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The Government: Dark Days

Page 31

by Joseph Storm

  “Fox...ah yes...the blond beauty. I’ve been informed of her presence here. I have fond memories of the last time we spent together.”

  “The hell you do! Memories which you’ll pay for someday,” he said angrily.

  Xavier read the look on Joe’s face, realizing that Jane was correct. Striker’s feelings for her had clearly grown since the torture session. She will be useful indeed, he thought to himself. “What makes you think she’ll tell me this time?”

  “She won’t tell you...she’ll tell me.”

  Xavier seemed disappointed as he removed the gun from Rock’s head. “I’ll arrange it...get permission from above. Fail me...and I’ll have them both killed,” he said.

  Rock quietly exhaled, trying not to show the fear which gripped him from within. “Am I needed here any longer?” he asked.

  “Take your father back to his quarters. It will give you two a chance to get...reacquainted,” Xavier ordered.

  Rock gripped Joe Striker by his shirt, yanking him up to his feet. Anger plagued his eyes. “Let’s go!” he said, pushing his father out the door.

  On the way back to the work line, it was quiet. Joe knew he couldn’t let an opportunity to speak truth slip away.

  “It’s all a lie, son,” he said.

  “Don’t ever call me your son! I am the son of the government...child of the cause. You’re just a ruthless murderer.”

  Joe shut his eyes in disgust. “I know you don’t want to hear this...but I have to say it. The commander...murdered your mother with his own hands! He was the one who took you! Search your know the truth!”

  A stroke of anger shot across Rock’s body. He punched Striker in the back of the neck, sending him dizzily into the ground. “You lie! You’re trying to turn me against my protector...but I won’t believe it. Never! Get up!” he yelled.

  Joe gathered himself, rising to his feet. “When you’re ready to accept the truth, I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Rock pushed him forward. Striker’s words only complicated what was a fairly simple life. It was much easier to love the government, believing that it loved him back. He heard the story of Emma’s separation from her parents, though always put himself above her, like he was in a different class of people.

  The father and son arrived at the work line. Joe picked up the tool, rejoining the group. Rock felt no pity for the man, as he watched the pick smash into the hardened earth. He took joy in the exhaustion on Striker’s face. If he really is my father, than I’ll push him even more, Rock said. Any man that would murder my mother...abandon his own son... deserves such a fate.


  “I have information...that will be of interest to your leader,” Robert Yale said to a guard. He had quietly crawled from the sleeping quarters, making sure not to wake the others. The sneaky man crept out the door, being stopped immediately by the gun toting guard outside.

  “Come with me,” the guard said, taking Robert to see Rock. Professor Yale had self-debated since his arrival, weighing the consequences of betrayal for both the group and himself. However, with the discovery of his stepdaughter Emma, along with his breaking point, it was time to make a move.

  The guard brought Robert Yale into the interrogation room. Rock was awakened, and eagerly rose to hear the news. He was disappointed that Joe Striker didn’t deliver it, but hopeful anyway. The boy instructed the guard to hide the information from Commander Xavier Sin. Everyone wanted to deliver the chip to Mika Sorka, and Rock was no different.

  “So...what is this news?” Rock asked.

  Robert Yale swallowed hard, as his breathing pace matched his heart rate. “I’m make a deal.”

  “It depends on what you have to say. Tell me first...then I’ll decide your reward.”

  “The chip.”

  “Go on...”

  “I know its location.”

  A look of ambition covered Rock’s face. He fought the excitement from ruining his disciplined manner. “Where? Where is it?”

  “The deal?”

  “What do you want?”

  “The release of my wife and daughter.”

  “I think we can make that happen...if the information pans out, of course.”

  “My wife Stacey is in the women’s camp...although she’s probably just a number now.”

  “We’ll find her. The chip’s location?”

  “My daughter...”

  Rock rolled his eyes, clearly not interested in the deal. “The chip?”

  “My daughter is a worker here,” he said.

