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The Government: Dark Days

Page 33

by Joseph Storm

  “He had something else on his mind,” Striker said.

  The guard looked suspicious, but ignored his thoughts. “Get back to work.”

  The bottles of peroxide and citric acid were dumped out to half their contents, and the two were combined, capped, and set inside the dry gun powder.

  Against all odds of circumstance and time, the plan had been set up. The only thing remaining was the execution of it.


  “Get up,” Lita barked at Becky Fox. She rose out of her bunk.

  Stacey looked away, trying not to draw attention to herself. Jane perked up. “Am I needed as well,” she asked, hoping it was her moment to shine.

  “Did I call your name?” Lita asked.


  “Then shut up,” she said, grabbing Becky by the arm, and leading her away.

  Becky was led into a large room with a small bed. A mirror was suspiciously screwed into the wall. She looked around, wondering why she was taken there. Lita shut the door, and exited.

  Fox inspected the room, coming to the mirror. She looked into it, seeing her dirty, slightly weathered face, and shaved head. The professional, kept reporter was no longer staring back, as the scared girl was gone. A strong woman remained.

  Through the double-sided mirror, Commander Sin watched covertly from the other side. He awaited any information he could get. A sound engineer joined him, working the microphones in the room. “That’s right, woman...reveal yourself to me,” Xavier said.

  The door opened, as Joe Striker entered the room. The two stopped in their tracks, staring at each other in shock and silence. They were almost speechless, surprised at the difference in appearance. However the two were even more surprised at the holed heart that was instantly plugged up.

  They moved towards each other, embracing in a passionate hug. “I never thought I’d see you again,” Becky said.

  “I was sure I would...even if I had to kill to do it,” Joe said, as the two broke the embrace, and stared at each other.

  “Don’t look at me,” Becky said, turning away from Joe’s gaze. “I’m...hideous.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  “I appreciate the attempt...but I’m not exactly the skinhead type.”

  “All the hair in the world...couldn’t enhance or hurt true beauty. Your” he said, placing a hand on her face. Becky Fox returned the gaze to Joe. “Your curves,” he added, running his hand down the edges of her breasts, tracing the curves of her hips. “How have they treated you?”

  “I’m a survivor,” she said.

  “That’s what I love about you,” he told her.

  Becky quickly changed the subject, remembering to protect herself from getting hurt. “Jane...she’s doing fine.”

  “I didn’t ask about her,” he said.

  “She’s all you thought about. What changed in one moment? Was it because I said I loved you?” she wondered.

  “I realized something in this time apart. In all my quiet moments...when I lay in the darkness...the one I thought of was you. Your kindness...vulnerability...the way you watched my back...I watched yours. I’ve come to realize that I was in love with the idea of Jane...the fact that I could have my wife back. At the end of the was only her face that returned...not her soul.”

  “I’m glad you see that now,” she said smiling.

  “It’s been so long...yet it’s still so hard to believe it. My wife died...and she’ll never come back.”

  “Remember what you once said to one will ever replace her in your heart,” she said.

  “No...but I want you to join her there,” he said, as the distant Becky Fox’s walls came crashing down. It was almost as if the red lights in her eyes turned green, allowing Joe to move forward.

  He leaned in, kissing her lips. His hands undressed the dirty, unattractive prison garb to the floor, revealing the pale, soft skin underneath. He removed his clothes, laying Becky down on the bed, entering her slowly, gently, and safely.

  Becky gasped deeply, as it had been a long time. It was painful at first, though the type of beautiful pain, which feels pleasurable simultaneously. She lay back, struck by natural light from the window, the shadows enhancing her curves. For the first time in her life, she let herself go, accepting Striker fully into her body.

  Two mouthes moved toward each other like magnets, sucking each other’s lips, letting their tongues dance like earthworms in moist soil. He moved to her ear, nibbling on the soft lobes, sending chills throughout her body. However, his next move wasn’t of a sexual nature at all. He quietly whispered to her, “We’re planning an escape. Tell anyone you can be ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

  She moved into his ear, “How will we know?”

