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Dark Hauntings: A Paranormal Times Novel

Page 21

by C C Solomon

  I rubbed my face, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. I now knew who I was but I still wasn’t sure of my purpose. With my father’s cause, perhaps ruling in the underworld wasn’t such a horrible thing. I could now see how I could make a greater difference with that power. The fae side didn’t want me but there were those on my demon side who did.

  Yet, that nagging feeling of being let go by my fae family wouldn’t go away. My mother died with them having turned their backs on her and me. I was a child and they didn’t care if I left. Probably never checked in on me. That part made me sick. It also made me angry. No, I wanted to return to the fae realm and let them know that despite them throwing us out, I was still someone worthy and powerful.

  I felt a chill in the room.

  I looked down at the foot of the bed to find Yusan sitting cross legged. The demon still creeped me out. I had to remember that the shadow figure with glowing eyes and razor teeth was actually an ancient teenager.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Honestly, Francesca, what else do I have going on? Most people who can see me won’t even talk to me. Some try to exorcise me. You treat me like I’m almost human. It’s lonely for me. I need a friend.”

  I sat up. Well, that was sad. I guess it would suck to be in his position. Rarely being seen and when you are seen, you scare people. And I couldn’t imagine other demons were especially kind to a low-level demon like him. Something pulled at me and I decided, when I got a chance, I’d help him get out of that demon form and set him free. He’d help me without getting anything in return so far. Why not?

  “Well, since you’re here and you’re an old demon. Do you really think Herrod is my father?”

  Yusan snickered. “Of course. It’s like the worst kept secret around. If Herrod wanted to keep quiet that he had a kid, he shouldn’t have hooked up with a fae Queen. Of course, we didn’t know who you were exactly, especially when you were in the fae realm. And even when you were said to have come to this human realm, while magic was gone, there was no way to tell who you were and your mother went into really good hiding. I figure she glamoured herself and you too before she left her realm and that maybe it held. But now that magic is back, we can smell his scent on you.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

  Yusan shrugged. “Didn’t think it needed saying.”

  I wondered if Alister and Nadia knew. I’d told Nadia about meeting Herrod on the battlefield, that would have been a good time for her to tell me who I was. Maybe she didn’t know his scent. However, Alister, as a King, had to know. He probably kept it from me for the same reason he didn’t let me know I’d broken up with him before my memories were stolen. It was his happy convenience that I’d gone right back to him, not realizing that I’d broken things off. He’d made Nadia keep it secret. Not telling me I was Herrod’s daughter to keep me from leaving him seemed like an Alister thing to do. It made me want to kill him all over again.

  If Yusan knew my father’s scent, he must have been around him. “Wait, did my father send you to keep watch over me?”

  Yusan gave me what I assumed was a sheepish look and hung his head. “He’s had people watching over you since you were little.”

  “Even when I was with Alister? What about when the angels wiped my memories?”

  “He’s been trying to get those back. He didn’t want any of us to step in unless absolutely necessary. He wanted you to be strong, and you are.”

  It sounded like he was the kind of dad who watched his kid get beat up by the school bully to teach her about strength.

  How dangerous was my father? “He didn’t think I needed help to get away from Alister?”

  Yusan shrugged. “Guess not. I’m not in his inner circle, Francesca. I only recently got assigned to watch you when you came here.”

  I suppose I wasn’t surprised. Alister was a bastard but he never actually hurt me. Of course, now I knew my father had dubious taste in who he would approve as a son-in-law. “Can I trust him? Will he really come and help?”

  “The only reason he isn’t here now is because you didn’t want him, but he is ready and able if push comes to shove.”

  I felt like we were at the shoving stage.

  Yusan leaned forward, patting my knee with a cold hand. I pressed my lips tightly together and held in a gasp so as not to hurt his feelings. “Don’t worry. My dad was like that. He sent me into the desert to fend for myself for almost a week to gain strength. I almost died.”

