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Twisted in Chains

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She saw it.

  The fading light in his eyes.

  Did he see it in hers?

  They’d been here for what felt like an eternity. It had been hours since someone had come to their room, and it had only been to bring them food. Nothing more.

  Still naked and covered in dirt, she wished she had a shower but there was no way she’d ever pay Mitch just for that use.

  Rubbing her arms, trying to ward off the chill, she couldn’t think of what to do.

  “What do you want to do when we get out of here?” she asked.

  “Buy a gun, come here, and shoot every single motherfucker in the balls. When I’m done, I want to find every piece of shit that pays for the pleasure of seeing us tortured.” Noah didn’t even blink. “I wonder what it would feel like to tear their cock from their body and make every single woman wish they’d never even thought about doing this.”

  She let out a shudder at the image. “Okay, we’re onto the bloody violence part. I was thinking more about food and possibly watching a movie.”

  He turned his head to look at her. “I’m going to kill them, Skye. Every single one of them.”

  “I know.” She had no doubt. “But how about we talk about what you’re going to do without committing murder in order to do it?”

  “Would it be murder? I’d be doing the world a favor.”

  “You would, but…”


  “What about you?” she asked.

  “What about me?”

  She remembered those men they had killed to save themselves. It had been a kill or be killed moment. Just the thought of them touching her, no, she didn’t even want to think about it.

  “I don’t want to lose you, Noah. Not because of them.” She slid down the bed, turning toward him, staring into his eyes. They were so cold right now and yet clear at the same time. “You’re better than this.”

  “Tell me you’ve not thought about killing them?”

  “All the time. I don’t have the strength to do that. You do.”

  “Not right now I don’t. Something’s wrong with me.”

  He held his hands up, clenching them into fists and releasing them.

  “Something’s wrong with you?” she asked, repeating his words.

  “Yeah, I’m not at my right strength, not even close. Something happened to me when we arrived here. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t fight them. At least, not for long, Skye. I’m fucking useless. There’s no way I can protect you. I can’t even protect myself, let alone you.” He started to cry, and seeing him break apart scared Skye.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she held him close. “It’s fine. Everything is going to be totally fine. Please, don’t cry. Please.” She tried to soothe him.

  His head pressed against her breasts as another sob tore from him. “I’m not used to being this weak. I’m so fucking useless. So stupid. I don’t know what I’m doing. Not anymore. You need to run, Skye. The first opportunity. You run.”

  She cupped his face, pulling his head back so that she could look into his eyes. “No. I’m not going anywhere without you.” Tears filled her own eyes at the uselessness of it all. “We’re in this together, remember? You and me against the world, no one else. We came together, and we’ll leave like that.” She stared at his lips, and she didn’t know if it was even appropriate or not, but she kissed him.

  This was the first time she’d ever done something like this.

  Back in their world, Noah was a jock, the town hero, and she was the nerd. There was no room in their lives for each other. He had to be with one of the most popular girls in school, and she was nothing more than a tutor to him. Only now they were something more, something deeper, and she didn’t want to lose him, not even a little bit. They only had each other throughout all of this, and to her, it had broken down their barriers.

  What happened here would stay between them forever.

  She had no choice but to believe they were getting out of this soon.

  He pulled away, breaking from the kiss.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I know I don’t have to do this. I want to.”

  He placed a hand on her cheek but didn’t look convinced. “No, Skye, I’ve already taken so much.”

  “You’re not taking here, Noah. I’m giving it. No one is here.”

  “They’re watching.”

  “Ignore them. It’s not about them. This is about you and me and what we want.” She touched his chest and slowly slid it down his body toward his cock. “What is it you want? Do you want me? Want this?”

  Being a virgin before entering in here, she didn’t exactly have any experience.

  She gripped his length, holding him firmly and yet not squeezing him too tight. Up and down, she worked her hand, watching his expressions, seeing if she hurt him or not.

  He didn’t seem into it at first, but slowly, that cold look turned to one of heat. He started to get hard beneath her touch, and the hand closest to her stroked a finger across her nipple.

  The bud was hard from the cold but one touch from him, and she moaned. The pleasure went straight to her pussy as he circled the hard bud.

  “I don’t want to take anymore from you, Skye.”

  “We both know they’re not going to give you a choice. In here, it’s just us, and I’ll remember that. I’ll remember this. Our touches, our need for each other. Out there, it doesn’t count. They’re the monsters, not us. We’ll always have each other.”

  She leaned down and kissed him again, still moving her hand over his shaft.

  He groaned, and in the next second, he had her underneath him.

  Skye noticed the strain he had to use in order to move her, and she couldn’t help but think there was something in that.

  Her hand still on his cock, she held him. “What is it you want?” she asked.

  He didn’t speak a word to start. His lips touched the corner of her mouth before going to her neck. His tongue flicked over her pulse before moving down to her chest. He cupped her tits, pressing each one together.

