You know that you can't come near me. Connecting minds is enough of a struggle between us." I lick my dry lips. "We can't have this conversation."

  Tobias moves towards me, the trapped energy suddenly bursting from him. "Do you know how difficult it was not to hug you when I saw you in pain after what happened? How I wanted to offer you comfort?"

  "Is that the real reason you stayed away?" I ask in shock. "Because of what happened between us on the night Andrei left?"

  "How could I risk the same thing happening again, Maeve?"

  "You thought you couldn't control yourself?" I ask.

  He shakes his head.

  "Then what?"

  "I'm drawn to your energy as you're drawn to mine. I thought if I touched you affectionately, I could give you strength the way that Jamie can and possibly bypass the carnal connection."

  My grip tightens on the crisp packet. Carnal. Such a horrible word. Did he want to avoid the other description? The sexual connection. "Or perhaps you just wanted a hug and to connect with somebody in a different way. You have nobody, Tobias."

  His mouth drops open and he quickly composes himself. "I don't need a hug, or a such a connection."

  "Everybody does."

  "I learned to disconnect," he says stiffly. "Physical comfort is not an issue."

  The conversation reveals a new vulnerability. He thinks he's denying his need, but with each word, he's confirming. "You don't have a life outside this role, do you?"

  "How would you know? I live elsewhere on campus. I may have a girl in my bed every night."

  I burst out laughing at his words. "You don't trust people enough. You'd worry they'd take secrets from you and feed information to your enemies, or hurt you. I think you're lonely, and this emotionless front you give is just that—a front."

  "And you think you can fix that, do you, Maeve?" His low voice and the intensity in his expression pulls me back to the day in the classroom, when I confronted him about his age. "After everything I've told you. The secrets that paint a picture of a violent, dangerous man?"

  The broken threads from our time apart wind around us and reforge as the magic grows; the effect the vampire hybrid has on me intensifying as his words heighten my need.

  "No, but I want to hug you," I confess.

  He steps back. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not a kid who hugs his friends all the time. Especially not you."

  His mind is open now, emotions a turbulent pool as he looks back. "You're calmer. I'm calmer. The thing might not happen," I say.

  "'The thing'?" His voice thickens. "The desire to touch more of your bare skin than just your hands? To replace the fear and anger you feel with a pleasure I've obsessed about? I don't think you understand exactly how intense our physical contact was for me."

  "I think I do. I walked away that night with my body alight, shaking with the lamia energy you'd influenced me with."

  "I didn't," he protests. "How can that be lamia energy when you did the same to me?"

  My pulse kicks up a notch. "I didn't know you experienced the sensations as strongly as me."

  "Now you do."

  "Then you are scared you'll hurt me."

  "No, I'm frightened that you'll weaken me when I need resilience—or that I'll weaken your magic force."

  "Or we strengthen each other's?" I suggest.

  I moisten my lips again, unaware how close we've moved to each other, unable to deny the magic tugging us closer. Tentatively, I reach out to Tobias and rest my fingertips lightly on his cheek. His pupils immediately dilate as the energy from my hand hits him.

  "Do you see what I mean?" he whispers and pulls my hand from his face.

  The sensation is enough for my body to heat with desire, but I stand my ground. Every moment Tobias doesn't release my hand, the harder it is to pull my fingers away; I'm as tied to him as when I spent time inside his thoughts. Tobias's fingers grip mine and his breathing shallows.

  "I can't be tempted, Maeve," he says. "I can't."

  The magic continues to flow, the tense energy he held back minutes ago now trickling through. Mine eagerly opens up to welcome him as I tighten my hold.

  The suddenness of the next images causes me to stumble, and I reach out to steady myself on the armchair around.

  For the second time, I see myself through Tobias's eyes and his mind's reaction to me is as strong as his desire.

  She's torture and she's beautiful.

  The other thoughts he holds should shock me, but the scene he imagines heightens the arousal from holding his hand. One glimpse floods heat into my belly. I see myself on the kitchen counter with my legs wrapped around Tobias's waist and my head tipped back. Tobias leans into me, supporting himself with one hand on the counter as he kisses my neck. He's breathless against my ear and I'm dragged into the scene, experiencing every sensation as I watch.

  I've no doubt what I'm watching slip from his imagination, because I can feel everywhere his body touches mine.

  Tobias tears his hand from my grip and backs out of the doorway. "What the fuck are you doing in my head? What did you see?"

  I'm speechless, unable to remove the images.

  "That's what the magic does," he says hoarsely. "That's not what I want."

  I may not be able to speak, but I can project the word. Liar.

  He drags a shaky hand through his hair. "Keep away from me, Maeve. Please."

  Tears push at my eyes. "I only wanted to hug you. To prove we can touch, because one day we might need to. What if that's how we amplify my magic, the way Jamie can?"

  "I said, I don't need comforting," he says hoarsely. "I feel as if I repeat myself over and over. Can you finally understand why we can't touch now? You saw what's in my mind; how suddenly I lose control."

  "I don't believe you'd do something like that to me unless I wanted you to," I say.

  "That's the problem, Maeve, isn't it? You want to."

