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Dark Hauntings: A Paranormal Times Novel

Page 28

by C C Solomon

  I looked over to Felix who now had open eyes but they were emotionless. That was disturbing, especially since they were still red.

  We didn’t have time to further decide what to do because the horn blared at that moment.

  “If Dean comes for us, we will have to subdue him,” I began. “I’ll do the best I can to just make him unconscious but I won’t make any promises.”

  Azrael didn’t respond. Instead, they spread their wings and held open their hand, the giant sickle appearing. The angel looked slightly paler and with them badly wounded and my shoulder still a mess, I didn’t know how great we were going to be. Faith still looked in perfect shape, her bite wound was already healing from her succubus magic. I could only assume her powerful Six magic had avoided the effects of becoming paralyzed. Must be nice to have a battery of energy on standby.

  Dean also expanded his wings and a standard issued silver angel sword appeared in his right hand. It was the typical weapon of choice for angels, especially lower-level ones. His eyes went full silver. Guess he meant business now.

  The other wraith had no weapon. I guess she was pretty confident. She raced towards us in a blur of motion. I spun, expecting her to appear behind me because, didn’t they all? Only instead of showing up in front of me, she appeared next to Faith, ramming her to the ground and windmilling her claws at her.

  I swung my sword almost hitting the wraith when a spray of fire met my sword, sending a fiery heat to my hands. I dropped the sword and stumbled back, my hands now painfully red and already blistering.

  Dante walked toward me in a slow pace, still grinning. He was loving this. I pushed my magic to teleport away and buy some time since I wouldn’t be getting any help right then. Azrael was fighting Dean and they seemed to be losing. I wasn’t sure if it was because of Azrael’s injury or if they were being half-hearted because they were fighting a fellow angel.

  More importantly, was why had I not moved? I shut my eyes and tried to teleport again. Nothing.

  Dante gave me a pitying pout. “Having problems running away? Did you know that demonic weapons can curb your powers if you are injured by them? You and your angel friend were both hit by our weapons. Sorry for you.” He then let loose another blast of fire, and I dove to the ground, tumbling away. I’d had my powers earlier when I out teleported from the boomerang. I guess it took a while for the demon wound to zap me of my gifts.

  How the hell did I outrun a magic blow torch? I needed to get the weapon from him. Maybe I could find a way to cut Dante’s hands off? He had to use both hands to work the machine so even one hand down would give me a leg up. Of course, having my sword which I had dropped to the ground would help. Not that my damaged hands would do well swinging a sword now. Well, that and getting close enough to him to even swing the sword before me getting fried was another thing.

  Of course, I had other magic. I was a faerie and demon, after all. It was time to stop fighting like a blind soldier and time to get creative. Herrod told me to stab or jab the spine. Was it any part of the spine? Was just a finger enough? I had to make sure I knew what I was doing because as soon as I tried it, Dante would know what was happening. If I hit the wrong spot then he would be on notice and would ensure he wasn’t so exposed. However, first I had to get rid of the torch to even get close enough.

  I jumped up and shot out my hands, sending an electrical current of magic around Dante, shaking his body. However, he held tightly to the blow torch as if it were a part of him. I ran to my sword and cried in pain as my burned hands picked up the weapon, which still looked undamaged but no longer hot. I swore through the pain, shaking at the throbbing burning.

  I raced toward Dante, sword in my right hand and left hand up, still emitting my electrocuting magic. My damaged shoulder screamed at the continued strain but I was strong. I could do this. I was part demon, a wound by a demonic weapon shouldn’t keep me down for long.

  Dante stopped shaking and turned his torch back to me. Fire shot out and I swiped my left arm, sending him flying backwards but not before my arm was wrapped in fire. Tears of pain tore through me, and I let out a guttural scream. I gritted my teeth so hard I thought I would shatter them but I kept focus. I looked to the blow torch and lifted it in the air with my magic. I then began to bend it tightly as if it was made of just paper until it became nothing but a steel ball. Sweat poured down my forehead, burning my eyes but I stayed focus. I felt like I was on my last reserve. Using my magic, demonic or fae, was not an endless supply. Between my injuries and fighting fatigue, I was running close to empty.