  His gaze remained on her nipples as he held her breasts, his hands tight but not to the point of pain.

  “What do you want to do to me?” she asked.

  “So much. So fucking much it scares me, Skye.” He took one of her breasts into his mouth, sucking on the bud.

  His tongue flicked back and forth, driving her insane with need for him. She was desperate and hungry for more as her nipples seemed to go straight to her pussy, making her ache. She spread her legs wide, making extra room for him, and he moved between them, his cock resting against her pussy as he continued to tease her tits.

  She was so wet, which shocked her. After everything they’d gone through, the last thing she expected was to actually feel aroused by him, and yet she was.

  “Please,” she said. “I need you.”

  “I know, baby.” He let go of her tits and started to work his way down her body.

  With her eyes closed, she could imagine they were both somewhere else. That they weren’t trapped in this kind of hell when their lives played out like some kind of show.

  Keeping her focus on Noah, she was able to pretend they were back home. That their studying had ended, and for some crazy reason, Noah had a crush on her, and now he wanted her.

  He trailed kisses down her thighs toward her pussy. He held her thighs, keeping them open as he spread the lips of her pussy as well. When his tongue touched her clit, it was the most sensual pleasure she’d ever known.

  He licked and sucked at her bud, driving her need for him higher than ever before.

  She couldn’t think of anything else but the pleasure of his touch.

  Noah knew what she wanted, and as he filled her with his fingers, she thrust up to meet him. Each press of his digits inside her drove her peak higher.

  He didn’t stop, not until she came, and still, he kept on working her body.
  “Please, Noah,” she said.

  He finally stopped when she reached a second orgasm within a matter of minutes of the first, shocking her with how quickly her release came to her. He moved up between her thighs, and she watched as he grabbed his cock, running the tip between her soaking wet folds. Her arousal took her breath away, making her gasp as his dick hit her clit.

  There was no pain between them, just mindless pleasure.

  The kind that felt so good, even when it wasn’t supposed to. Over and over, he bumped her clit until she couldn’t stand another second of his torture.

  Almost as if he read her mind, he gripped her thighs, spread them open, and slowly started to sink inside her.

  “Watch up, Skye. Watch as my cock, mine slides inside you.”

  She stared down between their spread thighs and whimpered as inch by inch, he took her.

  Sex had always been something she was curious about but not so much that she did something she’d regret.

  Feeling Noah sink deep inside her, it felt like heaven.

  He took hold of her hands, holding them above her head.

  “When we get home, I want you in my bed. I want to make these memories with you, Skye. You and me, we’ll make those sheets fucking burn.”

  He drove inside her the last couple of inches, and she cried out. The pleasure hit her.

  Suddenly, he stopped. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, please, don’t stop.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Noah, there’s no way this can hurt. It feels so good.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, showing him she wasn’t going to break. There was no way she’d ever mistake this for anything else, not with him. No matter what those bastards did to them, once they were back here, they would have each other. Lifting her pelvis up, she worked herself on his cock. “I want you. Please.”

  “Tell me,” he said.

  “Fuck me, Noah.” She didn’t know if they were the right words, but they worked. He held her hands to the bed and began to drive inside her, working his cock in deep.

  She met him thrust for thrust.

  He pulled up and down the length of their bodies, and she watched him as he kept on fucking her.

  She loved seeing them together, how wet his cock was from her pussy, from them. She was aroused because of him, only him.

  Suddenly, Noah changed their positions. With his cock still inside her, he lay on their bed, and she was now the one on top. The change in positions put him at a depth that was on the verge of pain, but not scarily so.

  “You see what you do to me. I’ve never felt this way, Skye. Not for anyone, not in my life.”

  His hands were on her thighs, slowly traveling up her body to cup her tits. Was this their fantasy? Something that helped them get through their time in hell?

  She didn’t know what it was, and she wasn’t about to question it either. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she began to ride him. He held her hips and showed her exactly what she should be doing. Each thrust down, he lifted up, working inside her.

  He touched a part of her that made her moan and gasp.

  Within a matter of seconds, she saw the change in his thrusts, heard the small gasp from his lips, and knew he was close. So fucking close, and so was she. This wasn’t about her now.

  No, she wanted to bring him pleasure, so that he didn’t have to think about what had happened to him.

  “Shit, I’m going to come,” he said. “Get off me.”


  “Just do it.”

  He helped her slide off him, and then his cock spilled his release on his stomach, coating him in white cum.

  They were both panting, and she frowned at him.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Why did you do that?”

  He gripped her arms and moved her to the bed, drawing her close to his side.

  “I had to do that,” he said, whispering.


  “You’re not on the pill. I’m not wearing condoms. Shit, I’m not wearing condoms. I don’t think they did either. Fuck, my head is fucking fried. I can’t think. We shouldn’t do this.”


  “I could have something, and now you could.”