  Yikes. And Yusan’s father wasn’t even a demon. “Hey, what’s the deal with him and Olivia? Did he really keep her captive? Does he know she’s free and here and Felix’s mom?”

  Yusan nodded. “Yes, there is some history there but I don’t know it. He knows she’s out.”

  “Can he come get her?”

  Yusan laughed. I was only half-joking. “I can’t explain how King Herrod works. He could have let her go for all we know.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Your father is very wise. Also, very scary. So, the less I know the better for me. He promised he would help free me of this demon curse if I watched over you so I didn't ask anymore questions after that.”

  Was that possible? Seemed to me if he could do that, he could get my memories back. “Can he really do that?”

  Yusan shrugged again. “He said he’d have his people work on it. Better to have that than just me finding a way.”

  Well, that made sense. “I’ll help too.”

  Yusan bared his teeth in a smile before looking to the door and widening his eyes. I followed his gaze and saw Felix standing there glaring at the both of us.

  “That’s my cue.” The demon snapped his fingers and faded away.

  Felix walked further in the room and sat down on his bed, leaning his forearms on his thighs as he continued to stare at me with less than friendly eyes. “You knew.”

  Where there was possible doubt before, he was now looking at me with certainty. He knew I withheld the truth. Either the others had told him what I admitted or he was just going off the word of his mother.

  I nodded my head but kept silent. I didn’t think adding any other words would help the situation. Honestly, a dark part of me wanted to see angry Felix. Not just when he was fighting either.

  The heat in his eyes dissipated but he still didn’t look happy. “Why don’t you trust me?”

  Damn, this was worse than when your mom said ‘I’m so disappointed in you’. “I do trust you. It’s just the others I have an issue with.”

  He leaned back, looking away. “You’re exhausting.”

  I wanted to say something smart but I wasn’t in the mood to argue. I was in the mood to figure a way out of here if help didn’t come in time. “Can your mother get us out?”

  He snorted and shook his head. “Yasmine won’t budge, but I won’t let anything happen to you or the others. Did you tell us everything your father said?”

  Was now really the time to focus on that? Was he sniffing for information to give dear old mom? “I told you everything except that he was my father. Sorry I don’t have more information for your mother.”

  He got up and walked over to me, crouching down in front of me. He searched my eyes with such intensity that it made me nervous and I looked away. He gently touched my chin and turned my head back to him. “Just because our parents hate each other doesn’t mean we have to. My mother’s a good woman. She’s understandably upset about what your father did. You shouldn’t trust him so easily.”

  I pulled away from him. “I’m not gullible. My father is a King of hell and it sounds like your mother was a Queen so maybe we can’t fully trust either of them.”

  He raised a brow. “Your dad wasn’t the one locked up.”

  “Maybe he locked her up for good reason?”

  “What good reason would a demon King have? My mother became good. She fell in love with an angel and raised me to be a good man.”

  I bit my lip in annoyance. Did he really
want to act like his mother was a saint while implying my father was no good? Granted I didn’t really know Herrod and I did have feelings for Felix but it didn’t mean I agreed with his reasoning. Plus, something about his mother rubbed me the wrong way. “Well, slow clap for her for raising her child. My father didn’t have that luxury. He stayed away to protect me. And he uses his power as a demon King to seek revenge on humans who commit injustices.” I wasn’t so sure I was sold on my father as a good guy either but I was not going to let others talk badly about him.

  Felix gathered my hands, which were now in tight fists, and kissed them before placing them back on my lap. “Yeah, Yasmine and my mother mentioned that. Maybe he used to do that but he doesn’t anymore.” He stood up. “Your father isn’t a good guy now. They told me stories.”

  I chuckled, shaking my head. “They could be lies.”

  Felix squinted his eyes. “My mother doesn’t lie.”

