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Twisted in Chains

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Let’s see if you know what you’re doing.”

  Gritting his teeth, he touched Skye’s ass, and she flinched from his touch. He’d never looked at Skye like she’d be his next conquest. Compared to the chicks he liked, she wasn’t the kind of girl he wanted.

  She was too boring, too bland. She didn’t attract him, at least not compared to the cheerleaders who liked to bounce on his dick. The more time he spent with her though, it had changed his feelings for her. She’d stopped being bland, and he finally saw her beauty, but he tried to stop it. There was no way he could fall for her, or even be attracted to her.

  All Skye was supposed to be doing was tutoring him. Now they were trapped together. Alone, just the two of them for company.

  He had to get turned on because right now, he was soft once again.

  Stroking between her thighs, he found her completely dry.

  “I need … some lube,” he said.

  The men laughed.

  “Her body will get wet soon. Fuck her. Do I need to start hitting her again?” He held the paddle up.

  Noah gripped his cock, putting it at her entrance.

  He wasn’t hard, so pressing against her didn’t work. Closing his eyes, he tried to think of something, anything to make himself hard.

  Skye’s cry had him opening his eyes and finding the inked guy with a fist in her hair pulling her head back.

  “I’m not hurting her. I’m not. I’m … not hard. Just … I need to get hard.”

  “Do so now, boy, or she’s going to get hurt.”

  Gritting his teeth, he stared down at her body. She had a nice shape. He’d never noticed how curvy she was. Full hips, designed to be held as she was fucked. Her hair that had seen better days was nice and glossy.

  Working his cock up and down, he recalled her untutored sucking of his dick, and he started to harden. Staring at her pussy, he put his cock at her entrance, and within one thrust, he slammed in deep, tearing through her virginity.

  As she screamed, the men laughed.

  Noah stared down at her back as he rode her pussy. She did start to soften and grow wet.

  Riding her pussy, raping her, taking her, Noah knew he had just sold his fucking soul as he hurt her.

  Chapter Four

  They laughed.

  Skye’s body ached.

  She wasn’t a virgin anymore. No, that had been taken from her.

  By Noah. The cute guy at school that everyone wanted. All the girls were screaming about how cute and sweet he was.

  Tears fell from her eyes. Curled up in a ball, she stared at the wall, not daring to look toward the corner where Noah had stayed.

  Her ass hurt. The one who’d dragged her into the bathroom had started hitting her. The palm of his hand had constantly landed against her flesh. He had no problems pulling her hair or shoving her against the wall.

  She touched the tips of her fingers to her head where she’d connected with the wall. It was still sore.

  Pressing her thighs together, she sank her teeth into her lip to contain her whimper. Pain spread through her entire body. Not a part of her didn’t hurt.

  She just wanted to go home, to be back in her bedroom, smelling her mother’s cooking and hearing her dad moan about the bills.

  “Skye,” Noah said.

  She tensed up, but he didn’t say anything else.

  The moment they were led into that room, she knew something bad was going to happen. What she didn’t expect was to come out of it with bruises.

  You’re stronger than this.

  Don’t let them win.

  You’re going to have to fight to leave.

  She rolled over and turned to face Noah.

  He wasn’t allowed clothes either.

  The evidence of her virginity still painted his cock.

  Cum and blood mixed together.

  She always imagined her first time to be sweet, tender. Being the chunky girl at school, she knew not many guys liked her. She was too big, had one too many pounds. She didn’t have the blonde hair or the outgoing personality to draw attention. Her position in life was in the shadows.

  Yet, her first time had been with one of the most popular boys in school. By force. By fear.

  Staring at him now, she didn’t look away. The guilt was right there in his eyes, clear to see. He didn’t hide, and she refused to look away.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I didn’t want to do … that.”

  “I know.”

  “I had to get hard.”

  “I know.”

  She’d been right there. Anything he didn’t do, they were going to hurt her.

  Right now, knowing what they were capable of, it scared her about what they were willing to do.

  He took a step toward her. She waited as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. The space between them was sparse but enough to keep her from having a panic attack.

  His arms shook. They were heavily muscled. She knew without a doubt of Noah’s strength.

  He was a ball player, an athlete. She’d watched him fighting some of the guys at school if they pushed him too far. He could always hold his own. He was one of the strongest guys she knew. She’d seen him in the height of his career at high school and yet, here he was, unable to fight the three men. He’d always been invincible, unstoppable.

  They were locked in their room. The four walls, with the toilet in the corner, anything but a good room.

  The bed they shared was nothing more than a mattress on rusted, metal springs. If it got too much worse, they could always slit each other’s wrists and end their miserable existence.

  Don’t think like that.

  You’re going to get out.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Skye. You know that, right?”

  “We both knew this wasn’t going to be easy, Noah.”