  His whisper stayed soft,” When you hear a large explosion.”

  Becky gasped.

  Commander Xavier leaned in, asking the sound engineer, “What the hell are they saying? I can only hear puffs of air!”

  “The room is bugged from above. As sensitive as it is...there are too many obstacles in the line of sight to hear it.”

  “You better hope it was just some dirty talk! Damn! Get this peep show over with already...and get to the chip!”

  Joe and Becky continued to make love for a passionate hour. The slow, sensual, and deliberate pace helped them escape the terrible hell they were trapped in. It was like a short stop in heaven.

  Striker finished, injecting his life giving seed inside her. There were no condoms in such a place, though they wouldn’t have changed a thing anyway.

  “That was amazing,” Joe said.

  “More than you’ll ever know,” Becky answered. The two got dressed, as it suddenly hit Ms. Fox. “Why did they let us in here? I’m not sure I understand?”

  “I told them you had the chip,” he said.

  “You know I gave it to you,” she answered.

  “What!” Commander Sin screamed from the other side of the mirror.

  “I know,” Joe answered. “I just needed to buy some time,” he told her, looking directly into the mirror, kicking his boot through it. The glass shattered all over the commander and engineer.

  “You rat bastard!” Commander Sin yelled. “Tell me where that chip is now!”

  “You’ll have to kill me first,” Joe rebelled.

  A stroke of anger came over the commander. Guards burst into the room, grabbing hold of Joe and Becky.

  “Kill you? No...I’ll let you watch her die instead!”

  “I’ll take the bullet for her!”

  “Oh...a bullet will be too merciful!” he said with delight, “Let her bunkmate battle her in the pits...while you watch,” he demanded.

  “Bunkmate?” Joe asked.

  “Jane,” Becky said, knowing exactly who they were referring to. “I have a feeling she had a say in this.”

  “Prepare her!” Xavier yelled.

  “No!” Joe yelled, hitting the guard in the face with his elbow. He tried to wrestle Becky away from the other one.

  Commander Sin jumped through the window. He leapt on Joe, knocking him to the ground.

  “Joe!” Becky yelled. The injured guard got up, and both men beat Striker.

  “Get her out of here! I want her in the pit by tonight!”

  “Becky!” Joe screamed, as they dragged her out of the room.

  “Don’t tell matter what!” she screamed back, finally disappearing from the room.

  She was gone from sight, as Commander Xavier leaned in. “Her opponent is with fact...she’s the one who ratted you out. Don’t let the familiar face fool you...she’s a trained killer,” he said, laughing loudly.

  “So am I!” Joe yelled, being held back by the guards.

  Shock came over Joe Striker. He learned for the first time that the woman he loved, was a fake all along. How could I have been such a fool? He wondered.

  “Put him in a holding cell until the fight...or should I say execution,” X
avier said. He exited the room, as his loud, raspy laugh stayed long after he was gone.

  Chapter Seventeen:

  The Revolt

  “Don’t fail us now, Striker!” Tommy O’Brien said in hope. All the fuses were laid, the guards were awaiting their beloved fight night, and Joe was no where to be found.

  “Something’s not right,” Gunner said. “The kid’s been gone too’s not like him.”

  Father Tyme joined them. “The pathway is clear...I don’t know how long the opportunity will present itself.” He made sure to leave the door unlocked after cleaning up for the night. Looking up at the guards on the storage roof, he said, “God forgive me.”

  “Men like that may have been made by God,” Tommy said. “But they were sure as hell claimed by the devil. Removing them from the doing the planet a favor.”

  “What if the kid doesn’t show?” Gunner asked. “We have too much riding on this!”

  “We do what he told us to do...go ahead with the plan,” Tommy answered. “When the fight starts...take our positions...and get ready to revolt.”


