Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16)

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Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Staring up the length of his body, she moaned around his dick as he went deep into her mouth. This time, she didn’t stop. With her gaze still on him, she fought past her gag reflex and sucked him to her throat. Even as it was a struggle to breathe, she saw she’d taken him by surprise.

  Jo may have had only one lover in her entire life, but that didn’t for a second mean she came close to a virgin. She had skills that would blow Doc’s mind, and she was no longer afraid to use them.


  Rocking his hips, Doc filled her mouth, stretching those lips wide as she sucked him in deep. She took him, and as he pulled out, her nostrils flared as she took a breath. This woman knew how to deep-throat, and not only that, he was fucking addicted to the way her eyes were on him.

  He had to listen to Mandy talk about this woman constantly. She truly believed he’d like her, and well, Jo on her knees, sucking his dick, what wasn’t to like?

  Knowing she’d only been with one man was a turn-on to him. He wanted to be the one and only man for her.

  He yanked on her hair, pulling her mouth away from his dick. The length was covered in his pre-cum and her saliva.

  He picked her up with ease. She wasn’t a light woman, but her curves, he wanted them wrapped around him as he fucked her hard. Throwing everything off his desk, he placed her down on the center, spreading her thick thighs.

  She was already so wet, and as he pressed his hand to her panties, he felt the dampness against his palm.

  Sliding his fingers beneath the material, he pulled, tearing at the white fabric. For the rest of the night, she wouldn’t be needing them.

  Her pussy was nicely trimmed, and she looked so incredibly neat. Caressing through the smattering of curls, he heard her groan.

  “Did sucking my cock turn you on?”


  Her lips opened, and he stroked over her clit, loving the sound of her gasp and moan. He wanted to know exactly how tight she was, and as he slid his fingers inside her, this time, he groaned.

  She was exactly how he imagined. Her pussy squeezed his fingers, and as he twisted inside, stroking her, she screamed his name.

  He normally didn’t like to hear a woman make her fake moans. With Jo, this wasn’t fake. She wasn’t trying to please him.

  She was here because she wanted to be. Not for his President’s patch. For his dick.

  Doc couldn’t help but smile.

  Jo was using him.

  It was a rather surreal feeling, but he’d been using a lot of women.

  “How long has it been since a dick was inside here?” he asked.

  “A year, maybe more. My husband and I hadn’t been together for some time before I caught him cheating. I’m clean as well. I got tested.”

  “I’m clean.” He was tired of talking. He held her pussy lips open and slid his tongue across her slit, sucking and nibbling at her. She was so fucking perfect and sweet. He stroked his tongue back and forth, around, and down to plunge inside her.

  Jo rocked her hips up against his mouth. Her juices rubbed on his face as he couldn’t get enough of her sweetness.

  This was what he wanted more than anything. He also wanted to hear her scream her pleasure.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

  As if he’d want to stop.

  He sucked her entire nub into his mouth, using his teeth to bite down, and feel that explosion of pleasure as she came apart.

  It didn’t take long, and as he continued to please her with his fingers, he looked at her. “Was that fake?”

  Her face was red, but the moment he’d been blunt with her, she’d been that way.


  “Long time?”

  “Very, very long.”

  He chuckled. Leaning over her, he reached into his desk drawer where he kept the condoms.

  “I take it you’re not protected against pregnancy?” he asked.

  “No, I’m not.”

  He tore into the foil packet, sliding the latex over his length and rolling it to the base of his dick.

  Once he was completely covered, he placed the tip of his dick at her entrance. She was already wet, so he wouldn’t have any trouble filling her.

  He wasn’t small, and he hoped Jo could handle it.

  Tonight, he didn’t want to go slow or soft to get her accustomed to the feel of him. He wanted to fuck hard and to make her feel every inch of him.

  Once the tip of his dick was inside her, he gripped her hips and slammed the rest of the way.

  She cried out as he fucked her to the hilt.

  He didn’t give her the chance to get used to his dick as he pulled out and thrust in again hard.

  “You okay?” he asked, taking her long and deep again.

  She nodded, moaning. Her legs curled around his waist as he drove inside her, fucking her harder, making her cry out, filling her with his dick.

  Her pussy was so tight, and as he stared down, she looked so pretty and red. Her opening pulsed around his length, and he wanted to come, needed to.

  Reaching up, he cupped her hips, using them as leverage as he slammed into her, fucking her harder.

  He’d long had his desk nailed to the floor, and now he was so glad as he didn’t want to stop. He just wanted to keep on pounding inside her.

  Lifting her legs up, he placed them over his shoulders and watched his cock as it sank deep into her.

  The condom was covered in her cum, and he saw her cream as it smattered against her curls.

  Seeing her arousal set him off, and as he fucked her harder, he couldn’t bring himself to stop. She was incredible, the feel of her pussy so good.

  She wanted this, and knowing that was even more of a turn-on. Jo was here for herself, and he was going to take pleasure in that. His balls tightened, and he felt ready to explode.

  The moment he did, he stared into Jo’s eyes as he filled the condom.

  In the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder if one day, he’d be filling her cunt with his cum instead.

