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Ivy Series Teacher Student Romance - Boxed Set: Romance Boxed Sets for Kindle Unlimited (Ivy Series - Teacher Student Romance Book 7)

Page 102

by Suzy K Quinn

  Marc smiles. ‘Imperfections are what make movies interesting. You’re over-thinking things. Take a walk. Clear your head.’

  I look around the deck. ‘Now?’

  ‘Yes. Now.’

  ‘Don’t you think my time would be better spent rehearsing?’ I set my cup back on its saucer.

  Marc shakes his head. ‘There’s no sense rehearsing when you’re nervous like this. You’ll just end up frustrated.’

  ‘Do you want to come with me?’

  ‘Better not. Less distractions.’

  I smile. ‘You were planning on distracting me, were you?’

  Marc’s lips tilt up. ‘Always.’

  Walking over polished wood, I take in deep breaths of cool sea air.

  The ocean froths and foams beside me, and the breeze whips my hair.

  Is this really helping? I wonder.

  I’m tempted to go back and tell Marc we should start right away and stop wasting time.

  But after a lap of the upper deck, I feel looser. Calmer.

  Walking past a cool-blue swimming pool, I fight down a smile.

  As usual, Marc knows what I need better than I do.

  The script dances around my head, and for the first time I’m able to play around with the words and make them my own.

  As I’m mouthing lines to myself, I notice someone sprawled on a wooden sun lounger, a sheaf of script papers in hand.


  He’s frowning at the script through sunglasses, his white clothing immaculate.

  I hesitate, then walk past quickly, hoping he won’t notice me. I’m not fast enough, though.

  ‘Sophia.’ Benjamin’s voice is crisp and clear, upper-class American and authoritative.

  I stop, turning back. ‘Hi Benjamin.’

  ‘Well if it isn’t the girl who got away.’ Benjamin sits up, pushing sunglasses into his hair. ‘Where’s your ball and chain?’

  ‘Are you referring to Marc?’ I reply coolly.

  Benjamin laughs. ‘Unless you have another husband.’

  ‘He’s on the top deck.’ I tuck hair behind my ears, ill at ease and wanting to walk away.

  ‘I thought you two were supposed to be rehearsing,’ says Benjamin. ‘Marc can’t steal you away from me and then not even make use of you.’

  ‘I was getting frustrated.’ My feet move awkwardly. ‘So a walk seemed like a good idea. My head feels much clearer now.’

  ‘Frustrated, huh?’ Benjamin sits up on his lounger.

  I take a step back. ‘I don’t mean to be unfriendly. But I have to get back now, and—’

  ‘Don’t be like that. Talk to me. I won’t bite.’ Benjamin pats his wooden sun lounger. ‘We should have some rapport, don’t you think?’

  I hesitate. ‘So long as you know I’m happily married.’

  Benjamin laughs. ‘That’s what’s bothering you? My reputation? You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspapers. Besides. You can’t get pregnant just by sitting next to a guy.’

  I laugh without meaning to. Well … it was pretty funny.

  ‘That’s better.’ Benjamin grins, showing Hollywood white teeth. ‘So who’s really worried about my reputation? You or your husband?’

  I perch on a sun lounger near him. ‘I won’t pretend Marc’s happy about me acting with you. But he’ll have to get used to it.’

  ‘What’s his problem?’ Benjamin’s light-blue eyes find mine. ‘You’re a professional. So am I. And you’re married. I respect married women.’

  Not what I heard, I think, remembering the many press articles about Benjamin Van Rosen’s affairs with married actresses.

  ‘You know, you and I have some pretty hot scenes together.’ Benjamin lies back on the sun lounger again. ‘Is your husband okay with that?’

  ‘We only kiss once,’ I reply. ‘And it’s sort of forced. I wouldn’t call that hot.’

  ‘Don’t you like it sort of forced?’ He jerks upright. ‘Well, if the rumours about Marc are true.’

  My stomach goes cold. ‘I really should be going.’

  I get up, my cheeks burning.

  ‘Wait.’ Benjamin jumps to his feet. ‘I’m an idiot. I didn’t mean it. I just like to joke, okay? You know, you’re pretty in real life.’

  ‘Your jokes aren’t funny.’ I start walking.

  ‘Come on – at least give me a minute.’ He catches up with me. ‘I’m still nursing a loss.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ I snap. ‘What loss?’

  ‘For the part I should have had. It should have been me playing Nicky. I’m not used to having parts stolen from me.’

