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Douluo Dalu: Volume 38: Resurrection! My Beloved

Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  In such circumstances, let alone mentally searching for Tang San and the others, even defending herself was a problem. The four Spirit Empire elders quickly guarded around her. Of course, deep in their hearts, even Chrysanthemum Douluo who wished he could cut Tang San’s corpse into ten thousand pieces didn’t dare pursue. Everyone only had one life, and having strenuously cultivated to the Title Douluo level, where would they be willing to take risks? At the same time, the strength Tang San displayed gave them a powerless feeling. What kind of enemy was it who possessed such a degree of power, even seriously injuring the lord Supreme Pontiff.

  But in fact, the ability Tang San had of course wasn’t enough to accomplish this. Just like he didn’t understand Bibi Dong’s abilities, Bibi Dong and these Title Douluo were the same towards his abilities, and especially ignorant of the Seagod Trident. In such circumstances they were caught unprepared, plus that the true Seagod brand showed its strength, thus beating them back in one go. If the true Seagod was here, that second Millennial Space was enough to take their lives, even directly injuring Bibi Dong. After all, rank ninety nine peak Douluo might just be one step short of gods, but their strength were as different as heaven and earth. Moreover, the present Bibi Dong also wasn’t the complete Bibi Dong. A portion of her strength was used elsewhere, and couldn’t be transferred. The use over there was even more important than the two Forest Kings’ spirit rings.

  When Tang San escaped, he was already overdrawn. The Seagod Trident’s consumption of mental strength and spirit power really was too large, even if the last attack had relied on the Seagod brand’s own energy, Tang San had already used it three times before. Although he wasn’t a dried out lamp, he was still out of strength. Maintaining the Vast Sea Barrier was difficult.

  Drawn by his soul, very soon Tang San sensed Xiao Wu’s anxious soul waves, and quickly approached. His estimation of Bibi Dong’s and the Title Douluos’ circumstances was the same as the facts. Within at least an hour, they absolutely wouldn’t dare leave Bibi Dong to pursue. This gave him plenty of time.

  Xiao Wu and the others hadn’t run very far, five li from the site of the previous battle. As Tang San arrived, Xiao Wu was crying bitterly.

  “Da Ming, Er Ming, you have to hold on, you can’t die! Ge is coming. He’s a poison expert, he can definitely save you.”

  While crying, Xiao Wu constantly poured her soul force into the two great divine beasts.

  But, whether Da Ming or Er Ming, the light in their eyes was still growing duller and duller, they were already unable to move again.

  “Xiao Wu, stop wasting your strength. We can’t hold out. That person’s spirit has the strongest poison of this era. The Death Spider Emperor’s poison is basically unsolvable. Besides, the poison hasn’t just entered our organs, it’s also corroded our souls. Don’t cry, we’re already happy that you and Tang San could save us from being killed by the enemies. We’ve both lived for a hundred thousand years, dying now isn’t too early. Not dying by the hands of the enemy, not becoming her spirit rings, we’re satisfied.”

  Da Ming’s eyes were now almost closed, even the strength to lift his eyelids was almost gone.

  While they were talking, Tang San had arrived and removed the Vast Sea Barrier.

  Seeing Tang San, Xiao Wu was like she had caught a life saving straw, hurriedly pulling him:

  “Ge, hurry up and save them. Da Ming and Er Ming will die.”

  Tang San was shocked, not caring about his own weakness, he hurriedly came closer and pulled out two antidotes he’d refined himself back when and gave them to the two spirit beasts. At the same time he used his remaining spirit power to hasten it.

  “Tang San, don’t waste your strength. Even if a god came, he still couldn’t save us. Our bodies are built differently from you humans. You came just in time. Before we die, there’s still time to thank you. Thank you for not letting us die in that person’s hands.”

  Tang San hurriedly comforted:

  “Da Ming, you’ll be alright. I will definitely think of a way to bring you back.”

  Suddenly, Da Ming’s eyes opened sharply. His eyes unexpectedly again possessed an intense luster, as if he’d instantly recovered his vitality.

  “Tang San, listen to me.”

  Along with his mind recovering, Da Ming’s voice grew forceful. Seeing this, Tang San’s expression was tragic. He could see how deep the poison was, and Da Ming was now truly a lamp running on its last fuel, the sudden recovery was the last flash!

