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The Pirate Daughter's Promise (Pirates & Faith)

Page 17

by Molly Evangeline

  “Don’t worry, Skye, he’ll be fine,” Aaron told her with a smile, having noticed her concern for the young man. “He’ll be quite sore for a few days. If it were not a miracle from God, I wouldn’t know how he survived being shot that way, but all he needs now is some good food and plenty of rest.”

  “Thank you, Aaron,” Skye replied, her relief complete.

  “Speaking of food,” Daniel began, “I had Corey cook up enough for everyone.”

  In a short time, all who were able gathered below deck on the Grace around several tables. Daniel offered a prayer of thanks to God for His protection and everything He had done for them, and then they began the meal. It was the most joyful meal that Skye had been a part of in years. How thankful she was to eat it with the people she loved so much.

  After eating, Will went to the crew’s quarters to get some of the sleep he so desperately needed. When he had gone, the time had finally come for Skye to speak with her father. Together they went down to his beautiful captain’s cabin. Just inside, Daniel gazed at her with a smile and shook his head.

  “I can’t believe how long it has been and how you’ve grown,” he remarked. “It’s truly amazing. You’re the same age as your mother was when I met her, and you look just like her.”

  Skye smiled at that thought, and they took a seat at the table.

  Filled with curiosity, Skye was quick to begin the conversation. “How did you and Caleb ever escape before they hanged you?”

  “There was a young soldier at the fort. He had secretly admired us for the work we did and was quite upset to see us hang. Just before dawn, he made up his mind to help us escape.”

  In her heart, Skye thanked God for this intervention. She frowned a little then. “But how did I never hear about it?”

  “The governor wanted it kept a secret. If other pirates had heard we escaped, they would have been encouraged to keep robbing people without the fear of consequences.”

  Skye understood, but frowned deeper.

  “Why didn’t you come for me?” She was confused and perhaps a little hurt too.

  Daniel sighed heavily under the weight of that question. “Believe me, Skye, leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and if I had known you were in that orphanage I would never have left you there. I thought your grandfather would take you in and you’d be safe.”

  “Where were you these past eleven years?”

  “Caleb and I made our way to England hoping to gain an audience with the king to ask for a pardon so we would not have to be on the run for the rest of our lives. I didn’t want you to have that kind of life.”

  “Did you speak with him?”

  “Yes, and he lifted our death sentence, but we spent ten years in the prison there. When we were released, we spent the last year contacting the crew and gathering the money to buy the Grace so we could come back. I thought about you every day, Skye, and wanted nothing more than to see you again.”

  A couple of tears trickled down Skye’s face. “I missed you so much.”

  Daniel stood up and took her in his arms.

  “I know. I’m so sorry I didn’t come for you,” he told her, struck with guilt over what he had done.

  “I understand,” Skye said. “God had a plan when He let me go to the orphanage, and now He gave you back to me.”

  Daniel smiled and nodded, but then his face became serious. “Skye, I never meant for you to think I was dead all these years. I did write to you when I could.”

  Skye was stunned. “You did?”

  “Yes, but I found out after I was freed that the jailer never sent the letters,” Daniel told her with great regret. “The ones I sent after that must have been lost. I am so sorry you never got them.”

  Skye took a deep breath, wondering what it would have been like had she known he was alive instead of believing him dead. After a brief moment, she put that thought aside and asked, “What ever made you come here to Isla de Gracia?”

  “I knew that Kelley had kidnapped you and that he was after the treasure. I didn’t know what else to do but pray that you had told him where it was and would be here when I came.”

  “But how did you know Kelley had kidnapped me?”

  “We stopped in Kingston, and I went to your grandfather’s because I thought that was where you’d be. He told me what happened.”

  Skye nodded hesitantly at the mention of her grandfather, and her father continued.

  “He also told me other things.”

  Skye’s heart thumped loudly. “What things?”

  “That he had always ignored you and treated you terribly. He told me he was very sorry and wished for you to know that. A couple of days after you were taken, he had ships sent out looking for you.”

  “He did?” Skye murmured, more tears falling from her eyes.

  Daniel nodded. “He said you were a very special young woman, but that he had never acknowledged it and regrets that he didn’t.”

  Skye was overcome with emotion. The thought of her grandfather saying such things filled her with indescribable joy.

  After she had gained control of her tears and emotions, her father asked her to tell him her story. First, she poured out all about her life in the orphanage and how she had met Will and Matthew. Then she began the long tale of her whole ordeal with Kelley. Daniel was very pained to hear everything his daughter had been through. He was also very proud of her. She had endured more than many people ever could and had trusted God through it all.

  “I’m so sorry all this has happened to you,” Daniel told her when she finally finished, “but I am also very proud of you, Skye, and I know God is too. I’m so blessed to have you as my daughter.”

  Skye hugged him tightly. “And I’m blessed to have you as my father.”

  Daniel smiled. After a moment, he told her, “I have something for you.”

  He took a small wooden box from a cabinet which he gave to Skye. She opened it and grinned. The box contained everything that had been hers in the orphanage, including her Bible and the portrait of her mother.