  Suddenly, Rock’s interest was peaked. “A prison laborer?”

  “No...part of the government.”

  Rock was shocked that a prisoner and team member had relations. He knew that the conflict of interest could be devastating to the camp, since loyalties linger. The boy would have to deal with her accordingly.

  “What’s her name...I’ll see to it that she’s identified.”

  “She hands out water...her name is Emma.”

  Rock’s shock became even greater, as he felt like he stuck a wet fingernail in an electric socket. She clearly had not been honest with him. “Emma? What does she look like?”

  “Red hair, freckles...a kind look in her eyes.”

  “I know the’ll get your deal. Now, tell me the location of the chip,” he said with anger on his breath.

  “At the cave...where we used to hide out.”

  “We already checked there!”

  “Not inside. On the outer ring of the waterfall...there’s a clay colored tone. It’s buried under a sack,” he said, seeing the scene play out in his mind. It was one early morning, he was coming back from a short walk, needing to get away from the crowding caves. In the distance, he saw Becky Fox burying something of obvious importance, due to the look on her face. It’s the chip, he told himself. Everyone knew of its existence. Stories of congressman Joe Striker and his tragedy had consumed the group’s chatter.

  Professor Yale hid behind a tree. He watched her dig the small cloth sack deep into the ground. She looked around, making sure that nobody had seen her, then returned to the cave’s interior. Robert walked with quiet, suspiciousness in his steps. He unearthed the chip from its hiding place, knowing that it could benefit Stacey and him. If the government would kill for this chip, they would certainly reward for it as well, he thought to himself.

  “Are you sure about this? You only get one chance around here,” Rock asked.

  “I held it in my own will find the chip there.”

  Rock looked to the accompanying guard. “I want you to gather a team...we’re going to check it out. one else hears this...especially not the commander!”

  “Yes, sir,” the guard said, bolting off.

  “The deal? My wife, daughter and I will be freed?” Robert asked.

  “If I get that’ll get your reward. In the meantime...I’ll set you up with a room and a proper meal.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, Mr. Yale...thank you,” he said.


  Joe woke from his exhaustion. His body realized something must be wrong, since it was getting a decent night’s sleep. The usual squeeze of men was a little less congested, more room to breathe. Someone was missing.

  “Yale,” Joe called out. No one answered.

  The others woke up. “Kid! Or should I say buzz kill?” Gunner said. “I was dreaming of women and beer...not necessarily in that order. This better be good!”

  “Where’s Yale?” Joe asked alarmingly.

  Tommy looked around at the sleeping men. “He’s gone...and that can only mean one of two things.”

  “What?” Joe asked.

  “Either he’s been executed...or turned.”

  “Frankly...I’ll take the first one...but I doubt either,” Gunner said. “He just found out that his daughter...I mean STEP daughter is alive...” he stopped in mid-sentence, coming to a harsh
realization. “Oh shit. The rat’s making a run for it with my family...again!”

  “He doesn’t know where the chip is...what could he offer them?” Joe asked.

  “Do you know that for fact?” Gunner asked. “He was the snake type...slithering around...stealing wives and shit. I wouldn’t put it past the wife stealing professor.”

  “I’m sure,” Joe answered.

  “For all our sakes...I hope he doesn’t,” Tommy said. “Cuz your bargaining power may have just walked out the door with him. Still care to wait for Spring?”

  “Time to fast track things a bit,” Joe said.

  “Finally...the kid speaks my language...action!” Gunner emphasized.

  “It will increase the said it yourself,” Tommy answered. “We may end up being sitting ducks.”

  “One way or another...the hour glass has been flipped. I met my son today.”

  “What?” Gunner asked. “Your a dysfunctional family reunion.”

  “Dysfunction doesn’t even begin to describe it. You know the masked asshole we all want to beat down?”

  “Demented Zorro?”