  “Then we shouldn’t have had sex. Is it just because of what happened?”

  “No,” he said.

  She heard the tears in his voice. “What is it, Noah?”

  “Pregnancy. You could get pregnant, and some of the women, they haven’t survived it. I don’t want to lose you because they force an abortion on you.”


  “I should have stopped this.”

  “No, Noah. I want this with you. No matter what. We’ve done it before. There’s no point in stopping.”

  “I’m dirty.”

  “You’re not dirty. You’re perfect, Noah.”

  She held him close as he broke down, sobbing against her chest. “You’re never dirty, Noah. You’re perfect, in every single way.”


  They’d been left alone for hours, days, weeks, months, years? Noah didn’t know how long. Time didn’t exactly matter in a place like this. Between sleeping, using the toilet, eating, and fucking Skye, there wasn’t anything else to do to occupy their time.

  For a short time, he truly believed they’d been abandoned, but then they’d hear the screams, the begs, the pleas.

  “Do you think they’ve found other people?” Skye asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I feel so guilty,” she said.

  He turned toward her. “Why?”

  “Because, if they have new people, they leave us alone.” She looked so heartbroken. “How could I be happy about that? About someone going through this?”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m a horrible person.”

  “You’re not.” He wasn’t going to have her thinking badly about herself. “They’re going to come for us soon enough, Skye. This isn’t over.”

  “What do you think they’ve got for us?”

  “I don’t even want to guess at this point.”

  “That bad?”

  “Haven’t you noticed it’s always bad?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Then we both know it’s going to get worse.” He held her hand a little tighter as he spoke up.

  He hated being the bearer of bad news, but there was nothing else he could say to hide the fact their lives were royally fucked.

  Of course, he wasn’t wrong.

  They hadn’t forgotten about them, and as they were once again taken, Skye got slapped across the face, and he, well, he got a bat to his stomach. Good times. They were dragged once again down the long, stinking hallway.

  He wondered how many people lived this.

  Did they all die?

  Was that the point of all this? A rich man and woman got to decide what happened to them, before dealing the death blow.

  Once again, they were inside a room. He was forced into chains, and having anyone touch him sickened him.

  Accent guy, whom he now knew as Mitch, smirked at him.

  There were several women chained up, in a circle, spread open across the table. They were naked, like Skye.

  He didn’t fight as they chained him to the wall. His gaze was on Skye.

  Some of the men in the room were vaguely familiar to him. Dave was chained right next to him, only he was covered in more bruises, and looked vacant.

  “Hey, man,” he said.

  Dave turned his head and recognition flickered across his face. “Hey … tall guy.”

  “It’s Noah.”

  “Noah, hey, dude, what’s happening?”

  “What happened to you?” Noah asked.

  “Oh, you know how they killed my girl.”


  “They took me to another girl. A young one. They wanted me to rape her. To take her virginity and I refused. Even as they kept on beating me, I wou
ldn’t do it. She didn’t look a day over sixteen. I’ve got to live with this shit.” Dave let out a little sob. “They … raped her. all six men, one by one, and made me watch. Made me see them take that innocence from her eyes, destroy her soul, and then, they slit her throat, right there in front of me.” With the chains around his wrists, he pointed at his eye. “They took my eye as well. My time is nearly done here. When they start taking parts of you, they get you ready for the snuff.”

  Noah realized it was swollen shut. “Your eye is gone.”

  “Yeah. Which one’s your girl?”

  Noah looked toward the wheel. They were spinning the girls around as if it was some kind of game.

  He nodded. “The long-haired brunette.” She was the only woman on that dial with long hair.

  “Brace yourself for what is about to come, Noah. It’s not going to be pretty.”

  “What is about to come?”

  “They’re going to take their turns, make you watch, and if you say anything, they take it out on them. If you cause a problem, they’re the ones that get hurt.”

  Noah didn’t like this. He watched as Mitch stepped away from the dial. The other men were stripping down their clothes as he moved toward him.

  “Hello, Noah, how’s the asshole?” Mitch asked.

  “Fuck you.”

  Mitch laughed. “That’s okay.” He looked behind him at Skye. “I’ve got first dibs on that sweet cunt. She was one of the few virgins here. Shame I didn’t decide to break her in myself. Her mouth is a fucking dream, isn’t it?”

  “You stay away from her.”

  “I can’t do that. You see this is a game, and we all get a turn right now. It’s how we all stay sane and don’t fuck every single prisoner. That’s what you all are, Noah. You’re all prisoners here. You’re all fucking weak. You’re not getting out. You can talk about it all you want, the life you’re going to have when you leave, but no one escapes here. No one gets out alive. The only way out of here is in a body bag, or in pieces. That’s what good old Dave is doing. His wife is feeding our dogs right now.”

  Dave rattled his chains, looking so fucking angry. “You piece of shit. One day, mark my words, you’re going to pay for what you’ve done.”


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