  “I don’t have much time.”

  Da Ming looked at Tang San, then at Xiao Wu. Next to him the equally at his last gasp Er Ming also opened his eyes, but his originally yellow eyes had now become murky.

  “Tang San, we know the state of our bodies. This body has already been completely corroded, unless you can now take out the same kind of medicinal herb as saved Xiao Wu last time, there is no chance for us. I don’t have much time, let me finish.”

  The herb Da Ming meant was of course the Yearning Heartbroken Red. Where would Tang San find that? Even if he could, it was already too late. The restrictions to consuming it was also so severe.

  Tang San sadly watched Da Ming and nodded. Xiao Wu fiercely threw herself forward, hugging Da Ming’s thick neck and weeping bitterly.

  A lazy light flickered in Da Ming’s eyes,

  “Tang San. To be honest, at the start, I didn’t like you. In the past, Xiao Wu was always together with us, us three were together for close to a hundred thousand years. No matter what she did, me and Er Ming always supported her, even when she finally decided to become human. When you appeared, we discovered that Xiao Wu’s heart was already set on you, do you understand that feeling? Just like your sister following someone else. But, after the events last time, we both understood that you truly love Xiao Wu. In order to save Xiao Wu, you would rather give up your own life, Xiao Wu didn’t choose wrong. You are the best home for her. This time, we are truly happy that you returned together. Seeing that Xiao Wu can already attach her soul to her body, I understand, these years, you’ve always untiringly worked for her resurrection. Xiao Wu truly has insight, finding you, I am happy for her. I will leave, but, I still have a final wish. I hope you can help me achieve it, can you?”

  Tang San nodded firmly, getting straight to the point:

  “Tell me. No matter what it is, I promise.”

  No matter anything else, he would complete Da Ming’s final wish just for his and Er Ming’s affection.

  Da Ming nodded to Tang San, gratified:

  “Thank you, Tang San. Today might be the day I’m the most thankful. Xiao Wu, don’t feel sad. You are like us, we’ve all lived a hundred thousand years. You have Tang San, evolving as a human, you have a new hope. But we’ve lived in this big forest for a hundred thousand years, we no longer have anything keeping us in this world. In some sense, Dying can be considered the end, but also a new beginning.”

  “Tang San, me and Er Ming have seen through life and death, dying isn’t frightening to us. We are already satisfied with not dying in humiliation by the hands of the enemy. My only remaining wish, is Xiao Wu. My final desire, my wish in the final moments of my life, is to see Xiao Wu being resurrected with my own eyes.”

  Tang San looked distracted, he hadn’t thought Da Ming would actually raise such a request. Sadly he said:

  “I’m sorry, Da Ming, it’s still impossible. I still don’t have the strength of a Title Douluo. I may have to disappoint you.”

  Da Ming’s gaze suddenly became severe, his burning eyes fixed on Tang San,

  “If course I can sense it, your current spirit power is rank eighty five, right? Isn’t that just five ranks short? I and Er Ming will give you these ranks. But. After having these five ranks, you must resurrect Xiao Wu. Can you do it?”

  Tang San was shocked,

  “Da Ming, you’re……”

  Xiao Wu sharply raised her head, tightly holding on to Da Ming’s neck,

  “Don’t, Da Ming, Er Ming,
you can’t do this.”

  The always silent Er Ming suddenly opened his mouth. At this moment, his eyes were also bright, just like Da Ming he had entered the final flash of radiance before death, and equally stared at Tang San with burning eyes,

  “Xiao Wu, if you don’t want our deaths to be without any value, don’t stop us. Me and Da Ming thought it through just now. Since we will die, why not give our deaths meaning. If we can help you resurrect, our deaths will also be worth it. Bsides, after we become Tang San’s spirit rings, we can still watch over you. Tang San, do you agree? We three are men. For Xiao Wu, wouldn’t you want to pay together with us?”

  Da Ming and Er Ming both knew how large the harm to Tang San would be in order to resurrect Xiao Wu. They knew they were dying, and hoped to force Tang San to resurrect Xiao Wu together with them in their last moments.

  They had seen Tang San’s strength. Resurrecting Xiao Wu meant giving up on the last ten ranks of spirit power, forever unable to become a true power. This part would be even worse than death to a talented Spirit Master. That’s why they worried that Tang San would finally let Xiao Wu stay in her current condition, and not help her truly resurrect.

