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Shared Reverse Harem Bundle 1

Page 60

by Kaylee Kane

  I raised my hand. “I know that part. Where is this said Athyleum?”

  “It is in their research lab, buried deep in the Starry Starry Funhouse. If you walk along the coast, you will find the brothel.”

  “What the fuck?” I snarled in disgust. “I don’t want to fucking set foot in a brothel!”

  “Well, if you fail your mission, you might as well apply for a job there.”

  I huffed. “Fine, what do I do once I get my hands on the Athyleum?” I crossed my arms over my chest. The tight costume pricked my skin and a pool of sweat formed in my cleavage.

  “A rescue pod will be sent to pick you up and you will return home.”

  I arched my brow at the robot. “What will you do with the Athyleum?”

  There was a pause before she said, “The Athyleum will then be disposed of to prevent falling into the wrong hands.” I had no idea why I felt something was not right here. Maybe because I was talking to a robot? I shook my head and focused on the mission.

  “And what do I get out of this?” I asked.

  “You will become the hero who saves your world from destruction, who saves your species from extinction. Your people might not know…but you will always carry it in your heart…”

  I snorted, “So not even exposure, huh?”

  “This is a secret mission. You are the best person for this mission. You should feel honored for being chosen anyway.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned away from the hologram. “Remember how the Athyleum looks like. Don’t confuse with the other substance called eroticum.”

  I frowned at her. “What does that do?”

  “Focus on the mission. Other details are not important.” The hologram disappeared. I stared into the distance where the hologram had gone. My head was whirling with so many questions. I tried to remember what happened back in my own world.

  I hated myself more for spending most of my time chasing reality shows and celebrity gossips rather than reading more important news. But I doubted that there was any news about alien contacts. Especially not twelve years ago when the private space companies were still trying to get to Mars!

  I certainly wasn’t the best in Astronomy but I did not recall any planets called Vugaris! Where in the Creamy Way was this planet? I made a mental note to brush up my extraterrestrial knowledge if I got home.

  I dragged myself along the coastline. The ocean was shimmering as if someone scattered gold powder all over the glossy wobbles. I smiled to myself thinking that it was a not bad view. Suddenly, I felt so lucky. At least I had been to a different planet, what’s more from a different time. I wished I had my phone to capture the scenery right now.

  My mind was plagued with what the robot said. She kept telling me that I was the chosen one but based on what? The sex tape? Really? My cheeks went hot from thinking about it, so I shook my head to purge the thoughts out.

  I made a mental note to find out who was behind this whole thing. For now, I had to focus on the mission. There was nothing I could do if I were trapped back in time here.

  I clenched my fists and briskly walked down the coastline until I saw the glass-coated geodesic sculpture that looked like a greenhouse or a space museum. The neon signboard was flashing ‘Starry Starry Funhouse’.

  That was it. That was the brothel that I had to infiltrate to retrieve the Athyleum. I was no gamer but right now I wished that I could access their blueprint so that I knew where I was going.

  I made towards the building when a loud boom zipped past above me. I dropped into a crouch behind the bush when the shadow of a massive sleek, silver spacejet loomed over me. I peeked through my cover as the spacejet descended in front of the brothel.

  It felt like déjà vu. I was expecting Warwreck and his gang to walk out of the spacejet. But when the double door hissed open and the jetway rolled out, a heavy blue alien materialized. Behind him were two besuited blue aliens who looked like the security.

  I craned my neck to peer into the distance. “Who were they?” They did not look Vugarians at all. Suddenly, it dawned on me. There were more than one species of alien in the world? I blinked quickly when a woman in her mid-thirties appeared.

  I shook my head so quickly I jerked back. “What the fuck? She looks like a human! How did that fucking happen?”

  Her shimmering silver wrapped tightly around her body like a second skin and flowed down the ground. She was slightly plump with a flaming red bob and matching lips on her pillowy lips.

  “Welcome to Starry Starry Funhouse,” said the lady.

  One of the besuited blue aliens stepped forward, “Give us your best girls.”

  “They are waiting for you,” said the lady.

  “Good.” He turned back and nodded at the bigger alien. Then, they followed the lady into the dome.

  I stared blankly into the distance where they had left. It made me wonder who the girls in the brothel were. Were they more aliens? A chill ran down my spine. Or were they humans?

  If they were humans, how did they get here? And why?

  I was about to get out of my cover when the backdoor of the dome burst open. Another green alien trod out dragging two bags of trash in his hands. This one looked like a midget and the perfect target. That was my chance.