  Chapter Three

  One week later

  “Why haven’t you seen him again?” Mandy asked.

  Pouring them both a large glass of wine, Jo glanced over at her best friend. “You’re asking me about your boss and the fact I slept with him?”

  “Yes, and even though I saw you sneak out, you had this big smile on your face. You can’t tell me it wasn’t hot.” Mandy giggled.

  “You really want to know?”

  “Of course I want to know. Doc’s been asking about you.”

  Jo accidentally spilled some of the wine over the glass. “He has?”


  She didn’t know what to do about that.

  “He likes you.”

  “Stop, Mandy. Seriously. It was one time.”

  “It was one great time.”

  “Why don’t we talk about you and his son?”

  Mandy wrinkled her nose. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Just like there’s nothing to talk about with me, and yet you’re determined to get me to talk about something. It was a one-time thing.”

  Her doorbell rang.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “He doesn’t know where I live. It’s probably the pizza guy delivering to the wrong house again.”

  Mandy muttered something else, but Jo didn’t exactly catch it. She headed to the front door, and without even looking through the peephole, she opened the door. It wasn’t like anything bad ever happened in the town.

  Doc stood at her front porch.

  “Oh,” she said.

  “I didn’t mean to disappoint you.”

  “You don’t disappoint. She thought you were the pizza delivery guy.”

  “You get those kinds of calls a lot?” he asked.

  “A couple of times.” She brushed some hair out of her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s a clear night. Beautiful. I figured we could
take a ride.”

  “Yes, she would love to take a ride. Any kind of ride with you,” Mandy said.

  Jo looked behind her at her friend.

  “I’ll house sit. I’ve got nothing to do.”

  “Dale’s looking for you.”


  “You’re giving my boy the runaround?” Doc asked.

  “I’m just making sure he knows it was just a little fun. You understand, don’t you?”

  Doc glared at Mandy but didn’t say anything else to her. To Jo, he asked, “What do you say?”

  “She says yes.”

  “I need to hear it from her lips.”

  “Jo’s shy.”

  “Jo’s right here, and she doesn’t need you guys talking about me as if I’m not here. So, a ride. A casual ride.”

  “On my bike.”

  “You know you always wanted to do that.”

  She wanted to kill Mandy.

  “Sure, why not?” She glanced down at her clothes and groaned.

  “You look fine.”

  She was in a pair of sweatpants and a really old shirt that hung off her. It was several sizes too big but one of the comfy shirts she loved to wear to rest and relax.


  Grabbing her jacket off the coat stand, she sent Mandy a glare to let her friend know she was pissed at her.

  Following behind Doc, she came to a stop at his very dominating bike. It was big, black, and it looked scary.

  “It won’t bite,” he said.

  “So it’s the rider I’ve got be careful of.”

  “I’ll bite you and make sure you like it.”

  She smiled.

  Doc climbed on, and she nibbled her lip.

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t I have to wear a helmet?” she asked. She’d never ridden a bike in her life. This was all entirely new territory for her.

  “Nope. We’ll take it slow.”

  She didn’t see a reason to hesitate and climbed onto the back of his bike. He took hold of her hands, showing her how to hold onto him. He was strong, and as the engine roared to life, she let out a little gasp.

  This had to be the most exciting and terrifying thing she’d ever done in her whole life. He took them on a road that went straight past his garage, the MC clubhouse, and out of town. The moment they passed the border sign, she couldn’t help but relax. She’d made it this far. Leaning back a little, she closed her eyes and basked in the feel of the wind rushing through her hair and the happiness as Doc controlled the roads.

  After nearly an hour, he pulled into a gas station to fill up the bike. The station was a late night one, and she climbed off the bike, feeling her legs quiver. She didn’t need any help standing, and she turned to Doc, feeling invigorated.

  “I had no idea it could be like that.”

  “Riding is the joy of life.”

  “Is that why you do it?”

  “Among other reasons. The jacket is a chick magnet.”

  She laughed. “So I’m lucky to have your attention now.”

  “I figured you and I made an agreement.”

  “An agreement?”

  “I’ll scratch your itch and you’ll do the same with mine.”


  “You got it, baby.”

  “I thought we agreed to the one time.”

  “Is that what you think?” He stepped up toward her, stroking her cheek.

  “You should be filling up with gas.”

  He pressed his cheek against hers. “I should be filling that tight pussy with my dick. Tell me you’ve not been wanting the exact same thing. I’ll walk away now, not look back if you tell me the truth.”

  She pulled back to look him in the eye. She didn’t speak a word.

  It had been a week since their time together in his office. She had thought about him constantly, even when she tried to ignore all thoughts of him.

  It shouldn’t be this hard, and yet, it had been exactly that.

  Doc had ruined her for everyone else, and even though she wanted to be strong, she couldn’t be. She wanted him, and being single, why couldn’t she have him?

  Nothing was stopping her.

  He winked before turning away.

  This wasn’t love. This was sex. Hard fucking, nothing more.


