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Dark Hauntings: A Paranormal Times Novel

Page 6

by C C Solomon

  Monica nodded slowly, her silver eyes giving away no emotion. “Interesting. Was it us who caused you not to get your memories back? We did try. There is a greater force at work. We kept an eye on you, but we shared only what we knew. You had a whole life before the return of magic that we did not track. Your history is very secretive. Why don’t you ask Felix here about yourself since you were both so close and he has his memories back?” She looked almost amused when she made the suggestion.

  I was sure it was because she already knew the answer.

  I’d asked Felix many times before about his memories of me. He said I’d been raised by a mother and step-father who had adopted me. I’d had no siblings and I was in college when the world had changed. I hadn’t been able to locate my parents after that and had no clue if they were living or dead. Felix didn’t know their names. The rest of what he knew was more personality-based but was nothing of significance.

  Monica didn’t wait for me to ask before she began talking. “Honestly, Francesca, we didn’t pay much attention to you outside of your connection to Felix. You aren’t an angel, so we’d have no reason to care about you. However, if you help us, we might be persuaded to help you more.”

  So much for Monica being altruistic.

  Felix cleared his throat and sat forward at the end of his seat. “I thought angels were supposed to be helpful.”

  Monica tilted her head toward him. “We are, but we like assurances. And—you’ll have to excuse me—being part demon does give us pause in how much of your past we want to uncover.”

  Felix looked over at me with uncharacteristically irritated eyes.

  I shrugged. I needed my memories. I didn’t know how to approach Marcus or if he could even be trusted, but I also needed to be campaigning for votes.

  I was, however, curious about what kind of mission she wanted us to do. “Okay, what’s the job?”

  Monica pursed her lips, assessing me with squinted eyes. “I need you to visit a town and check things out there.”

  I sighed. “Care to elaborate? What’s so interesting about this town?”

  “It’s grown at a rate not common, and more importantly, there are a couple of lower-level angels and their human associates who have entered and refuse to leave. I could, of course, retrieve them by force but I am curious as to what kind of town is more appealing than heaven.”

  I wouldn’t be surprised if they liked it better than working under her, but I kept that comment to myself. “So, you want us to see what’s so special about this town?” With the possibility that we might not want to leave. “Sounds easy enough.” Which likely meant it wasn’t. “Did they have some sort of spell that trapped their citizens inside? Do you know what the deal is? Do you have a guess?”

  Monica uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, leaning her forearms on her thighs. “I’ve lost people to this place. I’m not inclined to lose anymore. I’ve forbidden any of my people to step foot into that town. I haven’t gone in and only met with the town leadership at a neutral location. They claim to be on the up and up, but their auras are cloudy. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything sinister, but it could mean there is more and they are covering their evil with magic.”

  Felix scratched his beard in thought. “Have you spoken to your people who refuse to return?”

  Monica shook her head. “It’s all very mysterious.”

  I snorted and shook my head. “So, you want us to risk our lives to go inside this town and, should we be able to leave, give you the deal on what’s going on?”

  Monica gave a curt nod.

  Felix frowned, clearly disturbed. “You think we’re dispensable, don’t you?”

  Monica leaned back. “I think you both are half-demon and that—” She paused and turned up her upper lip in distaste. “—part of you might make you resistant to evil magic. Low-level angels are not immune but even a higher-level angel could have trouble, depending on the strength of the evil doer.”

  Was this mission worth it? Having my memories back would give me a better play at a crown. I could work on Marcus while having the angel’s continue to work on my memories as well, thus increasing my chances. If I only had to go in the town and report back, then this wouldn’t be a significant distraction. Time moved slower in the fae realm so I wouldn’t miss much. “Where is this town? And when do you want us to head out?”

  “St. Michaels, Maryland and this weekend. Spend some time there to really see what’s going on. It’ll be almost like a vacation.”

  In the middle of a campaign for Queen.

