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Cinema Erotica

Page 4

by Laura Antoniou

  By the time Jen got back, beer bottle in one hand, Lisa had convinced herself that the evening's difficulties had all been Jen's fault. All that was left in Lisa's mind was the fact that Jen had taken her to see some kind of porno movie, when she should have known that Lisa would have no interest in such a thing. And such a movie! Where everything was costumes and whips and chains, and degradation—it was almost too much to understand. So when Jen casually walked back into the room, Lisa turned to her and said, “I'm going to try to forget that you forced me to see that piece of filth tonight.”

  Jen stopped in mid-motion, bottle still tilted in her hand. She could hardly believe Lisa was still trying to push the issue, and pin the blame on her as well. She stared at the blond woman in exasperation.

  “You never give it a break, do you?” she began, her voice strong and slightly nasty. “You agreed to go…you agreed to keep an open mind…and you just don't want to admit you found some parts of it hot. I admit there were some parts that went too far, like that gang-rape scene…”

  Lisa's eyes flashed in angry agreement.

  “But damn it, Lisa, there were some good parts too. What about the bathtub? What about the scene outside, with the tree and the ropes? This isn't about the movie. It's about how you can't stand to give one little bit…to admit that part of something I said or did was right, or good. You just can't let go of anything, not an hour later, not a day later, and not even when we're about to go to bed.”

  Lisa flushed, her expression a mixture of anger and confusion. “It figures you liked that deviant movie. Just because you're a pervert doesn't mean I should be one too. You just probably want to play some of those disgusting games with me, and that's why you dragged me to that thing. Well, it's not going to happen! I never complained about the things you were doing, so there was no reason for you to think I needed you to do…that stuff…”

  “What?” Jen was incredulous. “You think I took you to that movie because I was insecure about my lovemaking?”

  Lisa flushed again, nervously. She said nothing.

  “You have got one hell of an ego, girl,” Jen said, draining the rest of her beer. “I took you because we both heard it was a hot movie, and who knows, maybe we could have learned something from it. But honey, learning how to play kinky games so I could amuse you was not on my agenda.” She slammed the bottle down on their chest of drawers and walked over to the bed. “You just think the world revolves around you, don't you? If you ask me, you could use something from that movie. Something to take you down a peg.”

  Lisa stood up. “Just what do you mean by that?”

  “I mean you need to be bent over and have that cute bottom of yours paddled until you say you're sorry, just like a little brat.” Jen flipped the covers back.

  “You…you!” Lisa sputtered, standing on the other side of the bed. “How dare…how could…”

  “Yeah, yeah, like I would bother.” Jen sat down on the edge of the futon and stretched. “You coming to sleep or not?” The anger in her voice was almost gone, and she spoke in a weary tone that suggested she expected Lisa to sleep elsewhere, as had happened before on a number of occasions.

  “You wouldn't dare to ever do such a thing,” Lisa said in an odd voice. “In fact, I dare you.”

  Jen looked over her shoulder at her lover, standing there, her voice trembling—in anger? Frustration? Fear?


  “Don't say things like that unless you mean them,” Jen cautioned, looking directly at her. “Just because you don't want to apologize to me is no reason to keep this up. Now, are you coming to bed, or not?”

  “I meant it. And if you want an apology, the only way you'd get it from me is by forcing it. Because I'm not sorry for a single thing I did tonight.” Lisa tossed her hair defiantly, her pouty face an invitation that Jen couldn't ignore. In a flash, she sprang up from her side of the bed, rolled over the top and took hold of Lisa's T-shirt with one hand as she righted herself on Lisa's side. The entire move took seconds. Lisa was so shocked, she didn't have enough time to fight.

  Jen tightened her grip on Lisa's shirt and gave a savage tug that pulled the surprised blonde down and over, falling onto her stomach on the futon, the air expelling from her in a “whoomph.” In another second, Jen scooted up next to her, and hooked one firm, tan leg over the small of Lisa's back, pushing her T-shirt up around her waist.

  Lisa was effectively pinned to the bed, her legs over one side.

  “I'll show you what it means when I'm not kidding,” snarled Jen, laying the flat of her hand against Lisa's round bottom cheeks. “I'll make you apologize to me!”