  “Thank you,” Skye told him. “It has been so long since I’ve seen these things.”

  The rest of the day passed peacefully, something that Skye had not experienced in a very long time. When Will awakened later that afternoon, Skye told him her father’s story. She also told it to Kate and John, who were curious as well. Daniel spent a long time in conversation with Matthew, having their whole lifetimes to talk about. While they were talking, Skye spent time with the crew, right at home among them again.

  Late that evening, once everyone had eaten supper and Skye was preparing to go to sleep, she went to her father’s cabin and they read the Bible together, just as they always had when she was a child. Skye was so happy and could not stop thanking God for what He had done for her.

  When they finished, Skye rose from her father’s table.

  “Good night, Father,” she said with a smile.

  “Good night, Skye. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.”

  She left the cabin, taking her little Bible with her. She sought out Will, Matthew, and Caleb to say good night before going down to the comfortable, quiet, little cabin that had always been her own. She set her Bible and her mother’s portrait on the nightstand next to her bunk and crawled into bed.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, Skye quietly made her way to her father’s cabin to read together again. A short time after they were finished reading, Corey brought breakfast to the cabin. Will and Matthew were invited to join Skye and Daniel, along with Caleb, Kate, and John. They had a wonderful time together, but a little later that morning, it came time to think about leaving Isla de Gracia. Skye and Daniel met with John and Kate on the quarterdeck near the wheel and Daniel gave the two pirates a smile.

  “I want to thank both of you for helping my daughter,” he said sincerely. “To try to repay what you have done, Skye, Caleb, and I have decided to give each of you a large portion of ou
r treasure.”

  John and Kate both insisted they had been happy to help Skye and needed no payment for what they had done, but Daniel insisted that they take it.

  When her father finished speaking, Skye smiled at John and added, “And, John, since you are actually the one who stopped Kelley from escaping, and because he burned your ship, we have also decided to give you the Finder.”

  John’s eyes widened. “You’re givin’ me the Finder?”

  Skye nodded. “Yes, she’s yours.”

  John grinned. No ship he had ever owned could compare to the Finder. “Don’t worry, you ain’t gonna regret that decision. The Finder’s gonna have a new reputation.”

  Skye returned his grin. “Good.”

  Daniel then instructed Caleb and several crewmen to go back ashore and bring the treasure to the ships. It took many trips and a few hours, but finally, all of the treasure was split between the Grace, the Half Moon, and the Finder. Skye could not help but laugh as she listened to John talk about what he was going to do as the new captain of the Finder and what he would do with the treasure. He sounded like a kid on Christmas.

  It was then time for the hard part, saying goodbye. Skye knew the chances of seeing Kate and John again were very slim, and she would miss them terribly.

  “So, Kate, what are you going to do now?” Skye asked as the two of them stood at the Grace’s railing just before Kate went to board the Half Moon.

  Kate shrugged. “I’m gonna sail with John to the next port ‘cause he’ll need half of my crew to sail the Finder ‘til he gets one of his own. I can only imagine what he’s gonna tell people when they ask him how he got the Finder, and I bet it’ll be pretty entertainin’.”

  Skye laughed and Kate continued, “I’m not sure what I’ll do after that.”

  “Well, I want to thank you, Kate, for everything you did for me,” Skye said. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. Even if we never see each other again, you will always be my friend.”

  Kate smiled. “And you will always be my friend. Also, I really should thank you as well. You’ve taught me a lot and made me see some things. When we were all on the Finder it . . . amazed me that you and Will kept on trustin’ God through everything Kelley was doin’ to you. Most, I think, would have just given up. It proves there’s somethin’ behind what you believe.”

  “Yes, there is,” Skye replied earnestly. “God deeply loves all of us and is always there to help us. We just need to believe and trust in Him. He can help us do or go through anything.” She held something out to Kate. It was the Bible Kate had given her. “I wanted to give this back to you. I have mine now, and I thought you’d like to have this one back.”

  Kate took it and ran her hand over the cover. “Thank you.” She paused. “I’ll take a look at it.”

  Skye smiled in return, thinking of the letter she had tucked within the pages of the Bible. A letter containing verses and explanations of God’s love and His way of salvation through faith alone in Christ. “Good.”

  Someone cleared their throat. Skye and Kate turned. John stepped up to them a little nervously, like he was embarrassed.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have another one of those lyin’ around, would ya?” he asked.

  Kate stared at him in surprise. Before they could answer, someone laid a hand on John’s shoulder. He turned to find Matthew smiling at him. Matthew handed John a new leather Bible that he had been able to get from Daniel. It also contained a letter written from Matthew to John, saying much the same as Skye’s.

  “Thank you,” John murmured, taking it. “And I’ll . . .” he cleared his throat, “I will read it.”

  Matthew nodded, pleased, still smiling.

  When they had said their final goodbyes, John and Kate left the Grace. The three ships sailed out of the bay and into open water. The Half Moon and Finder sailed south toward the nearest port, and the Grace sailed northwest toward Kingston and home.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Skye gazed at her father, standing tall at the Grace’s helm. It was a sight she had believed she would never see again. Filled with wellbeing, she turned and joined Will and Matthew.

