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Nurse's Orders

Page 8

by Penny Birch

  ‘I was spanked for impudence,’ I said. ‘By Natasha.’

  ‘So you are punished regularly?’

  ‘Fairly. She likes to punish me. She is too cruel to make a good nurse, which she understands.’

  ‘Cruelty has no place in such a relationship.’

  ‘Yet you use the cane?’

  ‘I use the cane for discipline. There is, as I am sure you know, a natural hierarchy among women. It is naturally for those higher in the hierarchy to punish those below them. There is no cruelty in this.’

  It was not the time to argue. Standing there, holding my jeans and body stocking down to show off my bare bottom, with both of them fully dressed, my sense of exhibitionism was rising steeply. If she insisted that I fit in with her complex mind games, I was prepared to do my best. For a moment she stayed silent, contemplating my rear view.

  ‘Tell me more,’ she demanded.

  ‘She beat me across the kitchen table,’ I explained, ‘with a bread bin under my stomach to lift my bottom. It was done with a spoon, a big spoon.’

  ‘How many smacks?’

  ‘I do not know.’

  ‘I would have made you count them out loud.’

  ‘I couldn’t have kept count. It hurt dreadfully.’

  ‘Yet you took it.’

  ‘I had no choice. She held me down by my hair.’

  ‘Nonsense. You are how tall? Five foot ten?’

  ‘Five foot nine.’

  ‘And you are certainly muscular. She is big, this Natasha?’

  ‘Not really, no.’

  ‘If you lay over a bread bin, my dear, on top of a kitchen table, and she only had a grip in your hair while she beat you, one can be certain that you were willing. Or at the least you must have been aware that you deserved your punishment. Don’t lie to me, my dear, I have a great deal of experience.’

  ‘I am sorry. I took it, yes.’

  She went silent again, and stood up. I shut my eyes as she came up behind me to run her fingernails over the skin of my bottom. They were long and sharp, making me shiver. Poppy giggled.

  ‘It seems to me, my dear,’ Anna stated, ‘that if you can take a good spanking with a spoon, you would have no real difficulty accepting the cane.’

  ‘I cried a lot,’ I admitted. ‘I have never been caned.’

  ‘Never been caned?’ she said. Poppy made a smacking noise with her lips in blatant anticipation.

  ‘Well, I think we all know what ought to be done about that, don’t we?’ Anna said.

  ‘Must you?’ I asked and I heard the catch in my own voice.

  ‘I must,’ she said. ‘You are genuine, I can see, but you have a lot to learn about discipline.’

  ‘I hate pain,’ I protested.

  ‘Naturally,’ she answered. ‘If you didn’t, there would be little point in punishing you, at least by this method. Poppy, run and fetch my cane, there’s a good girl. Bend over a little more, Gabby, and pull in your back. A young lady never forgets elegance, even while she is being punished. Now, I am glad you seem to know how to behave. The first thing to understand while here is that you remain absolutely under my discipline and Poppy’s. You may leave at any time obviously, but there are no stop words or any such nonsense.’

  I nodded.

  ‘The house rules,’ she went on. ‘You will call me Miss Vale at all times. Poppy you will address as Nurse. She will be responsible for you. I will remain aloof, except to administer any discipline which may be required. Poppy may spank you, if it proves necessary. Anything serious enough to require more will be brought to me.’

  Poppy had scampered out. I could have left. I nearly did. Everything seemed to revolve around discipline. I’d been there a few minutes and I was about to be beaten, exactly what I didn’t want. I was also naked from my neck to my thighs, and if I took what Anna wanted to give me I would shortly have two extremely attractive women to look after me. If I didn’t, I would be out in the cold street, frustrated. I decided to take it, biting down my fear and trying to tell myself that it was only six strokes.

  So I got into the position Anna wanted, with my back tucked in to stick out my bottom. She paid no attention and her face betrayed no emotion as she stepped back a pace. I pulled my back tighter in, opening my cheeks to show off both sex and anus. A barely perceptible nod acknowledged my change.