  And with that, Jen drew her hand back and soundly slapped it against Lisa's butt, making a sound so loud that it startled both girls. But she ignored the initial sound and began to spank her girlfriend in earnest, just as she had threatened—just like a little brat.

  Lisa gasped at the first spank, then howled. She tried to kick out, using her long legs to an advantage, but Jen casually hooked her right ankle around Lisa's left and dragged the women's legs apart, exposing her dainty asshole and splaying the lips of her sex. Then, as if in response to the attempt at fighting, she redoubled her efforts and struck even harder, aiming at the center of her lover's twin globes, striking the part where they met the inverted “V” of her thighs, in a harsh, relentless rhythm that broke through Lisa's outraged howls and made her realize that what was happening was far more than painful.

  It was embarrassing.

  “Oh, oh God, wait! Wait! I…ow! I didn't, ow, stop it! I didn't mean it!” Lisa whined, struggled, and ended up pounding her fists against the futon in frustration. Being held down and spanked like an unruly child was almost too much for her.

  “You meant it when you said it,” replied Jen, never stopping her chastisement. “And I'm going to make sure you never say anything like that again unless you really mean it.” The hand kept rising and falling, sending Lisa's body pressing into the bed, as though she could escape the seemingly endless slapping. The blond girl had totally lost her pouting expression.

  Jen was totally consumed by what she was doing. At last, she had her whining, complaining, and just damn bitchy girlfriend in a position where all her sniping and pouting could do her no good at all. I am taking you down a peg, she thought, even as she brought her hand down firmly against the very center of Lisa's white ass, now turning a uniform red. And you do deserve this; you've had it coming for a long time…

  “Haven't you?” Jen rasped, unaware she was speaking out loud. She realized she had, and continued. “You needed this, didn't you, you stuck-up bitch? Always getting on me. Always afraid to try new things, go new places, always making it my fault if you don't have fun…” Jen felt her anger rise, swell, and begin to dissipate, even as she continued spanking her lover. “Well, here you are, getting spanked, just like a naughty, whining brat, your bottom getting all red, and I'm not going to stop until you say you're sorry!”

  Lisa had already stopped howling in outrage, and as Jen made this pronouncement, something inside of her broke. She sniffed and began to cry, the steady beating on her behind making her gulp and gasp as she wailed.

  “I…I didn't mean anything!” she managed to say between swats. “I'm sorry, really, please, stop, please, I'm sorry!” She was suddenly aware of a warm pleasure spreading in her loins, a pleasure she had briefly imagined during one special segment of that movie. The one part that had made her hesitate when Jen asked her what she thought. Now, her legs spread shamelessly wide, her ass a hot mass of flesh, she knew the answers to the questions she had asked herself before, the ones she had lied to herself about. And during all this, the spanking continued, and she cried out again, both in release and pain. “Please, Jen, Jenny, please stop, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!”

  Jen almost didn't hear her, but the message did finally get through, and her arm ceased its machine-like movements and she was suddenly aware of a burning and stinging sensation in her own hand. Her palm wa
s as red as Lisa's ass, and it hurt like—

  She had hurt Lisa. As if she were suddenly aware of something she had done in her sleep, Jen held her own hand and gazed at the reddened butt of her lover in astonishment. How could she have done that? She was not a violent person. She loved Lisa.

  “Oh, jeez, oh, Lisa, come on, baby, it's okay, I didn't…oh, hell.” Lisa was limp on the bed, tears streaming from her eyes, the bedclothes bunched in her fists. Jen quickly unhooked her legs and ran to the bathroom, where she wet a washcloth with cold water and came back to find that Lisa had not moved. Tenderly, she laid the cloth over that bright red bottom, and found out just how tender it was.

  Lisa stifled a yelp as the cold water touched her burning behind, but allowed Jen to soothe the area while her tears were reduced to sobs, and her sobs to sniffles. Jen tried to be as gentle as she could, and carefully wiped away the excess moisture and dropped the cloth on the floor.