  “I’m curious, Matthew. How did you finally get through to John?” she asked.

  Matthew smiled. “The days we were locked up on the Finder produced some very good discussions, including one about revenge, and that’s why he didn’t kill Kelley. Also, he said much the same to me as Kate said to you regarding what you and Will endured, so I believe that influenced him a great deal as well.”

  “God used our suffering to get the attention of two people,” Skye said, sharing a smile with Will.

  “I think it will be more than two,” Matthew suggested. “If John and Kate get saved, I’m sure they’ll share their faith with their crews.”

  Skye agreed. She was so happy. What they had been through no longer seemed so horrible in light of the good it had brought about.

  That night as the sun sank toward the horizon, Skye stood at the bow of the ship, watching the sunset. She smiled when her father walked up beside her. For a long moment, neither said anything as they admired one of God’s great beauties.

  When Daniel finally spoke, he surprised Skye. “Once I picked you up from Kingston, I was planning to go back to England. There’s a nice house for us there and jobs as shipbuilders for me and Caleb.”

  Skye’s face fell, wondering if he still planned to go back. “In England?” she asked, not knowing how else to reply.

  Daniel saw her face and heard the sadness in her voice. But with a smile, he answered, “Yes. Either that or we could stay in Kingston. There aren’t any big shops there for you to buy all the latest and fanciest dresses, but I guess if that doesn’t bother you . . . ”

  Skye laughed. “Me, wear fancy dresses? You could hardly get me to wear a simple dress when I was a child. I wear dresses now, but simple is perfectly fine for me.”

  Daniel laughed as well. “I didn’t think that would change your mind.”

  Skye shook her head and then turned serious again. “Were you really planning to move to England?”

  “I was until I met Will and found that Matthew was here,” Daniel told her. “After how long you’ve known them and how dear they are to you, I wouldn’t make you leave now.”

  Skye smiled as her mind served up a few memories. “I don’t know what I would have done without them.”

  “Especially Will,” Daniel hinted with a grin.

  Skye sighed and glanced at him. “You’re not going to start teasing me now, are you?”

  Daniel laughed again. “No. But how do you know I was teasing? Maybe I was serious.”

  “Matthew told you about us didn’t he?”

  Daniel shrugged. “Well, yes, but not before someone else hinted at it.”

  “Who?” Skye asked with a frown. The only other people who had heard her and Will declare their love for each other were Kate and John, and Kelley and a couple of his crew. Kelley was too angry to even speak with Daniel, and his crew followed the same example. Skye really didn’t think Kate would have said anything. “It was John, wasn’t it?”

  Daniel grinned. “Yes. It was.”

  Skye had to smile as well, as she contemplated how John might have done that. She waited for her father to say more. When he didn’t, she pressed, “Well?”

  Daniel looked at her. “Well, what?”

  “Well, what do you think of what they told you?”

  Daniel seemed to think about it for a moment. Then he smiled.

  “I think that William James is a remarkable young man, and I couldn’t ask for better for my daughter.”

  Skye smiled. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that.”

  Daniel put his arm around her shoulders and held her close. “It is strange though, to have left you as my little girl and to come back now and see you as a woman in love.”

  Skye nodded. “I bet it is. I’m sorry you had to miss it.”

  “Well, I’m ve
ry happy for you, so that makes it all right.”

  They were silent again for a few minutes until someone came up behind them. Turning, they found that it was Will. A smile spread over Skye’s face.

  “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting,” Will said.

  “Not at all,” Daniel replied with a smile. “Actually, I was just going to see Corey about supper anyway.”

  He said it in such a way that made Skye wonder if he was simply giving them some time alone. When she caught an almost imperceptible wink in his eye as he walked away, Skye knew that was exactly what he was doing. She smiled to herself as she turned once more to look at the sunset. Will did the same and after a long moment, Skye told him of her father’s plans.

  “My father intended for us to move back to England.”

  “England,” Will repeated dejectedly, in much the same way Skye had.

  “Yes, but he knows now that I would never leave Matthew or . . .” she trailed off, their eyes meeting, “. . . you.”

  For a space of time, they looked at each other without saying anything at all, and then Skye gazed out at the sunset again.

  “Beautiful,” she murmured to herself.

  “Yes,” Will echoed, a smile in his voice.

  Skye could tell that his gaze was still on her. She turned to him with a smile.

  “I meant the sunset.”

  He laughed lightly and nodded. “Yes, that is beautiful too . . . though, not as.”

  Skye could not help blushing a little at his words and the adoring look in his eyes. With a sense of satisfaction, they turned their eyes to the sky once again, and Skye felt Will take her hand gently in his. She laid her head on his shoulder and happiness engulfed her. God had put her through so many trials and had seemed to take away everything that was dear to her, but He’d given it all back, as well as much more. More even than she could ever have dreamed.

  * * *

  Five days passed with perfect sailing weather. Those five days aboard the Grace were the happiest Skye had ever lived.


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