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Page 21

by A M Snead

  “I just arrived a few minutes ago,” Bailey spoke low, a note of concern in his voice as he gazed just a little too intently at Scotty. “How have you been doing?”

  Scotty forced his gaze to the floor, not giving in to his desire to look into Garrett’s eyes. “Fine,” he whispered. He felt Bailey’s eyes drifting to his evasive arms. It was too warm to be wearing such a thick, long-sleeve shirt and Scotty knew he wasn’t fooling anyone by concealing the cuts, but it was enough that the others pretended not to see and didn’t question him. Bailey, though…he might say something. Scotty moved slowly away from the bedroom door. “It…it’s good to see you again,” he mumbled and chanced a quick look at Garrett.

  The man’s eyes weren’t on Scotty, though. In fact, he seemed totally oblivious to Scotty as he stared into the bedroom, brow pinched fiercely as he watched Lucas and Jack getting well acquainted on Jack’s bed.

  What do you care? Scotty wanted to scream at him suddenly.

  “Scotty…?” Bailey started. “Are you—?”

  “I have to…to go,” Scotty whispered thickly. Garrett didn’t seem to notice when Scotty walked away—his full, undivided attention focused on the bedroom scene.

  28 “The Heart Of The Day”

  “Are you feeling the love?” Lucas panted and nibbled Jack’s earlobe while he slowly gyrated his hips, getting Jack harder by the second.

  Jack sucked in a shaky breath. “Feeling something.” His cock throbbed, pulsing with each movement of Lucas’ body. A sticky dampness was slowly seeping into his shorts as his member drooled with want of the man on top of him. He was fairly sure there would be no serious skin-to-skin contact yet—Lucas would want to save that for the skit itself—but Jack was wishing the guy would at least give him a hand job.

  “I can’t wait to play this out with you…in detail.” The confession worked itself out in a low groan. Lucas burrowed his hands under Jack’s ass, squeezing hard through his pants, pulling Jack up to him. “I must confess; I peeked at the videos you shot with Garrett, and the twins.” He grinned and licked Jack’s neck. “And I’m very eager to create our own blockbuster.” The tip of his tongue slid up under Jack’s earlobe. “You were fucking hot.” He returned to Jack’s mouth and kissed him with hunger. “Think we’ll mesh well together?”

  Jack wrapped his legs around Lucas’ hips and pulled the man harder against him. “I think we’ll mesh just fine,” Jack moaned and shoved his fingers through Lucas’ hair, gripping his head as he pushed his crotch up hard against Lucas’ straining erection. “In fact…” He bit Lucas’ neck. “…I know we will.”

  A low groan rumbled in the man’s chest. “Better than you and Garrett?” Lucas panted. “Because you two…” He chuckled. “…fuck…you two were fucking explosive.”

  The nice sexual high that Jack had achieved instantly started to dissipate at the mention of his and Garrett’s scene. Why did Lucas have to bring that up? Even mention his name at all? Just play it cool. You’re fine. What you felt for the fucker wasn’t nearly as serious as you thought.

  “That was just show,” Jack murmured and slid his tongue around Lucas’ ear. “Garrett really wasn’t all that spectacular. But you…” He rocked his hips slowly, rhythmically against Lucas’ crotch. “…you’re the real deal, I can tell.”

  Lucas fell into rhythm with him, his breath coming quicker. “I like your deductions.” He smiled. “I believe we will get along real good.” He grabbed Jack’s mouth in a lustful kiss, reigniting Jack’s “high.”

  That’s it, baby. Keep me flying high.

  “So, is there room in this mix for a couple more?”

  Their activity abruptly ceased, and Lucas slowly withdrew his tongue from Jack’s mouth as he removed his hands from beneath Jack. Lucas pushed up on one elbow and twisted his head toward the doorway. Jack glanced past him. A young, sexy guy about Jack’s own age stood watching them, a flirty smirk on his lips. Jack hardly had time to truly admire the man before he spotted Garrett standing next to him.

  Jack’s pulse went into a frenzy. Get a fucking grip already! But that was proving to be a challenge.

  Lifting off Jack, Lucas approached the two men. “Bailey.” His eyes swept over the young man with unveiled desire. A smile quirked his mouth. “You’re home, sweetie. I missed you.”

