Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16)

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Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You think you can?”

  “I’ve been in this town my whole life. Believe me, I’m adorable. I happen to like this job.” She shrugged. “Jo moved into her new apartment. The house went through faster than she thought, and she’s finally free of her dickface ex.”

  “She wasn’t free before?”

  “No matter how many spare keys she took from him, he always seemed to get inside the house.”

  “They’re divorced.”

  “It doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt him in some way. Sure, he was cheating, but some lawyers like to have a certain image. Jo created that idea of Mitch being a family man. The kind of guy you could rely on. But look at you—thinking about her at work when you should be focusing on the car.”

  He closed the file, handing it to her. “The last couple of worksheets, I want you to reorder all the parts again. They paid for work that wasn’t done properly.”

  He went to walk away, but Mandy slapped a piece of paper against his chest.

  “Just in case you want to see her.” She jumped off the counter.

  “She said anything about me?” he asked, hating himself the minute the words left his mouth. He didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought or felt.

  Mandy chuckled. “She asked how you’ve been. If there have been any women sniffing around you. She’s interested, Doc. Question is, what are you going to do about it?”

  “I’m taking a break.”

  He threw down his cloth, heading to his bike. Glancing down at the address, he took off without a moment to question the reason as to why he was doing this.

  Parking his bike, he made his way over to the apartment block. After locating her floor and her room, he knocked.

  “Just a minute.”

  He heard her move around, and then finally, the door opened.

  The moment she saw him, surprise flashed across her face.


  “Mandy told me you moved.”

  “Yeah, it was a quick, spur-of-the-moment thing. You want to come in?”

  She opened the door, and he stepped over the threshold. Her face was flushed. Her blonde tresses were pinned up above her head, and it had only been a couple of days.

  He grabbed her around the waist and pressed her against the door, lifting her arms up.

  “What are you doing?”

  Doc slammed his lips down on hers, silencing any protest as he kissed her. Biting down on her lip, he heard the whimper but didn’t care.

  Breaking the kiss, he stared into her blue eyes.

  “I missed you.”

  “This was supposed to be casual.”

  “It still is. Doesn’t mean I don’t want what I want.”

  “And what is it exactly that you want?” she asked.

  He kept her hands pinned above her head as he slid his palm down to cup her large tit.

  “I want to have a bit of fun.”

  “I thought that was what we were having, Doc. Some fun.”

  He stared at her. “You can’t fuck anyone else.”

  “You’re staking your claim?”

  “Yes. No one else and the fun continues.”

  “What about you?” she asked.


  “Yeah. You think I’m just going to take orders from you and not expect you to be exactly the same? Your other women may work like that, but me, I don’t. I want the same from you.”

  He sighed. “Consider it done. You better be enough for me.”

  She pulled her hand from where he held her still, cupping his dick. “And you better be enough for me, Doc.”

  “Works both ways?”

  “You got it.”

  He laughed, and picking her up, he carried her across the apartment. The only reason he knew where the bed was that he saw it as her doors were all open. Her apartment was trashed, but he’d help her sort through that once he had his fill of her.

  Chapter Six

  Jo’s second biker party was very different from her first experience. This one, there were a lot more bikers, and Doc didn’t let her out of his sight. Drinks were brought to her by other members or some of the women. She never drank any from the women of the club. They’d been giving her the evil eye ever since Doc had brought her around to the club and officially declared her as his.

  She didn’t entirely know what that meant, but the men gave her wide berth. She didn’t think it meant she had some kind of rotten disease, but the way the men acted, she couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t the case.

  Still, the nights were spent with them using each other, and she rather liked seeing Doc lose control. The moment they were alone, all bets were off, and they were incredible together.

  She hummed to herself as she glanced around the clubhouse’s back yard. She tapped her foot to the tune of the music and smiled when she saw Mandy finally arrive.

  Her best friend approached, looking sexy as hell.

  “Look at you.” Jo made to pull away, but Doc gripped her arm. “I just want to say hi.”

  Mandy laughed. “Don’t worry, Doc, I’ll keep her safe.”

  Jo rolled her eyes.

  Doc pulled her in close, and right there, for all to see, he kissed her hard.

  “Possessive much?” Mandy asked, placing her arm through hers and escorting her away from the boring, macho conversation going on around her. She wanted nothing to do with any of it.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, forever.”

  Mandy chuckled. “I know. I had to get changed.”

  “What is going on with you and Dale?” Jo asked, spotting the man himself watching her.

  “Not a whole lot. We have some fun, but that’s about it.” Mandy shrugged her shoulder. “Let’s go and get a drink.”

  They headed over to the bar where a couple of the women were. The moment they saw her, they all turned their backs.

  “What’s the matter, you don’t like how she’s taken your Prez?” Mandy pouted as she grabbed them both a drink.

  They found a small bench near the fire. Taking a sip of the beer, Jo sighed. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to them hating me.”