  For maybe a minute I stood there, my fear and vulnerability rising, until my toes were twitching in my boots. There was a sick feeling in my stomach, and I would probably have run if it had gone on much longer, but Poppy came back. She was holding not one cane but several, in a bundle tied with a piece of red ribbon. They were horrible-looking things, thin and deep brown, marked with darker stains which it was impossible not to imagine as the sweat of the poor girls whose bottoms they had been applied to. I had put my hands on my thighs and found my fingernails digging into my flesh as Anna pulled a cane from the bundle.

  ‘Relax, if you wish it to be less painful,’ she instructed. ‘It is unwise to tense your flesh.’

  I obeyed, forcing myself to let my bottom and thighs go loose. She nodded and lifted the cane to tap it against my skin. My muscles jumped at the contact and I shut my eyes, trying to tell myself I could bear it, that it was worth it, that I could control my bladder during the beating.

  The cane was lifted. I heard my own broken sob and it hit me, a sharp, sudden sting, so abrupt that I had jumped up, clutching my bottom, my mouth wide in a soundless scream, before I even really knew it. There was a line of fire across my bottom, the skin roughened as I held myself, hissing between clenched teeth and hopping up and down on my toes. For a moment the pain was unbearable, but it faded and I managed to get back into position, my bottom stuck out.

  ‘I would not normally tolerate such a display,’ Anna remarked. ‘However, as it is your first time…’

  She hit me again on the last word, once more sending me into a dance of pain, jumping up and down on my feet with my breasts jiggling about and my mouth wide open. Poppy giggled.

  ‘There is nothing humorous in this situation, Poppy,’ Anna warned. ‘Do you find it funny when you yourself are beaten?’

  ‘No, Miss Vale,’ Poppy said hastily, backing a couple of steps towards the door.

  She hung her head and I could see the trembling in her fingers, making me wonder what she could expect if Anna decided to punish her. After her open show of pleasure and amusement at my own distress, it was impossible not to hope that it would happen and that I would be able to watch.

  ‘Position,’ Anna ordered.

  I stuck out my bottom, screwing my eyes up tight and telling myself I would stay still.

  It was hopeless. The instant the cane bit into my flesh I was back on my toes, hopping up and down and clutching at my burning bottom. I had three lines now and I could feel all of them, making me wonder how I now looked from behind.

  ‘Do try and maintain some dignity,’ Anna said. ‘Position.’

  Once more I stuck out my bottom, and once more that awful cane was lashed down across my buttocks. I did try hard but still ended up doing my silly little dance as she waited patiently for me to get control of myself.

  I’d had four, more than half, and as I stuck my bottom back out for the fifth I was telling myself it would soon be over. The cane came down, hit, harder still, and I screamed, jumping up once more before sinking to my knees in raw agony with my hands behind me clutched to my bottom, indifferent to the fact that I was effectively holding my cheeks apart.

  ‘Silence!’ Anna snapped. ‘I thought at least you could control your noise.’

  I shook my head miserably as I climbed to my feet. The tears were threatening to start in my eyes, but there was only one to go. I bravely stuck out my bottom, trying to think of soothing cream and the comfort of being held to another woman’s breasts.

  The stroke came down and for the sixth time I jumped to my feet, squealing and making a show of myself, but this time with a sense of triumph running through my head.

It hurt a lot, but less than what Monty had done to me and more importantly I had passed the test. I was still filled with self-pity at the thought of what had been done to me, and the tears were trickling freely from my eyes, yet it was over, and that was what really mattered.

  ‘Yes, well, I can see that you’re a baby,’ Anna said. ‘A big baby, but undoubtedly a baby. Poppy, see to her.’

  I was still sobbing and I let Poppy take me by the hand without resistance. I was led upstairs, clutching my lowered clothes and trailing my bag behind me, one flight, then a second, to a plain attic room, clean and neat but without ornament.

  ‘This is where I’m sent when I’m bad,’ Poppy explained. ‘It’ll be your nursery while you’re here. Come this way.’

  She gave me a gentle tug and I followed to where a full-length mirror stood in a wooden frame. It reflected my whole body, near naked. I looked rather forlorn with my jeans and body stocking pulled down, and the little pink crease of my bare sex showing between my legs.

  ‘Turn around then, no time for vanity,’ she said.