  The cottage door slams closed and Ash makes an unsubtle entrance into the kitchen with Jamie close behind him.

  "What's special about the kitchen tonight?"

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I rest against the counter, taking deep breaths, and Tobias doesn't take his eyes off mine.

  Oblivious, Ash looks around and his face brightens when he sees the items on the counter. "Awesome." Grabbing a bag, he turns back to the lounge room.

  Jamie looks between me and Tobias. "Everything okay?"

  "I was talking to Maeve about Andrei," says Tobias, immediately composed in his practiced way. "I'm concerned he's hiding how the experience affected him."

  "He seemed okay in class today," says Jamie and sets a second bag of junk food on the bench. "Are you sure you're okay, Maeve? You look flushed. What happened?"


  "I suspect Andrei's taking drugs," interrupts Tobias.

  "What? Again?" I ask
in shock.

  "I turn a blind eye to his recreational use," says Tobias. "What he chooses won't harm him, but if he's using this to deal with the situation and bury himself, he won't cope once he stops."

  My mouth parches at Tobias's news. "Do you want me to talk to him?"

  He nods. "He might listen to you."

  "Or ask you to join in," mutters Jamie.

  "I'll speak to him." I turn away again, skin tingling all over at Tobias's presence behind me, as I pour the rest of the crisps into bowls. "We need Andrei back with us, not hidden in his darkness."

  Tobias's phone rings and when he checks the screen, his brow furrows. "I need to take this call."

  "Who is it?" I ask.

  He doesn't reply as he walks away, and the door closes again.

  "I told you he still has secrets," says Jamie as he inclines his head after Tobias.

  "Maybe he doesn't want to hold a personal conversation in front of us."

  Jamie snorts. "Sure, Maeve."

  "Grab the cans," I say, and Jamie frowns at my subject change.

  I take the bowls through, feeling like a hostess at a bizarre supernatural meeting, and set them on the low table.

  "Hey Maeve." Andrei now sits in an armchair and he lifts a hand to wave at me.

  "Where did you appear from?" I ask.

  He grins. "You should be used to my sneaking."

  Shaking my head, I look around. Ash has almost devoured the bag of crisps he took. "Will there be enough for everybody else by the time Ash has finished?" I tease.

  "I think there's plenty," replies Ash from the sofa as he pulls me onto his lap.

  "We're missing something, though." Andrei delves into his pocket and places a small plastic bag on the table, no bigger than a credit card.

  I pick it up and study the slips of paper inside. "What's this?"

  "Andrei, don't be a fucking idiot," says Ash. "Drugs are the last thing we need."

  "I don't agree."

  My stomach lurches. I'd hoped Tobias was wrong, because this means I don't have my new Andrei back. Typical of Andrei that he doesn't hide what he's doing.

  "How do you know these are legit and not spiked with something. People have us in their sights, remember?" Jamie sets cans on the table then lowers himself into the armchair opposite me, slumping down and resting his feet on the table.

  "Because I took one of this batch before—at the club the night..." He pauses and swipes his fringe from his eyes. "Yeah. Just thought I'd share."

  "I knew it!" I exclaim. "You bought drugs."

  He was on drugs the night we spent together.

  Andrei sighs. "Don't be a prude, Maeve."

  "I don't think you can accuse Maeve of that," Ash says and tightens his arms around my waist. "Are the drugs what stopped you ripping her throat out?"

  "Ash!" I twist my head around and look at him, mouth parted in horror. But he's grinning. Snapping my head back to the others, I see Andrei shaking his head and pulling a face. I tense, ready for them to face off.

  Please no, not when things are calming down in the group. "Can we ignore Andrei's stupidity?" I ask. "We need to talk about Vincent and what to do."

  "Shouldn't we wait for Tobias first?" asks Jamie.

  "He's answering a call. He shouldn't be long," I say

  Andrei leans over to open the small bag. "Ah. He's been talking to people about where Matt and Amelia might be."

  "Matt's at Ravenhold," shoots back Jamie. "Right?"

  Andrei opens his mouth and I frown at him as he places one of the small paper tabs on his tongue before saying, "Matt wasn't at Ravenhold when I was there."

  "How do you know? You were only there a few days!" protests Jamie.

  "I asked. He isn't there," repeats Andrei.

  "Then where the fuck is he?" Jamie drags a hand down his face. "Now I'm twice as worried about Amelia. No wonder they couldn't find her en route to Ravenhold."

  "If she's with Matt, he'll keep her safe," says Ash. "You know that."

  "His magic is unpredictable," snaps back Jamie.

  "But with Amelia, he's stronger and more controlled."

  Andrei peers in the bowl before taking a handful of crisps and shoving a handful in his mouth. He speaks through his mouthful and I don't catch what he says apart from the word, 'Blackwood'.

  "The Blackwood magic doesn't influence Matt anymore," Ash says.

  Jamie straightens and places a hand on his shirt, at the point the pendant rests between his skin and the material. "Don't start on me."

  "Huh? I didn't. No judgment from me, dude," says Andrei.

