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An Ocean Between (Beachside Sweet Romantic Suspense Book 2)

Page 10

by Rimmy London

  He laughed but my face had frozen. “Manwell? You work for Manwell?” He nodded slightly, a little taken aback by my sudden alertness. I decided to go ahead with my plan. “Well, I had just wanted to see if Mr.Fullmer, Dram, and…”

  “Culz?” His eyebrows rose.

  “Yes! I wanted to see if they would like to be shown around the city since it is surely new to them. Where did you say they were from?”

  “Well…” He shifted his weight. “I didn’t say. And actually, I’m not sure myself. They flew in a couple days ago though. I believe they were out of the country before that. Probably always traveling.” He nodded. “I’m sure they would appreciate the offer. Would you like me to give them a call?”

  My stomach turned but I didn’t hesitate. “That would be great, thank you.”

  * * *

  The drive home was quick and hardly slowed my thoughts. I almost felt I could pull it off by the time I reached the sandy drive. Except for the figure waiting on my doorstep. He didn’t look happy to see me. Silently I walked up to him, studying his face and trying to trust him like Givanni had pleaded.

  “What do you think you are doing Loriel?” Marco grumbled. He didn’t give me a chance to respond. “I got a text saying you wanted to give a tour? These men are not here on vacation. They hardly need a tour.” Something about his voice had me feeling victorious.

  “No one needs a tour,” I fumbled. “… But did they want one?”

  His head jerked to one side. “Well yes they did, congratulations. How nice for you to get this time to spend with them. Tomorrow will be eventful I am sure.”

  I shrugged a little. “What’s the problem Mr. Ginetti? I don’t see anything wrong with this.”

  He eyed me critically. “Yes, it all seems quite innocent, except for the fact that you’re up to something.”

  Waiting out his stare I finally decided to test Givanni’s theory and see what a little trust produced. “Okay Marco, you’re right. I am up to something.” He squinted at me. “These men show up out of the blue and take over. And have direct contact with the President….” I paused, and he seemed a little irritated by me so far. “What do you know about them, Marco? Where are they from and why are they really here?” That seemed to wake him—or make him angrier, it was hard to tell.

  “Miss Lane, despite what you might think, the whole world is not plotting against you. They are simply here to handle a small merger with the government, and I am hoping that with this ally we will be a less vulnerable target for a certain other organization.” He stared at me for a moment. “That is all. There is nothing to uncover, so I suggest you give them a splendid tour and then forget about it.”

  Sighing I let my lips reach halfway to a smile. “No doubt you‘re right about that, it’s just hard to get back into reality that’s all.” He nodded triumphantly and retreated to his car. I was sure he felt he’d successfully snuffed out my interfering ways—if it was left up to him, Givanni would never be free. Watching him pull out I checked his name off in my head. He was no longer in the trustworthy category.

  Chapter 10

  The next day I began my tour, bright and early. “Well gentlemen, let’s get started,” I said cheerily. With identical sour faces they crowded into the priceless sedan Marco had provided. “First off, is there anything, in particular, you would like to see?” There was silence in the back seat, along with Jeremy in the passenger's seat, who had practically invited himself. “No?” I questioned, “Okay then, I’ve got a few great spots to show you, so no worries.” Reaching the first location quickly I slowed. “This is your more touristy street.” They glanced uninterestedly at the shop windows, each one proudly displaying brightly patterned beach towels and Marilyn Monroe t-shirts. “Would anyone like to look around?”

  Jeremy looked into the back seat questioningly before turning back and mumbling under his breath. “Doesn’t look like it. Not their forte I imagine.” He chuckled.

  “Okay let’s move on… next is a pretty amazing aquarium if you have family members wanting to visit, it’s always a big hit.” Before long the aquarium had come and gone, along with half a dozen city buildings, including the post office. I was getting desperate. They had to start talking soon! I hadn’t learned a single thing about them. My eyes settled on the sun sinking in the sky. “Let's visit the beach, there’s one here you don’t want to miss. Anyone interested?” I looked behind me at their bored faces, but they seemed to be considering this one, talking quietly.