  “That’s him. Let’s just say he’s not the boy I hoped he’d be. I’ve been given an ultimatum...deliver the chip...he lives and you all go free.”

  “Sounds like a fair deal to me,” Gunner said.

  “Don’t deliver it...and die,” Joe proclaimed.

  “You don’t really think they’re gonna free us...stick to their word? Do you?” Tommy asked.

  “No...but I need them to believe I us some time. We need to start getting the supplies, and putting us in position.”

  “I’ll do my best...but frankly...those things take time.”

  “You’ve been bribing prisoners for a while...haven’t you?”


  “Then do what you do best...just stop using cigarettes to do it.”

  “What do you expect me to use then? Smokes are like gold around here.”

  “Something more valuable...bribe them with hope. In fact, start spreading the word to everyone you can trust. We are outgunned...but they are outnumbered,” Joe said, taking charge of the situation.

  “Kid, Father Tyme may have been right about you, after all. You just might be worth following,” Gunner said.

  “I don’t want to lead...I want to live,” he said.


  A dull gleam of light had just started to lighten the early sky. A massive truck plowed its way through the overgrowth, following the path of previously cut down trees. Teams of guards exited the vehicle, blasting powerful bolts of flashed light. They covered every inch of ground around the waterfall.

  “The clay rock!” a guard yelled out, as Rock made his way to collect the spoils.

  “Don’t touch it! This glory is all mine!” he said, approaching the spot of buried treasure.

  Rock dropped to his knees. He frantically unearthed mounds of dirt, digging to the depths of the underground.

  Nothing was found.

  Anger started to build. He turned over the rock itself, again finding nothing. “No!” he yelled out, as his voice echoed through the still, dark forest. The unnatural rage inside him was set afire.

  He focused on the guards staring at him in embarrassment, as shame covered his face. Word would get back to Commander Xavier, who would mock him at best, execute him at worst.

  “Stop looking at me!” Rock yelled, as the guards looked away. “Any one of you leaks a word of this...I’ll put you all to death!”

  Not one of the guards muttered a sound. A stew of redness covered Rock’s masked face, nearly shining through the black cloth. All he could think about was avenging his disgrace, punishing Robert Yale for his lie. Luckily for the professor’s daughter, she was not as expendable to the vengeful boy.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here!” Rock said.


  “You sent for me?” Emma asked Rock. She entered his small, dark office with no windows. He was unresponsive, staring Emma down like a vulture to a carcass. “Rock? Are you ok? Is something wrong?” she asked, rushing to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  The angry boy flung her caring hand off him, “Don’t touch me.”

  Emma dropped to her knees, “Please, tell me what I’ve done to you?”

  “I never took you for a lier,” he said. “But I guess it just runs in the family.”

  “Family? I’ve never lied to you.”

  “Stop insulting my intelligence! I know about your father...Robert,” he said, causing Emma to look away in fear.

  “I...I meant to tell you...but...I just didn’t know how you’d react.”

  “How I’d react?” he said in rage, rising up to smack Emma across the face. She fell to the floor. Tears fell from her eyes.

  A massive streak of guilt covered Rock’s face, something he hadn’t experienced in a very long time. He rushed to her aid, embracing her. “I’ve never done that before...I never thought I was even capable of hurting you.”

  “I deserved it,” Emma said. “I didn’t tell you about him...because I didn’t want to put you in a bad position. I didn’t want to force you into a bad choice.”

  Rock lifted the scared, deeply upset girl to her feet. “Don’t you see? By not telling I have to make that decision,” he told her, releasing a wave of greater fear upon her face.

  “What did he do?”

  “Like you...he lied. A much worse lie than yours. He knew the consequences...and now he must suffer them.”

  “No!” she begged him. The young woman dropped down to her knees again, forming a begging motion with her hands, blocking his exit path. “Punish me! It’s my fault...I will take the blame! Don’t kill him!”