  “With all due respect, what does it matter? Most of them fuck all the club members, Jo. I wouldn’t worry about them. They’d likely push you out of the way to be the one claiming the old lady tag from Doc.”

  “Is the old lady tag as bad as it sounds?”

  Mandy laughed. “No. It just means you’re not club property. No guy has a right to have his way with you.”

  “You don’t have to romanticize it.”

  “Guess who dropped by my place before I left?” Mandy asked.

  Jo shrugged. “Not a clue.”

  “Mitch. He said he was looking for you.”

  Jo groaned. “What did you say?”

  “What? I’m a nice girl.”

  “You always have a way of pissing him off.”

  “Last time I checked, you didn’t wear his ring. What does it matter? He needs to learn that he lost you. His wayward dick lost him the best woman he’s ever going to have.”

  “I love you, you know that?” she asked.

  “I know.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I called him a dickless wonder. What? It could have been worse.”

  “But you didn’t have to actually say anything to him,” Jo said.

  Mandy took her hands. “Listen to me, honey, you don’t have to think about him, worry about him. The entire point of divorce is he stops being our problem. Stop making him yours.”

  Jo took a breath. “You’re right.” She looked toward Doc, and her whole body went on alert when she found him looking right at her. The heat in his eyes was hard to ignore. Biting her lip, she turned back to Mandy, smiling.

  “You like him?”

  “I do.”

  “Then go and lure him away with those sexy eyes of yours. I’m going to go and have some fun.” Mandy gave her hands a squeeze.

  Jo sipped her beer, getting to her fee
t and moving away from the noise of the party. She knew Doc had followed her, felt him against her back as he moved close.

  He pulled some of her hair off her shoulder, and his lips brushed across her neck, making her gasp.

  “All I want to do is fuck you,” he said. He growled the words against her neck, and she couldn’t help but moan at the pleasure that rushed through her body.

  “Please,” she said.

  “You want me to fuck you?” He gripped her hips, and she couldn’t move as his hand slid between her thighs. “I believe you were put on this earth to drive me insane.” He loosened the top button of her jeans. She was already soaking wet, and as his hand slid inside her panties, he felt it as well. His growl confirmed it.

  He took her behind one of the dirty sheds. He placed her hands on the hard wood, telling her not to let go. Within seconds, her jeans were around her ankles and he was inside her. His cock, long and hard, branded her as he fucked her.

  Doc bit down on her neck, making her cry out, and she just couldn’t fight it, didn’t want to. This was so wrong to be out in the open where anyone could find them, but when it came to Doc, all common sense left her.

  There was no logical thought, just feelings, intense, all-consuming need as he pounded inside her, branding her as his.

  She’d never been like this with any man, and part of her feared she’d never be the same. Doc was taking more than her body; he was taking a part of herself, and she knew there was no coming back from this.


  Several weeks later, Doc picked Jo up and carried her across the parking lot.

  “Let me down!” She was giggling, and instead of beating his ass, she was squeezing the cheeks.

  In the past couple of weeks, she’d pretty much moved into the clubhouse, and he didn’t have a single problem with that. Dropping her down onto the back of his bike, he cupped her face and slammed his lips down on hers. The moan he heard was enough to make his dick incredibly hard. He loved having her around the clubhouse. She was in easy reach, and he liked looking at her. Not only that, she was also amazing to talk to. She asked him never-ending questions about his life. Nothing to do with the club or club business but about him. Where he grew up. Why he became a mechanic. The reasons he loved action movies. What was his greatest achievement in life.

  All the real-life questions couples talk about with each other.

  The one question he hadn’t asked Jo yet was about kids. He’d noticed her interest in them, and whenever they passed a family while they were out enjoying their time together, he saw the longing in her eyes.

  Part of him was afraid to broach the subject. He didn’t know what her ex was like or if she could even have kids.

  Dale was his only son, and he’d not given it a lot of thought about having another.

  Holy shit!

  He was thinking about it.

  Breaking from the kiss, he saw her sweet smile.

  “That was incredible,” she said.

  “Yeah, there’s a lot more where that came from.”

  The sound of a car coming to a harsh stop drew their attention. Doc didn’t recognize the guy, but he sensed the change in Jo. She tensed beneath him.

  “Do I want to know who this guy is?” he asked.

  “He’s my ex.”

  “Like ex-husband ex?”

  “The one and only.” She climbed off the bike and stepped in front of him. “What do you want, Mitch?”

  “I have to listen to the rumors about you at the diner, and that’s all you’ve got to say to me? Do you have any idea what your … relationship is doing for my reputation?”

  Doc tensed up, and one glance behind him, he saw the club already making their way toward him.

  The club adored Jo. It probably helped she had a wicked sense of humor and she never tried to hide from him. She always stood toe to toe. Even though they’d only known each other a month, tops, he knew she was special.

  “What does it matter?” she asked.

  “Do you have any idea what it is you’re doing?” he asked. “What you could be doing to me? You got the house, and a nice sum every single month. You completely ruined my reputation as a lawyer because you won, and now, you’re screwing around with this trash! Do you have any idea what this could be doing to me?”