  I slow down. ‘Marc didn’t steal your part. Nadia never confirmed it was yours. Everything was still up in the air.’

  ‘Bullshit. It was in the bag until Marc swooped in from on high.’

  ‘I guess that’s for you and Marc to discuss,’ I say, quickening my pace.

  Benjamin grabs my hand. ‘Hey. Look, I know I’m acting like an idiot. I’m not used to being out-powered. I’m always the big name on set. That’s all it is. It’ll bring out the best in me. I just hope you’re open to it.’

  I yank my hand away and walk faster.

  ‘I can see why Marc’s crazy about you,’ Benjamin calls out. ‘You’ve got that child-woman thing going on. Are you going to drive me crazy too?’


  How am I ever going to act with this man?

  I can’t tell Marc what just happened, I decide. Or he’ll be even more jealous.

  I can handle Benjamin by myself.

  I think.


  After dinner that night, Jen invites me for drinks and dessert in her luxurious suite. She invites Tom and Tanya too, and orders chocolate brownie ice cream, crème brulee and Veuve Clicquot from the room service menu.

  I arrive first, and find Jen lying on the bed, skimming Google images on her iPad. ‘You brought my little niece! Just like I asked you to,’ she exclaims, seeing Ivy in her stroller. ‘Oh goody!’

  ‘Where’s everyone else?’ I ask, rolling Ivy into the suite. I could have left Ivy with Marc, but I haven’t seen her all day and just wanted her with me.

  ‘Not here yet,’ says Jen. ‘I banished Leo to the ship’s movie theatre. We had another row.’

  ‘Uh oh.’

  Jen shakes her head, exasperated. ‘He’s just so messy, you know? I mean, look at this place. Do you want some champagne?’

  She reaches into an ice bucket at the foot of the bed, and pours out a glass, passing it to me.

  ‘Thanks.’ I balance the flute on Jen’s tower of marketing books, while I unstrap Ivy and lay her beside Jen. ‘This place doesn’t look too bad. Who’s on your iPad?’

  ‘Benjamin Van Rosen,’ says Jen, tickling Ivy’s feet. ‘I had to find out more. I mean, look at this shot. He’s totally ignoring his girlfriend and chatting up a married supermodel. So brazen! Oh, I forgot to tell you. We’re having a mystery guest.’

  ‘A what? Who?’ I sit beside Jen on the bed.

  ‘Then it wouldn’t be a mystery.’

  I think of the cast and crew I’ve met so far, and can’t imagine who Jen would invite.

  ‘As long as it’s not Benjamin Van Rosen,’ I say.

  Jen laughs. ‘No. It’s not him. Hey. I have an idea. We should make cocktails.’ She heads to the leather-padded bar circling a corner of her suite.

  ‘With champagne?’ I ask, looking at my full flute. ‘Are you sure that’s a good idea? We’re both working tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh it’ll be fine.’ Jen grabs a stainless steel cocktail shaker from the drinks bar. ‘Maybe we’ll come up with a famous new invention.’

  I notice Jen’s iPad on the bed, still lit and showing a flickering picture of Benjamin Van Rosen.


  Benjamin is looking seductively at a long-legged blonde model in a skin-tight dress. A model famously married to a movie produ

  In the background is another girl – a scowling blonde wearing a high bun and swooping black eye shadow.

  ‘We should definitely put fresh fruit in this cocktail of ours,’ says Jen, muddling ice and strawberries. ‘And lots of vodka.’

  ‘I’m in trouble, Jen,’ I say, rolling Ivy onto her stomach so she can enjoy the soft duvet and laying beside her. ‘I have to act with Benjamin Van Rosen tomorrow. But I can’t stand him.’

  ‘Does it matter if you like him?’ Jen asks. ‘I mean, you’re an actress. Your job is to fake feelings.’

  ‘It’s not going to be easy.’

  ‘Do you have any bedroom scenes with him?’ Jen asks, pouring chocolate sauce into the shaker.

  ‘Not exactly,’ I admit. ‘In the movie, we have an arranged marriage. It’s supposed to be sort of formal. I’m a girl from a rich family, who’s promised to Benjamin’s character. And then Marc comes along and rocks the boat.’

  ‘Well I can’t give you acting advice,’ says Jen. ‘But plenty of actors hate their co-stars and still make fabulous movies. Have you talked to Marc about this?’

  ‘No. And I’m not going to.’

