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The Millionaire's Mistake

Page 6

by Sean Michael

“You’re the boss, you shouldn’t have to steal anything.” Winking at him, Walt stepped in and locked the door. The bolt sounded loud as it shot home. “You want your present or a kiss first?”

  “I want a kiss.” He went to Walt, leaned in. “We’re going to have to stop playing until the wee hours, you know? I do have a business to run.”

  “You could always get more help.” The last word was spoken into his mouth, Walt’s kiss deep, right off the bat.

  Reid almost crawled up his lover’s body. Their weekend had been amazing—hours of pain, of pleasure, one morning bound out on the balcony with a huge plug in while Walt answered emails. The best had been the cuddling, the massages, the ridiculous middle-of-the-night talks where they’d laughed until they cried.

  Walt really did seem sincere about being sorry, about knowing what was important now. Reid wouldn’t have believed it about the millionaire bad boy if he hadn’t seen it, hadn’t experience it for himself.

  Walt’s arms went around him, something soft hitting his ass.

  He lifted out of the kiss, frowned. “Walt.”

  “That’s your present.” Walt gave him a shit-eating grin.

  “A pillow.” He pinched one of Walt’s nipples. “Don’t you have business to do?”

  Jerking and covering his nipple, Walt took a step forward pressing him up against his desk with the pillow between him and the wood. “You’re more important.”

  “Am I?” This was naughty, stealing this time at work. “We’re going to have to make a no-nookie-at-work rule.”

  “You have to have lunch some time.”

  “Lunch rush is over. We’ll be dead ’til three.”

  “There you go. I don’t mind foregoing nookie at work until the post-lunch lull.” Grinning, Walt began pulling Reid’s T-shirt up out of his jeans.

  “No nookie. Working…” His abs tightened and when his T-shirt rubbed across his sensitive nips, he moaned.

  “Yep. Working hard here to make you lose your mind.” Walt pinched his right nipple.

  They had an appointment to get them pierced on Friday, during a scene. Walt had warned him that, since Monday was a government holiday, the weekend would be…intense.

  Reid couldn’t wait.

  “Asshole.” He winked as he said it.

  “Mmm. That’s one slap to your cock.” Walt smiled for him, even as he worked Reid’s fly open. “I brought a plug for your afternoon, boy. Something with a remote control. I thought I’d work down here by the window.”

  Oh God. A remote control? Walt was going to be playing him like a fiddle. He moaned into Walt’s kiss, his cock finishing the business of going rock hard. Walt began stroking him, thumb working his cock-tip, slow and heavy over his slit. The ring tugged and pulled, making his eyes cross.

  “I can’t believe you gave this up for five years. Your body was made for it.”

  “No. I was made for you.” He met Walt’s eyes. “Can you imagine another man giving this to me?”

  Walt’s snarled answer was immediate, sure. “Fuck no. Nobody else touches you. Ever.”

  The world spun and his pants were tugged over his raw ass, only a second before Walt’s hand fell again.

  Fuck, yes. “No? You don’t like the idea of me on my knees, worshipping another master’s cock?” He had to push, had to. He needed what Walt gave him when he did and he needed to know Walt would stick around when he did.

  The spanking went on, Walt increasing the strength of his hits. “No. Nobody touches you. Ever. Fucking never.”

  “Only you.” He pushed back into the blows, body burning.

  “That’s right. Exclusive for-fucking-ever. You and me.” Each swat emphasized Walt’s words.

  “Yes. Please, it burns.”

  “You’re burning for me.”

  He nodded, tensed. He couldn’t take much more.

  “Good.” Walt’s hand landed one more time, then rubbed, stroked over his abused flesh.

  He heard the ice in his tumbler that sat on his desk jingle, then a drop of bitterly cold water landed on his ass and he hissed. Walt rubbed the cube over his ass, in sweet circles, cooling his skin. He moaned, relaxing down onto the desk.

  Two slick fingers pressed against his empty hole, then pushed right in, slick and cool.

  “Burning hot, baby.” All he could do was nod at Walt’s words. His ass was on fucking fire. But he was lubed up, ready. Just like he knew Walt wanted him.

  “Gonna fuck you—make sure you’re good and stretched for the plug.” Two fingers became three, the stretching already started.

  The pressure was perfect, delicious, and he bore back, begging for it.

  Walt finger-fucked him until he was slamming back, needing more. Then fingers were replaced by the blunt, solid heat of Walt’s cock. His eyes crossed and he went up on tiptoes, fingers white-knuckled on the edge of the desk. Nothing felt better than Walt’s thick cock as it pushed into him, filling him like no one and nothing else ever had.

  Reid’s cock was trapped against the pillow, the friction not enough to be good, but enough to be maddening. When Walt was all the way in, his pubes scratched against Reid’s burning ass.

  “Oh. Stings. Walt. Stings.” His eyes crossed and he sawed between the pillow and Walt, unable to stop himself.

  Walt’s hand came around him to grab his cock, holding him tight but not stroking him. “I say when you get stimulation.” Then Walt pulled him up, hips jabbing into him, hand still holding his cock out away from his body. “Mine. All of you.” Each thrust punctuated Walt’s words, giving them extra strength.

