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Twisted in Chains

Page 25

by Sam Crescent

  They shared an evil past, one she’d tried to put to bed, but even Martin told her she had problems. She’d never admitted them to him. She always had so many secrets.

  She finished her shopping, paid for her groceries, and bagged them up.

  Heading back to the apartment building, she smiled at the main receptionist that had changed as she’d shopped, and let herself into Noah’s place.

  Growing up, he’d been the star jock, and she the nerdy, fat tutor. Now, they were both divorced. She was struggling to make a living, and he, well, was successful, amazing, and he’d really made a go of his life.

  Closing the door behind her, she flicked the lock into place and set about making herself some food. Nothing fancy. Just some vegetables and pasta. Enough to keep the hunger away.

  After she finished eating, she went through the usual mundane tasks of cleaning and putting the rest of the groceries away. With a glass of water in her hand, she stared out across the city.

  She wondered how other people were feeling, what they were doing. How they were handling the changes happening in their lives.

  Sipping at her water, she thought about her hopes and dreams locked away in a cell, her body abused. Noah had been the one to hurt her, but he’d also been the one to console her. There had always been the blurred lines between monster and hero. She remembered the times alone with Mitch, how he’d mocked her. He promised her before their time was through, he’d turn Noah into a monster. She would watch her old classmate rape and abuse women for their wealthiest, seediest clients.

  His promise, his threat, had nearly killed her. It was one of the reasons why she’d hug and be as close to Noah as possible. She wanted his comfort, the safety he offered with his arms wrapped around her, but more than that.

  Mitch had taken so much from the both of them. She didn’t want him to have any more power than he already had. Noah didn’t deserve to become what they wanted. Rubbing her arms, she hated thinking about the past, about what could have happened. Even as it broke her heart to see Noah leave town, she’d been thankful he’d not stuck around for people to see the change within him.

  He got a fresh start.

  School for her had been a nightmare, at least in the first few weeks. Until they got bored, they liked to point out all of her faults and where she was going wrong, how much she sucked. She didn’t mind letting them win like that. Her lunch breaks were spent in the library, studying like crazy.

  “Stop it now, Skye. It’s all in the past.” She closed the curtains, shutting out the world, and made her way to the bedroom.

  The spare bedroom didn’t have any clean sheets and was so uninviting. Noah’s room smelled like him, and it was odd, but being inside his room, she felt oddly protected.


  She took a quick shower before climbing into bed. She wore one of Noah’s shirts, just to be close to him.

  Leaving on the nightlight, she stared across the room until finally, sleep claimed her.


  Noah’s ex-wife had tried to blame his long nights away for why their marriage was a complete and total failure. He put it down to her lack of staying away from dick. Still, she was gone. During his marriage, he liked to get away from her incessant nagging. With Skye, he hadn’t wanted to leave. It was why he didn’t tell her about his departure to China for a couple of weeks. He’d hoped to have the deal in the bag within a couple of days, but that wasn’t the case. In work, nothing ever went according to plan, at least not for him.

  Entering his apartment, he turned off the security code that would alert the cops to someone breaking into his place. Locking and securing the door behind him, he placed his bag on the floor, removing his shoes and jacket. On the kitchen counter, he put his watch, keys, and phone, before heading to his bedroom.

  If he found her in the spare bedroom, she was so going over his knee for a spanking. He didn’t bring her here to sleep in the spare bedroom.

  Why did you bring her?

  What do you want with her?

  All week you’ve been driving yourself crazy about her.

  Should I call her?

  Should I not call her?

  Get a grip.

  Running fingers through his hair, he was so fucking tired, but he needed to see Skye.

  His bedroom door was open, and he saw the glow of the lamp. He placed his palm flat on the surface and pushed it open to watch her. She wasn’t sleeping well.

  He wondered if she ever had good dreams.

  She let out a whimper, and he didn’t even have to guess where she’d gone. There was a reason he’d never shared a bed with his wife. He didn’t like sharing his space with anyone. The only woman he’d been able to sleep beside was Skye. His wife had never questioned him, as their relationship had always been volatile, and neither of them wanted to sleep together. They had fucked but had separate rooms.

  No one needed to know what he lived with.

  Skye didn’t say anything. The jerks on the bed, the sounds spilling from her lips were enough.

  Climbing into bed, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, trying to console her as the dream kept her locked in the nightmare.

  She screamed, trying to pull away from him, and as she lashed out, he moved between her thighs, holding her hands above her head.

  “It’s me, Skye. I’m here. You’re not in the cell. You’re alive. You’re here. You’re with me.” He repeated the same words over and over. Her eyes had opened, and it took her a few minutes to finally come around to seeing him, to understanding that it was him with her.


  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “You’re in China.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “What are you doing back?”

  “I figured you’d want to see me.” He eased the pressure off her wrists, sitting back. She moved her hands slowly in front of her. She was covered in a sheen of sweet. He was saddened to see her wearing a shirt, covering up her nakedness. He rather liked her naked. He especially loved to see her tits.

