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Second Chance Christmas Bride (Seven Brides of Christmas Book 4)

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by Shelby Reeves

  I hear an audible gasp from behind me. “You have got to be kidding me,” she grumbles, just as surprised as I am. She takes a seat in front of me and the anger that has been simmering finally erupts.

  “Don’t act so happy to see me, Lil.” She used to love it when I called her that. “I almost didn’t set up the date either when I found out I was matched with you.”

  “Then why did you?” she retorts, folding her arms over her chest.

  She is even more beautiful than I remembered. Lilly has definitely blossomed into a woman. Her fiery red hair barely reaches her shoulders. Her ruby red lips are even more inviting. I remember not being able to get enough of her when we were together. It took all my will power to stop.

  “I just want to know, Lil, why did you not tell me you were moving and is that why you broke up with me or was it something else?”

  “Why is it so important to you that you know?”

  She doesn’t get it. “I loved you. I saw a future with you and you crushed me. You were the first girl I had actually felt something for, the first girl I was willing to fight for no matter the cost. So, yes I still want answers to the questions that have been burning in the back of my mind for the last ten years.”

  She swallows hard and after a moment she gives me the answer I desperately wanted to hear. “I didn’t think you honestly cared about me like you claimed you did. I knew how you were with the other girls and I was terrified you would break my heart, Braxton.”

  “Are you serious? I showed you every day that you were different. I treated you like I never had treated any girl before. I loved you, Lilly. Hell, I even started thinking of the future I wanted with you.”

  “I’m sorry,” she murmurs, suddenly feeling remorse.

  “You’re sorry? Don’t you think I should have heard that a long time ago? I deserved a reason why my heart was breaking, Lilly! For a long time, I hated you. Even still today, part of me still does because of the way you ended things.” I can’t look at her anymore because it hurts too damn much. “I’m out of here.”

  “Braxton,” she calls out for me, but I ignore her. I am hurting all over again by hearing her voice and seeing her pretty face. When will I stop fucking hurting? When will my heart stop breaking because of her?

  Her answer only pissed me off more. She didn’t fucking trust me then so why would she now?

  Leaving is probably only making things worse, yet at this point, who the hell cares.

  I need a bottle of whiskey. Stat.

  Chapter Four


  I’m left stunned as Braxton, the boy whose heart I broke all those years ago, walks away after unleashing the anger that had built up inside him all of those years out on me. Is the universe playing some kind of joke? In my heart, he would be the best match for me. Truth is, I was scared. I knew Braxton’s history with girls and while he treated me better than I could have ever imagined that fear of him dumping me was so strong that I ended it before I fell even harder for him.

  I leave before I fall apart in front everyone at the resturaunt. I’m sure all eyes are on me anyways after Braxton’s less than stellar conversation with me. I think that was the only reason he met with me today was so he can say everything he has been wanting to say since I left him.

  I keep my emotions in check, not allowing myself to fall apart. Crying over a guy is stupid. I’m also embarrassed that he chose a public setting to let it all out.

  I know what I need to do.

  Pulling out my phone, I send a quick text to Delilah letting her know I need to have an emergency meeting with her. We are allowed to call an emergency meeting if something goes wrong with the date. Something definitely went wrong with his date and his name is Braxton.

  The whole drive back to Delilah’s office I go over what I am going to discuss with her. Braxton and I will never work, it didn’t before, and it won’t this time. She doesn’t need to know that I broke up with him the first time and my heart has not been the same since. She needs to match Braxton with someone else. Plain and simple. I hurt him too much for it to work again.

  Delilah is patiently waiting for me when I step into her office. “I take it the date didn’t go so well,” she says coolly, then takes a sip of her coffee. Delilah is always professional, regardless of the situation. She is my age and acts more mature than most adults do. It’s one of the reasons I love working with her.

  “No, it didn’t. As it turns out I used to date him in high school.”

  “I know all about it, Lilly,” she says, shocking me.

  “You do?” I want to ask how, but it could have only come from Braxton.

  “I do and if you planned to ask me to match him with someone else, I’m afraid I can’t do that. You and Braxton are matched for a reason, Lilly.”

  “But-” I start to protest, but she continues.

  “Things aren’t always going to be like we think they will. Give Braxton some time to calm down and then try another date.”

  The thought of seeing Braxton again has my stomach in knots. “What if the second date doesn’t go well either?”

  “It will,” she replies, confident in her match making skills.

  “Okay,” I concede, unsure if I really want to give him another shot after the disastrous date, we had moments ago.

  “Trust me, Lilly,” Delilah says as I get up to leave.

  “I will try,” is all I knew to say. I wasn’t going to lie and say I would because she would know I wasn’t being truthful either.

  I remember when I met Delilah and her husband Kyle for the first time. It was late, and I was leaving work. I was having a really bad day and I trying to make it to my car before I broke down. Delilah walked up and asked me if I was all right. She hugged me and reassured me everything would be okay. Then she asked if I was single which I thought was kind of strange. When she explained that she owned a matchmaking business I laughed thinking she was joking. She wasn’t. Somehow, she convinced me. Now, I wish I had told her no.