  Becky was brought back to the bunks, as Lita pushed her aside. “You,” Lita pointed at Jane.

  “Yes?” Jane asked anxiously.

  “You’ve been chosen. Get ready to enter the pit.”

  The other girls cheered aloud. A large smile marched across Jane’s face. She focused on Becky, who returned the gaze in an opposite manner. Fox studied the joyful look, ensuring her suspicion that Jane was the cause of their capture.

  “Collect your stuff...I’m sure you won’t be returning. We need the bunk space load coming soon,” Lita said coldly to Becky.

  Fox took a deep breath, walking to the bunk. Stacey was there in tears. “I’ll be all alone you think I’m next?” the fearful Stacey asked Becky.

  Becky leaned inward, whispering “Be quiet and listen! Tell the other girls...any prisoner you can trust! Tonight...there will be an explosion...make a run for the fences. Knock down anyone in their way! The men have a plan to get us out of here!”

  “Really?” she asked, loud and excited.

  “Quietly! Our lives depend upon it. Can I count on you?”

  “One hundred percent, yes,” she said. Becky trusted that since Stacey’s interest was at stake, she would honor her word.

  Becky picked up her food bowl, nodding at Stacey. She joined Lita and Jane, who were waiting for her.

  “Are you ready to die?” Lita asked. Becky remained quiet. “Let’s move,” she said, pushing them both out the door.


  Joe was shoved into a holding cell. He placed his hands to the steel bars, calling out to the guard on duty. “Let me talk to my son!”

  “Are you ready to hand it over?”


  “Then sit tight...and await the show,” he said, laughing.

  Joe turned away. A million thoughts raced his brain. She’ll never last against a trained agent of theirs. Becky’s not a killer...I can’t let her die. Will Tommy go ahead with the plan if I’m not there? He reached a terrible point, where there appeared to be no other option. I have to make a deal.

  Striker gave it one last thought. He realized that he would need more than a chip to take down the government. With the total control they already had, it would take all out war. The time had come to relinquish control, though it wasn’t easy. To Joe, the microchip always represented a safety net, a sacred object he could hold in his hand. It was something he could touch and feel, reminding him that hope still existed. However, it wasn’t worth losing another loved one over.

  He re-approached the cell bars, forcing the words from his mouth. “I’m ready,” he told the man.

  The guard looked up in disbelief. “Ready to give up the chip?”

  “I’m ready to make a deal.”

  “I’ll inform the commander.”

  “Not him.”

  “Then who?”

  “My son...Rock.”

  “I can arrange that,” he said.


  Becky was marched into the preparing area. She put on the uniform of the female fighter. Exhaling nervously, she hoped the plan would save her from going to a dark place; one she had visited only once before.

  “I’ll take pleasure in knowing that Joe will watch you die,” Jane said.

  Becky sat quiet for a moment, then decided to speak up. “I’ll take as much pleasure in knowing that Joe will never forgive you.”

  “He will in time...the look of his wife’s face will be too hard to pass up. Every detail in perfect place...planned to perfection.”

  A look of anger came across Becky. “I knew you were a fraud...but I have news for you. It takes much more than a face to earn a man’s love. Speaking of love...I made love to Joe...just hours ago.”

  “Just remember...I had him first. You’ll be dead soon...he and I will be free. I’ve already worked out a deal for the two of us.”

  “I’m sure that deal will be honored...along with the rest of their lies,” Becky said, not backing down.

  “Don’t think you have a chance...I have a past you could never imagine. I’m battle tested.”

  “You may be surprised to find am I,” Becky responded.

  Lita entered the room. “Rise,” she demanded. The two of them stood up, staring each other down.

  “Make this one...extra brutal,” Lita said to Jane, who nodded. “Let’s go.”

  The two women were marched out towards their date with destiny.


  “I see you’ve finally come to your senses,” Rock told his father, as Joe was marched into his son’s office.