  ‘Good idea.’ Jen cracks ice into the shaker. ‘He’d probably throw Benjamin off the boat.’

  ‘Exactly. Michael only narrowly escaped going overboard.’

  ‘Speaking of which.’ Jen clips the lid on the shaker and gives it a rattle. ‘You remember that mystery guest I was talking about?’


  ‘Michael’s here?’ My eyes widen.

  Jen nods. ‘Perfect, don’t you think? He can see Ivy, and Marc will be none the wiser.’

  I sit up on the bed. ‘But he should have left the boat at Spain. Marc will be furious.’

  ‘Marc needs to chill out,’ says Jen, rattling the cocktail shaker. ‘Michael’s a good guy. And he’s so desperate to see Ivy. This evening was his idea.’

  ‘I don’t like sneaking around behind Marc’s back.’

  ‘Oh nonsense. Marc shouldn’t be so protective. Although …’ Jen sighs. ‘I wish Leo was the sort of man who’d throw someone off the boat for me.’

  I notice Jen is blinking quickly, not smiling.

  ‘Jen?’ I scoot across the bed so I’m nearer to her.

  She tips vodka into the cocktail shaker. ‘Tell me the truth. Should I really marry someone so messy?’

  I laugh. ‘If messy is your only problem, then yes.’

  ‘It’s not our only problem.’ Jen pours chocolaty liquid into a conical glass. ‘He hates me bossing him around. But I can’t help it.’ She manages a smile, but it’s a forced smile. ‘I suppose we’re fine.’

  ‘Come on Jen. You can’t hide things from me either, remember? Are things still not right with you and Leo?’

  Jen lowers the cocktail shaker to the bar. A single tear rolls down her cheek.

  ‘Oh Jen.’ I leap off the bed and throw my arms around her. ‘What’s happening?’

  ‘It’s okay,’ says Jen, wiping the tear and smoothing her hair. ‘We just had another fight, and … I always say, what will be will be. Right?’

  ‘What does that mean?’ I put my hands on her shoulders. ‘You and Leo are supposed to be getting married. Jen, if you’re really not sure about this—’

  ‘No, I am. I mean, everything’s all arranged. I can’t back out now.’ She gives a light laugh.

  ‘Of course you can.’

  ‘I don’t want to, though.’ Jen’s eyes fix on the shaker.

  ‘Are you sure about that?’

  She nods. ‘Yes. I do love him.’ Then she frowns. ‘I think I hear someone coming.’

  There’s a sharp knock on the door.

  ‘That’ll be Michael,’ says Jen, calling out, ‘Come on in!’

  ‘Michael.’ I turn to the door, and see Marc’s brother shouldering his way into the suite, arms full of gifts. He has a stuffed toy rainbow fish, a kaleidoscope, a Teddy bear and a giant fluffy shark.

  Michael grins at me. ‘Where’s my little niece, then?’

  I can’t help smiling. ‘She’s here.’

  Michael’s eyes go soppy and soft when he notices Ivy. ‘Look at that gorgeous little thing. Did you ever see anything more beautiful? You won’t tell Marc I’m still here, will you Sophia? I know this against all the rules. But love will make a man do crazy things.’

  ‘Do you want to hold her?’ I offer, lifting her off the bed.

  ‘I can’t think of anything I’d like more.’ Michael takes Ivy, cradling her head. ‘I’ve been reading up on babies. How to change them. Do up those babygros. All sorts.’

  ‘Champagne?’ Jen offers. ‘Chocolate cocktail?’

  Michael shakes his head. ‘With the little one here? No way. I need to be on top form. Best behaviour.’

  ‘Sophia’s having a drink,’ says Jen. ‘One won’t hurt.’

  ‘Nope.’ Michael is adamant. ‘I will be a responsible uncle, through and through. How are you, little one?’ He smiles down at Ivy.

  ‘I wish Marc could see how you are with her,’ I say.

  Michael nods. ‘He never gives me a chance. This year was supposed to be a fresh start.’

  ‘Marc’s just being protective,’ I say. ‘It’s nothing personal. But Michael – he really is going to be furious when he finds out you’re still onboard. How can he trust you if you keep going behind his back?’

  ‘I honestly meant to leave.’ Michael strokes Ivy’s downy head. ‘But I found I couldn’t.’

  ‘You have to fly back to London when we reach Saint-Tropez,’ I insist. ‘Marc isn’t stupid. You can hide on a cruise ship, but not in a villa. And if he knows you stayed, he’ll never trust you again.’

