Book Read Free


Page 11

by Natalie Ann

  She was watching him under hooded eyes. “Are you going to be okay if I do this?” he asked.

  “Don’t talk. Just do what you want. If I have to think, I might change my mind. I don’t want to change my mind.”

  He paused, not sure how to take that, but his hands were sliding up her thighs and her head was thrown back, her legs shaking, then she moved them apart for him and he had his answer. The green light was glowing brightly.

  When he glided his hands under the white silk barely covering her thighs, he discovered she was naked. He liked that a whole lot. “Lift up,” he said.

  She did and he pulled the material from under her hips and over her head. No use keeping it on. She could sleep in it if she wanted later, but right now he had to see all of her in her naked glory. See her soft virgin skin that hadn’t been touched by anyone just yet.

  He glanced to up to see her reaction to what he’d just done. There was a flush on her face, but not much more in the way of telling him he needed to slow down.

  “Can you take your shirt off too?” she asked.

  He reached down and lifted it over his head and she gasped. “What?”

  “Holy cow. I had no clue how ripped you were under your shirt.”

  Her eyes were roaming over him. Normally he was embarrassed when someone saw him and commented on his physique, but this time it fed the starving part of his body, just giving it a taste of what was to come.

  “Your body is pretty smoking too. Maybe you shouldn’t hide so much under your clothes, either.”

  He stopped talking though and moved his hands to her heat. She was soaking wet already, making it easy for him to slide up and down, then between her folds. Taking it easy, feather-like touches, but enough for now.

  There were noises coming out of her mouth. Part groan, part moan, and lots of raspy sighs. He moved his mouth forward and latched onto her nipple, because hey, it was staring right at him and he was good at multi-tasking.

  All those noises she was making only got louder. And his jeans got tighter.

  Her hands were on his shoulders, her nails digging in. If he thought he was feeling a tightness below, he knew she was. He could feel her muscles almost quivering with it. “Don’t hold back. Let it go. Just relax and feel it,” he said.

  “I don’t know what to do. I want to let go, but hold on at the same time.”

  He had to put her out of her misery, so he moved down and placed his mouth on her swollen bud. She all but jumped off the bed and shouted. Not yet, she wasn’t there, she was still holding back, so he slid a finger inside of her. It was so tight but would feel so wonderful to him later.

  Moving his finger in and out, he spread her legs wider apart and put his mouth to her in every position he could. Every angle and every touch and taste imaginable.

  She was loud. Moaning. Screeching. Then swearing.

  Now she was pulsing around him, letting her body fall. Letting him feel what he’d just done to her. Yep, that was the fiercest he’d ever felt in his life.

  He sat back for a second and looked at her lying on the bed, her legs apart, her hands lax and a huge smile on her face.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  “Better than okay. Please tell me there is more.” He laughed. “I mean I know there’s more. But tell me it feels at least as good as that.”

  “Better,” he said, unsnapping his jeans. He needed to free himself before he sent the button flying across the room.

  She lifted her lids and sat up, watching him undress now. There was appreciation in her eyes and what guy didn’t love seeing that.

  He debated keeping his boxers on for the moment but figured they’d have to come off anyway, so he let them drop. She didn’t hesitate to reach her hand out and wrap it around him.

  It was soft. It was tentative. And it almost sent him to the moon and back.

  He pulled her hand away and opened up his bedside drawer and pulled out a condom. When he looked up at her, she started to look unsure.

  “Want me to stop?”

  “No,” she said. “Not at all. I’m on the pill. I mean I have been for a few years. Just to regulate me.” She waved her hand. “Never mind the reason. It’s just, I kind of thought we wouldn’t need a condom.”

  He hesitated. He’d never been without one. Ever. But she’d never been with anyone else either. “Is that what you want?” he asked.

  “Is it better without it?”

  “I couldn’t tell you,” he said. “I’ve never experienced it before.”

  “Then maybe I could be a first for you tonight?”

  She already was in more ways than one. Not only that she was a virgin, but because he felt so much more for her than he had another woman before. So much hope, but he pushed that terrifying thought to the back of his mind.

  “If you’re sure, then I’m fine with it.”

  “I am,” she said, scooting up the bed.

  He climbed on next to her and pulled her against his side, just holding her. Letting her feel their bodies touching each other. He was throbbing and pushing against her side, but she wasn’t moving away, rather she dropped her hand down to touch him some more.

  “Don’t do that, please,” he said, stopping her hand.

  “Sorry. Does that hurt?”

  He laughed. “Yes, but not like you think. Another day. Another time.” If she touched him, he’d be done in a heartbeat. He moved over the top of her, resting on his forearms, and settling between her legs. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “I’m more than ready for you, Mason.”

  He liked that she said his name. Right now. Right here. In his bed. Telling him what he’d been waiting to hear.

  He kissed her softly and nudged his way in, then kissed her deeper and moved in and out, making his way, making her his.

