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Shared Reverse Harem Bundle 1

Page 57

by Kaylee Kane


  “Oh shit! I think I might have uploaded the wrong video!” I suddenly jumped up from my seat, almost knocking over the chair. I pulled the hem of my pencil skirt down when my colleague Jessi gave me a strange look.

  “What video?” She asked, her head tilted to one side. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and she was wearing some indie designer dress that wrapped tightly around her hourglass.

  Sweat formed a thin film on my forehead. I was this close to spilling the beans to Jessi that I had applied for an extra role in the Alien King’s Captive. Jessi was known as the loudspeaker in Up Your Alley Adult Toys. The last thing I wanted was for the whole company to know that I was acting in a soft porn movie.

  You read it right. I was a junior designer for Up Your Alley Adult Toys. In this kind of economy, I could not be critical with the kind of jobs I was getting. I was considered lucky to get a job in my field of study. Some of my course mates were still staying with their sugar daddies.

  Just two months ago, I graduated with a bachelor of arts and celebrated my twenty-first birthday with my ex before we broke up. The skin on the back of my skin tingled when I remembered the steamy hot sex we shared.

  It happened in a hotel room. After dinner, he took us to the hotel in a special spa suite where he fucked me over the table, the couch, the bed, and in every corner of the room. My stupid ass was too naïve to let him film it. We were both too horny to give a fuck.

  And I realized right now it was the same fucking video that I had uploaded to the application page for the extra role!

  Instead of the video of me doing facial expressions as they had requested!

  All the blood drained from my face as the mental pictures of the reviewers watching my slutty face twist in need as I was being pounded by Jorge in the pussy flounced in my head. Everything that happened that night was still fresh in my mind.

  I could remember every detail. As a matter of fact, I could hear my own horny moans echoing in my ears, taunting me for yearning to go back to Jorge. My pussy twitched in need as we spoke of Jorge.

  I hated to admit I was not completely over Jorge. I missed his magical cock. He was hung like a horse and well-trained. He probably had the largest cock among all the other guys I had dated.

  Too bad, he was a massive dick himself. I could not stand his narcissistic, self-centered behavior. Dumping him was the hardest decision I had to make.

  My nerves rose in me when I thought of the lewd content of the video. A wave of shame and excitement came over me at the same time thinking of how the reviewers would watch my cunt being ripped apart by Jorge’s massive cock. I fell back in my chair, hyperventilating.

  “You okay?” asked Jessi.

  I shook my head. Jessi was the last person to give a fuck about me. She was looking for contents for her gossiping sessions. “Nothing. Anxiety attack,” I wheezed.

  “Your face looks pale,” said Jessi.

  An idea suddenly hit me. I glanced at the clock. It was eleven in the morning. The deadline for the application was three in the afternoon. If I ran back home right now, I still stood a chance to re-upload the right video. “You are right.” I faked a cough. “I should take the day off!”

  I scrambled off my desk, dropped a message to my manager, and bolted out of the building as soon as possible. Before Jessi caught me or my manager changed her mind. I was speed walking towards the train station when my phone buzzed in my bag.

  “Is this Miss Xixili?” asked the caller, a male’s voice.

  I checked my phone and realized it was an unknown number.

  “Um, yeah?”

  “We are from Lucky Star Talents. We are proud to inform you that your application has been accepted.”

  I almost dropped the phone. “What?” I did not realize how loud I was until the other pedestrians shoot disapproving looks at me. My head was spinning in blankness. I sucked in mouthfuls of deep breath before I found my voice.

  “But…the video…I uploaded the wrong one…”

  “We thought the video was excellent.”

  Excellent? Heat spread from my cheeks and across my chest. What did they even mean by excellent? Did they watch it? I facepalmed and wished that the ground would swallow me up right now.

  “It was the wrong video! I did not mean to upload that!”

  “We think your performance was excellent. We would like to invite you to our studio for a live audition.” My eyes fluttered open in shock. Did that mean that I was selected?

  “You may walk in anytime you wish. Our studio is in Dicky Square right across Clita Station.” That was the station I was heading to! I did not even realize that the studio was nearby. I did not look too much into the details of the audition. I did not even think I was getting it!

  “We would like to discuss with you the roles you might be interested in.”

  My heart swelled with delight. I had already taken the half day off. I might as well go and rectify the situation with them right now. Who knew I might even get the leading roles? A wave of excitement replaced my fears.

  “I will be there in few minutes,” I said, smiling sheepishly.

  “Excellent, see you later.”

  I fixed my hair in the reflection of the shop windows. I made sure that my dark bangs were on point without a strand of stray and that my natural makeup still looked fresh before making towards the station.

