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Kennedy is King

Page 9

by Cameron James

  “But I’m not?” I said, he nodded.

  “But you’re not.” Danny agreed, he sounded amused.

  “Is it real?” Adam asked, I looked at him, then I frowned. “Stephen, your feelings or whatever for him, is it real? You’re not just taking the piss? Or setting him up for a fall or something?”

  “Of course I’m not.” I said quickly, Scott pointed at me.

  “Yeah because the most and I’m not even taking the piss when I say the most popular guy in our school falling for the lowest of the low, that’s not suspicious at all.”

  “When you say it that way.” I said quietly, Danny tutted.

  “It’s love.” He stated, I decided I liked Danny. “Believe in love.”

  “Sure yeah, I’ll believe in love when they stop making films about people being berated and embarrassed for falling for the wrong guy.”

  “God you’re sadistic.” Danny said, Adam rolled his eyes.

  “Its’ real.” I said, then shrugged, “or as real as it can be for three weeks.” I said, “I mean come on, I broke my elbow for him.”

  “But you’re the King.” Scott said, I shrugged. “You’ve got so much to, I suppose lose.”

  “Do you really think so?” I asked, they all shared a look.

  “Stephen has a lot to lose.” Adam said, I shook my head. “He’s…”

  “Cassidy would never allow it. I tell you now.” I said simply, Adam frowned. “I presume you’re talking about the fact he’s trans.”

  “Yes.” Adam said simply,

  “Take me out of the equation, completely. Remove me, and Cassidy would never, ever allow transphobic bullying of any kind, not in the theatre, not from the choir or the band, not from anyone. He’s fierce, and supports trans rights to the end of the universe.

  He doesn’t know about this, right. He doesn’t know I’m doing this with Stephen, but I know, regardless of however he feels about my relationship with him, he’d never allow any bad word to be said.

  He stopped it the first time. When Stephen moved to this school, whispers started, of course they did, we all know the rumours, and then he just outright came out. Of course, people talked but Cassidy.

  Cassidy stopped it before it became anything, he’d pull anyone up over it, it didn’t matter who it was, he told them straight, and he kept doing it. He’s never stopped doing it in fact.”

  “Huh.” Danny said,

  “Huh is right.” Stephen said, I turned to look at him. shit. “I didn’t know that.” He said, I shook my head.

  “Why would you?” I said quietly, Stephen shrugged.

  “Cassidy hates me.”

  “Yes, but he hates you for your personality not because your trans.”

  “Wow.” Stephen said, then touched his chest. “I have very mixed feelings about that.”

  “Actually.” I said, Stephen rose an eyebrow at me, “he hates you because you always put your posters over his. That’s all. He’s a drama queen.”

  “That’s why Danny loves him so.” Scott said, “Danny’s a drama queen too.”

  “I’ve known him two hours, and I can tell.” I said, they all laughed as Stephen walked back over, sitting beside me.

  “I didn’t know that I didn’t get bullied because of Cassidy.” He said, I shook my head.

  “He’ll always have your back.” I said, then bit my lip. “Just not too your face.”


  Chapter Eleven

  Cassidy’s outfit was a lot, and damn, did that Drama Queen know it. Don’t get me wrong, it was incredible, and a degree of fabulous that I could probably never achieve in my living life, but it was a lot.

  Theo of course fawned over it. Gushing and complimenting, and inflating Cassidy’s big head, one puff at a time. He wore, his dinner jacket, his crisp white shirt and black bow tie, which all fitted as impeccably as usual, but instead of his normal slim cut slacks, he wore a big, ball gown-esquie skirt. All black, and massive, I’m pretty sure he’d struggle to walk through doorways for the entire night.

  “You look incredible.” Theo breathed, touching his chest and shaking his head, “I feel inadequate.” He added sadly, Cassidy tutted at him shaking his head.

  “Oh no baby, don’t.” he said smiling at Theo, Theo almost smiled back. I had adored Theo’s outfit when I’d seen it, a blue suit, with pink, orange and yellow flowers all over it. he wore a white shirt underneath, no tie or bow tie, because it didn’t need it. He wore his dress shoes, Derby shoes, that I was pretty sure neared nine hundred pounds.