  She was so tight. He was almost there. He just needed to break through. He didn’t want to hurt her.

  He threaded his fingers through her hair, held her tight, kissed her hard, then sunk himself in all the way.

  There was a groan and he was pretty sure it was his.

  It’d never felt like this before. Never this snug. Never this wet. Never this...anything.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. Please let her say yes because he couldn’t stop, but he would find the strength if he had to.

  “Do it again,” she said. “Move like that again.”

  He did. He moved out. He moved in. He went faster. He went slower.

  Then her hips started to tentatively move with and against him. “That’s it,” he said. “Just like that. Feel how good it is.”

  “Yes,” she said, her nails scratching him again. She sure did like to leave her mark and he found he was just fine with it when he had never been before.

  But now her hips were going at a faster pace, so he matched it. Feeling everything she was. Feeling her tighten around him. Hearing her breath catch. Her teeth on his shoulder. All of it sent him over the edge in a frenzied chain of emotions that had her screaming out his name again.

  Terrifying Thought

  Mason looked up at the ceiling. He’d been awake for a few hours while Jessica slept soundly next to him. She’d been out the moment she climbed back in bed.

  He never knew it could feel this way. That he wouldn’t need to get up and move right after, take care of the condom or worry about any accidents.

  He could lie there and hold her. Not because she needed it, but because he thought he did. It was a terrifying thought, and one he wasn’t admitting to anyone.

  When his heart stopped thumping so loudly in his chest, he rolled away and got up, then held his hand out to her and pulled her up next to him. “Come on, let’s go get cleaned up together.”

  She hesitated, he saw it, but he figured if she did this, then she wouldn’t be so shy around him again.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he tried to put himself in someone else’s shoes, but he was trying to think what she might want right now. What he
could do or give her to help what she may be feeling.

  They climbed into the shower together and cleaned up, but she was eying the tub and he noticed that. “Do you want to sit and soak? Are you sore? Was I too rough?”

  Her face flushed. “You weren’t rough at all. It was wonderful. Everything I would have imagined my first time to be, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a bit tender.”

  “Stay here,” he said, opening the shower door and grabbing a towel to dry off. He turned the faucets on and started to fill up his tub. He wasn’t sure if he ever had water in the tub. “You should have stayed in there to keep warm,” he said when the shower shut off.

  “Total waste of water. I’m fine. It’s nice and steamy in here.” She reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself. There was an awkward silence between them while the water rushed into the white tub. He felt her eyes on him and was trying not to get unnerved by it.

  Jessica said, “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “You’ve got one hell of a body on you.”

  He snorted, almost expecting this conversation. “Thanks.”

  “I would have never expected it. I mean I can see part of your arms when you’ve got a T-shirt on and they are pretty impressive, but I just figured it was from always lifting and moving things at work. But there is no way. What do you do to get that way?”

  He wouldn’t lie. There was no reason to. “Kickboxing. Some boxing, but only with bags. I’ve got a couple of different ones in the house.”

  “So you work out here, not in a gym?”

  “Yeah,” he said, sticking his hand in the tub, then adjusting the temperature for her. He gave up gyms after college. He’d proved his point there, like his mother had told him all along, and didn’t need to worry about it here.

  “Why boxing? Why not just running or lifting weights?”

  He didn’t want to tell her why he did it. Why he started. That would be too embarrassing and he was taking it to the grave with him.

  Yeah, she admitted she’d been bullied, but for him to say it now…no. He wasn’t that person anymore, he realized. Maybe it was forced confidence for so long, but he actually believed all those things now. He actually believed in himself.

  Why he did it now wasn’t as much of a big deal and he had no problem telling her that. “It’s a good cardio workout. It works all my muscles at once in a shorter period of time. It’s intense but worth it and a good stress reliever after a long day. Sometimes it helps me clear my head and think better after.”

  “Is it hard?”

  He should have figured she’d ask all these questions. “It takes coordination at first. Now it’s just second nature. The boxing part. The kickboxing is all about anticipating the move coming at you.”

  “So you’ve fought?” she asked, her eyes not looking so calm now.

  “No. Never. Not like you think.” He felt the need to add for her, “I don’t like fighting or violence.” It amazed him how freeing it was to admit that to someone. “I took classes at a gym when I was in college to learn the technique. That’s the only fighting I did, if it could be considered that. Now I just do it at home. Like I said, a good stress release for sure.”

  She nodded her head and it seemed to be enough for her, thankfully.

  “The water is set for you,” he said, reaching for her towel. When she hesitated, he added, “You aren’t going to get shy now, are you?”

  “No,” she said, handing it over, standing there flashing every part of her body at him again. He didn’t get to look at it as much as he would have liked earlier, having had other things on his mind. Even in the shower he didn’t want to push it, but now she was standing there tilting her head, showing some confidence and he was going to take advantage of it and stare all he wanted.

  “Are you going to join me?” she asked as she stepped in and sat down.

  “I’ll let you relax alone.”