  The evil bastard wasn’t going to let him get off, was going to make him crazy. Reid fucking loved every second of it.

  “Got a ring for your cock.” Watt’s words confirmed his thoughts.

  “No fair. I wanted a nap.”

  “I’ll hold you for a while before you have to go back out.” The words were a promise, one he wanted to hear. “We’re gonna get tested tonight after you’re done work so I can leave my spunk inside you, fill you and hold it in with a plug.”

  Oh, God yes. “I get off at six.”

  Walt nodded. “We need to talk about hiring another person, boy. Sixty hours a week is a long time to be separated.”

  Like Walt had a say on his business. Still. He had a reason not to be at work all the time now, didn’t he?

  “Want more of you.” Walt nibbled his ear. “Want to know you’re sleeping well, loving well. Want my lover to be happy.” Walt’s words were a balm.

  “We’ll talk about it. Together.” Later. Not now.

  “Tonight.” Walt banged in hard, hitting his gland.

  Reid’s eyes flew open. “Right there.”

  “What here?” Walt thrust in again, cock hitting that spot like a bulls-eye.

  Reid was going to come, permitted or not. Walt kept pushing in against his gland, the hand around his cock tightening.

  “Sir. Sir. Sir.” He groaned, balls so tight.

  Walt wasn’t giving him any quarter and he could feel his orgasm barreling down him. He knew Walt wanted him to come, so Walt could punish him tonight. He moaned and shot, body clenching around that heavy prick.

  “Fuck yes!” Walt slammed in a few more times before crying out and freezing right there.

  Leaning down on the desk, Reid breathed hard.

  Walt pulled out, slipping the plug in right away. It was smaller than Walt but heavy. Reid squeezed against it, worked it over and over.

  “Fucking eager needy slut.” Walt made it sound like the biggest compliment ever.

  He was cleaned up, the cock ring slipping onto his prick, briefs and jeans pulled up over his blistered ass, then he was wrapped up in Walt’s arms.

  “Love you,” Walt told him quietly, still hugging him close.

  “Love.” His eyes were so heavy. “So tired, sir.”

  The plug inside him buzzed, made him jump. “Better?”


  “Oh, that’s two. I’m saving
them for when you’re home tonight. Them and the punishment for coming without permission.”

  “After our tests and you feed me first.”

  “God, you’re pushy.” Walt’s eyes twinkled at him.

  “Just what you deserve.”

  “No.” Walt shook his head. “Much better than I deserve.”

  “Good thing I love you.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Serious, not kidding, Walt held his eyes for a long moment.

  Reid leaned in, closed his eyes tight and took a cat nap. His schedule was packed, from now until the end of time. Packed with pleasure.


  AW looked out the window of his apartment as he closed down his laptop. It was a fucking gorgeous view, though he only really noticed it when Reid wasn’t around—the man was more than gorgeous view enough for him.

  He was done working. Hell, he’d only been kind of half-assing it all day anyway. He’d gotten their tests results back this morning. He and Reid were both clean and were going to ride bareback for the first time ever.

  They hadn’t even done this back when they’d been together before. There was a commitment between them now that hadn’t been present earlier.

  He knew he was a lucky fucker, Reid offering him that trust again. He swore he wouldn’t mess it up this time.

  He was going to lose his bad boy millionaire player rep at the clubs, but that didn’t bother him at all. The only opinion that mattered was Reid’s.

  Smiling, he set the remote for high. The minute Reid’s plug came within range it would start buzzing. AW figured that would happen in the elevator about two floors down. Reid was going to think he was a terrible, wonderful bastard.

  Worked for him.

  About the Author

  Sean Michael, who is often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice," spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago." A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys. Barring any of that? He'll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