  I did not think I was super pretty but I still believed I was above average. I always got told that it was a waste of looks for me to become a designer and sit in an office where no one would bat an eye at me. Except, well, some older executives who crept me up sometimes.

  Now, this was my chance. It had always been my dreams to be in movies. I skipped to my destination, contemplating the exciting adventures ahead.

  Maybe, after all, the wrong video was a blessing in disguise that would put me in the right hands.

  There was one way to find out.

  I was giddy with excitement when I walked across Dicky Square. My phone GPS took me to the end of the stretch of shop lots mostly consisted of restaurants and bars. I stopped in front of the arched tunnel made of red bricks.

  According to the GPS, the studio was behind this tunnel on my right. I gulped and went through the tunnel. My heart was palpitating in my chest. I was still struggling to believe what happened. As much as I wanted to be an actress, I never thought that I would be chosen.

  The afternoon sun poured over me when I came out from the other end of the tunnel. A pink neon sign was hanging above a heavy looking metal gate. It read ‘Lucky Star Talents’.

  I sucked in a deep breath and went up to the gate. I was about to ring the doorbell when it cracked open. I jumped a foot in the air thinking that this studio had to be haunted when a disembodied voice came from the overhead speaker box.

  “Please come in, Miss Xixili, we have been expecting you,” said the male voice. It took me a while to recognize that it was the same voice who called me.

  I gulped and went in through the gate. I had no idea why I felt a certain bad feeling when the gate snapped to close behind me. I shook the thought away and went in through another set of automated glass door.

  I was expecting a line, but no one was there in the studio. I started to worry for my own safety when the spartan white room had nothing but a gray couch and a potted plant in the corner.

  I was contemplating escape when the other door flung open. A middle-aged man appeared in front of me. He was formally attired in a blue suit and was wearing glasses.

  I clenched my fist, ready to swing my punch at him lest he tried anything stupid.

  “Miss Xixili, we are glad you are here,” said the man, he sounded nervier than I was when he extended his hand for a handshake. “I am Bronson. I am in charge of your audition.” I shifted my feet nervously, hoping there were at least another female involved in this.

  “What am I supposed to do?” I asked.

sp; He let out a nervous smile. “The audition will take place in virtual reality, so you don’t have to worry. Please follow me.”

  I arched a brow when Bronson turned around and went back through the door he came in. I followed warily behind him.

  “Um, am I the only one who made it for the audition?” I asked.

  “At the moment, yes. We have decided that you are the best fit for the role.” Who were we? My eyes darted around the studio when Bronson bolted into the control room and put on his headphones. His fingers tapping quickly on the controls.

  Bronson’s voice came from the loudspeakers when he spoke, “Please proceed to the studio, Miss Xixili. The audition will commence shortly.”

  I shrugged and stepped into the studio. There was nothing but three white walls. A haze of fear swept over me. “Why are we doing this?” My shaky voice betrayed my feelings.

  “This is an important role, Miss Xixili.” An uncanny fear trickled into his voice, making me more nervous. Why was he so scared? What was happening right now? “You must go through this audition. We have to make sure that you are fully prepared for this.”

  I gulped. Something was not right. Something was definitely not right here.

  “I need to get outta here now!” I cried out. The last thing I cared about was the sex tape right now. I could not be bothered anymore who saw it. I wanted to get the hell outta there ASAP.

  “No, Miss Xixili!” shouted Bronson.

  I stormed towards the door and grabbed the knob to realize that it was locked. Panic engulfed me. I stepped back and turned in circles to see if there were any other escape routes.

  I was in no luck.

  “Fuck you! Let me outta here!” I screamed and started banging against the glass window.

  “Miss Xixili, please calm down. You must undergo this audition!” said Bronson. The tension in his voice reflected mine.

  “No, fucking let me outta here!” I continued to slam my fists against the window and kicked the door, anything to get me outta here.

  I heard Bronson mutter a soft “Fuck it!” when a mechanical sound came from behind me. My heart thundered in my chest when I slowly turned around and saw at least five metallic tentacles extending from opening in the ceiling and slithered in my directions.

  I cried out when two of the tentacles wrapped tightly around me, locking my arms to my sides. One of them aimed for my face.

  All I remembered was a flash of white light before everything I ever knew ceased to exist.


  I woke up to the hammering pain pounding my head. “Argh!” I opened my eyes and the bright light scorched like acid. I held my arm up to shield my face and blinked until my eyes were adjusted to the sudden brightness.

  I had no idea where I was. The memories of what happened before I passed out flooded back into my mind, along with the rampant fear. My heart thundered in my chest. With the remaining strength in me, I climbed to my feet and dusted myself. That was when I realized that I had changed…

  A wave of fear bounced around me. “What the fuck happened?” I muttered to myself. I was clad in a skintight white bodysuit that molded around my body like a second skin. On second thought, I was quite flattered how it looked nice on my body.