  It took him three days before he finally messaged me.

  Braxton: I’m sorry for the other day. I shouldn’t have talked to you the way I did.

  Sighing, I send a reply, hoping he is being sincere about his apology.

  Thank you for apologizing.

  There. It’s a simple reply.

  Braxton: How about another date? Tonight, after work?

  Sure. I will be ready at 7.

  Groaning, my head falls into my hands. What am I doing? Tonight, better be good or that’s it.

  Work dragged by as time only seemed to move five minutes every time I looked at the clock when it seemed to have been hours. When it was finally time to leave, I rushed home to shower and change clothes.

  At precisely seven, a knock sounds at my door. When I open the door, I am left speechless. Braxton is standing before me looking fine as hell in a button-down shirt and jeans holding a bouquet of roses.

  “Hi,” I say shyly. Why am I shy all of a sudden?

  “Hey, Lil. You look beautiful.”

  A blush creeps up my cheeks. He called me Lil! “Thanks,” I reply, taking his hand, letting him lead me to his car.

  Braxton and his dad have really made a name for themselves here in Atlanta. I’m so proud of him. I always knew he would be successful.

  “What has been going on with you?” Braxton asks as he drives us toward the resturaunt.

  “Nothing really grand. I just have been working since I graduated high school at a resturaunt and I accepted a job here as a resturaunt manager at Rose’s.” My life is boring to say the least. I doubled up on classes every semester to graduate quicker, so I can get closer to opening my own resturaunt.

  Rose’s is a high-class establishment and it’s also a challenge to manage, but I am getting the hang of it.

  Opening my own resturaunt has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl and I have the cooking part down, I just need the managerial skills to run the place. Rose’s
is giving me that experience.

  “That’s it? No big vacations you want to tell me about?”

  “Nope, I haven’t been on vacation.”

  “You’re kidding me. Not one?”

  Now, he makes me feel boring. “Nope, I have been too busy with college and working my ass off that I haven’t had the time.” Hell, I have barely made time for my parents, let alone myself. My parents and I had a bit of a falling out over my dream. They wanted me to be a doctor or surgeon instead of running a resturaunt for a living. We argued over my dreams and they have pretty much disowned me since I wouldn’t change my mind.

  “We are going to have to fix that won’t we?” Those words coming off his lips shocked me, and he must have noticed because once he put his car in park, he angled his body toward me and grabbed my hand. “I’m all in, Lil. Those six months we were together were the best times of my life and I know we can be that happy again.”

  With a watery smile, I lean into him, pressing my lips to his, something I have wanted to do since I laid eyes on him the other day.

  “Wow, Lil, you taste sweeter than I remember,” he murmurs when I pull away.

  He climbs out of the car and opens my door for me. Taking my hand in his, we head inside for what I know will be a great start to a wonderful evening.

  Chapter Five


  “You look happier than I have seen you in a long time,” Dad compliments as he enters my office and takes a seat in his normal spot.

  “I am happy,” I reply, feeling proud to admit it.

  “Well?” he presses.

  “I took you up on your advice and met with Delilah last month and you won’t believe who I was matched with. Lilly!”

  Dad couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. “Lilly? The same Lilly who broke your heart in high school?”

  “Yes, that’s her and she is even more beautiful, Dad.” I smile to myself just thinking about her.

  “Braxton, just be careful, okay? I know hard it was for you to get over her and I don’t want to see you go through that again.”

  I never got over her. Dad doesn’t need to know that though. “I know, Dad, but I have a feeling that this time is different.”

  Dad smiles. “I hope so, son. You know I always liked that girl. She was good for you back then.”

  Lilly was great for me. She calmed me, tamed the wild hair in me. “It will be because I am not letting her get away this time,” I assure him.

  The day drags on, like everyday has since I’ve been seeing her. I didn’t tell dad that we had been seeing each other for two weeks. I guess I wanted to be sure that it was real, and I wasn’t dreaming.

  My phone dings and I instantly smile knowing it’s her.

  Lil: Hey handsome what’s our plans for tonight?

  My smile widens knowing I will get to see her beautiful face again. We have been inseparable, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. All I want to do is talk to her and see her. Lilly can just lay in my arms all day and I would be content because I’m with her.

  As long as I am with you, I don’t care what we do

  And that’s the truth. I didn’t realize how unhappy I was with my life until she walked back in it.

  Lil: My apt? 7?

  I’m there

  Setting my phone down, I get back to work. I have a lot to do and only three hours left to get it done. I have been procrastinating by thinking of Lilly and the future we could have together. The same future I saw ten years ago with her. There is no way in hell I am letting her walk away from me again. I should have fought harder back then, but I was young and stupid.

  Now, there is nothing stopping us from our happily ever after.

  Chapter Six


  Braxton and I have been together every night since our second first date and it feels like bliss. Tonight, he is coming over to my apartment for dinner and whatever else we decide to do. Braxton and I seem to wing most of our dates and to me that is what keeps it fun. We don’t have a plan most of the time, only spur of the moment ideas and every day it’s something different. The movies, miniature golf, a play, etc. You name it we have done it. I haven’t been out this much since high school.