  And Dante could sense it as he ran toward me, disappearing mid-run. He reappeared in front of me and lifted his hand, using his magic to send me in the air swinging like a rag doll. Azrael raced to his side, swinging their sickle. Dante, spotting the motion from his peripheral vision, teleported away, dropping me hard to the ground. But he was too late, I saw the sickle biting into his side.

  I got to my feet, slightly off-balance, as my damaged left arm hung limply. These bastards really liked to come for the arms. How smart of them. I spun around, looking for Dante. I could only see him teleport here and there at different parts of the field. He was trying to confuse me. If he kept moving, we wouldn’t be able to get him. I could already see Faith providing a killing blow to the other wraith but Azrael was still having trouble with Dean. I wanted to help but I had to keep my guard out for Dante. Was he running the clock? Did he think he could finish me off if he just kept me tired? No, I needed to get him out and end this before I actually passed out. I was about to make my move. If there was any part of the spine that could be the most damaging, it had to be the top, right? I was part demon, maybe my demon intuition would guide me correctly. It was a long shot but I needed this win.

  “You scared to fight me, Dante!” I shouted. “You just keep running.” I sheathed my sword. “See, I’m putting away my weapon. So, we’re even. Still scared?”

  Dante appeared in front of me, swinging his fist and connecting with my jaw. I did a very fake but dramatic fall to the ground. That wasn’t to say it didn’t hurt like hell because it very much did, however, I needed him to position himself in a manner to allow me easy access. Dante jumped on top of me as I expected. He wrapped his hands around my neck and a burning heat choked me. I widened my eyes as more pain from his fire hands tore the life out of me. I had to remain conscious. Not struggling against his grasp, I moved my hands around his back. I began to touch the top of his spine but at the last minute, something compelled me to move lower, in between his shoulder blades.

  I jabbed all my fingers into that space at once with all my force.

  Dante let out a thunderous howl, loosening his hold on my throat and throwing his head back. He looked down at me with murderous eyes. “You bi-” He didn’t finish his sentence as his body broke apart, crumbling to ash all over me.

  It worked! I had no clue which finger was the magic touch but I would think about that later. Right now, I felt like I was going to suffocate.

  I let out a hacking cough, rubbing my burning throat and wincing at the pain of the tender skin. I wouldn’t need a mirror to know my neck was probably burned as badly as my hands and arm.

  I heard shouting to my right and turned my head to see Azrael slice their sickle across Dean’s body just as he was about to impale Faith with his sword. The angel’s body slid apart in the midsection, toppling to the ground in different directions. Even from my distance, I could see tears pouring from Azrael’s silver eyes.

  I continued my coughing, closing my eyes in frustration. I could barely move. I felt like shit. We were supposed to help him avoid killing another angel. However, I couldn’t get to them in time. I clenched my teeth again from pain and anger. When I got my second wind, I was going to destroy Yasmine. I just had to get up. In my mind I was doing it but my body refused to match my thoughts.

  The horn blared and I sucked in a breath, grunting as I sat upright. I looked to the platform and saw Yasmine standing next to t
he announcer. Her face a mask of fury. I knew right then and there that she wasn’t going to honor what she promised.

  Azrael and Faith joined me. Azrael had an arm over her shoulder as she kept the angel upright. Azrael looked ready to crumble. I’d never seen the angel so weak and I could still see their chest wound unhealed. If we didn’t get a healer on them soon, the angel might not make it.

  Yasmine grabbed the microphone from the announcer. “Whoever kills them gets their skins!” Yasmine shouted, pointing to us. I looked to the crowd and the wraiths looked down at us with hungry eyes.

  Did our skins even look worth it now? We were all battered and bruised. Then again, maybe our skin could still heal when worn by a wraith. And our bodies were still good food for them.

  I struggled to my feet. What little energy I had left wasn’t going to get me through fighting all these wraiths. My throat felt raw and burned from Dante’s fiery choking. Through the commotion of the wraiths charging towards us, we could see our allies bursting past the podium and bleachers. I was so thankful I could have fainted. We were still heavily outnumbered but it was better than being just the three of us fighting.