  My breasts stretched the thin fabric, almost rendering it transparent. The only complaint I had was the crotch part. It hiked up against my pussy and left almost nothing to the imagination.

  Luckily there wasn’t anybody else around here…where was everybody else?

  My mind was spinning with confusion as I turned in circles and took in my surroundings. I thought I knew this place…then I realized it had been the city I lived in…except it was ruined.

  “Oh my god…” My jaw dropped as I looked at the glass-coated skyscrapers now coated with a brown layer of dust. It looked like a sandstorm had blown over the city. Parts of the buildings were collapsed and greens thrived in the concrete graveyard.

  I turned around and stared at the building that used to be my old company. What used to be a flashing neon signboard read ‘Up Your Alley Adult Toys’ was now a rusty plate on the ground. It reminded me of the time when I wished that my office was on fire so I didn’t have to go to work.

  I stared at the building where I used to hate going. Looking at the now ruined state, somehow I thought it was such a pleasant sight. I let out a relieved sigh. Whatever happened, at least I did not have to worry about getting to work.

  I dragged my thick space boots across the ground. I wandered down the city, breathing in the dust when a holographic screen suddenly materialized in front of me.

  My stomach reeled when I stepped back. “What the hell?”


  Damnit! I was in the future! I had no idea what happened. Then, I recalled I was going to an audition. The agent…Bronson, he mentioned something about being in the virtual reality.

  I shook my head nervously. “Let me outta here!” I shouted but all I got was the silence of the city. “What the hell is going on right now?” I muttered to myself through my bated breath as I turned in circles and looked around the city.

  The city skyline looked blurred as if a filter had been placed on it. I tried to walk through the hologram message when the city turned grainy and the gridlines appeared around me.

  “Holy shit! What the hell? How am I supposed to get out of here?”

  I looked up when the message on the hologram disappeared, replaced with a feminine robotic silhouette. The robot had blonde bangs and glossy porcelain white skin. She wore the same outfit as I did.

  “Welcome to the future, Miss Xixili. This is Year 2070.”

  “What the hell is going on right now? Who are you? Wait! I know who you are! Bronson! I know you are behind this avatar!” I tried to lunge at the hologram but it disappeared every time I got too near.

  “Miss Xixili, you are the chosen one for this very important mission that will decide the future,” said the robot in a mechanical voice.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “In Year 2030, the cyberwar started between nations. Poorer nations without the privilege of cyber technology are left behind in this rat race. They are cut off from the techno-evolution that the more advanced nations are thriving on. As mankind fought against one another, a more advanced civilization from the depth of Creamy Way saw this as the perfect opportunity to take over Earth.”

  I listened intently. My eyes were affixed on the robot as what she said dawned on me. “Year 2030? Wait! That was this year, right?”

  “This is the year you are from. But you have gone back three months so it is still in the past.”

  “Wait, who is this more advanced civilization?”

  “They are the Vugarian space pirates originated from the planet Vugaria.” The hologram transformed into a hunky humanoid creature. My stomach flipped the moment I saw the tanned satin smooth skin under the ripped chest muscles. Rigid contours of six pecs bulged on his torso.

  “This…this is a Vugarian space pirate?” I asked, my voice betrayed the excitement growing in me. Hot blood sizzled through my veins when I studied the features of the alien. He had a board glowing forehead, sharp aquiline nose, and thin lips.

  His damn tight pants slung low on his hips, revealing his sharp V-shaped hipbones and clung around his thick legs. The sight of the protruding bulge on the crotch made the skin on the back of my neck tingle.

  I almost forgot when was the last time I had tasted a cock. Jorge and I used to fuck at any opportunity we got. After we split, life got in. I had a couple of dates that did not last long.

  Now I hated myself for getting all horny looking at this alien hologram.

  “Is…is he even real?”

  “Everything is real, Miss Xixili. This future you are looking at is real…if the Vugarian space pirates win the war…”

  Dirty thoughts of what the alien might do to me multiplied in my head. I did not realize that I was mouthwate
ring at the alien hologram until it switched back to the first robot. I blinked out of my trance. “Wait, what is this war that you are talking about?”

  “The Earth War III.”

  I shook my head so quickly I jerked back. “Huh? What about Earth War I and II?”

  “That was the first and second World Wars. Since the discovery of more intelligent lives on other planets, the Intergalactic Union has banned the usage of World War since other planets were not involved. They also changed all humans only pageant shows to planet appropriate names.”

  “Oh. And what happened during the Earth War III?”


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