  “Fuck,” Bailey chuckled and shook his head then looked at Jack still sprawled on the bed, an unmistakable bulge to his crotch. “I can tell.”

  “Oh, him.” Lucas shrugged and glanced at Jack, winking. “Just breaking in the new guy, you know how it is.” He smacked Garrett on the shoulder unexpectedly, causing the man to jump a little. “Apparently Garrett here wasn’t man enough for the job.” He sighed. “What’s new, huh?” He grinned at Garrett.

  “Go fuck yourself,” Garrett snapped and walked out.

  “Ouch,” Bailey murmured and cocked an eyebrow at Lucas. “What’s with him?”

  Lucas shrugged. “Guess he hates it when I have to finish a job for him.”

  Bailey shook his head and laughed. “You’re an arrogant bastard, you know that?”

  “It’s all part of my charm.”

  “Charm, huh?” Bailey pursed his lips, smiling. He looked at Jack. “Do you find this guy charming?”

  Jack sat forward and smiled wryly. “Well, I don’t know about charming.” He stood up. “But he is definitely erection inspiring.” He adjusted his crotch and smirked at Lucas.

  “Charm. Erection inspiring.” Lucas shrugged and grinned. “Semantics.”

  Jack chuckled. “True.” His gaze flicked toward the empty doorway. Garrett had been genuinely pissed at Lucas’ remark, though Lucas was clearly just fucking with him. Why should he be pissed? Jack thought sourly. After all—I’m “nothing” to him. He despised the painful sting the thought caused in the center of his chest, way too close to his heart.

  “So…” Lucas smiled seductively at Bailey. “What was this about wanting to join us?”

  “Can’t blame a guy for wanting to join in the fun, now can you?”

  Jack took a moment to look Bailey over. Someone might judge him to be younger than he was by his overall appearance, but there was a maturity in his eyes that suggested he was emotionally and mentally advanced beyond his “physical” years. The twins had told Jack that Bailey was an EMT in the city. That couldn’t be a pretty job.

  The guy was built lean but the muscles that were exposed were quite defined. He had a strong neck that complemented his somewhat wide shoulders, and a contrasting “soft” face that somehow retained a powerful masculinity. His blondish-brown hair was cropped short and had a slightly “messed” look that Jack suspected had been deliberately incorporated by the man’s stylist. It worked for him.

  In short—Bailey was fucking hot.

  And a “stranger.” Flirt with a cute, sexy stranger. Well, the heart said to do so, and Jack was obligated to comply with Jill’s wishes. A smile tweaked the corner of his mouth. Damn my bad luck.

  “No.” Jack moved forward, allowing his gaze to make an obvious, appreciative sweep of Bailey’s form. “Can’t blame a guy at all.” Both men looked at him inquiringly. “I’m sure we could make room.” Jack smiled at Lucas. “What do you think?”

  “I think…” Heat flared in Lucas’ eyes. “…I’m liking you more and more every second.”

  Jack sidled closer to Bailey and dragged a single fingertip down the guy’s arm. “Are all your muscles as nicely developed as these?” In truth, Jack felt a little foolish. He was hardly a novice when it came to flirting, but it wasn’t really his style to be so brazen about it. He actually preferred subtle flirting. But his “heart of the day” instructed him to flirt, and he knew exactly what Jill had had in mind; go all out, Jack. Be crazy, make a fool of yourself. “Feel” life.

  The thought of her standing on the sidelines and watching his display, laughing herself silly…it both filled him with joy, and brought a sting to his eyes. But he wouldn’t disappoint her; if she wanted a show, he w
ould give her a show.

  “Well, that depends…” Bailey stared at him with an equally flirtatious smile. “Did you have any particular muscle in mind? ’Cause there is one that I flex quite regularly.”

  “I bet it’s a beauty,” Jack murmured and pushed closer, tracing his fingers up and down Bailey’s arm.

  Bailey chuckled softly. “I don’t know…” He glanced at Lucas and flicked an eyebrow. “…what do you think? Is it a beauty?”

  Lucas groaned and approached Bailey from the front, his hands resting on the guy’s hips. “I think that’s an understatement. I’d say…hmm…phenomenal is the word to describe your special muscle.”