  “I would like to see the coastline,” Mr. Dram spoke up, the other two adding their consent with drab nods in my direction. With a shiver, I turned back to the road. It was like showing corpses around. Why had they agreed to it?

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Once we reached the beach I gave up on my investigation and trudged through the sand swinging my sandals alongside me. My three ‘guests’ stomped through the beach in their shiny shoes, not bothering to remove them. Fine, I thought, ‘get scratches all over them—you deserve it.’

  “Now Miss Lane,” Mr. Fullmer said, catching up to me. “Why is it that you have provided us this tour? We are all quite curious.” Jeremy, who had taken to walking alongside me no doubt trying to cheer the utter boredom, glanced at me smartly. I stifled a laugh.

  “Out of politeness Mr. Fullmer, I assumed you would like to be shown around before you head to Guadalupe. Since you are unfamiliar with the area…” I let the sentence hang, catching their glances and feeling like I was missing something. Jeremy even looked a little confused. “I’m sorry, have you been to Los Angeles before?” Mr. Fullmer’s capable steps quickened as he kept pace with me. I was surprised at the strength showing clearly through his coat. I hadn’t noticed before.

  “No, you are right about that. I—we have never been here, but we are quite familiar with the area I can assure you. You do not have to visit to know your way around.” I meant to nod, but feeling confused I only stared back at him. What was his point?

  “Yes Miss Lane, we are quite familiar with many things.” Mr. Culz spoke up, appearing on my other side. “We are familiar with your company, for one—such a powerful organization, no doubt you are lucky to be a part of it.” Had I not felt such an increasing sense of danger I would have replied. “And we know of the brush with a certain group in Italy that surely could have killed you—again, quite lucky.” Every sensor in my body was on high alert, and I began to scan the beach, looking for a way out of whatever they had planned. Jeremy materialized next to me again, for his protection or mine I couldn’t tell. “Here you find yourself completely ignored during a trial for murder in which case you were actually there, and yet no one acknowledges it, or perhaps they don’t care.”

  I couldn’t believe it—I knew they had to be trouble. Why did I have to be right all the time? I planted my feet, stopping with what I hoped looked like strength. “What are you doing?” I growled.

  Jeremy stayed silent next to me, staring into their faces as if he had asked. Their actions were identical to each other’s, the way they stepped their feet out evenly, hands sinking into their pockets. They looked like completely different men than those I had met in Marco’s office. Had I seen them now I would have known to keep my distance, but there had been nothing threatening about them before—just disinterest. My knees had begun to shake but I kept my eyes on Fullmer. He seemed to be the one in charge. He came forward, closer than I was comfortable with.

  “There has been a… change of plans Miss Lane. You will not be going in to work tomorrow.”

  Dram’s hand closed around my arm, but as I jerked back he pulled me against him. “Now, now Miss Lane, it would be a shame to have to hurt so many people.”

  Children’s laughter rang out as if on cue. I glanced over, seeing the youngest girl, barely walking. Her round belly poked out between a ruffled red and purple bikini.

  Jeremy sucked in his breath as we began to walk, and I caught sight of Culz pushing a gun into his ribs. My already pounding heart cr
amped. Every step seemed to take a full ten minutes as I raced through our options. Mostly trying to figure out who they might be—what they might be trying to accomplish. “So who do you work for?” I squeaked out, my formerly strong voice having crumbled. Fullmer almost smiled.

  “We do indeed work for the government—that was no lie.” His arrogant face was infuriating.

  “That’s hard to believe…” Jeremy’s voice choked off with a twist of Culz hand, and I caught his grimace from the corner of my eye. “Why wasn’t I told about you?” He wheezed, flashing an angry look at Culz. But there was no reply, all three men looking like they would rather have him disappear.

  My heart felt like it sunk to my stomach as I looked at Jeremy—he was in much more danger than me. “What do you need?” I rushed, “Maybe if you just asked I could get it for you.”

