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Ivy Series Teacher Student Romance - Boxed Set: Romance Boxed Sets for Kindle Unlimited (Ivy Series - Teacher Student Romance Book 7)

Page 108

by Suzy K Quinn

  He frowns. ‘Cassandra is a strong character.’

  ‘So am I.’


  ‘So where the fuck is she?’ Nadia paces by the swimming pool, hands on leather-clad hips.

  Cassandra is late. Very late. And no one knows where she is.

  The crew have assembled by the swimming pool, and I’ve been bronzed and buffed and bikini dressed, all ready to play the out-of-control daughter.

  My stomach has been twisting itself over since I met Marc earlier.

  Nadia checks her rose-gold watch. ‘Jesus!’ she shouts. ‘This isn’t anything to do with the newspapers this morning, is it? Sophia?’

  ‘I doubt it,’ I say, thinking, because Cassandra set up that article.

  Nadia grabs a glass of fresh orange juice and hands it to me. ‘Here. Drink this. You look pale. Out until the early hours last night. Right?’

  ‘Not quite,’ I laugh. ‘I was home by midnight. Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.’

  ‘I know, I know honey.’ Nadia puts a friendly arm around my shoulder. ‘We all know it’s nonsense. As if Marc and Cassandra could have a history! I mean, come on. Marc was sixteen when they worked together.’

  I look away. Don’t remind me.

  Nadia turns to the main villa. ‘Okay, enough is enough. Cassandra must still be in bed or something. I’ll send a runner.’

  ‘I’ll check the villa,’ I say.

  ‘What?’ Nadia’s arm drops from my shoulder.

  ‘I’ll go find Cassandra,’ I say. ‘Tell her it’s time for the scene.’

  ‘After the article this morning?’ Nadia shakes her head. ‘Why would you do that?’

  Because it’s the perfect way to show Cassandra I’m not scared of her.

  ‘Um … I should talk to her,’ I tell Nadia. ‘About the newspaper. Smooth things over.’

  ‘Well … if you’re sure.’ Nadia looks like she’s about to say something else. But then she gets distracted by a cameraman lugging a big projection screen behind the pool. ‘Not like that, Phil! Jesus – move it five metres left. Oh my goodness! If you want something done right, do it yourself.’

  My thoughts exactly.


  Cassandra’s bedroom is on the first floor, towards the back of the villa.

  The door looks innocent enough. Thick, polished wood with a wrought iron handle. But my hand is shaking as I go to knock.

  Maybe this is a bad idea …

  Then I hear a noise.

  My knuckles hesitate.

  The sound is kind of like someone coughing or choking.

  I step back.

  Then I hear the noise again – a sort of choking sound. And something else.

  Thump, thump, thump.

  Now I’m worried.

  What’s happening in there?

  I take the handle and push the door open.

  Oh. My. God.

  Cassandra is lying completely naked on the bed, ankles and wrists bound with white rope and a velvet blindfold over her eyes.

  I see the long, muscular bronzed back of a man, moving back and forth between her legs.

  He has her bound ankles resting over his shoulder, and holds them in place as he moves.

  ‘You want it, baby?’ says the man, moving back and forth.

  Neither Cassandra nor the man are aware of me.

  ‘That’s it,’ the man says. ‘You’re mine. You want it harder?’

  Oh god. That voice.

  With a shudder, I realise I know it. More than know it, actually.

  Suddenly, the man spins into focus. His long, tanned back. His blond hair. His muscular arms.


  I hear rhythmic slapping, and Cassandra moans.

  ‘That’s it baby, that’s it,’ says Leo.

  Oh my god. Oh my god.

  Leo and Cassandra.

  I close the door quickly, leaning against it, my heart pounding.

  What am I going to do?

  I need to speak to Marc.


  Marc’s head snaps up, as I charge into the beach villa.

  He’s sitting on the veranda, our baby on his lap.

  ‘Sophia.’ Marc puts Ivy to his chest and reaches me in three strides. ‘What happened?’