  “Thanks,” she whispered. He would have liked to join her but needed to give himself some space. It seemed she wanted some too, but didn’t want to ask. He was glad he read the situation well. This was tough though, never having been with someone so inexperienced before. Not just the sex, but everything in general.

  She’d been in there almost thirty minutes while he lay in bed watching TV. When she came out, she had her little white silk thing on again and climbed into bed next to him. He held her for a minute and realized she was out cold.

  Rather than shut the TV off, he set the timer, hoping he’d fall asleep but he didn’t. He was still holding her hours later. This time her back was against his chest, his arm around her waist, the silky material driving him insane with need.

  Did she think more of what the two of them did tonight? Would she want some kind of commitment from him? Something more solid?

  Since she was sound asleep and his brain was racing, he was thinking he might be alone in his thoughts. That was a good thing, wasn’t it?

  He must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing he knew he was smelling coffee and bacon.

  The bed next to him was cool, leading him to believe Jessica had been up for some time.

  He threw the covers back and went into the bathroom, took a quick shower, then threw shorts on and made his way to the kitchen.

  She was standing there with her back to him, her white slip still on, barefoot and her hair falling out of the ponytail. She couldn’t have looked any better to him at that moment. Young, but not so innocent. Maybe not so young either now that he really looked at her. Appearance had nothing to do with maturity and she had that in spades…more than him at times. Just because she was awkward, didn’t mean she was immature.

  “Good morning,” he said. She didn’t even jump, which surprised him.

  “Hi,” she said, laying the fork down that she was turning the bacon over with, walking to him, hugging him and kissing his lips. “I was starving. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “It’s okay. It’s totally worth getting out of bed for this.”

  “The food or me?” she asked, smiling. She definitely had some confidence now and he liked this side of her a great deal.

  “You. Definitely you, but the food is a plus.”

  “Grab a seat. How do you take your coffee? I just realized I’ve never seen you make it before.”

  “Black,” he said.

  “Eww. I need at least some milk in it.”

  She set a cup down in front of him and then put a second pan on the stove and started to crack eggs in and scramble them up. “You found everything okay, I see.”

  She turned sharply, almost nervous. “I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have been looking in the cabinets. I just wanted to make some food.”

  He tried to fight back the grimace that maybe he made her feel bad for looking around his house and reminded himself to have patience.

  “Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t said for any reason other than I see you found stuff.”

  He liked that she was making herself at home, but he sure the hell wasn’t going to admit that out loud to her.

  “Oh. Okay. If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure,” he said, then stared at her back while she finished cooking. He was positive she didn’t have any underwear on under her slip. He wondered if she’d jump if he made his way over and lifted the back for a peek. Best not to attempt it just yet.

  When she was done, she brought everything over to the table. He got up and grabbed two plates and they started to eat. “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Sure, why?”

  “You seem different right now. You’re calmer than I expected you to be. I figured you’d be blushing or jumpy, but you’re right at home. If I say you seem more mature, then I’d be insulting you, so I won’t say that.” Even if he’d been thinking it.

  She laughed at him and he was glad she took it the way he meant it, lighthearted. “I feel different. Like the cork popping out of a bottle of champagne.” He star
ted to choke on his coffee. “Sorry. I mean it’s like that pressure and build-up are gone and there is this big release.”

  “You aren’t helping me,” he said, laughing even harder. “I mean, it’s a good description of sorts. Popping a cork.”

  She looked at him for a second, then it must have dawned on her and the blush just filled her face, even ran down her neck. “I didn’t mean that at all.” She put her elbows on the table and covered her face, mumbling through her fingers. “I just wanted to say that I feel alive. I feel different. Like this was something I’ve waited for for so long and had no idea it’d be this good.”

  He stopped laughing at her and pulled her hand away from her face. She was being serious and he didn’t want her to feel bad. Instead, he turned his hand so their fingers were threaded together. “I’m sorry. I told you I’ve never laughed as much as I have with you. I like it a lot. You make me feel good. If I’m honest with myself, I guess I feel a bit different too.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “I can’t really explain it,” he lied. No way he was talking about it anymore. His whole life he’d been told he was soft and tender and he hated to hear it, but in this instance, he felt it more than he ever had before and was glad he was feeling it with her. For her. “Do you need to go home before work to get ready?”

  She jumped. “Oh. I can get out of your way. I’m sorry.”

  He stood up, realizing he was doing a pretty shitty job at trying to ease her mind. Maybe there was nothing wrong with her and he was just making things worse assuming there was.

  “Jessica. No. I didn’t mean it that way. I was just asking a question. I didn’t know if you brought clothes with you for work today or not. Nothing more than that.”

  “You’re sure?”


  “I’ve got clothes.” She sat back down. “I guess I’m not all that different, am I?”

  “Not really, but that’s okay because I happen to like you just the way you are.”

  Just for Fun

  A few days later, Mason looked up when his father walked into his office. “Hey, Dad.”


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