  Sighing, Jack touched his chin to Bailey’s bicep. “Have to say...that inspires some lovely mental pictures.” He licked his lips slowly. “Any chance we can develop those pictures?” Jack forced himself not to cringe at the cheesy line and swore he could hear Jill cracking up in the back of his mind. Enjoying this, are ya, Jilly bean?

  Lucas and Bailey chuckled. “You’ve been hanging out with the twins, haven’t you?” Bailey grinned.

  “Those sweet, sexy sirens?” Jack moaned. “Oh yes.” A soft laugh escaping him, Jack moved one hand to Bailey’s back and traced a fine path up and down his spine with the tip of his middle finger. “It shows?”

  “Oh yeah.” Bailey nodded. “It shows.”

  Jack teased around the rear hem of Bailey’s shirt then slipped his hand underneath, his fingertips drawing circles in the depression of Bailey’s lower back. “Is that a bad thing?”

  A slow, deep breath sucked down Bailey’s throat as he smiled. “Oh no, not a bad thing at all.”

  “Why didn’t you flirt with me this way when we met?” Lucas’ brow arched curiously. His body pressed tight to Bailey, one hand around back, fondling the guy’s ass.

  “Well, it’s like this.” Jack smirked. “I didn’t want to explode your already overinflated ego.”

  Bailey busted up. “Good call…” His brow pinched. “Fuck, I didn’t even get your name. Of course, new hottie works for me.”

  “It’s Jack,” Lucas told him. “Jack Heart. Isn’t that a cute name?”

  “Cute name.” Bailey nodded and smiled. “For a cute guy.”

  Jack rubbed his crotch against Bailey’s hip. “You think I’m cute?”

  “I think you’re cute…and then some.”

  Lucas buried his face in Bailey’s neck, his lips playing with the guy’s skin. “Can we move this to the bed…perhaps?”

  Groaning, Bailey sighed, “There’s nothing I would like more than to actually join the two of you.” He kissed Lucas’ neck. “But I have to see Gideon first.”

  “Will you be back?” Jack wondered, resonating hopefulness. He couldn’t be certain if that was just part of his flirtatious act…or if he truly hoped the guy would return. Already he was rather fond of Bailey.

  “I will be, yes,” Bailey assured, his lovely silver-gray eyes heavy with want.

  Lucas drew back and kissed the guy on the mouth then wrapped his arms around Jack and ushered him back toward the bed, grinning and nibbling his neck. “We’ll keep your meal warmed up for you.”

  “Please do,” Bailey chuckled. “Boys taste so much better when they’re hot.”


  Garrett was seething when he entered his bedroom. He barely caught the door before slamming it and closed it more quietly. The last thing he needed was for Lucas to think he had gotten the upper hand by referencing Jack.

  You told the guy to go fuck himself, then stormed off. What’s he supposed to think?

  His fingers raked through his hair. Why was he so pissed anyway? Who gave a fuck what Lucas thought, or what he did with Jack? Garrett was done with Jack, it didn’t matter now who dicked the guy.

  Someone knocked on his door and Garrett turned and glared. Half expecting it to be Lucas, Garrett strode quickly to the door and jerked it open. “What the fuck do you—”

  “Easy, guy.” Bailey held up his hands. “I come in peace.”

  Garrett swallowed hard and backed down a little. “What do you want?”

  “Just curious why you got so huffed at Lucas,” he said. “You don’t usually let him get to you like that. You know he’s just fucking with you. You usually fuck right back. What’s the deal?”

  Garrett stared at him. He liked Bailey. Everyone did. He was a standup guy, and the kind of friend one could truly trust. “It’s nothing,” he muttered and looked away.

  “Poppycock,” Bailey replied and stepped into the bedroom without an invitation.

  Garrett frowned. “Poppycock?”

  “Do you prefer bullshit?”

  Garrett shrugged. “Sounds manlier.”

  Chuckling, Bailey nodded. “So, it does.” He looked at Garrett. “Am I way off base to assume your flare-up had something to do with the new hottie, Jack Heart?” He cocked an eyebrow. “You and Lucas in some kind of competition for the guy’s affections or something?”

  “Yeah.” Garrett snorted. “That’s it.”

  “Come on, man,” Bailey spoke low. “This isn’t like you. I haven’t seen you this tense and uptight since…” He let the original thought go and rephrased. “Well…since the first time I met you.”