  Sensing the two great divine beasts’ gazes, Tang San’s eyes grew equally bright, cold light flickering,

  “Da Ming, Er Ming. What are you worried about? Even if you’ve been together with Xiao Wu for a hundred thousand years, while me and her have only been together for ten odd years, my feelings for Xiao Wu absolutely aren’t shallower than yours. I originally brought Xiao Wu back to the Star Dou Great Forest this time in order to resurrect her. More words are useless, watch.”

  While speaking, Tang San suddenly patted Xiao Wu next to him with one palm. Xiao Wu was now completely lifeless, she could never imagine Tang San would attack her. Before she could react, Tang San’s palm hit her forehead, and she fell limply to the ground with a groan. Red light overflowed from her body, struggling and unwilling to return to Tang San.

  “What are you doing?”

  Da Ming and Er Ming shouted simultaneously. But they couldn’t move a bit now, and could only watch Tang San act.

  Due to his lacking mental strength, Tang San’s Seagod’s Light was very faint, but as that golden light appeared, it immediately bound Xiao Wu’s soul, pulling her into his body.

  His gaze sweeping Da Ming and Er Ming, the corner of Tang San’s mouth twitched. Suddenly, his left hand flipped the Seagod Trident, the main blade stabbing straight at his right arm. The Seagod Trident was a true divine tool, and even his incomparably durable physical body couldn’t block it. Blood splashed, and he immediately severed his right arm.

  Tang San’s complexion instantly paled, but he still didn’t even grunt, his gaze still ice cold. With a flip of his foot, the right arm flew into the air, and at the same time his left arm poked continuously, sealing the blood vessels of his right shoulder.

  Watching this, Da Ming and Er Ming’s originally severe gazes completely changed. Tang San didn’t explain anything to them, using actions to prove his determination. First pulling Xiao Wu’s soul back into his body, and then immediately severing his right arm.

  Tang San’s right arm was where Xiao Wu’s spirit bone was, and as a not yet rank ninety spirit master, only death would separate the spirit bone. Put a different way, when the spirit bone left his body, he would die. Tang San even used the Seagod Trident out of fear he couldn’t sever his arm, that was the strength of his determination.

  Tang San stabbed the Seagod Trident in the ground next to him, his left arm catching his falling right arm. With a sudden tremble, he broke down the surrounding flesh, extracting Xiao Wu’s spirit bone within. Before the gazes of the two great divine beasts, he coldly said:

  “I don’t have much time either, this is a man’s determination.”

  Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other. Right now, not only were they nearing death, Tang San was as well. As long as his spirit power couldn’t reach rank ninety, and break his connection with the spirit bone, he would die.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Da Ming and Er Ming spoke simultaneously, their severe expressions already softened. Even though they were a lot bigger than Tang San, at this moment, in their hearts Tang San was now standing far higher than them. Especially that madness of sparing nothing for Xiao Wu, made the two even more feel ashamed. They asked themselves, if it wasn’t because their lives were ending, they absolutely couldn’t do the same as Tang San. Yes, he was a true man.

  Two heaven-drowning roars resounded. Two balls of blazing red light ignited in the Star Dou Great Forest. The glaring red light was released simultaneously from between the eyebrows of the two great divine beasts, and everything in the range of that red light turned completely static.

  Sacrifice, yes, it was Sacrifice. This was the method Da Ming meant when he said he and Er Ming would make Tang San directly enter rank ninety. The growth from the sacrifice of two overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest, two hundred thousand year spirit beasts. Enough to directly let Tang San’s spirit power jump five ranks, rising to rank ninety.

  “Tang San, we will leave Xiao Wu to you.”

  Da Ming and Er Ming’s voices echoed simultaneously in Tang San’s heart. Tang San’s cold gaze grew burning hot, and in the instant that red light spread, two hot tears hung fixed on his face. He of course knew what the two great divine beasts had decided, both he and Xiao Wu knew. But like the two spirit beasts said, they didn’t want their deaths to be without value. Helping Xiao Wu resurrect was their last wish.

  Red flames began to burn Da Ming and Er Ming. That wasn’t fire, but rather an extremely special blood flame. And within it burned their blood, life, as well as a hundred thousand years of cultivation.