  I looked over to Yasmine and pulled out my sword, feeling a second wind. Okay, maybe it was more of a light breeze but it was enough to get me to fight again. I pointed my sword at her. “I’m coming for you, bitch.”

  Chapter 29

  Yasmine had the audacity to laugh as I charged at her. “Haven’t you learned enough from our last fight?” she called. “Shall I take your sword again? It should be easy now. You can barely hold it upright.”

  She was right but I wasn’t going to let her know that. She threw her hand out and I felt a slight pull of my sword but it stayed with me. This sword was loyal. Also, dad magic.

  I gave Yasmine a triumphant smile as she frowned at me. “Not as weak as you thought.” With my magic, I flung her into the bleachers. I wished I could teleport. Stupid demon injury. I charged toward her again but she teleported away.

  She reappeared in front of me and I swung my sword at her. She bent backwards, missing my blade by mere inches. I thrust my sword at her again and she moved to the side with ease. She didn’t look the least bit hurt by any of my actions. I pushed off the ground and leaped into the air, bringing my sword down onto her in a last attempt to stab her.

  Yasmine looked up and snapped her fingers. Instantly I felt the bones in my right wrist break. I fell to the ground, dropping my sword. I was in so much pain now that I wasn’t sure what hurt more. Nausea threatened to force the contents of my stomach to the surface but I held it back, steadying my breath.

  Yasmine smirked down at me. “I’m kind of disappointed that killing you will be this easy. You’re the daughter of a high-level demon. Of course, I’m sure it was Herrod who told you about the death jab. That bastard.”

  I saw Azrael appear behind her but she must have felt the presence of the angel because she lifted her hand in a fist and Azrael fell to the ground. The angel didn’t move but their eyes were wide open and I could see them struggle against an invisible hold as their body slowly sunk into the ground. She was burying them. I had to kill her before she killed them.

  Both my hands were pretty much useless right now but I didn’t need them to protect myself. If she snapped her fingers again, I didn’t want her breaking anything else on me. I lowered my head and pushed out my magic to send an electric current her way. Her body froze, shaking at a speed too fast to catch with the naked, non-paranormal eye. I lifted my chin and her body rose in the air. Maintaining control, I raised my sword and flung it through her, impaling her in the throat. She gurgled, grabbing at the sword sinking into her skin. I could decapitate her like this.

  “Francesca, watch out!” called a voice. It sounded like Azrael.

  I looked over my shoulder, too late to see two wraiths ram into me and knock me to the ground. They clamped their teeth into my arms and I shouted in pain as I looked up at Yasmine who was fighting my control. She ripped out the sword and tossed it to the ground. She then grabbed her neck, gagging with the effort as she covered the gushing wound. I knew she would heal but it wouldn’t be fast. If I could shake free of these wraiths, I could actually finish the job.

  She floated towards me, one hand outstretched. Her face changed to the bald, bloody mess from before, her teeth growing sharp and nails black and long. I struggled against the wraiths and they soon tore away from me, ripping my skin as they moved. I saw Azrael lift a hand in the air and I knew the angel had helped remove the wraiths from me even from their stuck position in the dirt. I would have preferred they do it in a way that didn’t involve tearing of my skin but I’d move on from that.

  I felt a sharp pain in my gut, as if my intestines were being moved around. I looked up and Yasmine hovered above me with a sneer of a smile on her face, blood leaking from her lips from the damage I’d caused her. However, this had not stopped her from trying to kill me. She was literally trying to gut me. It felt like snakes were inside me, struggling to escape. I was close to passing out from the feeling.

  I was on borrowed time now before I became paralyzed from the wraith bites so time was running out. I tried to push my power back at her and she dropped to the ground but that would not be enough. I was starting to feel the effects of my blood loss and burns. My fighting energy burned away like a candle. Between that and the agonizing pain in my stomach, I hardly had any juice left in me. However, I would not give up. I was the daughter of a warrior fae Queen and a King of the Underworld. I was made of the strongest stuff. I could take down this no-name demon. I would fight. I would sometimes lose. But I would never give up. It wasn’t in my D.N.A.