  She burst out laughing. “Seriously? We’re divorced. If anyone should be worried about reputations, it’s me when it comes to yours. You couldn’t even keep it in your pants long enough. You cheated on me. I’ve moved on. I’m happy.”

  “Leave,” Doc said.

  He wrapped his arm around Jo, holding her close, wanting to protect her.

  “Are you fucking serious right now?” Mitch asked.

  “You’re not doing yourself any favors here, dick-face,” Mandy said. “I told you that you never deserved her, and guess what, I was right. You don’t. She’s moved on, and unless you want all of your bullshit and lies spread across town, you should leave.”

  Doc watched as Mandy stepped right up to Mitch, clearly not afraid. Jo pulled out of his arms and did the same.

  “Don’t come around here anymore, Mitch. What I have going on with Doc is my business. If you want to start something, we can. You will always be in the wrong.”

  Mitch opened his mouth, closed it, and Doc watched as the fight left her ex. “Can we talk?”

  “No,” Jo said.

  “Come on, Jo.”

  “I said no. The time for talking ended when you had sex with another woman. Some can forgive. I can’t, and I won’t. Besides, I don’t love you anymore.” She turned her back on him and walked up to Doc. She went to her toes and kissed him on the lips. “I’ll see you later.”

  Doc nodded, watching her go with Mandy. The two women were walking hand in hand, out of the clubhouse.

  “I didn’t read this wrong, right?” Dale asked. “She’s more than a quick fuck to you?”

  “Dale, you’re my son, but that doesn’t mean I won’t whip your ass.”

  His son burst out laughing. “I love it when you get all violent.”

  “I love her,” he said.

  “Holy shit! You do?”


  “Wow, that is a giant leap from just sex,” Dale said.

  Doc turned toward Dale. “You got a problem with her?”

  “No. I don’t have any problem. As it happens, I’m in love with Mandy. You got any advice on how to tame that wildcat?” Dale asked.

  Doc burst out laughing. “Get yourself a new wildcat.”

  “Not going to happen. Only one woman I want and I’m going to win her over, you’ll see.”

  Leaving his son to figure out how to win over Mandy, Doc made his way into his office and pulled open the office drawer. He didn’t know why he’d gone and picked out an engagement ring just last week. He was the one to set the boundaries between himself and Jo. Sex. That was all it was supposed to be, but he didn’t want her for just fucking.

  Walking through town, even taking her riding, he saw guys appreciated her lush curves and sweet smile. She had a body to fuck and the face of an angel. A woman like her shouldn’t be with a guy like him, and he didn’t want to share. He didn’t want to lose her. She was everything, and she’d become so in such a short time that it fucking scared him.

  He wanted to stake his claim on her so no one else had a chance. He hadn’t become the president of the Nowhere Men MC without knowing what he wanted.

  This was one fight he was determined to win.

  Chapter Seven

  “No, no, no, no, no.” Jo groaned, panicking with each passing second as she picked up each of the four pregnancy test kits she’d purchased. Each kit held two tests. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t be one of these women who picked up a load of kits and didn’t believe the first answer, yet here she was.

  She was pregnant with Doc’s child.

  There hadn’t been any other man, and they’d only had unprotected sex a couple of times. She knew it only took once, but
this was just unfair.

  Could she be excited about this?

  It seemed next to impossible to be happy about this.

  Doc didn’t talk about kids. She didn’t talk about kids. There was no talk of any kind when it came to kids, and yet she was pregnant. This seemed like the world’s worst luck.

  She placed a hand on her stomach, taking a deep breath. Doc wanted to meet up with her for lunch, but right now, she felt like the worst person in the world. She was so happy right now.

  Her life was finally on track after the divorce, and she couldn’t help but be scared this could ruin it. If Doc didn’t want to be part of their baby’s life, then she could handle it. Being a single mother was tough, but if that was what she had to do, she’d do it.

  Getting to her feet, she threw all the tests into the trash. Staring at her reflection, she forced a smile to her lips. She looked a little pale and her hair slightly damp.

  Before heading out for lunch, she took a quick shower to freshen up.

  She opted for a skirt and shirt, a pair of pumps, and she pinned her hair back. Just as she finished with the last pin, the doorbell rang.

  She’d given Doc the code to her apartment so he could let himself in whenever he wanted.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said, the moment she opened the door. She didn’t get a chance to respond as he cupped her hip and kissed her.

  He’d only ever promised her a good time, and she needed to remember that.

  Doc pulled away. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Can we go?” she asked.

  “I need to take a leak first. Gunther was on the shitter, and it stunk.”


  She watched him go to her bathroom without waiting for an invitation.

  “Oh, shit, wait, you can’t go.” She rushed toward the bathroom, storming into the room in time to see Doc already taking a leak, but he was also holding the pregnancy test boxes in the other hand.

  Neither of them spoke as he finished. She turned away, waiting for him to clean himself up.


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