  “So, will you do it?”

  I crossed my arms. But I really did need answers and my memories. The few hints I’d gotten from Marcus led me to believe that maybe there was more to my past than I realized. Could I really trust Monica to return my memories? I guess I could go for a few days, and if she couldn’t deliver, I would go to the fae realm. “Will you cover all expenses?”

  “Of course.”

  I lifted a shoulder. “Why not. Could be fun.”

  Monica stood up. “Wonderful. I think you both will be quite useful to our cause after all.” She turned to leave, then paused. “And when you return, Francesca, I do have something to share about your family. I think you’ll be quite pleased.”

  Before I could press her further, she disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

  I twisted my lips and flipped the empty space she’d just occupied with my middle finger. Of course she would hold out on telling me anything until I returned. If it wasn’t big, I was leaving. “I have a feeling she is going to be a thorn in my side for quite a while.”

  Felix nodded, a soft smile on his lips.

  I leaned away from him. “What’s with the face?”

  He raised a shoulder. “You and I going away for a romantic getaway.”

  I got up, shaking my head. “Ok crazy man. This is a job, not a vacation. You and I aren’t a couple. In fact, it might be smart to invite Faith and Azrael with us. More power in numbers.”

  He stood up as well, glancing down at me with the same amused face, his full lips stretched in a lopsided smile that gave him an annoyingly sexy appearance. Something shifted in his gaze, and it was like he was seeing me for who I was, touching my soul in places I couldn’t even reach.

  Why were men insisting on making me get butterflies? I had no time for such things. I was a big girl.

  “Are you afraid to be alone with me?”

  I laughed dryly. “Uh, no.” Okay, maybe I was. He was a very sexy distraction after all. And the way he looked at me made me want to throw myself at him.

  As if seeing some desire in my eyes, he reached over and stuck two fingers into the pocket of my jeans, yanking me forward. I braced my hands against his hard chest, momentarily distracted by the definition of his body. He really was massive. It was hard not to cuddle up next to him. Normally I wouldn’t be a fan of such alpha behavior but Felix had always proven respectful, bordering on boy scout. But then he had his moments, like this, where his presence showed me that he was no kid. The look under his partially lowered lids exposed that he was very much not in an innocent mood, and it did something to my nether regions.

  “You are not focused,” I began. “We need to look into this place. We could be getting sent to our doom. Besides, this back-and-forth flirtation thing is just going to make us frustrated. We should just keep it platonic.” But only if I truly wanted the throne. Did I want it more than him?

  He groaned like I just suggested he eat wilted asparagus. “We can take things slow but platonic? You’re killing me, woman.” He bit his lower lip and tilted his head. “This is part of the fun.”

  My knees were starting to feel like jelly, and I could not have that. I wiggled away from him and pointed. “I will not be tempted by you into another high school make-out session.”

  He lost the heat in his eyes and replaced them with a sort of happy sadness that made him so endearing to me. “I am focused, Fran. It’s just that you’ve practically been r
unning from me for two months and now I have you here. I’m happy, and I just want to be near you for the time that we have together. I know that when you get that throne, because you will, I won’t see you again.”

  My heart stabbed a little. I hadn’t thought about that. If I were a Queen of a court, my comings and goings would be a big deal. I couldn’t just go off for visit on my own without an entourage. Then there was the deal I’d made with Marcus. I still wasn’t convinced it was a real thing, but if it was, I was sure there would be strong disapproval of me spending so much time with non-fae. Marcus seemed like the type to take advantage of that and steal my crown right from under me.

  Besides, where could things go with Felix and me? He wasn’t any part fae so he could never rule beside me. We couldn’t get married.

  I frowned and looked over to Felix. He was still staring at me with sad eyes. “Just realizing it, huh?” he said in a low voice.

  I nodded slowly. “Then why do you even want to be around me? It’ll just hurt more later.”

  “Guess the pain is worth it to me.”