  I lifted my burnt hand in the air. I would electrocute her with whatever energy I had left. Even if I died, I was taking her with me. I poured everything I had through me and magically lifted the Shuriken and every weapon I had at my disposal, sending it all in her. Since she was now electrified again, she couldn’t dodge my weapons and they all landed in her body like some kind of horrific push pin doll. She keeled forward from the attack, her eyes bulging in shock. She cried out and more blood spurted from her mouth but she did not stop her magical attack on me. I knew she was hurt, it was all over her face. Her body continued to shake like a rag doll from my attack. Why was she not at least retreating? That was okay. It only meant I had to kill her right now.

  I closed my eyes and continued my magic, feeling like I was on my last bit of strength and not wanting to waste anymore by even looking at her. I really needed her to die already. At this point we were both inflicting the maximum harm on each other and I needed her gone before she gutted me.

  A woman shrieked. The sound shook the ground and pierced the air louder than the horn. It was like a banshee, banging against my ear drums. I opened my eyes and saw Felix floating in the air, awash in blood. Yasmine’s body was torn, for lack of a better word, in two from the torso. His eyes were still fully red and now I noticed his nails were sharp and black like Yasmine’s.

  Felix held her two halves by the leg and arm like they were some human-shaped trash bags. Yasmine, still alive, cursed and shook in Felix’s hands. He flung her lower body across the field and I didn’t bother to look where it landed. I was too horrified by this demonic Felix. With both hands, he clutched Yasmine’s upper body whose head was aimed towards the ground. He then shot down, bashing Yasmine’s skull into the hard dirt.

  And it splattered. As if that wasn’t enough, he then slapped her back and a blinding white light spread across her body until it was nothing. Had he just exorcised her as well?

  I remained where I lay, too stunned and paralyzed with pain to move. Several wraiths descended upon Felix in anger. Seemingly fearless, he grabbed wraiths by the collar like they were nothing and bashed the creature’s heads together. The wraith’s heads exploded against each other like they were humanoid pumpkins. More gore splashed across Felix but he seemed unfazed as he went through wraith upon wraith. Crumbling them like paper

  Some wraith were finally getting the picture that he was not to be messed with and started running away only to get put down by our allies. However, Felix was relentless. He charged after the wraiths, tearing them apart with what seemed like ease until his fighting and our allies left no wraith standing.

  Carlos appeared in front of me, crouching down. “Looks like you need some healing,” he observed.

  I groaned. “Thanks, captain obvious. Do you know how Felix got out? He came just in time.”

  Carlos hovered his hand over my burned neck. I had so many injuries I didn’t know how he chose which one to heal first. “No idea.”

  “Well, he doesn’t look good.”

  Commotion stole my attention as I saw Felix fling several of our allies out of the way. He was now charging towards me with blazingly, angry eyes. Something cold spread in my chest. He looked horrifying. Like he would kill me. What the hell had I done to him? I was here to save him.

  Carlos paused and turned slightly, eyes narrowing towards the bulldozing maniac. “I knew he was falling into his demonic side but I had hoped he could control it.”

  “Did you not see him tear bodies apart like paper?”

  Azrael stood in front of Felix, shoving him backwards in the chest. “Friend. Find your peace. We won,” the angel commanded, stumbling slightly. They were covered in dirt and still wounded, but I was glad they were no longer being buried alive.

  Felix looked down at the angel’s hand on his chest and then back up at Azrael. To my shock and horror, he picked up the angel and tossed them to the side. Faith wasted no time and punched him in the side of his face. Felix replied by back-slapping her to the ground besides Azrael.

  Others ran up to hold him down. Felix was taller and bigger than anyone around. Add his magic and he was very intimidating. He elbowed and punched his way through his friends and allies who were all surprised at his destruction. Felix definitely was not in his right mind. I was only thankful that he hadn’t killed anyone on our side. Yet. Had Olivia’s death sent him over the edge? His dark side had clearly taken over and he seemed to want to focus his rage on one person. Me. Was he angry that I had kept him from returning to town, leaving his mother to die?


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