  “Shhh, shhh, it's okay, I'm going to make it all better, just lie there, and I'll make it all better…” Jen tentatively brushed her lips over the warm area that covered Lisa's upturned butt, and Lisa shivered at the touch. Undeterred, Jen began to gently run her tongue around the globes of Lisa's ass, then the rounded swells of it, kissing, soothing, and licking. Trying to get into position for a better angle, she braced one hand on the edge of the bed, and discovered a real surprise.

  There was a very, very wet spot on the edge of the bed. Jen brought her hand up a little, to the triangle of downy golden hair between Lisa's legs and found that Lisa was very, very aroused.

  “Well, well, it wasn't that bad, was it?” she murmured, allowing her fingers to gently play with Lisa's delicate outer lips. Then she planted a long kiss on the underside of Lisa's butt, and began to work her way down to the inside of her thighs. Spreading them wide apart with her hands, she began to plant little sharp kisses on each thigh, nipping tiny little folds of flesh and nibbling at the places she knew Lisa loved to be touched.

  Lisa moaned deeply and shifted on the bed just a little, raising her butt higher and allowing Jen a greater view of her pubic delta. Jen appreciated the view, and ducked her head deep between her lover's legs and began to soothe her in the way she really did know best. In less then a minute, Lisa was writhing in pleasure, and Jen quickly pulled away. Over Lisa's moan of disappointment, Jen grasped her legs and pulled, bringing Lisa closer to the edge. Then Jen twisted her around so she was on her back, her legs up and over Jen's shoulders, while Jen's mouth descended into the sweet depths of Lisa's pussy.

  “Oh yeah, oh yeah, that's it, lover, that's it,” Lisa sighed, opening herself to Jen's attentions. “I'm so sorry, you were right. I'm so glad you still love me…”

  Jen looked up for a moment, and sent her fingers to replace her dancing tongue. “I do love you, hon. And I'm sorry I did this, I really shouldn't have…”

  “I wanted you to,” Lisa admitted, stretching backward like a cat. “I wanted to get you angry enough to do it right.”

  “Why, you little slut…” Jen abruptly ducked back down and attacked her lover with a quick and vicious mouth, her tongue doing exactly what her hand had done during the spanking: lashing away in a tight rhythm, this time where it would do the most good. This time, when Lisa howled, it would be in sheer pleasure, not in outrage. And as it happened whenever Jen concentrated on doing what she did best, Lisa came in a thigh-twisting, body-shaking explosion of pleasure that made the futon frame rock.

  “Now, listen to me,” Jen said as she pulled herself up, lying her body on top of Lisa's. “Don't you ever…and I mean ever…try to manipulate me into getting angry to get what you want!”

  “I…yes, I'm sorry,” Lisa breathed, her mind and body still enjoying the aftershocks of her powerful orgasms. “I just couldn't…I mean, it's so, so…dirty…I just couldn't ask for it…I wouldn't know what to say.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around Jen's body. “I mean, how do you describe this? I want you to spank me like…like…” Her voice trailed off, and the blush already on her cheeks heightened.

  “Just like a naughty little girl, huh?” Jen filled in. “Yeah, I can see how that would be hard…but if you don't ask, I might just decide to do whatever I want to do. Like this.”

  She lifted herself up and slid three fingers neatly into Lisa's snatch, harder and faster than she ever had before. Turning on her side, Jen angled her hand and began to firmly thrust her fingers in a steady rhythm, in, out, back and forth, turning them to spread Lisa open. Lisa arched her back and whimpered, easily taking the sliding fingers, spreading her legs as wide as she could.

  Jen laughed, and leaned comfortably on one elbow. “Yeah, come on, babe, give it all up. Let's see you take some more, huh?” She drew her fingers out in order to shape them together with her thumb, then pressed into her lover's pussy, feeling the silken walls expand under her efforts, the flood of moisture all over her hand. Slowly, all her fingers and her thumb vanished inside Lisa's welcoming depths, and her hand naturally formed a fist.

  “Oh my God!” Lisa cried out hoarsely, barely able to lie still. “Oh, yes, fill me, I love it…”

  “Yeah, I bet you do. You've never taken my whole hand before.” Jen chuckled. “Ready to be fucked silly?”

  “Yes, yes! Do it!”