  He went to reach out to her, and she pulled away, wincing as pain erupted all around her. Wrapping her arms around her body, she drew her legs up, resting her back against the wall. She covered her chest with her arms, staring at him, waiting.

  “I’m … not going to hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “You don’t want me to touch you.”

  “I … I … everything hurts. My head. My body. My…”


  Heat filled her cheeks, and she stared down at her knees.

  “I’ve never been naked in front of anyone before.”

  “You haven’t?”

  “No.” Why was she bringing that up? It wasn’t like he cared, not about her. They were two different people, from different circles.

  He was the popular guy, she the nerd.

  “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

  “Don’t fucking apologize to me, Skye. I don’t deserve it.”

  She saw the remorse in his eyes.

  “We heard them,” she said. “The men and women that pass. Do you think they all had to do something like that?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t fucking know.”

  “They had to do something.”

  “Can we not talk about this?” He placed a hand on her ankle. Even that hurt, and she stared down at his hand.

  The light from the single bulb seemed a little too bright.

  “I wonder why they made us do that,” she said.

  “Why do you even care?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’d just like to know why they’d do something like that.”

  “There is evil in this world, Skye. We’ve been protected from it for a long time.”

  She wiped away the tears that kept falling.

  “Please, don’t cry.”

  Skye sniffled. “I don’t mean to. I just … if they’ve been taking people and using them like that, don’t you think our town would have heard by now? They’d know what was going on?”

  “What are you getting at?” he asked.

  “I think we’re really far away from home. That’s what.” She presse
d her lips together. “I’m scared about what it will mean when they come back through that door.”

  “Your first time was never supposed to be like that, Skye.”

  She covered her face as the tears began to pour. There was no way for her to stop them. Her first time had been with Noah, the guy she’d started to like while they’d been locked away in their own little prison.

  He wrapped his arms around her, and she screamed, not wanting him to touch her.

  “Please, Skye. You’re hurting, and I want to help.”

  There was nothing he could do to help her. Right now, she could only remember the pain. Still, Noah didn’t let her go, even as she sobbed against his chest. She stopped fighting him.

  Even as she hated him, he was the only person to understand her pain. With his arms around her, she rolled over so that she didn’t have to face him, or see him.

  “When we get home, I’m going to take you out for hot chocolate.”

  Tears fell down her face.

  He didn’t understand it yet. They were not getting out. They were both going to die here.

  She wanted to hate Noah for what he did, and yet, it wasn’t his fault. She knew that more than anything else. He wouldn’t want to hurt her, not if he could help it.

  “Please, forgive me. Please.”

  Skye sniffled. “I’d expect some cream and marshmallows.”


  “All hot chocolate has to have cream and marshmallows to make it special. Otherwise, it’s just hot chocolate, and that’s boring.”

  “You forgive me?” he asked.

  She nodded. He held her even tighter, and seconds later she was surprised to feel his sobs.

  “You’re crying?”

  Noah lifted his head.

  “Why are you crying?” she asked.

  “I promised you I’d protect you. Today I didn’t get to keep my promise.”


  “I want you to kill me.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I can’t do that.”

  “Skye, we’re not stupid. We’re both fucking naked here. My cum is still inside you. We’re trapped. Locked away. Do you really think today is going to be the last time they come for us? It’s what we hear from the others that scream. This isn’t over, not even close. I don’t think I can do this. Not again. They’re going to hurt you if I don’t.”

  They were both sobbing. “I know.”

  He cupped her face. “I’ve never done anything like that. Your first time, it should have been something.”

  “Was yours?” she asked.


  “Did you have a good first time?”

  “Yes. You should have stories.”

  “Tell me about yours.”


  “Please, just give me something.”

  Silence met her request and she truly believed he was going to refuse, but then he nodded. “Okay, but I hold you as I do.”


  “It was with an older woman. I was fifteen, and I loved watching sex. I’d watched lots of porn, and I knew I wanted to have sex. This older woman, her husband was away, and I’d go in the summer to mow her lawn. I’d grown a lot. Bulked up from playing football. One day, I saw her swimming in a bikini, and she had a smoking hot body. We’re talking big tits and hips, and a tiny waist. Not only that, she had this confidence about her. She was a stunner, and I think she knew it as well, you know?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, one thing led to another, and one minute we were drinking tea, the next, I was on my knees between her thighs. She taught me everything I know. Everything to make a woman beg, to have her scream for pleasure.”

  Skye didn’t know what that would be like, and she didn’t say a word.

  “She showed me how to put a condom on, and to kiss. I was taught all of it. When her husband came home, well, we were never caught, but I got the sense she wished I’d been the husband, you know.”

  “Is that just wishful thinking on your part?” she asked.

  “Probably. She was a fine woman. That summer was the time I lost my virginity, and I never went back to mowing her lawn.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  “No. It was one time. You know? Nothing important. I didn’t love her. I was infatuated with her.” Noah stroked her hip. “She took her time with me.”