  I obeyed, craning back as I turned to inspect my bottom. It was a mess of colour, yellow, black and dull blue from Monty’s beating, along with six perfectly parallel red lines, each broken across the crease of my bottom, where I’d been caned.

  ‘That,’ Poppy said, ‘is what a caned bottom looks like. Before we send you home, we’ll take a picture so that you can stick it on your bedroom wall as a reminder of what happens to naughty girls.’

  ‘I wasn’t naughty!’


  I replied with a weak smile, knowing exactly what she meant. It didn’t matter why I’d been caned; a picture like the one I could see in the mirror would have made any girl better behaved if she thought for a moment it might happen again.

  ‘You are staying, aren’t you?’ Poppy demanded. ‘Overnight, I mean.’

  ‘I could…I don’t know. I wasn’t really expecting to be caned like that. I like gentle things.’

  ‘I’ll be gentle,’ she promised, her hand coming out to stroke my hair. ‘Even if you need your little bottom smacked I won’t be too hard. Please stay over.’

  I nodded, managing a weak smile and wishing fervently that things had been arranged so that it was Poppy looking after me, without Anna. The beating had got to me, though, and if I felt resentful I also felt submissive. Certainly it was going to be very, very easy to give in to Poppy.

  ‘We’d better have your clothes off, then,’ she said, suddenly all brisk efficiency. ‘Can you do it yourself?’

  I shook my head. She clicked her tongue and pulled me towards the bed, on to which I was pushed down. She kneeled to take my boots one by one, pulling them off. My body stocking and jeans followed as one, pulled up and off my legs to leave me stark naked.

  ‘We won’t be needing these,’ Poppy announced, bundling my jeans and boots together and throwing them towards the door. ‘But this might work.’

  She was holding up my body stocking and smiling faintly.

  ‘Yes,’ she stated. ‘You can go in this and a nappy, naturally.’

  ‘I’ve brought some,’ I said. ‘They’re in my bag.’

  ‘Good,’ she said. ‘Although we do have some. I get put in them sometimes. As a punishment.’

  ‘A punishment? Don’t you like it?’

  It was a silly question, which she answered with a smile. Like Natasha, she evidently became aroused by humiliation. She had gone to my bag and lifted it on to a chest of drawers, where she began to examine the contents.

  ‘Nappies, bottle, cream, powder, pins…you are well prepared. I suppose you expect me to soothe your bottom after your caning?’

  ‘Yes, please…Nanny.’

  ‘Nurse, please.’

  ‘Please, Nurse Poppy. I am sore.’

  She nodded, trying to hide a smile as she picked up the tube of cream.

  ‘Over my lap, I think,’ she said. ‘Come along.’

  She sat, patting her lap. I crawled over eagerly and she took me around the waist very gently. Immediately my tension started to drain away, to be replaced by the most delicious feeling of surrender. As I felt the cold cream squeezed out on to my bottom, I knew I had been right to stick with it, to take the cane, however much it had hurt. I winced as her fingers touched my bruised skin, but I was also sticking my bottom up to let my cheeks open to her and make my surrender absolute.

  ‘You are eager, aren’t you?’ she responded.

  I just purred. She had begun to rub the cream in and it felt so soothing, making me want to melt into her. It wasn’t just the cream, either. I could feel her big breasts pressing to my side and feel her flesh through her dress, soft and resilient.

  She knew what she was doing, too, smearing the cream evenly over the full area of my bottom and rubbing it in with slow, circular motions of her hand. Nor was she coy about it, allowing her fingers to move down into my bottom-crease, a little deeper each time towards my anus, until I was dying to be touched. I held my peace, sure she would give me what I needed, later if not immediately.

  After a while she began to sing, so quietly I could barely hear the words, a lullaby I’d never heard before. I lay still, listening, my body absolutely relaxed across her lap as she continued to rub in the cream, round and round, ever closer to the centre, but never touching, teasing me, to bring me slowly on to full heat.