  “You look incredible.” I said to Theo, he blushed, so I felt like I had succeeded.

  Cody, simply wore his black slacks, white shirt and his black tie, but had replaced his usual dinner jacket with a silver jacket, black lapels.

  I felt the most underdressed of us all, as Cassidy had helped me get dressed first, and I’d sat, watching as everyone else transformed into these flamboyant masterpieces. By the time I’d decided to change my blazer, Cassidy was already getting ready and it was somewhat too late.

  I’d gotten over it, mostly, then sat on my bed so Cody could tie my mask behind my head without having to stand on his tiptoes.

  My mask was oh so simple. It was mostly white, with a curve of black gems just over the right eye. The rest of the mask was jet black. Cody seemed pleased with the placement of it, then stepped back, letting Cassidy step towards me, the bottom of his skirt swishing over my feet, as he leant over me, fixing a King’s crown to my head.

  He grinned at me, I smiled back.

  “Did you buy this with Father’s money?”

  “Of course.” He said gleefully, “just wait until he sees the invoice.” He added smirking at me then he knelt, so Theo could tie off his mask. It was silver, and intricate as fuck. It looked almost like vines, all twirling around each other, diamonds studding underneath the eyes and over the bridge of the nose. The top, resembled a tiara, proclaiming quite well that he was the Queen.

  Theo’s was simply a royal blue, with black edging. Cody’s silver, with black raised swirls.

  “Ready?” Theo asked, extending his hand to help Cassidy stand. He nodded, then grinned.


  It was like a game, trying to figure out who was underneath the mask. I had thoroughly enjoyed, standing off to the side from where everyone was dancing and trying to figure out just who was who under their disguises.

  I think, or I thought I’d gotten most of the band, and then I was stood in front of. I smiled as I looked over what the boy who’d stood in front of me was wearing. His mask was simple, simpler than mine, all black covering half his face. His suit well-tailored and looking good.

  “Stephen.” I said quietly, he smiled at me.

  “You could tell.” He said, I nodded.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “The crown kind of gives it away.” He said pointing at my head, I laughed. “Do you know how hard it is to find a masquerade mask?” he asked in a breath, I raised my eyebrow although, I was pretty certain he couldn’t see it. “I almost came in a Dark Knight mask.”

  “Now, that’d have been awesome.” I said, he laughed turning away from me to assess the room.

  “So, this is a cool kids party, huh.” He nodded slowly.

  “Welcome to the elite.” I whispered in his ear; I saw as he shivered.

  “Cassidy looks badass.” He breathed, I smiled because good, I’m glad that was the general censuses. “Let’s dance.”

  “What?” I squeaked, he looked amused when he turned back to me, his eyes glittering under the low lights. I swallowed.

  “I don’t dance.” I said, then raised my splint, “and I have a pretty good sick note.”

  “I’m not Mr Hunt, I’m not letting you off. Let’s dance.” He said, then more softly. “We don’t even need to hold hands.” he said, I frowned, not accepting that, and taking his hand. His cheeks blushed underneath the mask, as I spun him so I could walk him towards the mass of people dancing.

  A few people watched, intrigued at who’d gotten to dance with the King, or even, who’d gotten the King to dance, because I never danced at these things. Ever, and come to think of it, no-one ever asked, either they were too scared to, or knew not too. I didn’t know which one I preferred.

  “How did your room feel about this?”

  “They laughed.” He nodded, “for a long time, then all got online to find me a mask.” He smiled., “it was my Mum who was more suspicious when I called home telling them I needed my dinner suit.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “That I was going to a party.” He shrugged lightly, “and to send it or not, I didn’t care, but I’m sure she’d care when I bought another one. It arrived two days later.” He looked down, I laughed.

  “What are they doing tonight?”

  “Saw.” He said, I shook my head, “one to seven, then Jigsaw. Marathon, snacks, drinking games, our standard Halloween actually.”