  “Your commander offered me a friends’ freedom for the microchip. The pit fight will be stopped.”

  “You’re forgetting one detail.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You join us. Accept your place at my side, father.”

  Joe looked surprised at the statement. He waited for years to hear his son call him father. “Yes, son,” he said in defeat.

  “Understand, you will have to undergo some changes to your attitude. Reeducation classes...can be rather...brutal.”

  “I can take it,” he said.

  “From what I’ve heard about you...I believe that.”

  “I still stand by my words...they lied to you.”

  “Enough! Now where’s the chip? Your woman is on her way to the pit as we’s up to you if she makes it there.”

  Joe exhaled deeply. He hoped something would save him from the moment, though nothing would. “My jeans...the pair I came here with.”

  “We have them in storage.”

  “It’s sewn into the seam.”

  “Follow me,” he said.

  The two of them made their way to the locker room, locating Joe Striker’s number. Rock quickly opened the locker door, tossing everything out until he arrived at the pants. He used his brute strength to shred the tough fabric apart, separating the solid seam holding the leg together. Then, the boy ripped the stitched seam in two, causing the microchip to fall out.

  Joe Striker closed his eyes in regret, knowing he put his trust in people unworthy. Now that his last bargaining chip was gone, his group was officially expendable. Their only hope was for the plan to go perfectly.

  Rock picked the chip up, nearly shaking as he examined it. “Decades were lost...blood was spilled...resources exhausted...chasing this small piece of nothing. Now...I have it.

  “The deal,” Joe said.

  “You will join us,” he followed.


  “You have a fight to watch.”

  “What?” Joe yelled angrily.

  “When men above my rank give orders...I follow. In time, you will learn to as well. Guards!” Rock called out. They grabbed hold of Striker.

  “Think of what you’re doing! We’re family...for God’s sake!”

  “Which is why we must
get rid of your friends. It’s time to close the past...and write the future,” Rock said.

  Joe lunged at the cruel boy in front of him. “I should have let that one-eyed punk pull the trigger!” Striker yelled, as the guards held him down.

  “You’ll have to excuse me, father...I have a call to make. One which will surely gain me favor. Take him away.” The guards pulled Joe out the door.

  “You’re no son of mine!” he yelled, as Rock continued to stare at the small object in his hands.


  The crowd cheered, as the loudest screams came from the guard members on the storage roof. Becky and Jane were marched through the crowd to the pit’s edge.

  “My Lord! It’s Becky! Jane too!” Father Tyme said in disbelief.

  “Son of a bitch! I wonder if the kid even knows?” Gunner asked.

  “Well...I can’t wait around to find’s zero hour,” Tommy said.

  It was the moment that had been drawn up all along. All eyes would be on the fight, and Tommy would get his chance to sneak into the building, lighting the fuses.

  “God speed,” Father Tyme added.

  “Good luck, kid,” Gunner said, as Tommy headed for the storage building entrance. Before he could get to the door, Joe finally arrived. Unfortunately for the group, an armed guard accompanied him, providing an unexpected twist.

  “Kid!” Gunner said.

  Joe didn’t say a word. He was both angered and dismayed, seeing Becky at the edge of the pit with the traitor Jane.

  “Just in time! And you brought a friend?” Gunner mocked. “How nice! And what would your name be?” The guard gave him a dirty look.

  Joe took his place next to Gunner. Father Tyme kept gazing at the storage entrance, hoping that the door was not re-locked.

  Tommy look around one last time, assuring that he wasn’t being watched. He slowly opened the door.

  “Thank God,” Father Tyme said, with his full attention on Tommy entering the storage building.

  The guard in charge of Joe, took notice of Father Tyme’s directional gaze. He was just in time to see Tommy enter the building.

  Nervousness covered Tyme’s face, as the guard was suspicious. “Don’t try anything funny,” he told Joe.


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