  Fullmer laughed, looking at me with a mock sympathy. “My dear, you are what we need. Clearly, you have a certain power that others are unable to attain.”

  I glanced at a family as we walked past, trying my hardest to catch someone’s eye, but they were too caught up in the festivities. No one noticed.

  “But how was that achieved,” Fullmer continued, “what connection I wonder. What are you not telling us?” My face flushed as his hand trailed along my shoulder. “Who is protecting you?”

  I jerked my arm away, knowing that I didn’t have the answer they wanted. Whatever they had weaved from this chain of events was more than I could give them.

  Reaching the car Culz pulled the sweatshirt from my arms, retrieving the keys and getting in the driver’s seat. Dram held tight to my arm, motioning for Jeremy to get into the back and pushing me in after him. Staying attached to my arm, he squeezed in next to us.

  “Where are you taking us?” My question was met with silence.

  “Did Manwell set you up to this?” Jeremy’s question caught me off guard, my impression of the President being a bit more honorable.

  “Manwell,” Culz scoffed, looking back at us like we were completely ignorant. “He wouldn’t have it in him.”

  “Okay let’s make a deal then…” I wheezed, almost choking on my dry throat. All faces turned to me. “Drop me off at my office. Along with Jeremy—and leave. Go to Guadalupe and set up whatever operation you have been appointed to, and I will never speak a word of it.” There were chuckles from around the car, but I waited motionless.

  “And why would we do that?” Fullmer chuckled.

  I crossed my fingers. “Because Allen Conner is a difficult man to negotiate with.” The laughter stilled, and I was sure my guess had been right. They were in too deep with the wrong crowd.

  We swerved into an alleyway and sped into the shadows before screeching to a stop. Fullmer’s hand connected with my face before I knew what had happened, and I fell into Jeremy. My face swelled with pain as his arms wrapped around me protectively.

  “Stop!” Jeremy yelled. “We don’t even know what you want!” I pushed him away, shaking my head and watching their blurred images dance around in front of me.

  “Then why would you say that?” Fullmer was shaking with anger, and as I focused on the gun in his hand he pressed it to Jeremy’s head, pushing him against the window. “What do you know? Tell me now!” He yelled.

  I gasped. “I don’t know anything, only the name I promise!” Tears had swelled in my wide eyes. “You think I have a connection but you’re wrong. I have nothing that you might want—nothing.”

  His face slowly relaxed. The second he pulled his hand back the door flew open, cracking against the brick wall. Even as I watched Jeremy dive to the ground I followed him, ripping my arm from Dram’s grip. I held onto the back of Jeremy’s shirt and ran as hard as I could. My legs felt weak and uncoordinated, and I doubted we would get far. They were going to kill us.

  One sharp screech and the car jerked backward, with only seconds before we were under it. Trying door after door, Jeremy finally found an opening, leaping in with me right behind as the car flew past with gunshots ringing out. Diving to the ground I covered my head with my hands and kicked the door closed behind us. I could hear their tires squealing as they sped away. My frantic breath sucked in a musty tile odor.

  Having entered the back of a restaurant, we were lucky to land in a secluded hallway. The chatter of guests and clanking of pots and pans was disorienting, with the thought that we were running for our lives while others were relaxing over dinner. Crawling forward quickly I shook Jeremy’s shoulder. “Let’s go, I bet they’ll be back.” There was no answer, and my eyes fell from the hallway to the man in front of me. Motionless. “Jeremy,” I pleaded. Bringing one hand to his warm neck I pressed, feeling nothing, and then my eyes caught it. A growing dark pool under his shoulders. My hand flew to his neck again, and I shook him again.“Jeremy!” His body swayed, and I knew there was nothing else to be done.

  “Right here!” A shout from the alley had me leaping up without a thought. Barreling through the restaurant I caught sight of a few cooks, their white aprons stained from a long day at work. They didn’t have time to look up before I was out the front door, turning and racing down the street. They were likely seconds behind me. I had to find somewhere to hide.