  Adrenaline burst through my system. “Okay, fuck it!” Urgency catapulted me out of my cover. My stomach reeled in me when I pounced onto the alien and brought him to the ground. I had no idea what came over me when I raised my fist and punched him in the face.

  I had no idea where the strength had come from. I peeled away from the unconscious alien. His tongue stuck out as his compound eyes rolled back in his skull.

  I stripped him of the jumpsuit and got dressed. I put on the cap and pushed through the door where the alien had come from. I lowered my face and trekked down the quiet hallway. A musty smell hung between the yellowed walls.

  Suddenly, a hologram appeared in front of me.

  Objective completed.

  I pulled up when the robot reappeared. “You must get to the lab right now.”

  “Thanks, Captain Obvious. Do you have a blueprint of this brothel?”

  “You need to follow the guide.”

  The hologram disappeared.

  “Wait, what guide?” I looked around when a holographic blue arrow appeared in front of me. “I guess that’s the guide?” I shrugged and made towards the blue arrow. Once near, the arrow disappeared and another one appeared a few feet in front of me.

  I shrugged and continued to follow the arrow down the hallway and made a turn. I skidded to a halt when I peeked in through a window in a door. I crouched down and peered into the lounge. A crystal chandelier hung overhead glimmered in million colors.

  The same heavy blue alien now plopped in a gold brimmed lounge. The interior of the room was a far cry from the shabby hallway I was in. Heavy crimson drapes over the walls and matching carpet on the floor. His flabby arms draped over the shoulders of two female humans! “What the hell is going on here?”

  The older lady in shimmering silver dress was standing in front of them. I did not see the other two blue security.

  I pressed my ear against the door to listen but the room was completely soundproof. I could only hear my own heartbeat racing in my chest.

  The robot’s voice echoed in my ears. “Miss Xixili, please focus on the mission.”

  “What the hell is going on there?”

  “Please focus on completing the mission, Miss Xixili. You only have a small time limit to retrieve the Athyleum.”

  “Argh, fuck it!” I snarled and continued following the blue arrows deeper and deeper into the inside of the brothel. My heart pounded in my ears as the cold air picked up.

  “Are we near?” I muttered to myself when the blue arrow appeared pointing towards the direction of a double door. I stopped and looked up at the silver sing on top of the door.

  Research Lab.

  “I guess that’s
it,” I said to myself and peered into the dark room. I had never set foot in a lab before but from the forensics movies I binged every night, I guessed it looked pretty standard. Metal benches lined up in four rows.

  Weird looking machines decked the surfaces.

  I pushed through the double door and skulked down the aisle. Inside the lab, there was another room in glass walls. I went up to the glass wall. My eyes fell on the neon green glowing container.

  There was no pink container. I looked around frantically when a racket came from behind me made my stomach flutter. I dropped into a crouch behind the bench and peeked out to see shadows flitting in the door window.

  “Shit! They are back!” My mind raced for ideas. The last thing I wanted was to service the blue alien. My hand flew to cover my mouth when the door barged open and the column of light bent across the aisle.

  Three silhouettes walked into the lab, their heavy boots thumped the ground. “Bring him to the screen!” shouted a familiar, hoarse male voice. It was too dark to see their faces. I could only see their white coats waving like a flag.

  On the flip side, that meant they wouldn’t be able to see me either. I thought I spoke too soon when a bright light bleached my eyes. I lifted my arm to shield my eyes. When the silhouettes came to the light, a gasp escaped from my mouth.

  It was Warwreck. I could not tell who the other two were but they looked Vugarians. I could not help but feel a swell of pride in my chest when I recognized the alien species. I made a mental note to brush up on alien knowledge when I got home.

  My mind was spinning with confusion when a hologram appeared in front of them. A besuited man’s face appeared. His face rang a bell. I knew I had seen him somewhere. But where?

  “We need more human subjects to accommodate our clients’ growing demand. Now we have extended our services to more planets like Luna Nova and Zion Prime. The girls could no longer handle the workload. Even with the eroticum.”

  A brief look of displeasure flitted across the man’s face. I fixed my eyes on his face as I tried to figure out who was him. “We cannot do that.” He pursed his lips, a hardness in his voice. “We are running out of potential females to be sent here.”

  A wicked smirk quirked Warwreck’s face. “Well, remember that your planet has owed us 7 million creds in debts. Don’t forget the accumulating interests. The longer you drag, the higher the interest that you are paying. This is a brilliant finance system that your species has come up with, isn’t it?”

  The man gritted his teeth. By the look of his expensive tailored suit, I knew he was someone of high importance and status, but who was he? I hated myself more for not paying attention to current events.