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  She rolled over, her ass against his pelvis.

  His cock pressed against her backside, and she didn’t sob this time.

  The tears fell down her cheeks, and she let them. There was no point in hiding them.


  The moment it started, it didn’t stop.

  Every single day for a week, they’d drag them both out, screaming, begging to be let go, only for them to end up in the room.

  It was more of the same.

  The men would leer.

  The camera would play.

  Skye would be forced to suck him off, and he’d be forced to fuck her. If he refused, the pain that was inflicted was always taken out on her. He hated that, hated that they knew his weakness.

  With either a knife to her throat, being choked, the threat of another man taking her, or many other things that made her scream, he had no choice.

  They still got their meal every single day, and once they were done, had the cum shot, they were thrown back into their cell.

  Each day was harder than the one before.

  The worst was yet to come. He didn’t think it was possible to have even more humiliation, but there was. On one of the days, he and Skye were led down a long corridor. The guards had their weapons trained in case they tried to run. He and Skye were naked as they had been since they’d forced him to hurt her. It was cold, and he hated that he couldn’t fight them, that there was no way to stop them from hurting them. He and Skye were merely puppets to be played with.

  They entered a small room, but he saw the cameras set up, and a large bath in the center of the room.

  “I don’t understand,” Skye said.

  “It’s pretty simple. You and Noah are going to wash each other. You’re not allowed to touch yourself, only each other,” the guy said.

  Noah looked toward Skye. “You want us to bathe?”

  “Yeah, is it that fucking hard?”

  The gun was cocked, but Noah grabbed Skye’s hand. “Come on.”

  There was already water with bubbles coming up to the edge of the bath. He helped Skye inside the bath before climbing in beside her.

  “Here you go.” Noah was given one single bar of soap. “I suggest you enjoy it.”

  They hadn’t been washed since their time there. Staring at Skye, he saw the fear shining in her eyes. This was intimate. He had to touch her. After everything they’d done together, he had to now touch her, wash her, clean her.

  Gritting his teeth, he looked for a loofah but found nothing.

  “Hands, pretty boy.”

  He thought about killing them all, about splattering their brains out and tearing them apart. Instead, he helped Skye to move so her back was to him, and he lathered up his hands and began to wash her body.

  She shook beneath his touch, and with each stroke, he felt like the worst person in the world, and for her, he was. He was her living nightmare.

  He had to keep on going. The bruises on her body seemed to stand out more as he removed the dirt from her, and it only seemed to enhance how battered she really was. He stopped and looked up to see the men with their guns poised at them.

  Turning her around, he stared into her eyes, hoping she wouldn’t freak out. She was so strong and brave. He knew many people, men and women, would have been lost because of the mental games being played on them.

  Once she was clean, he tried to hand her the soap, but the man in charge silenced them.

  “Stand up, Skye.”

  Noah clenched his hand around the soap.

  “Finish cleaning her, Noah. We don’t
want her all dirty now, do we?”

  Up until being taken, Noah didn’t realize how badly he could hate someone. This man keeping them, controlling them, there was a certain kind of feeling toward him, one that left a bad taste in Noah’s mouth.

  He got to work, cleaning her feet, legs, thighs, before cleaning her personal space. When it was done, he handed Skye the soap, and she did the same to him. Her hand shook as she washed him.

  It was hard to enjoy the bath because the pleasure had been taken out of it. This wasn’t fun. It wasn’t what they wanted, and yet, to get clean, this was what they had to do. They couldn’t even have a choice in this. Their power was completely stripped away, and they were bared to whatever whims their captors felt like giving to them. By the end of it, he hoped they could go back to their room, but they had … other instructions, and it had to be done in the bath, with the camera running.

  When they finally returned to their rooms, he felt shattered and empty, but he couldn’t let it show. Not now.

  Noah knew he should leave Skye alone, let her deal with this on her own, especially as he’d violated her body, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. So even as she sobbed, shook, and cringed against his touch, he still held her.

  He talked about getting out, each time.

  What they’d do together, how they’d be friends.

  Five times they did this, and when it came to a two-day hiatus, much to their surprise, they were left alone.

  The meal was placed in the cell. He leaned against the wall, and Skye sat on the bed. They still weren’t allowed any clothes. Their bodies were completely exposed for the other to see.

  Skye nibbled on a piece of bread while he scooped up some of the soup. It tasted weird as it always did.

  “I guess we’re off the hook for today,” she said.


  He watched her. She’d been a lot quieter than usual, and he knew the danger of what that could mean. She was withdrawing from him, and he hated to see that.

  “So, dinner and a movie?” he asked.


  “You know, when we get back home.”

  “Will you stop talking about that?”


  “We’re not going to get dinner and a movie, Noah. We’re not going to get back home. This is it. This is our life. Don’t you get that?”



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