  I’m in the kitchen finishing up dinner when he breezes in. “Hey beautiful,” he croons, making a beeline for me. His arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest. I love it when he does that.

  Turning in his arms, I tilt my head up to capture a kiss. “Hey, handsome. How was work?”

  “Long. Boring. I couldn’t wait to get to you.”

  Braxton always says the sweetest things to me. I don’t know how I got lucky enough to be his again. I should have never let him go in the first place, but I didn’t have a choice as my dad had accepted another job that he couldn’t turn down. I should have soaked up every moment I had left with Braxton. Hell, we could have even tried a long-distance relationship if I hadn’t of ended things. What’s done is done though as we can’t change the past.

  “What’s for dinner? It smells wonderful.” He asks, still holding me in his arms. He has a habit of holding me in his arms for and not letting go. Not that it is a problem, but it is making it hard for me to finish dinner at the moment.

  I press a chaste kiss to his lips and leave the comfort of his arms to continue cooking, not wanting to burn dinner. “Hamburger steak, green beans, mac n’ cheese, and a salad.”

  While I finish dinner, Braxton keeps his hands on my hips. I love that he can’t keep his hands off of me.

  We talk about our day during dinner and we decide to stay in tonight and enjoy each other’s company. Braxton pops in a movie and we settle on the couch wrapped up in each other, drinking wine.

  His lips suddenly graze my neck, sending shivers through my body. His hand moves to my leg, massaging it. Braxton continues his assault on my neck while his hand moves between my legs. My breath hitches as his touch has me aching for him.

  His touch is like fire, it heats my skin and I am left panting, wanting more. Craving more. Needing more. No one has touched me like this. No, their touch doesn’t even come close to comparing what Braxton can do to me.

  Removing our clothing is like stripping away our barriers one by one. Every wall I have put up for myself has been destroyed.

  When he is inside me, filling me, everything feels right. This is how it’s supposed to be. Me and Braxton.

  And when I am crying out his name, his lips are on mine, capturing it.

  Sighing in content, I fall into pure bliss as his arms cradle me to his chest. I haven’t felt this complete in a long time.

  I wake sometime in the middle of the night, still tangled up on the couch with Braxton. Removing myself from his hold without waking him up is going to be a task. Somehow, I manage it and head to the kitchen to pour me something to drink. Glancing at the time I notice it’s two in the morning. Just as I am about to wake Braxton up and tell him to come to bed, his phone dings on the counter in front of me.

  He received a text.

  A: Where are you? I thought you were coming over?

  Tears blur as I try to stay calm. He is different now, I try to reason with myself and not automatically jump to conclusions.

  I want to run, I want to scream. This can’t be happening to me. It’s like my worst nightmare come true.

  Still in utter shock, I stand in my apartment, in my kitchen, wondering what I should do. Should I wake him up and confront him or should I just go to my room and sleep on it until morning and bring it up then?

  Maybe he isn’t really seeing her? Maybe he did at one time and she is one of them clingy, crazy bitches that can’t let go?

  Deciding to sleep on it, alone, I head to my room, glancing at his perfect face as I pass through the living room. He looks so peaceful, so perfect it makes my heart hurt just thinking of him with someone else.

  I toss and turned for an hour before finally drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Seven


  I wake up to find Lilly not in my arms and I frown wondering why she didn’t wake me when she went to bed. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I search for my phone, finding it in the kitchen.

  Shit, I think to myself when I see a text from Allie. She has been pestering me to go out with her again since our date a month ago and every time I decline her.

  Leave me alone I have a girlfriend now.

  Maybe she will get the hint now.

  I make a pot of coffee before heading to see if Lilly is in her room. She is lying on her side, still asleep. Her face looks red and puffy as if she had been crying. But why? Is she upset with me and if so, what did I do?

  Crawling into bed with her, I slide beneath the covers and try to wrap my arms around her only to feel her tense up. I guess she is mad at me.

  “Lil?” I murmur, still wondering what I had done for her to be mad at me. Silence is my reply. “I know you are awake, Lil. Is something wrong?”

  She tenses up again and then slowly turns to face me. “I saw something last night and it hurt me deeply as it brought back old fears. I’m trying not to jump to conclusions, but it’s hard not to wonder.”

  Shit, she saw the text from Allie. “I assume I know what you saw and Lil, it’s not what it looks like. I went out with her a month ago and she keeps pestering me to go out with her again. I told her again to leave me alone and that I have a girlfriend now.”

  “You did?”

  “Of course I did, Lil. You’re the only one I want, the only girl I need. I love you.”

  Her breath hitches, shock etched across her face. “You love me?”

  “Yes, Lil, I never stopped loving you.” I thumb away a tear that falls down her cheek. “I know it’s hard to believe, but even then, I knew you were the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Her hand comes up to caress my cheek. “Braxton, I’m sorry for walking away then and jumping to conclusions now. I have always loved you too and I wish I could change the past because I missed ten years of life with you.”


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