  “Do you wish you were there?” I almost whispered, he smiled up at me.

  “I’ll be back for Jigsaw, and that’s my favourite.” He said, my laugh came out like a breath. “Kennedy.” He said softly, I looked straight at him. “I wouldn’t have come if I didn’t want to be here.” He laughed happily when I smiled, taking his hand and spinning him under my arm.

  After four songs of continuous dancing, I leant closer to Stephen’s ear.

  “I didn’t have you for a dancer at these things.” I said, he shrugged, I felt it against my chin, then he turned his head, his lips against my ear.

  “We’ll keep going until you kiss me.” he said, then grinned cheekily. “Or get me a drink, whichever happens first to be honest.” He said nodding.

  “You’re easy.” I said, his laugh was a bark.

  “I resent that.” He stated, I pulled him towards me, my arm around his waist, his chest bumping against my other, my breath only hitched slightly.

  “Actually, no I’m wrong, you aren’t easy at all.” I nodded as he ran his fingers down my splint, he looked wary.

  “Not at all.” He agreed, “you’ve got to work for me.”

  “That’s true.” I murmured, “what happens if I do both?” I asked, he gasped overly dramatically.

  “Is this what being Royal feels like?” he asked, “look ma, I’ve made it.” he added, I didn’t laugh. Instead I kissed him.

  Holding him close, or at least as close as I could without causing my arm too much pain. I could feel his smile against me. His hands slipping up my arms, to my neck. His fingers stroking over the back of my neck.

  It felt slow, romantic even, as if there wasn’t anyone else around us, as if we weren’t at one of the loudest parties of the year. All my attention was on him, and I wanted it to stay that way.

  He pulled away first, leaning his forehead against mine and knocking our masks together.

  “Drink.” He whispered, I nodded, our heads moving together.

  “Then more of that.” I said, “because that was awesome.” I added, he grinned taking my hand weaving me back through towards where all the drinks were. I turned as he made him and me a drink. I caught Cassidy’s eye.

  I could tell he was looking at me curiously, with his perfectly raised eyebrow hidden by the mask, but he was smiling, so I smiled back, looking away, scanning the room until I nearly choked.

  “You’re kidding.” Stephen said, I looked at him as he was looking in the same direction as I was. “Does that bitch really think he can wear white.” he said, I almost laughed because it was undeniable the boy walking towards us, head to foot in white. Dinner jacket, shirt, tie, pants and mask, was Devon.

  He looked over the drinks, not actually making something, then acted surprised when he saw me. This believability was why he was in the choir, and not in the theatre, that and Cassidy would’ve scratched his eyes, or larynx out by now if he’d been in theatre.

  “Kennedy.” He said, then he cooed, “Your arm, are you okay baby?”

  “Yeah.” I said, emotionless, he took that chance to run his eyes over Stephen. They dragged, as if making a statement, his lip snarled.

  Stephen, for all it was worth, seemed very unphased, and passed me the cup full of coke without hesitation, I looked at him.

  “JD.” He said, I must’ve looked shocked. “What?”

  “Why do you know I drink JD?”

  “I don’t know.” He muttered, “I just know.” He said, I almost laughed as Devon cleared his throat, obviously displeased the attention wasn’t on him. he was just short of waving stating hi, hello, remember me.

  “You just know?” I continued to ignore him.

  “Well, yeah you’re the King, people just know things about you.”

  “Why, what else do you just know?” I said, he never got to tell me.

  “I don’t know you.” Devon said, we both looked back at him. “Who are you?”

  “No one of interest to you.” Stephen said, I almost choked on my sip.

  “I’m the…”

  “No one.” Stephen shrugged, I’m pretty sure Devon hissed. “No one of importance anyway. The King is stood to my right, the Queen is owning the dance floor. Who are you again?”

  “God, I might love you.” I said, Stephen tapped my arm.

  “You don’t. Not yet.” He said, simply.

  “I’m the lead of the Choir.”