  For more information on other books by Sean, visit his official

  Also by This Author

  The Dog Next Door, Resplendence Publishing

  Drawing Straws, Resplendence Publishing

  Totally Covered, Resplendence Publishing

  SWAK: Shaving, Resplendence Publishing

  SWAK: Pony Play, Resplendence Publishing

  SWAK: Pushy Bottom, Resplendence Publishing

  SWAK: Plugs, Resplendence Publishing

  Royal Flush, Resplendence Publishing

  In Time of Need, Resplendence Publishing

  Breaking Cover, Resplendence Publishing

  Guardian Angel, Resplendence Publishing

  Sam (Shibari Auction House), Changeling Press

  Robin (Shibari Auction House), Changeling Press

  Leaf (Shibari Auction House), Changeling Press

  James (Shibari Auction House), Changeling Press

  Ben (Shibari Auction House), Changeling Press

  Jack (Shibari Auction House), Changeling Press

  Every Rose has his Thorne, Changeling Press

  Tending to Rose, Changeling Press

  Keeping Sir Thorne, Changeling Press

  Swinging Along, Changeling Press

  Special Order, Changeling Press

  Christmas Elves are Ringing, Changeling Press

  Almost, Totally Bound

  Malting (Beer & Clay 1), Totally Bound

  Opening Moves (Chess 1),Totally Bound

  Middle Game (Chess 2), Totally Bound

  En Prise (Chess 3), Totally Bound

  Helpmate (Chess 4), Totally Bound

  Art and Snowflakes, Amber Quill Press

  Carved in Wood, Amber Quill Press

  Digging for Gold, Amber Quill Press

  Dirty Kisses, Amber Quill Press

  Full Disclosure, Amber Quill Press

  Office Hours, Amber Quill Press

  Revving it Up, Amber Quill Press

  Serving Mr. Right, Amber Quill Press

  The Good Life, Amber Quill Press

  The Wizard and the Thief, Amber Quill Press

  Wallflowers, Amber Quill Press

  Working it Out, Amber Quill Press

  A Bird in the Hand, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  A Family of his Own, a Mannies Incorporated story, Torquere Press

  A is for Andy, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  A Private Hunger, Torquere Press

  All Roads Lead Home, Torquere Press

  Amnesia, Torquere Press

  Anything for a Byline, Torquere Press

  As It Should Be, Torquere Press

  Attitude on Wheels, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  Baked, Torquere Press

  Balls and Strikes, Torquere Press

  Bar None, Torquere Press

  Bases Loaded, a Going for the Gold story, Torquere Press

  Beaten, a Hammer novel, Torquere Press

  Better than Friends, a Hammer novel, Torquere Press

  Between Friends, Torquere Press

  Between Friends: Sammy's Place, Torquere Press

  Between Friends: Trial by Fire, Torquere Press

  Between Friends: When Happy met Jason, Torquere Press

  Bite, Torquere Press

  Bitten, Torquere Press

  Blue Sky Lodge, Torquere Press

  Blue, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Boiling Point, Torquere Press

  Box of Nails: This Old House, Torquere Press

  Box of Nails: This Young Stud, Torquere Press

  Boys at Play, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Brownies, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Burn, Torquere Press

  Bus Stories and Other Tales, Torquere Press

  Caged, Torquere Press

  Castling, Torquere Press

  Catching a Second Wind, Torquere Press

  Center, Torquere Press

  Cereus: Building, Torquere Press

  Cereus: Opening, Torquere Press

  Cereus: Training, Torquere Press

  Cherry Sours, Torquere Press

  Chosen, Torquere Press

  Christmas Angel, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Christmas Auction, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Christmas Homecoming, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Conner's Journey, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  Control, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Corpus Christ, Torquere Press

  Daddy, Daddy and Me, Torquere Press

  Deck the Sub, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Deeper, a Hammer novel, Torquere Press

  Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Torquere Press

  Drawn, Torquere Press

  End of the Line, Torquere Press

  Eternity, Torquere Press

  Fallen Angel, Torquere Press

  Fine as Frog Hair, Torquere Press

  First Gift, Torquere Press

  Fits Like a Glove, Torquere Press

  Flying With Dragons, Torquere Press

  For Love and Money, Torquere Press

  Forged, Torquere Press

  Found, Torquere Press

  From the Get Go, Torquere Press

  Fur and Fang, Torquere Press

  Ghost, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  Golden, Torquere Press

  Gravity, Torquere Press

  Guardians of the Wind, Torquere Press

  Halloween Birthday,
Torquere Press

  Heaven Sent, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Hitched, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Inheritance, Torquere Press

  Into the Looking Glass, Torquere Press

  Just Perfect, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Just the Right Notes, Torquere Press

  Lemon Drops, Torquere Press

  Licorice Whips, Torquere Press

  Life as a Front Porch, Torquere Press

  Lion Tammer, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Little Jamie, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Love and Swimming, Torquere Press

  Love and the Farmer, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  Love in an Elevator, Torquere Press

  Love is Blindness, Torquere Press

  Loving Away the Grumps, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Made to Order, Torquere Press

  Making a Splash, a Going for the Gold novel, Torquere Press

  Mannies Incorporated, Torquere Press

  Marked, Torquere Press

  Market Day, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Mates, Torquere Press

  New Legs, New Year, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Need, Torquere Press

  Two of Swords, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  On the Road, Torquere Press

  On the Sand, Torquere Press

  One Lucky Redneck, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Out of the Closet, Torquere Press

  Owned, Torquere Press

  Perfect 10, a Going for the Gold Novel, Torquere Press

  Personal Best, a Going for the Gold Novel, Torquere Press

  Personal Best 2, a Going for the Gold Novel, Torquere Press

  Personal Best 3, a Going for the Gold Novel, Torquere Press

  Personal Leave, Torquere Press

  Playing With Fire, Torquere Press

  Possessor and Possessed, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Pour Me a Triple, Torquere Press

  Puppy Love, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  Push, Torquere Press

  Ramping Up, a Personal Best story, Torquere Press

  Raw Need, a Velvet Glove story, Torquere Press

  Renew, a Hammer story, Torquere Press

  Resounding Love, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Rig and the Gym Bunnies, a Jarheads story, Torquere Press

  Searching the Sea, Torquere Press

  Second Sight, Torquere Press


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