  “It’s nothing like that,” Garrett assured quickly. “It isn’t anything. Can’t a guy just be in a pissy mood?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Bailey murmured. “Of course.” Garrett remained by the open door and Bailey stepped toward him. “Just…if you ever want to talk…”

  Garrett stared at him. “I’m fine.” When Bailey looked doubtful, Garrett insisted, “Really.”

  “All right. I’ll take your word for it.” Bailey stepped out into the hall. “For whatever it’s worth…I thought I saw some disappointment in Jack’s face when you walked off.”

  For whatever it’s worth.

  Garrett closed the door when Bailey left and stared at his hand gripping the handle.

  “It isn’t worth shit.”

  29 “The Wounded”

  “Bailey.” Gideon was up out of his chair and halfway across the office by the time Bailey got the door closed behind him. “You’re back.”

  “In the flesh.” Bailey grinned.

  Rather than offering a handshake, Gideon engulfed the young man in a strong, friendly hug. “I was starting to think you had forsaken us.”

  Bailey chuckled and hugged him back. “No way.”

  They parted and Gideon motioned Bailey to one of the leather chairs in front of his desk and returned to his own seat. “So how long do we get to keep you this time?”

  “Well, I’m off for a couple weeks. Vacation time.”

  Gideon smiled. “I’m sure you have plans, other than spending that time here.”

  “What’re you talking about?” Bailey grinned and leaned forward absently, plucking the wooden pencil holder off Gideon’s desk. He sat back and slowly twisted the item in circles as if he needed something to do with his hands. “Don’t you know this is my vacation home? At least that’s what I tell the guys I work with.”

  “Really?” Gideon cocked an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair, a smile on his lips. “And do they know that your vacation home is filled with gay porn stars?”

  “I may have left out a detail or two.” Bailey shrugged and laughed. “It’s just…being an EMT with a bunch of straight guys. I don’t want my private life to cause problems on the job. When I’m out on call, I want my partner’s mind focused and on the job—rather than wondering if I’m going to molest him the first time he turns his back.”

  Gideon nodded and chuckled. “Totally understandable.”

  “’Cause it isn’t like I’m ashamed of any of this,” Bailey clarified. He traced his thumb over the cross and dove carved on the side of the pencil holder. “But I kind of like having a secret life. It’s like escaping into a parallel world no one else knows about.” He looked up and grinned. “At least that’s how it feels to me.”

  The young man was barel
y twenty-two, but he clearly didn’t believe in wasting a second of his life. As soon as he’d turned eighteen, Bailey had started his training to become an EMT. Anyone who believed porn stars were nothing more than degenerates and sex addicts hadn’t met Bailey Knox. The guy could get hot and wild on camera, as well as onstage, and completely cut loose as if he didn’t have a care in the world—but the kid had a heart of gold. The care he had shown with Scotty last year had won Gideon over on the spot. His request to audition as one of Gideon’s boys had come as a pleasant surprise. He clicked with everyone—even Scotty to some degree.

  “Well, I’m glad it feels that way to you.” Gideon smiled. “Our world is your world.”

  Bailey laughed softly. “That’s good to know, sir.”

  “Sir?” Gideon released a short laugh. “Such formality.”

  “Sorry,” Bailey chuckled. “What is it Lucas calls you—papa?”

  Gideon groaned, but was smiling as he shook his head. “That boy is insufferable.”

  “No argument here.” Bailey grinned. “But even so, damn, he’s fine. Mmm. Unfortunately, he knows it.”

  Laughing, Gideon leaned forward and rested his arms on the desk. He liked having Bailey here. The boy seemed to carry with him the spirit of a “peacemaker.” He was close with both Lucas and Garrett…maybe he could help calm the waters that suddenly seemed to be roiling.

  “I met Jack, your new boy,” Bailey said, then smiled. “I like him. He’s quite affectionate.”

  “Jack is a gem,” Gideon said softly. “A real find.” But with thoughts of Jack came a dread that sat heavily in his chest; whatever “good” thing that had started between him and Garrett last night…had clearly ended badly. Now the two young men seemed determined to prove to one another that they were fine and unaffected. Which, if that were true—there would be no need to “prove” it.

  “I think I picked up some tension between him and Garrett,” Bailey ventured, studying Gideon’s face as it tightened. “Do you have a problem on your hands?”


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