  “The men saw the whole thing...word has already spread. I no longer have any choice. I’ll understand if you lose what you feel for me...never forgive the action I must take. Just know...I’ll never stop...loving you. A word I’d never know if you didn’t teach me. However, it’s no longer in my hands. I’ll make sure you stay safe...but that’s all I can do,” he said, moving from her grasp, as she cried aloud.

  “Please...spare him! Take me,” she continued to cry.

  Emotions gripped Rock’s heart, as he finally had his first true dose of humanity. However, none of it would matter. He would have to deal with Robert, before Xavier would deal with him.

  He exited the room, leaving Emma laying on the floor in a mess of her own tears.


  Robert Yale let the shower’s hot water spill down his dirty face. It took a good half an hour to rid the dirt completely, but he happily would wait. He dressed himself in his own real clothes again, as each garment had been saved as evidence upon their arrival.

  The most rewarding perk of his new situation was a hot meal of steak and chowder. The food sailed down his throat, diving into his empty stomach. He put his feet up, turned on the one government channel, and said, “I can get used to this.”

  Unfortunately for him, it was about to end.

  Rock kicked open the door, charging the relaxing man. He threw him to the floor. “You lying scum,” he screamed.

  “What? It wasn’t there? It had to be!”

  “The only thing there was my disgrace!” he yelled, kicking Robert Yale in the face with his boot.

  “Your wife will never leave this place...I’ll see to it personally. And your daughter...” he said, moving in close enough so Yale could practically smell the words. “Your daughter will be my wife someday.” He plunged Robert’s head down into the ground.

  Blood trickled down Robert’s nose and lip, as he crawled away. “I was there,” he cried out, replaying the scene of the chip’s burial in his mind.

  What the professor did not see, was the next day and the one after that. Becky unearthed the prized possession, moving it to a new location daily. Her lack of trust served her well.

  “Are you going to kill me?” Robert asked
in tears, fear overtaking him.

  “No,” Rock said.

  “You’re not?”

  “I promised Emma that I wouldn’t,” he said, knowing that he couldn’t live with himself for taking his love’s father.

  “Thank you!” Robert said, practically kissing Rock’s feet.

  “But soon...I believe you’ll wish I had. Take him to Dr. Mange,” Rock ordered.

  “Who?” Robert asked, as the guards dragged him from the room. “Where are you taking me? Let me go back to work...I’ll make up for it!”


  “A college professor, eh?” Dr. Mange said, as Robert Yale was strapped to the medical table. “Large brains are always of interest to me. Leave us,” he ordered the guards, who scurried out of the room as fast as they could.

  “From one intellectual to another...let me go,” Robert begged. “Don’t kill me!”

  “Kill you? Why would I do such a thing to a man of knowledge? Now, of course, knowledge not granted by the government is must cleanse it to fit our needs.”


  “A small experiment I’m working on...quite fascinating really. You see...nurse prep him while I explain,” he said, pointing to Nurse White.

  The nurse quickly injected Robert’s head with a numbing agent, causing the professor to tense up. “My head is tingling.”

  “Let it will be very thankful for that feeling soon. Now, what was I saying? Oh yes, you see,” he said, grabbing a scalpel, and walking to the backside of Robert’s head.

  “Aren’t you going to put me out? Anesthesia?” Professor Yale asked.

  “For this one...we need you awake.”

  “This is barbaric!”

  “Quite the contrary, professor. This is, in fact...groundbreaking!” he said, placing the scalpel at the edge of the patient’s forehead, continuing to talk as he sliced open Yale’s skin. “We are going to perform what you would call...a lobotomy,” he said.

  “What?” the numb Robert Yale drooled, as the numbing agent started to effect his whole head. “You will render me incapable. A mindless vegetable!”

  “No, professor. A vegetable controls its own fate, you will not. Proceed doctor,” he ordered, instructing Layman to take the next step. The sickened doctor lifted the sharp blade of an electric saw, buzzing through bone, and separating the skullcap from the professor.


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