  Chapter 11

  I spun the coffee mug in a slow circle and slid away from the window. The little cafe seemed the only all-night place open. Darkness saturated every other window on the street. I yawned, glancing at the late night news. It was a repeat, of course, not many news anchors working at three in the morning. The waitress had finally gotten the point and left me alone, but it wasn’t her fault I had gotten into so much trouble. She was undoubtedly surprised by my swollen face, and the mother in her had seemed to take over, asking more questions than I was prepared to lie about. After waiting through silence she had finally disappeared. I was glad. She seemed much too kind, and I most likely would have started talking eventually… she didn’t need that.

  In a way, it felt good to be lost in the middle of a city. How would they ever find me now? Taking another sip of steaming tea I hardly noticed when my eyes closed and my head fell to the plastic booth behind me.


  I woke with a start. The waitress waited until I met her eyes, taking my cup and filling it slowly. “You have someplace to go dear?” She asked sweetly, keeping her voice down as a few more customers had settled in booths around me.

  Rubbing my face I flinched at the pain along my right cheekbone. “I do,” I breathed, smiling a little lopsided back at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay,” I lied. If Givanni was with me it might be true, but the way things were going I would be lucky to make it another day. If I could just get back to Shellbrook without anyone on my tail. My eyes lifted from the steaming liquid that had refreshed my cup. Marco’s reminder about the tunnel by the sea came rushing back to me, and I glanced out the window at a parked cab. I jumped from my seat, ready to find answers.

  * * *

  It took longer than I’d imagined to reach the hidden bit of wilderness I called home. “Thank you so much,” I said to the cab driver. I tried to squeeze out every ounce of gratitude I could, watching the driver shrug. No doubt he had been begged upon before, and as much as I liked to think my situation was different in every way, it probably all sounded the same.

  “Don’t mention it, Miss. Don’t know why I do people favors anymore…” He glanced up, the hard line of his mouth lifting a little. “Just get yourself taken care of.”

  I nodded, determined to never judge anyone ever again. The sidewalk was deserted and seemed to lead nowhere, but I knew where I was. Stepping under the fence line I kept to the perimeter of Givanni’s property, as the rooftop of his house came into view. I crawled forward through the grass that was uncharacteristically overgrown and sat against a palm tree. It definitely appeared vacant, but I wanted to be sure. So I waited.

  When the sun had moved across the sky a few inches I glanced to the pasture and noticed Givanni’s red stallion watching me
—Scotch. He held his head tall with his ears straight and unmoving. “Go eat your grass” I grumbled. When two more horses followed suit, their heads came up like giant arrows pointed in my direction, and I groaned. If there happened to be someone inside there would be no question of my location. I stood and trudged to the door.

  Having expected it to be locked tight I stopped when the handle turned and the solid wood door swung open. My feet froze mid-step. It should have been locked. And even though it clearly wasn’t, an alarm should’ve been blaring.

  I stepped inside and closed the door quietly, inching my way forward. When I reached the hall I stood still, listening. My heart pounded in my chest, and I tried to calm my wild imagination—the one that was sending a thousand scenarios to my brain. Of Givanni somehow making it home. Of seeing him around the next corner. I steadied my breath and scolded my thoughts. He was not here. That was a fact. But it was possible someone else had entered. I continued to pad quietly forward to the sitting room I remembered well. Its fireplace held a secret passageway, and it would be the perfect place to start. I was sure Givanni had kept it hidden from most everyone.

  Stopping suddenly I scanned the house with the feeling that something wasn’t right. The setting sun cast long shadows and I backed closer to the wall, gasping when a shadow moved across mine. My head whipped to the side. I hardly had time to register his face before he clamped one hand over my mouth, silencing my scream. I clawed at his grip and screamed through his hand with as much force as I could manage.

  “Loriel!” Cal continued to push me back and I kicked at his leg, making his hand slip down.

  “Help! Help m…” My voice was silenced again and his angry face turned a deeper shade of red.

  “Stop! I’m not going to hurt you!” He pushed me back until my head slammed against the wall, and I glared back at him. “Just listen—can you do that? Listen!”


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