  “Oh, do forgive me.” Stephen said, “I forgot, because of course, the lead of the choir, one of the more important jobs in the school.” He said, Devon looked at me, as if I was going to save him. “How is the Choir doing huh? I heard the band dropped them, didn’t they?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “And you haven’t won a competition in about three years, no?”

  “No, but…”

  “So, you’re not leading the choir very well, I guess.”

  “Who do you think you are?” Devon snapped. Stephen hummed looking Devon up and down.

  “Bold choice wearing white.” he said. “Virginial, right?” he added, then looked at me, I wasn’t quite sure what he wanted from me, but I adored the mischief in his eyes. “Funny that, pretty sure you have to be a virgin to be virginial.”

  “That’s what I heard.” I said, Stephen beamed, it was beautiful, and it was because I was playing along.

  He turned back to Devon, shrugging at him and taking a sip out of his drink.

  Devon took the opportunity to push him, back by the shoulders, Stephen didn’t miss a beat. He didn’t fight back, no he did something much worse. He tilted his drink away from him, so as Devon pushed him back, taking a step towards him, the rich red liquid in his glass sloshed around, and when Devon pushed again, the liquid left the glass.

  Striking right across Devon’s white dinner suit. I gasped as Stephen did, Devon, screamed.

  It looked as if someone had come at him with a knife, or something of the sort, very fitting for Halloween. His dinner jacket definitely ruined, as those around us looked to see what his reaction was too.

  There were multiple whispers, some laughs. I tapped Stephen as I saw Devon preparing to explode.

  “Run.” I whispered,

  “Run, where?” Stephen asked, as he placed his now empty glass on the drinks table.

  “Mexico.” I suggested, taking his hand and turning him around, weaving him through the members of the choir who were coming to assist their Princess. I took him out into the hallway, looking around before taking him up the stairs.

  Myles’ house had many rooms. Far more rooms than actually necessary. The first one I opened was occupied. I laughed as I went to close the door again.

  “Go Cody.” I murmured; Stephen frowned then looked at the door behind me.

  “Huh, go Cody.” He agreed, I laughed as we continued down the corridor, until we found an empty room, stepping in and both leaning on the door.

  We took a deep breath together.

  “You’re fucked.” I said, he grinned, it was evil.

  “He doesn�
�t know it was me.” he shrugged, “even without the mask, I’m invisible to him. You, however, you might be fucked.”

  “With Devon, it wouldn’t be the first time.” I muttered, leaning my head back against the door. He gasped as he looked at me.

  “Crude.” He stated, I smirked then watched as he pushed himself off the door and walked more into the room. I think it was one of Myles’ guest rooms. The decoration seemed more generic than if it was a bedroom of one of his siblings or even his parents.

  Stephen sat on the bed.

  “How long do we have to hide in here?” he asked as lifted the small digital clock on the side, it read 23:09.

  “Forever?” I suggested, he smiled, it was definitely amused, so I went to sit next to him.

  “We might as well make it interesting.” He whispered, I turned to look at him, I think I got what he was insinuating, so I kissed him. He pushed me back by my chest.

  “I meant play I Spy.” He said, I bit my lip.

  “Oh.” I said, he laughed, oh so happily.

  “I’m taking the piss Kennedy.” He said softly before kissing me again, but it was soft. He stroked over my cheek, smiling as he rose my mask, taking it off over my head and putting it on the bedside cabinet.

  He reached behind his own head, untying his mask and putting it next to mine. He licked his lips, and you can sure as shit believe I followed his tongue with my eyes.

  He moved more onto the bed, sitting between the two pillows and I followed, making myself more comfortable, or as comfortable as you can be in slacks and a dinner jacket.

  I undid the middle button on my jacket as he did his own, then he pushed himself closer to me, so his legs entwined with mine on the bed. His fingers playing with my tie, and we kissed. A lot.

  He laughed against me as it got wetter and deeper, I almost frowned then swallowed roughly as his hand stroked down my stomach until it was kneading my dick.

  “Hard.” He said, not accusingly and without asking a question. I nodded my head slowly, long nods as I tried to send some blood to my brain so it could function. That was a big no go, especially when he unbuttoned my slacks without any trouble at all.


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