  ‘There’ll be two motor boats taking us ashore at Saint-Tropez,’ Jen pipes up. ‘Michael – I’ll get you on the list for the one Marc isn’t on. We’ll dress you up as security. Okay?’

  ‘Promise me you’ll do it, Michael.’ I put a hand on his arm. ‘This is serious. If Marc finds out you went against his wishes, it’ll take years to build up the trust again.’

  ‘He doesn’t trust me as it is,’ says Michael. ‘What’s the difference?’

  ‘I’ll keep working on him,’ I promise. ‘You deserve to see your niece. And I trust you. Marc just needs to see things the way I do.’

  Michael snorts. ‘I’ve never seen anyone change Marc’s mind before.’


  When I wake the next morning, I wonder how I can persuade Marc to let Michael back into our lives.

  Michael’s not perfect. But I believe he’s good for our daughter, and that’s all that matters. He really wants to be a good uncle. I just have to convince Marc that he can be trusted.

  ‘Ivy?’ I whisper, poking my head into her bedroom. ‘Are you sleeping?’

  Ivy stirs a little, but doesn’t cry out.

  It’s only 6.30am. She’ll probably sleep until 7am.

  Carefully, I close the bedroom door and look around for Marc.

  I find him on the sundeck in his training sweatpants, looking out to sea.

  He’s holding a script and black fountain pen.

  ‘You’ve been training already,’ I say, putting my arms around his waist.

  Marc drops an arm around me, pulling me close. ‘I wondered when you’d wake up. You were back late last night.’

  ‘Not as late as I could have been,’ I say, enjoying the smell of his bare skin. ‘What are you doing? Making changes?’

  ‘A few,’ says Marc, clipping the pen onto the script and throwing them both onto a sun lounger. ‘But all in all, it’s a good script.’

  ‘I like it too,’ I say.

  ‘It’s challenging, though.’ He turns, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

  ‘I have you to help me.’ I grin up at him. ‘How about you? You must have some challenge?’

  ‘For me, the biggest challenge is how to play this part without dumbing down. How to add depth.’

  I laugh. ‘That’s a little snobby, don’t you

  ‘I choose movies for good reasons. I wouldn’t have chosen this. But since my beautiful wife is in it—’

  ‘You didn’t have to do it. There were others ready to take the part.’ I notice the script pages fluttering in the breeze, and think of what Benjamin said yesterday. ‘You … you sort of swooped in.’

  Marc raises an eyebrow. ‘That’s not how I’d put it.’

  ‘You just said you wouldn’t have chosen this movie.’

  Marc touches his forehead to mine. ‘And ordinarily I wouldn’t. It’s not my sort of thing. Nadia knows that.’

  ‘Why not?’ I look into his deep, blue eyes. ‘It’s got emotion. Depth.’

  ‘My films aren’t known for their happy endings.’ Marc’s lips twitch. ‘Who’d have thought? The two of us together. In a film about dangerous love. The world really does have a sense of humour.’

  My eyes wander from his, out to sea. ‘You didn’t take this part from Benjamin, did you?’

  ‘Sophia, I’m surprised you even need to ask that question.’

  ‘You’re right. I’m sorry.’ I find his eyes again.

  Of course Marc wouldn’t do that.

  Yet that’s how Benjamin sees it. And something tells me it’s going to be hard to convince him otherwise.

  ‘Marc, I wanted to talk to you about something.’

  Marc raises an eyebrow. ‘Not Benjamin Van Rosen, I hope?’

  I shake my head. ‘No. About Michael, actually.’

  ‘What about him?’ Marc holds me tight, and we sway a little as the ship moves.

  ‘He … he loves Ivy so much. You must see that.’

  ‘I see it,’ Marc agrees.

  ‘It’s not fair to shut him out of Ivy’s life.’

  Marc kisses my lips. ‘Trust is earned over time.’

  ‘At this rate, there’ll be no time left,’ I insist. ‘Ivy’s growing so fast, and Michael’s missing all of it.’

  ‘He has some growing up to do himself, Sophia,’ says Marc, now frowning slightly. ‘That latest stunt he pulled, sneaking onboard this ship, showed me how irresponsible he can be.’

  ‘It was just desperation,’ I insist. ‘He wanted to see Ivy. Surely you can understand. You’ve done some desperate things yourself for love. Climbing up my balcony – I’d call that pretty risky.’


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