  I wanted to run up to him and kiss him for that. It was the saddest, sweetest thing I’d ever heard. But I also didn’t want to hurt him. Maybe he could take the pain but I couldn’t take causing it. No, it was better that Felix and I stay friends.

  I cleared my throat. “Well, we should get the others over and talk strategy.”

  He gave a nod and turned from me, closing his eyes. I assumed he was calling Azrael and Faith. Since the angel was his guardian, they had a magical connection. As for Faith, as a member of the special six with Felix, they could keep in contact through their minds as well. It was better than a cell phone.

  I sat down on the couch and Felix’s golden retriever bounced over to me from a back room. “Dexter! Where have you been hiding?” I asked, scratching the dog’s head.

  “She doesn’t like Monica,” Felix replied.

  “Smart dog.”

  “She likes me though,” Azrael stated.

  I jumped slightly and saw the angel sitting in a leather armchair to my left. “Don’t you knock?”

  Azrael gave me an unbothered wave of the hand. “Felix is family, I don’t need to knock.”

  As if on queue, we heard a knock at the door. Felix jumped up to get it and seconds later he reappeared with Faith. I gave Azrael a pointed look and the angel wiggled their eyebrows at me in defiance. Angels were unnecessarily annoying.

  The others joined us in the living room and we gave them a recap.

  Azrael scooted further in the chair, their cocky look being replaced with concern. “Should have known Zaphkiel would be on top of this. Losing angels and humans under her rankings doesn’t look good on her ability to lead. So she’s sending you two to fix it.”

  “How dangerous is this town?” I asked.

  Azrael shrugged. “That’s the thing. We don’t know. There’s a whole ward around the town and you can only get in by invitation. They aren’t stingy with the invites so it shouldn’t be hard to get in. It’s the getting out that’s a bit more challenging.”

  Faith swore and twisted in her seat on the couch beside Felix. “Well, this doesn’t sound smart. We don’t need to go. Azrael and Fran’s angel, Carlos, can keep helping us get your memories back.”

  I opened my mouth to mention Marcus. He clearly knew about my past as well. Maybe I couldn’t get the spell to be broken but I could still learn who I was. Assuming I trusted him. Which I didn’t. I glanced back over to Azrael. “Do you really think Monica will help us or prevent others from helping us if we don’t do this?”

  Azrael tilted their head from side to side in thought. “I think she has an agenda and she’s using you as a means to get there. If she can keep feeding you nuggets, you’ll keep doing as she says. Even the unsavory things other angels won’t or can’t do.”

  Felix hunched forward beside me. “Can angels say no to her?”

  “Yes, if it’s to do something against our policies, for a lack of a better word. But you guys don’t have those kind of restrictions.”

  “Would you go if it were you?”

  Azrael sighed and crossed their arms behind their head in thought. “I’m an angel whose goal is to eradicate evil. I would feel it my duty to investigate. Neither of you have such responsibilities. However, Felix, you’re part of the six and you are a hero. This is what you would be expected to do. Both of you are part demon. There’s nothing good in that.” I held my tongue to argue. “Doing good work like this, possibly helping people, will lessen the stains on your souls. The more you do such things, the better it will be for you in the afterlife.”

  Felix nodded, appearing settled in the matter. “Well, I like the sound of that.”

  Faith huffed. “Felix, this isn’t smart. Fran can go with some of her demon friends. That’s the smarter thing to do.”

  Of course she would throw me out there on my own. Monica made a deal with both of us and I was going to get the power of the Six to help make this situation a success because I had no real idea of what I was dealing with in that town. I leaned forward and looked past Felix to Faith. “Excuse me? Why is it okay for me to go but not him?”

  She rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t need Monica and her troubles. This is all about you. It’s not safe. Felix just needs to stay here and teach. We’ve had enough trouble this past year. Amina’s still in a coma and Lisa’s running around trying to help an elf King. The six are already a mess as it is.”