  A strong wind lifted the hair on my shoulders and I jumped up as a tornado of sparkling onyx appeared in front of the window. Soon after Marcus stood with a fanged grin painted across his face. “The calvary has arrived.” He opened his arms and gave me a wink with his dazzling blue eyes. “Now we don’t have much time so pack your things and let’s go. Or just leave them here. I’m sure you can get new stuff.”

  In retrospect of all the people to pick me up right now, he was probably the worst one. Felix frowned at him and then looked to me, pointing his thumb in Marcus’ direction. “Who is this guy?”

  Marcus walked up to him and offered a hand, which Felix inspected before shaking. “I’m Marcus. Royal Unseelie faerie. Childhood best friend of Francesca. I was sent by a-“ he turned to me with questioning eyes. “What should I call him?”

  I grabbed my suitcase which was already packed. “My father. My father sent him to get us out of here. We can finish this conversation later. Azrael and Faith, we are out!” I shouted towards the bedroom door. “Get here now or I’m leaving you behind.” I looked to Marcus. “How’d you get in?”

  He crossed his arms with a self-satisfied smile. “I have people. The court I’m from has many specialties. One of which is breaking wards.”

  I could imagine how useful that would be for an Unseelie. I was sure his court used that skill to conquer quite a few foes.

  “I have a troop outside the town ready to attack but I’d rather not waste the energy so let’s just get out of here while the ward is still down.”

  I looked to Felix who hadn’t made a move. “Get your stuff.”

  He lowered his large shoulders and let out a breath. “I’m staying.”

  “Like hell you are,” Faith cried, appearing at the door with her tote and Azrael standing behind her.

  “I can’t leave my mother.”

  “Well, then bring her with you.”

  “She won’t leave. She’s better protected from Herrod here. Yasmine’s people will support her. And help her get justice.”

  He said that last sentence while looking at me. So, Olivia was going to seek revenge on my father from imprisoning her. And maybe Felix would be helping. That would make things challenging.

  I looked to Marcus. “Fine, let’s go.”

  Marcus gave a curt nod and snapped his fingers. “Your ride awaits.”

  I clapped my hands. “With the ward down, I can teleport on my own. See ya.”

  I didn’t wait to try to convince Felix to change his mind. I’d leave that for Azrael and Faith. I was done. I’d always known we weren’t right for each other. Maybe it was finally time for us to go our separate ways.

  Chapter 22

  I reappeared a mile out of town having no idea where I was going to go. Technically, I was homeless.

  Marcus appeared beside me. “Lost, little lamb?”

  I elbowed him in the ribs with all my force and he keeled forward. “Call me little lamb again and you’ll be missing a testicle.”

  He covered his privates and backed away. “I don’t feel that is an equivalent reaction.”

  I looked around the empty road and dark houses of the deserted neighborhood, trying to decide my next move. “No, but it’ll make sure you won’t say it again.”

  “Need a place to lay your head?” He asked, standing upright.

  I actually did. Without Felix, I didn’t think it right for me to go back to his town. Although it felt weird not telling the others. “I should go check in on Nadia.”

  “Can I join you?”

  I eyed him with doubt. “Why do you want to go to a demon realm?”

  “Because you’re half-demon, which I find very intriguing. I want to know more about that half of you. And let me say, thank you for considering me when you asked your father to find help. Imagine my surprise when I was contacted by a demon, a King no less.”

  “Why’d you help me?”

  He looked around. “Can we have this conversation when we aren’t so out in the open? Perhaps away from the wrath of Yasmine?”

  Good point. I grabbed his hand and teleported us to Nadia’s. When we arrived at her door, she answered with a look of shock on her face. “I thought you’d be gone longer,” she stated, opening the door wider to let us in.

  I never understood why she didn’t have help in her mansion beyond a cook and housekeeper who showed up occasionally. She really shouldn’t be answering her own door, she was a Queen. I expected her to look battle-worn but she appeared fine. “I heard you were in a fight?”

  She made a pfft noise. “Eh, it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.”