  Doc never, ever brought a woman back to his home. It was strictly off-limits. He didn’t even allow the club pussy to clean his space. He hired professional cleaners for this place. Yet, he invited Jo right inside.

  His cock could be sucked and fucked by anyone. He didn’t know what was so special about this woman. He had been with plenty of women, too many to count, and yet here he was, panting after this one.

  Jo glanced around the main sitting room. “You have a nice place.”

  “You do know Dale’s at your place screwing Mandy right now.”

  “So long as they don’t do it in my bed or on my kitchen counters, I don’t care. I’ve got a thing about my bed.”

  He laughed. She spun around until she finally faced him.

  “You and I both know you didn’t bring me here for chit-chat.”

  She lifted her shirt over her head and wriggled out of her sweatpants. She was right; he hadn’t.

  Removing his jacket, he placed it on the back of the sofa, watching her body as she moved. Within a matter of seconds, she was naked and walking toward him. He loved that she didn’t try to hide her body from him.

  The sway of her hips was a draw to him. He loved holding her hips as he pounded inside her.

  She got to him, moving him so that he was in front of the sofa and pushing him down. She tugged his pants down, throwing them across the room.

  “I should make you fold them.”

  Jo straddled his waist, and he liked a woman who took control, who wasn’t afraid to go after exactly what she wanted.

  “I could go and fold them, or I can fuck you, Doc. Which is it going to be?” She took possession of his lips, and he sank his fingers into her hair, holding her tight as he kissed her back.

  She bit down on his lip, and his cock hardened.

  “Please tell me you’ve got a condom,” she said.

  “In my wallet that’s in my pants.”

  She groaned but climbed off him.

  He ran his hand up and down his length watching her as she bent over, pulling out his wallet. He had nearly a grand in cash in there, but all she was interested in was the condom.

  Jo put the wallet down and moved toward him. She had the latex on his dick in seconds and was back to straddling his waist. She pushed his hand out of the way, holding his cock and sinking down, inch by inch, onto his hard length.

  He took hold of her hips and slammed her all the way down on his cock. “If you’re going to fuck me, sweetheart, do it properly.” He pulled her off his cock, only to pull her back down.

  She gasped, her head falling back as he filled her, going as deep as he could. She gripped his shoulders and used him as leverage so she could ride his dick.

  He stared down at where they were connected. The only way this could have been better was to feel her naked cunt wrapped around his length. One day soon, he wasn’t going to be wearing a condom.

  After Dale was born, he had sworn off all kids, but the idea of Jo being pregnant, of him having a reason to own this woman, shook him to the core. He wanted that. To have a reason to own her, to claim her for himself.

  Was it selfish of him?


  Did he give a fuck?


  He shoved her to the sofa, lifting her thighs and using them as leverage to pound her pussy.

  “Touch your clit. Get off, Jo. Let me feel you come all over my cock.”

  She strummed her clit, and he groaned, feeling her pussy quiver around his dick. It felt amazing, and he knew he wasn’t going to last.

  He watched her get herself off, feeling that build within her just before she cried his name. The sounds echoed off the
wall as he pounded inside her. He wasn’t gentle or quiet as he came.

  When he did, he tried to get to the hilt within her as he spilled his cum. The condom was a distraction as he imagined his sperm taking seed inside her.

  He didn’t know the first thing about this woman, and yet he wanted to get her pregnant.

  He was a fucking idiot.

  She chuckled. “Wow, I have no words.”

  “You like my dick, don’t you?”

  “I’m not going to complain.”

  He pulled out of her pussy. His cum was still in the condom, but he held her legs up, watching her wet cunt. Not only did he look at her there, but he also couldn’t help but stare at her tiny asshole.

  Holding both of her ankles in his, he rubbed his fingers through her natural arousal, drawing it back to that little puckered hole.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We can have whatever we want from each other, right?”

  “Right?” She didn’t sound so sure.

  “Have you ever had anyone fuck your asshole?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Don’t sound so disgusted. You’d be quite surprised just how good it feels to have a cock here.”

  “You’ve tried it? I’d like to see that.”

  He chuckled. “Stop worrying. I won’t try it now, but one day soon, I’m going to claim this asshole for my own, and I’m going to show you just how good it can be.” To make a point, he pressed against her anus. She was tight as he knew she would be, but he wasn’t going to give up. Stroking her ass, he stared into her eyes and watched.

  There was intrigue there. She was curious, and he could live with that. There were so many dirty things he wanted to do with Jo, and he wasn’t going to let her hide from her kinky self. It was time for her to explore this side of herself.

  Chapter Four

  Not once in all the years of Jo’s marriage to Mitch had she let him do that to her. There was no denying Doc. From the first stroke of her asshole, feelings ignited within her, and she just couldn’t control herself. She spread her legs a little wider and tilted her ass up for more.

  “You’re a dirty little slut, aren’t you? I bet your husband couldn’t handle you. Not the way I can.”

  She should call him out on bad-mouthing her, but right now, she couldn’t even find the words to tell him to shut up and just touch her. She was addicted to his hands on her body, in need of it. In fact, the way he spoke to her turned her on. She knew she wasn’t one, but it didn’t matter.


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