  “I did. I mean … I do.”

  “You don’t sound so sure.” He ran the tips of his fingers up and down her thighs, wanting to rid her of his shirt.

  She licked her lips and ran fingers in her hair. Her gaze moved from him to the ceiling above her, back to him again. “I’m so confused right now.”

  “What about?”

  “This. What the hell is going on, Noah?”

  “We’re living in an apartment together.”

  She frowned. “I’m guessing you’re used to invading someone’s privacy and life and stuff like that, but I’m not used to this. I don’t…” She stopped. Seconds passed. “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing or even what the hell this is. I don’t understand any of this, and it’s driving me crazy.”

  He stared at her panties. They were a grey color. Completely unattractive. He wanted to tear them from her body.

  “We need to get you some new underwear.”

  “Noah, be serious.”

  He stopped her from trying to get away. His hands were on her hips, keeping her in place. “I am being serious.” He also loved having her close like this. Her hips, her body, it was incredible. His cock hardened, wanting inside her. He’d been without her for so long. “What makes you think I’m not being serious?”

  He brought his hands together, moving to the band of her panties, sliding his thumbs beneath the material.

  “Noah,” she said, moaning his name.

  It was good to hear his name spill from her lips like that. He could gladly become addicted to the sound. Biting his lip, he pushed the panties down, dragging them to her thighs. They were in the way, and with a single tug, the worn fabric gave way.

  “Noah, please,” she said.

  “You want me to stop?”

  She paused, her teeth sinking into her lip. He didn’t make a single move to touch her, nor did she ask him to stop.

  When she made no move or sound for
him to not continue, he placed his fingers on the lips of her sex, spreading her open, much like he had done on his desk a few weeks ago. He stared at her pussy.

  “Turn the other light on.” He expected her to argue, but only seconds later, the light came on and he was able to see her. He had two lights on either side of the bed. She had to stretch to reach it, but now, he was able to see her perfect little pussy. The fine hairs were already wet. Running his thumb from her clit down to her slit, he plunged inside her and watched as she moaned, arching up against him.

  “I’m taking this very seriously.” Lifting her up to his face, he flicked his tongue through her pussy, circling her clit at the top before moving down to fuck inside her.

  She cried his name, and he loved the sound. Over and over, he teased her.

  “I feel this between us, Skye. You can pretend all you want. Your husband didn’t get you, but I do.”

  “We don’t know each other.”

  “Skye, you saw me at my darkest day. You saw me kill to survive. You held me even after all I did to you. You’re my other half. I see that now.” He’d left, trying to forget her, but the only problem was, Skye was part of him. He’d not been living a good life or an enjoyable one.

  Everything that he was, he knew it was all because of Skye. She’d been with him every step of the way. Even in his nightmares, she was there, by his side. Pulling his tongue to her clit, he sucked her nub into his mouth, watching her.

  He placed one hand against her ass, holding her in place, and with the other, he began to fuck her with his fingers. He didn’t give her time to get accustomed to his touch. Two fingers and then three, spreading her cunt wide.

  “I want to be inside you. Come for me, Skye. Flood my fingers with your cum. Show me how much you want to talk to me.”

  “I do want us to talk,” she said. Each word was spoken through a moan as he brought her closer to orgasm. He wasn’t going to give her up, not now, not ever. Moving into his apartment, that was just the beginning.

  For fifteen years he’d been without her, and not a day would go by that he didn’t know her, that he didn’t want her.

  “Please, Noah, please,” she said.

  He sucked her clit, flicking his tongue across her bud, and adding a fourth finger to her pussy, fucking her hard. She exploded. Her scream filled the air as she tightened around most of his fingers, her cream soaking him.

  He didn’t give her a chance to escape her high. In quick moves, he had her kneeling, holding the headboard. Releasing his cock, he put the tip to her slick entrance and plunged in. They both cried out.

  “You got a problem with the apartment?” he asked.

  “No, I love it.”

  Noah ran his hands up her body. “Then what do you want to talk about?” Pinching her nipples, he licked her neck. Her pulse jumped against his tongue.

  She moaned his name.

  “Please, I can’t think.”

  “You want to talk, I’m ready to talk.” He bit down on her neck, fucking her against the wall, needing her moans. Her pussy was heaven. “What could we talk about if you like the apartment?”

  “I shouldn’t be moving in with you. It’s wrong.”

  “Who says?” he asked.

  Sliding his hand up to her neck, he gripped her tightly, not enough to choke her. The single move made her even wetter, and her cunt clenched around his dick. He closed his eyes as a wave of pleasure rushed over him at her response.

  “I’m sick!”

  He tilted her head to the side so he could see her. Tears filled her eyes, and it tore him apart to see her like this.

  “What? You’re ill?” He had no doubt in his mind what she was referring to but also hoped, he was wrong.