  I pressed my lips together and squinted, thinking of the right words. Nothing came to me. “So, you do realize that Felix is an adult person? He can take care of himself.”

  She twisted her lips and glared at me. “I know that. It’s just dumb for him to risk getting hurt for nothing.”

  “Wow, okay. Well for someone named Faith, you surely have none for your friend here. I’ve seen him fight enough to know that we don’t have to build a wall around him like he needs to be protected.”

  “I know he can fight. More than you know. I just think he should stop chasing after you like some love sick kid because we all know you’re playing him.”

  Azrael snickered. “Cat fight. Where’s my popcorn?”

  Felix scooted forward to block us from each other. “We’re going to go on this mission. Faith, I know you’re looking out for me but this is what I want. It’s not just about Fran. If Monica can help me find my family, then I have to do this.”

  I grabbed Felix’s arm and pushed him back so that I could see Faith again. “And I’m not playing him. I’m just trying to figure out my life. It’s not like you got it all figured out Ms. I’m-going-to-date-an-original-soulmate-that-tried-to-kill-us-all!”

  “Damn it, woman,” Felix sighed.

  Faith jumped up. “I didn’t know she was evil. No one knew. Like you can talk since you were getting married to a demon lord who worked for her!”

  I lowered my head. Touché. “Shut up.” I mumbled.

  “Great come back.”

  Felix cleared his throat again, looking pained. “It seems to me that we all have made relationship mistakes in the past. Maybe this will bond you guys.” He looked back and forth to us both but we didn’t respond. “We’ll give it a little more time. Until then, Faith, will you go with us?”

  She looked over to Felix with still engaged eyes. “Fine, we will go on this stupid mission with you because I’m your best friend and I have to have your back.”

  I opened my mouth to retort that I too would have his back but Felix raised a hand in my direction to keep me silent. I leaned back, looking at the hand. There he went, being alpha again.

  “Fine, then it’s settled. Friday, we leave for a vacation. It’s going to be fun!” He said in a forced shout as if him yelling it would make it the truth.

  Azrael snorted, a confused look on their face. “It probably won’t be but I’m packing popcorn and whiskey anyway.”

  What was I getting myself into?

  Chapter 6

  St. M
ichaels, Maryland, was a tiny town off the Chesapeake Bay. According to Azrael, it used to be a reasonably popular weekend getaway on the east coast until a supernatural tsunami-like flood had destroyed the area. Population decimation and fear of another devastating flood had left the town abandoned for years until recently.

  Instead of teleporting, we drove to the town’s warded entrance off the main road near an abandoned restaurant. A giant welcome sign warned us about the ward a quarter of a mile ahead.

  I couldn’t recall the last time I’d bothered with a car. It was such a sluggish way to go nowadays. Add in that riding in a car with two people that hated me made the trip even more painful. I leaned out of the front passenger side window. “So, what do we do now?”

  Azrael opened the door, got out and stretched. The angel tilted their head back as they took in the warm spring sun, although it felt like the middle of summer. “We wait. Somebody’s watching.”

  Not that much later, two people in mopeds rode toward us dressed in black suits and sunglasses like secret service agents. We remained in place until they stopped their vehicles and got off simultaneously. They then approached us at the same time, same pace. Right foot, left foot.

  I moved my head back in the car. “Do they seem kind of …weird?”

  Felix opened his driver side door. “I don’t know. Seem kind of cool to me.”

  Faith scoffed. “You would think that.”

  We all got out to join Azrael, who was giving our approaching duo an amused grin.

  “How may we help you?” They said in unison.

  Were they twins? They didn’t look like it. Both were men but that was where the similarities stopped. One was tall, over six foot, the other was short, no more than five foot five inches. The tall one looked black with short, brown hair. The short one was white with cropped, blond hair.

  Azrael stepped forward. “We have reservations at the Sweetwater Harbor Inn. We were approved for access.”


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