  The man slammed his fist on the table. “There is no way we can speed up the process. The people have started to grow suspicious of the so-called space program. There were protests, people asking for evidence of what the girls were doing in space. Some human rights activists were asking for males to participate in the so-called prestigious program too!” He spat the last bit, his face twisted as if the words left a disgusting taste in his tongue.

  What space program?

  “Maybe it is time you and the other leaders of your world open up with your people! Instead of lying to your people about a so-called space program that would change their lives, maybe you should tell them that the Intergalactic Service was nothing but a slave trade to pay up your dying planet’s debt because all of you face extinction!”

  My eyes widened in understanding. My nerves rose in me. Oh my god! So the Intergalactic Service was never a real space program? Everything started to fall into place right now.

  I remembered a few years ago, when I just turned eighteen, I was so stoked it was finally my turn to stand a chance to be selected for the Intergalactic Service. According to the so-called prestigious space program, females from all around the globe would be chosen based on their credibility.

  I was so upset when I discovered that I was not chosen for any of the quarters. Even though I knew how slim the chance of getting in the service. Few years passed, I had almost completely forgotten about the existence of the program at all. Partly because I had blocked everything related to the program to cope with my crippling depression at that time.

  Now, looking back, I was so fucking glad that I did not get chosen! I could not imagine how life would be if I were one of the girls who had to service that blue alien that looked like a blob of goo!

  The man’s face darkened from displeasure. His eyes were bright red and looked like they were about to burst out of his skull.

  Warwreck leaned forward on the bench, his fists connected to the surface. “Maybe it is time for your planet and people to get their act together and manage your resources properly. The universe does not owe you shit. None of us owe you any shit. You have exhausted all the resources of your bountiful planet. You are lucky that you still have your females as your last resort and that we crave for the nectar between their legs…When you exhaust your last option, we will have no choice but to destroy your scum planet and species before you ruin the universe.”

  The tiny hairs on the nape of my neck bristled. It was hauntingly chilling how true the Vugarian alien words were. Over the years, mankind had outstripped what the planet had to offer. Resources were destroyed, wasted…

  Then they proceeded to colonize space, hoping to find a backup planet so that we could continue our greedy, wasteful habits.

  “Goodbye, Mr. Auximoff.”

  Auximoff…How could I not know him? He was the finance minister of the Anova Council, the union of all the nations in the world after the financial crisis that crashed the global economy. All the nations had owed each other so much that everyone essentially became bankrupt.

  I was wondering how we could owe each other money until we were all bankrupt but now everything was so clear. We were not owing each other money. We were owing to the aliens and what the Council did was trading the females to the aliens like we were some slaves.

  A chill ran down my spine. I would say we were still living in the Stone Age where women did not have equal rights. But then, I didn’t think we were contacted by aliens at that stage. Wait, maybe they did. But we would never know!

  The hologram flickered off. Warwreck turned to his companions. “We cannot use too much of the eroticum on the girls. They can’t handle it. They are puny human. They require rest. We need a better solution than this. How is the research on Athyleum going on?”

  “Progressing well as planned. The cell viability tests results have come out to be really positive…We need to run a few more tests to confirm the results before we can proceed with the first clinical trials…”

  Warwreck smiled. “Great. If the puny humans can’t pay up before the Athyleum research has complete…it will be the end of them…” His laugh boomed across the lab, followed by his two companions.

  “I cannot wait to wipe out these scums of species! Did you even see how dirty their atmosphere is! I cannot fathom why there are some intelligent species that behave like a hormone raging teenage boy.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about their fucking species!” snarled Warwreck. “They won’t live for long! I am going to get some pussies! Speaking of which…do you smell pussy right here?”

  My stomach flipped when Warwreck started to sniff the air.

  Fuck. They were going to find out I was hiding here. My heart thundered in my chest. I gotta do something.

  I glanced into the glass-walled room. The green container was glowing in welcome at me. My nerves were racing in me right now.

  The aliens were getting closer, I could hear their footsteps advancing. My eyes were darting between the glass wall and the shadows that fell over me.

  That’s it! I was taking the chance.

  I bolted out of my cover and straight to the glass wall.

  “There she is!”


  Loud blood pounded in my ears as urgency catapulted my f
eet off the ground. Angry footsteps chased behind me. I was running around the glass walls until I finally found the automated door.

  “Fuck! They better have the escape pod or whatever ready for me!” I muttered myself as my heart thundered in my chest.

  “Where the fuck did you come from?” shouted Warwreck. His eyes blazed in fiery red. Suddenly, I remembered that he wouldn’t have known me. We might have met before but it was a simulation from the future. Warwreck had no fucking idea I was here for the Athyleum or that I had stolen from him once.


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