  “My father tried to reach you.”

  She paused walking and we stopped in the foyer. She looked Marcus up and down and then glanced at me. “So many questions on that statement but first, who did I just let in my house?” She pointed a finger at him.

  Marcus thrust out a hand and Nadia shook it with raised brows as he kissed her knuckles. “I’m Marcus, childhood friend of Francesca from the fae realm.”

  “He knows about your memory?”

  I shook my head. At this point, there was no need to keep secrets. “My memory was wiped,” I said, glancing over at Marcus.

  He frowned. “So, do you remember me?”

  “Nope. I don’t remember anything from before five years ago. I just learned Herrod was my father.”

  “There was a rumor that your father was a demon and that’s why you left. I thought it was a lie until today.”

  Nadia led us to her living room and called her cook to make us some food as I took a moment to figure out my next moves. I still had questions for Marcus. “Will you tell me now why you helped get us out of there?”

  Marcus sat back on the couch, resting an ankle on this knee. “We were supposed to be partners, I couldn’t let you get killed. I’d have gotten there sooner but rallying up troops to fight a demon for a fae not of their court took some bribing. I pulled a few favors.”

  I wasn’t buying it. There was another reason he was so accommodating. “What do you really want from me?”

  Nadia nudged my shoulder. “Maybe he just likes you.”

  Nadia was now a Queen of the Underworld. She hadn’t been Alister’s second because she was a dummy.

  Before I even said a word, she raised her hands in surrender. “I know, I know, it’s probably more. It’s just that he’s so cute.” She gave Marcus a wink.

  He gave her a wide grin. “Thank you, love.”

  “Give her the answers she wants, pretty boy or I’ll boot your ass out of here so fast you won’t have time to blink. You’re cute but not that cute.” She gave a wiggle of fingers at us. “Keep talking. I have work to do. And I’m sorry about being unreachable. I knew being a ruler would keep me busy but I’m not sure it’s worth the pay.”

  “Have fun.” I waved goodbye after her and then turned to Marcus. I didn’t speak, just gave him a tightlipped stare to let him know I meant business. He was going to tell me the truth.

  Marcus snapped his fingers and onyx glitter swirled above his fingers fo
rming zig zag patterns in the air. Soon the swirl of glitter moved into the shape of a small dragon. The glittery dragon breathed out a tiny ring of smoke.

  I looked at it in gleeful awe, like a little child at bubbles. It was actually impressively beautiful.

  “When you were little, you used to like when I made these sparkling animals.”

  “I’m not a kid.” Really, it did look cool.

  “No, you aren’t.” He eyed me like he wanted to eat me for dinner and that made me do an uncomfortable shift in my seat. “Now that I know you don’t have your memory, I guess you wouldn’t remember that we were promised to each other when we were little. It was a deal your step-father made with mine.”

  I chuckled. Of course, leave it to a man to manipulate how a woman lives her life. “I thought my mother was the head of our court?”

  Marcus blew on the magic dragon and the glitter dispersed into nothing to my sadness. “She was. I was a kid so I don’t know much, but apparently she wasn’t happy about it. However, it was supposed to grow our courts. The bigger the court, the more powerful the court. Your mother understood that and we got along so it wasn’t a horrible match. Then the scandal happened and you left. My family still wanted me to marry you. Your mother’s bloodline is strong even if you were half-demon. We looked for you for a long time. It was hard to do with hardly any magic in the human realm. Then when magic came back, I found you.”

  I scrunched my eyes not sure I believed him. Was my blood that potent that he’d search for me for over a decade? I guess they didn’t know I couldn’t have kids. “How’d you find me?”

  “It wasn’t that hard. Your mother didn’t strengthen her magic when the world changed so it got easier to find you. When I went to you, you remembered me. I told you about our arranged marriage and you would have none of that even if it might get you back in your family’s good graces.”

  Now that I believed. “So, what did I do?”


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