  I swallow, willing the tears to stay back. How do I describe what I just saw?

  ‘It’s okay.’ Marc reaches an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close. ‘Whatever it is, it’s okay. Ivy’s safe. You’re safe. Just tell me.’

  I take in a deep breath, feeling the hardness of Marc’s chest and softness of Ivy’s little body. ‘Cassandra and Leo. I just saw them in bed together.’

  ‘Christ. Oh Christ.’

  ‘I need to tell Jen.’ I wipe tears from my eyes.

  ‘Slow down.’ Marc puts a hand to my shoulder. ‘What did you see?’

  ‘Enough.’ I swallow. ‘Believe me.’

  ‘Fucking Leo. I’ll kill him.’ He clutches Ivy tight to him. ‘The man is an idiot. A complete idiot.’

  ‘Jen won’t forgive him,’ I say, feeling hardness in my chest. ‘It’ll be over between them. But she has to know.’

  ‘Where is she?’ Marc turns to the door.

  ‘I suppose … town or something. She can’t be in the villa or Leo would never have … Oh god. Here – let me take her.’

  Marc passes Ivy to me, gently supporting her head. ‘Think carefully about this, Sophia.’

  ‘What other option is there?’ I sway back and forth with Ivy.

  ‘Have Leo tell her.’ Marc crosses his arms.

  Across the beach, waves rip into each other and foam sprays up.

  ‘I think Cassandra wanted to get caught,’ I say, kissing Ivy’s head. ‘She must have known someone would come and get her.’

  ‘I wouldn’t put it past her.’ Marc growls. ‘This is a whole new world of fucked up. She’s trying to hurt you through your friend.’

  ‘It takes two, Marc’ I say, cuddling Ivy close. ‘Leo isn’t an innocent victim.’

  ‘I beg to differ on that,’ says Marc. ‘Certainly an innocent idiot. At any rate, this has already gone too far. I want Cassandra gone.’

  ‘Won’t she be under contract?’ I ask.

  ‘There are ways around contracts.’ He turns and looks out to sea. ‘Money, usually.’

  ‘So you’re going to buy her off the film?’ I ask.

  He gives a swift nod. ‘If I have to.’

  ‘The papers will have a field day,’ I say, turning Ivy so she can see the water. ‘I can just imagine the articles …’

  ‘There are ways around that too,’ Marc replies.

  I feel myself nodding. ‘Okay. Do what you have to do.’

  ‘Take Ivy for a walk on the beach,’ says Marc, grabbing a t-shirt and pulling it over his head. ‘I’ll take care of everything.’

  It’s warm, almost sticky hot, as I push Ivy by the lapping waves.

  The stroller won’t move in the sand, but there’s a path of old railway sleepers leading right along our private stretch of coast. I bump Ivy along them, and she falls asleep straight away.

  I’m ten minutes or so down the beach, when I hear the soft thuds of a jogger behind me.

  I turn, knowing it must be someone from the villa, and am surprised to see Benjamin Van Rosen pounding over the sand.

  He’s wearing loose, white shorts and a navy runner’s t-shirt.

  ‘I didn’t know you ran,’ I call out.

  Benjamin slows as he reaches me. ‘I didn’t know you walked.’

  ‘I do.’ I try for a smile. ‘All the time.’

  Despite our tensions, it’s good to see Benjamin. Right now, he feels like a friendly face.

  ‘So what are you doing out here, all alone?’ Benjamin asks, falling into my pace.

  ‘I’m … Marc is sorting something out on set.’ My hands grip the stroller handles. ‘I’m giving him space.’

  Benjamin laughs. ‘Daddy didn’t want you around while he was doing grown-up bu

  ‘You don’t need to put it like that. So what are you doing out here?’

  ‘Running off the pain.’ He stops walking for a moment, picking up his foot to do a calf stretch.

  I stop too. ‘What pain?’