  I shift from Ash's lap and sit on Jamie's chair arm, then take his hand away from his chest. He looks down as I squeeze his fingers. "We'll find them both."

  The door opens and Tobias rejoins the group; I attempt to gauge his reaction to the call and fail. "I thought you weren't going to start without me."

  "Any news about Amelia or Matt?" Jamie asks pointedly. "Andrei told us the news."

  Tobias sighs at Andrei. "None. I know you're worried, but if there aren't any leads, I think that's a good thing. This means they're away from both Confederacy and Dominion attention."

  "On the run," mutters Jamie.

  "Very likely. But to where? I don't know."

  "But I don't understand why he isn't at Ravenhold anymore," Jamie says. "Who took him and why?"

  "Maybe he escaped?" Andrei offers and then laughs harshly. "Like he'd ever manage that. Maybe he tried and—"

  I throw Andrei a look to silence him. Escape from Ravenhold isn't possible—an attempted escape could be lethal.

  Tobias frowns at him. "Yes, but we are all here and safe, and we can now move on to another issue. Vincent." Andrei's small bag catches his eye and he picks it up. "For fuck's sake. Who brought this? As if I need to guess."

  Andrei raises his arm like a kid at school, then flops it back down. These elements of the Andrei I dislike aren't helping me understand him right now.

  "We spoke about this, Andrei. I'll talk to you later," says Tobias.

  "Yes, Professor."

  As Tobias glares at Andrei, I glance at Ash. I've held back his secret as long as I can. "Ash, you need to tell them about the... mark," I blurt.

  "What mark?" ask Jamie and Andrei in unison as Ash pales.

  Tobias sits but says nothing as Ash stands and tugs the edge of his shirt. Turning from us, he reveals the purple scales on his lower back.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  "Fuck." Andrei elongates the word.

  "When did that happen?" asks Tobias in a sharp tone.

  Ash doesn't turn back to us. "I don't know. The night with Vincent?"

  "Didn't you look at his back on the day I first asked, Maeve?"

  I scowl at Tobias's irritation. "Yes. I didn't see anything the first time."

  "You shifted?" Jamie interrupts and sits forward. "No. You'd remember."

  Worry flickers across Ash's face. "I hope not. I don't feel any different and didn't know until Maeve pointed the patch out to me." I nod, but inside a part of me is crumbling with fear as I stare at his skin. "What is it, Maeve?"

  How do I say this?

  "The patch is bigger than earlier, Ash. There are more."

  "What?" He desperately twists his head, attempting to see the spot on his back he's unable to without a mirror. "How much bigger is it?"

  I reach out and brush my hands over the scales knitted into his skin. They're a beautiful colour, so soft, but terrifying at the same time. "Not much."

  "But definitely bigger?" His voice rasps, eyes filled with fear, and his vulnerability sticks a knife in my heart. If Vincent is trying to hurt Ash...

  Jamie stands and peers at the mark but refuses to touch. Andrei blows air into his cheeks as he looks too.

  Suddenly talk of Matt, Amelia, and Blackwood pendants seems a raindrop in a huge storm.

  "I don't feel any different inside," he says. "I'm not a Mid."

  "No. Of cour
se not," I say and smooth his shirt back into place.

  Tobias drags both hands through his hair. "Just you? Do any of the others have this?"

  "I don't know. I don't tend to look at my house mates naked."

  Andrei chuckles. "You're a rugby player. You guys always look at each other naked. I swear some of you only play rugby to get hot and sweaty with other dudes."

  "Shut the hell up," says Ash.

  Andrei pulls a noncommittal face. "Just saying."

  "This isn't an amusing situation, Andrei," says Jamie.

  Andrei mutters something under this breath and slumps back.

  Ash drops his shirt and sits beside me, then looks at the floor with his arms dangling between his legs. "What does this mean, Tobias?"

  We all wait expectantly at him as he stares at the ceiling. "Please understand, I don't have all the answers. I'm not an expert on the shifter world. I'll need to discreetly ask somebody."

  "Am I going to turn?" asks Ash, his question barely audible.

  Tobias blinks at him. "Ash, I don't know. If you're angered enough, perhaps, since it looks as if your body is primed."

  "Shit," mutters Jamie.

  I hold Ash close to me but he's lost in his thoughts again. If only they could be his memories.

  "We need to find out what happened to me that night and if anybody else is involved in Vincent's plans," he says flatly.

  "Yes. We need to discover if anybody high up in the shifter society is involved."

  Ash straightens. "Clive's dad is on the council."

  "Which is probably why Vincent targeted Clive for his 'boys' night'."

  Andrei pulls a face and rests his boots on the table. "If Vincent is responsible for my holiday to Ravenhold, he's in fucking trouble."

  "I don't think threatening people is a good idea, Andrei," I say.

  "Figure of speech. I mean, we need to take him down before he takes us down." He points at me. "Maeve needs to get inside your head, Ash."

  "I need to work with Tobias on this. There's a strong spell holding back Ash's memories."

  "Which confuses me," drawls Andrei, head on the back of his chair as he stares at the ceiling. "'cause shifters can't do that. He must have a vamp friend."

  "How? That makes no sense," says Ash.


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