  Steadily, sitting up for better leverage, Jen began to mover her hand around, in the same motions that she had made with her fingers earlier. Lisa moaned and began to make harsh noises, torn from her throat in the nonsensical reactions of an animal in heat. She thrust her hips up, welcoming the invading fist, and began to pant. Taking it all, moving with it. Feeling herself tighten and expand around it.

  “That's a good girl,” Jen said, amazed at how easily her whole hand had slipped into Lisa, and thrilling to the sensations flooding her body. “Is my little baby gonna come for me again? Is there another come in there? Can we get it out?”

  Lisa heard the words and the tone of voice, and Jen felt her reaction all the way up her wrist. She grinned and pressed on, gently fucking her hand back and forth until Lisa's breath came in ragged sobs and gulps, and her moans became near-incoherent pleas, and then the spasms began all along her inner walls. Jen kept on, relentlessly, until the rhythm and the sensations caused Lisa to scream her pleasure.

  “Yes, yes! I'm coming, oh yes, fill me, take me, make me…! Yes!” Lisa's body shuddered with explosive release, her cunt clamping around her lover's wrist and hand. She rode the ecstasy as long as she could, then collapsed back weakly on the edge of the bed. Her body was covered with perspiration, her heart beating so fast and hard she heard echoes of it in her ears. She barely had the strength to squeal as Jen edged her hand out of her pussy, leaving her suddenly empty.

  They lay there together for a few minutes, breathing and recovering. Jen got up in silence to go to the bathroom and turn out the lights. She stood by the bed for a moment, seeing the outline of Lisa curled up on one side of the futon, her breathing finally back to normal.

  Then Jen climbed onto the bed, took her lover by the hair and directed her head down. “In the future,” she growled, her tough voice softened by her lust, “you can just tell me what you need. Like I'm doing now. Get down there and eat me, honey, before I die waiting.”

  Which Lisa did, happily, and which eventually made their first real reconciliation such a joy that even the cats knew enough to celebrate with them. They all slept entwined, like the loving creatures they were. Before they all managed to fall into their dreams, Jen murmured, “Tomorrow we take a shower together,” to which Lisa whispered a happy agreement.

  Chapter Three:

  Swing Your Partners

  Guy Hutchinson drove to William and Terri's house like a man with a mission, and the two couples laughed at his obvious eagerness. Like the old friends they were, they were comfortable with each other, and they all knew each other's roles.

  Guy was clearly a leader. It had been his idea to see that particular movie, just as it had been his ad that William and Te
rri finally answered, after months of fantasies. Well, his and Allison's, at least. Terri, although willing to experiment and intrigued by the thought of swinging, had always drawn back, half afraid at what kind of people actually did that sort of thing. When they got up the courage to actually answer ads and meet people, they were amazingly lucky to meet with Guy and Allison after only two very uninteresting encounters.

  Allison herself had some history as a swinger, even before she met and married Guy. She often told them raunchy, lusty stories about times at Plato's Retreat, New York's old notorious swing club. She and Guy met after that place closed, and tended to keep their activities low-key, finding other couples through carefully worded ads and national conventions. They too had some dull experiences before they met the Hutchinsons.

  But now they were a certified hit, all four of them. They occasionally looked into getting other couples to join them, but never regretted it when things didn't work out. They were genuinely friendly, happy with their friendship, and mutually interested in each other. Their weekend meetings were always planned with some sort of erotic special event to get them started. This week, it was the movie. And if the conversation and mood in the car were any indicators, they were all in for another hot night at William's house.

  “Okay, let's get comfortable folks…who wants what?” Terri glanced around the living room, taking drink orders.

  William was laying some tinder in the fireplace. He looked up and said, “I'll have a beer, sweetie. Same for you, Guy?”

  “No, I'll take coffee, if you don't mind,” Guy said, taking a seat.

  “Same for me,” Allison added. Terri vanished into the kitchen.

  “Whew, that was one hot movie,” Will said, as the tinder caught fire. He gently blew at the flames and added some sticks. “I think I almost came right there in my seat once or twice.”

  Guy and Allison laughed in unison. “You think you almost came?” joked the black-haired woman, leaning forward from her seat on the couch. “Don't you know when you're going to come? I do!”


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