  By the time she finally began to get properly rude, Monty, or any man, would have had his cock up me, come and probably gone to sleep. Not Poppy. She was enjoying herself immensely, but she was in no hurry. With my whole bottom creamy and warm, but no longer painful, she finally began to see to my sexual needs. She knew what to do as well, lifting a knee to bring my sex into prominence. Her fingers found my anus, tickling the little hole before smoothing cream over it and pushing just a little way up. I would have let her put her finger up, or more, as much as she wanted, until it began to hurt. She didn’t try, but squeezed out a fresh squirt of cream into the palm of her hand and turned her attention to my pubic mound. I’d shaved in the bath that morning and was completely smooth, as a grown-up baby girl should be. Poppy appreciated it, enjoying the feel of my sex as I moved myself in her hand, wiggling my hips against the gentle pressure as she massaged me.

  When her thumb finally found my clitoris I was ready to come anyway. It took moments, a casual, unconcerned act of masturbation, giving me exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. The orgasm was long and abandoned, with my pussy clenching and my bottom-hole opening and closing in little spasms, utterly uninhibited, the way it should be. When I’d finished she giggled and gave me the gentlest of pats on my bottom.

  ‘That’s better, isn’t it?’ she said. ‘Now into your nappy, and you can have a little nap before lunch.’

  ‘Yes, Nurse,’ I answered, ‘and thank you. That was wonderful.’

  ‘Now, now, no need for that,’ she replied. ‘Miss Vale knows you need these little things, but she doesn’t approve of talking about it. Come on, up you get.’

  She slapped my bottom again a little more forcefully, and moved to roll me off her lap. I climbed down to sit on the floor as she went for my nappy. I was really still coming down from my orgasm, but watching her was still good. She was quick, matter of fact and smiling happily as she picked up what she needed and gestured to the bed.

  ‘On you go,’ she ordered. ‘Lie down.’

  I got on the bed, lying full length, acutely aware of my nudity and what she was about to do to me. I was used to being taken by the ankles and lifted bodily so that the nappy could be slid under my bottom. Poppy was less physical.

  ‘Bottom up,’ she said as she flipped the nappy over to make a neat triangle.

  I lifted my bottom off the bed, allowing her to push the top of the nappy underneath. As she moved her hands I lay down, feeling the sensitive, smacked flesh of my bottom settle into the towelling.

  ‘Legs wide,’ she ordered, ‘and up.’

  I lifted my legs and opened t
hem, showing her absolutely everything, completely vulnerable to her. She casually took the bottom corner of the nappy and pulled it up between my legs, pressing it to my tummy.

  ‘Legs down a little, and together,’ she said. ‘Hold your nappy for me, there’s a good girl.’

  She reached out to take a nappy pin, placing it between her lips. I did as she told me, squeezing the nappy between my thighs as she tugged up the sides, wrapping them together over my tummy to swaddle my hips in the soft towelling. It was tight, more so than when I had been experimenting, and it felt better still. Poppy pinched the material to make it bulge and allow her to push the pin through all three layers, securing my nappy firmly in place.

  I lay back, stretching, letting the feel of being naked but for a nappy flow through me. My breasts were bare and it didn’t matter, not in the least. In fact, it would have been silly to cover me, except for warmth, and they had the heating full on. Naked was best, except for my nappy, and that only for the most simple and practical reasons, which had nothing whatever to do with modesty.

  ‘There we are,’ Poppy said happily, ‘all snug and cosy. Now, you get into bed, and I’ll wake you before lunchtime.’

  I scrambled quickly into the bed, which was warm from our body heat, with fresh linen beneath the plain blankets and coverlet. Poppy kissed me and tousled my hair, then stood. She began to walk away but paused, turning back to me.

  ‘You want to do this properly, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, Nurse.’

  She cast a quick, uneasy glance towards the door, then leaned closer.

  ‘Out of role, yes?’

  I nodded.

  ‘You’re not going to be awkward when I want a little something myself, are you?’

  ‘No. I promise.’

  ‘I’m sure you do but, whatever happens, you mustn’t tell Anna. OK?’

  ‘I promise. Just remember, I really cannot take much pain, and I am quite badly bruised already.’

  ‘No more beatings, I promise.’

  She kissed me full on my mouth, then again, the tiniest of pecks on one cheek. As she got up she was grinning and there was a bounce in her walk as she crossed to the door. I wondered what she wanted and why I couldn’t tell Anna Vale. Whatever it was, she was welcome. After the way she had treated me I could do nothing less.


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