  This was the second time Tang San had received a hundred thousand year spirit beast’s sacrifice, and even though a long time had passed, when he received Da Ming and Er Ming’s sacrifice, he still couldn’t help recalling everything that happened with Xiao Wu back then.

  Tang San could no longer budge within the red light, but he used his soul to tell them:

  “Da Ming, Er Ming, don’t worry. I will definitely resurrect Xiao Wu, and guard her with my life. At the same time, I will definitely help you take revenge, to kill Bibi Dong, to destroy the Spirit Empire.”

  Da Ming and Er Ming’s bodies were already gradually fading. Hearing what Tang San said, the two forest kings’ eyes revealed satisfaction. They of course understood, this was a man’s oath. Tang San definitely wouldn’t spare any effort to complete it.

  The blood flame grew more and more flourishing. Gradually it turned from red to deep red, and Da Ming and Er Ming also gradually faded in this process, like red crystals growing more and more transparent.

  Da Ming’s body faded first, all the red expanding into a giant ring that slowly contracted, revolving around and slowly merging into Tang San’s body. Immersed in the blood flame from the two great divine beasts, Tang San’s whole body constantly itched, the near death feeling completely obliterated. The spirit power within him, in chaos from the severed arm and previously exhausted from the fight with Bibi Dong, now grew geometrically, charging at one bottleneck after another at a mad pace.

  But Tang San wasn’t the slightest excited over his rising spirit power, his heart was instead filled with grief. His rising strength came from Da Ming and Er Ming’s sacrifice. If he had a choice, he would wish his strength never rose in this way.

  Da Ming, Er Ming, leave at peace, I will definitely avenge you. Spirit Empire, the hatred between us has another cause.

  Finally, Da Ming’s light completely faded, and a red arm bone flew uncontrollably towards Tang San’s severed shoulder, forcefully stabbing into the wound.

  Da Ming’s last voice echoed in Tang San’s heart,

  “You are the best human I have seen. Actually, both me and Er Ming like Xiao Wu, only since we are brothers we never wanted to hurt each other, to your benefit. Tang San, I’ll repay you with my spirit bone an
d spirit ring, perhaps, you won’t have to lose ranks. Therefore, I won’t owe you. Don’t forget your promise, protect Xiao Wu for us. The moment you severed your arm, I took you as a brother……”

  “Da Ming……”

  Tang San’s tears finally fell. Da Ming’s voice faded and disappeared, and his enormous body turned into a small cyan snake that fell to the ground. The cyan light gradually faded, turning a dull gray.

  And at this moment, Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor showed itself, and at the same time appeared yellow, yellow, purple, black, red, red, red, red, eight spirit rings. Along with Da Ming’s energy turning into a giant blood red ring slowly revolving in the sky, it converged around Tang San, finally occupying the last position.

  Yes, under Da Ming and Er Ming’s combined sacrifice, Tang San’s spirit power had finally attacked the rank ninety bottleneck, promoting to the Title Douluo level. The spirit ring from Da Ming’s sacrifice also became his ninth spirit ring. Emperor of the forest, hundred thousand year Sky Blue Bull Python ninth spirit ring.

  At the same time, along with that blood red right arm bone stabbing into Tang San’s shoulder, Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone violently undulated with energy, one blue ray of light after another surging, crystal blue light constantly revolving around the wound. Flesh and arteries began to wiggle around that red arm bone, growing at a pace visible to the naked eye.

  Title Douluo level spirit power made the Blue Silver Emperor right arm bone’s Wildfire Burns Without End, Spring Wind Breathes Life Again ability to completely erupt. A hundred thousand year spirit bone’s ability required Title Douluo level spirit power to completely erupt.

  Da Ming could be called the number one power of the Star Dou Great Forest. Even though he and Xiao Wu equally had lived a hundred thousand years, but as imagined, his spirit ring and spirit bone quality were absolutely above Xiao Wu’s. This was also why he said he wouldn’t owe Tang San. Even if Tang San lost a spirit bone and a full spirit ring, his and Er Ming’s two spirit bone and two hundred thousand year spirit rings could absolutely make up the difference. After all, lost spirit rings could be hunted again, but finding two hundred thousand year spirit rings and bones wasn’t so easy. When he saw Tang San’s four hundred thousand years spirit rings, Da Ming already understood that Tang San absolutely wouldn’t need to give Xiao Wu all his spirit power to resurrect her.


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