  “No, no, I mean. This.” She pointed at his hand. “I shouldn’t feel anything with your hand wrapped around my neck, and I do. This is wrong. So wrong.”

  He sucked on her neck. “You’re not sick. You’re not wrong. You’re not dirty. You’re fucking perfect, and anyone who tells you anything else is wrong.” He slid his cock out of her until only the tip remained. Moving his hand down her stomach, he slid his fingers between her slit, stroking her clit. “We’re both fucked up. We’re both broken. Skye, we get each other. We know what we both want, what we both need. No one else can take that away from us. Not you, not me, and not anyone else. You are mine, Skye.” He gripped her neck a bit more tightly, hearing her breath catch as he did. “If this is what gets your rocks off, I don’t care.” He slammed deep inside her as he stroked her clit. “I can feel how much you like this, Skye. There is no taking this away from us. We both want this. We both need it. Every time I think about you, I want to fuck you. I knew the minute I saw you, you were going to belong to me.”

  “This is insane,” she said on a gasp.

  He used two fingers to tease her clit, drawing her closer to another orgasm. He wanted to hear her screams of pleasure. Biting and licking at her neck, he felt his own release come close to the surface.

  “What’s even more insane is us having this chance and not taking it. Take it with me, Skye.” He held her in place.

  Her breathing at his mercy.

  Her orgasm at his command.

  When he wanted her to come, he brought her straight to the edge and fucked her into oblivion. He held her screams, loosening his hold on her neck so she could scream them out. He followed her into orgasm. With her cunt still squeezing him with every second of her release, he filled her with his cum, claiming her, owning her.

  The release went on and on, and he felt consumed by her.

  Noah didn’t pull out of her pussy straight away. He held himself within her, running his hands up and down her body.

  “Martin told me I was sick. I was twisted. That I needed to see someone because no real woman could ever want to be manhandled, choked, or taken.”

  He tensed behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her as tightly as he could, offering her strength.

  “I … I know I was different because of what happened. I never dated anyone, not from high school. When you left, they all wanted to know what happened. What it was like to be raped and beaten. Who wants to know that stuff? We were finally free, and I couldn’t bring myself to be with anyone. By the time Martin and I were together, I felt stronger, like I could take on the world and there was nothing there to stop me.”

  “Nothing is there to stop you, Skye.”

  “I didn’t orgasm with him the first time. Not like with you, even in that damn cell. I didn’t think much of it. Some women don’t come the first time. It’s not the end of the world.” He heard the pain in her voice and wished there was something he could do to take it away. “Dating was so hard. I wanted to ask him if he’d had women orgasm with him before.”

  She burst out laughing. It wasn’t funny though. The noise coming from her lips was almost hysterical.

  “What kind of person wants to ask the guy they’re with if it’s normal not to have an orgasm? I’d be able to find some relief myself. Each time I did, I always felt guilty. I wanted to talk to Martin about it, but he … I couldn’t reach him. He felt everything was fine, and rather than burst his bubble, I started to pretend. Each time we had sex, we’d cuddle afterward, and every single time he held me, I would feel ugly and dirty inside.”

  Noah pulled out of her, moving her to her back and cupping her face. “You’re not ugly. You’re not dirty.”

  He needed to see into her eyes while she told him this truth.

  “But I felt it. I couldn’t come with him. It’s all because of those monsters. No matter how far I run, or how hard I work, they killed a part of me back there. They took everything from me.” She rolled over onto her side and started to sob.

  This time, Noah moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her, binding her to him. “They didn’t take everything from you. You’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere. I never want to go anywhere.” He kissed her shoulder. “They stole our innocence and showed the world. I w
ish I could give you back that first time. I wish we could go back to our cell, when they’re feeding us drugged-up shit, and I fuck you. I give you the best first time of your life.”

  “We can’t change the past, Noah.” She sniffled. “You’re right though. They didn’t take you.”

  “They tried. They tried to break my mind. To force me to become something I never wanted to be.”

  “You’re strong. You’ll always be strong.”

  “No, I’m not strong. The only reason I’m here today is because of you.”

  This made her turn to look at him. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  She frowned.

  He stroked his thumb across her ribcage, thinking of the best way to say what he had to. “I could have died in that cell. I wanted to die. I wanted to never see daylight again. I didn’t want to look at my parents, or for them to even know what I went through. There were nights I’d lie awake, listening to you, thinking that I could kill myself. The chains on the wall, I could slit my wrists. Take one of those trays and keep hitting my head. Damn, I could have even used the floor. The cold floor. I didn’t do it. You would pick that moment to roll over, to touch me, to find me in all that darkness, and I’d be your strength. We were in hell together, and if you could keep on surviving, so could I. You reached a part of my soul that I truly felt was dead.” He took her hand, kissing it. “You made me want to become better. Moving away, not a day went by when I didn’t think of you. Each night I was at the library studying, I wondered if you were doing the exact same thing? If you were thinking about me.”

  “I thought about you a lot.”


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