  ‘I’ve gone and done something stupid.’ He picks up his other foot, gritting his teeth as he pulls it to the back of his thigh. ‘I’ve fallen in love with somebody.’

  I laugh. ‘How will all those married women feel about that?’

  ‘You shouldn’t joke.’ He drops his foot. ‘Love is painful.’

  ‘Wow, Benjamin,’ I tease. ‘You’re using the past tense. That means you’ve been in love more than once. I’d never have picked you as the type.’

  He cocks his head. ‘Of course I’ve been in love before. But that was nothing compared to this. This is real, grown-up love. Have you ever felt like you’d just die if you didn’t have somebody?’ His eyes are on mine now.

  I start walking again, feeling uncomfortable. ‘Of course,’ I say lightly. ‘When I met Marc. Nice weather this morning, isn’t it? Nadia was worried about rain, but … it looks fine.’

  Benjamin walks alongside me. ‘So Nadia let you leave the set, huh?’

  ‘I should be shooting a scene,’ I say. ‘But … stuff is happening.’

  ‘Stuff?’ He keeps pace. ‘Here – let me take the stroller.’

  ‘It’s fine,’ I say, keeping a firm grip on the handles. ‘Thanks, but … Ivy can sense if someone else pushes her. She’ll wake up.’

  ‘So what stuff?’ Benjamin asks.

  I bite my lip. Everyone is going to know this sooner or later. I may as well tell him. ‘If you must know,’ I say, ‘Marc is … well he’s talking to Nadia about Cassandra.’


  ‘Cassandra has betrayed a trust,’ I stammer, ‘and … it’s best if she’s not in the movie anymore.’

  Benjamin laughs. ‘Could I have that in English please?’

  ‘I just saw Cassandra and Leo … well you’re an adult. You can work out the rest.’

  ‘You’re kidding me.’ Benjamin puts a hand on the stroller handle, forcing me to stop. ‘The two of them?’

  I nod.

  ‘Jesus.’ He lets out a low whistle. ‘I thought Falkirk was getting married to that friend of yours. Nice girl, too. Why would he screw it up?’

  ‘I have no idea,’ I say, feeling stupid tears well up again. ‘But Jen’s going to be devastated.’

  Benjamin watches me for a moment, cocking his head. Then he turns abruptly, and jogs back down the path towards the villa.

  ‘Benjamin?’ I call. ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘To punch Leo Falkirk in the face,’ he shouts back, not slowing his pace.

  I turn the stroller around, racing to catch up with him. ‘What?’ I shout, as the pram wheels bump over sleepers. ‘Wait. Please. Why would you do that?’

  Benjamin slows, but still doesn’t turn.

  ‘Because he hurt your friend.’ The words float back to me on the breeze.

  ‘Why does that matter to you?’ I call out, still hurrying to catch up with him.

  When I finally reach him, Benjamin turns and says, ‘Because I love you, Sophia. I love you.’


  Oh god.

  ‘Benjamin …’ I shake my head.

  There’s hurt in his light-blue eyes.

  ‘Me and my big mouth, huh?’ says Benjamin, managing a laugh.

  ‘You love me?’ I say. ‘You hardly know me. Are you making a joke?’

  The hurt doesn’t leave his eyes. ‘I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.’

  My hands squeeze the foam stroller handles. ‘Look, if this is some sort of chat up line—’

  Benjamin slips hands into his pockets. ‘It isn’t. I know it’s hopeless.’

  ‘Listen.’ I let out a long breath. ‘Is this because I’m married? Like some married-woman conquest thing?’

  Benjamin gives a harsh laugh. ‘None of the above. I just … think about you. I dream about you. I can hardly stand knowing I can’t have you. You’re the woman I want to have kids with. I don’t even want you to leave your husband. Not if it would make you unhappy. How about that? But then again … maybe you could be happier with me. Someone who isn’t so controlling. I hate that he might hurt you. That you might not know what making love really is.’

  ‘I love Marc.’

  ‘Pretty fucked up kind of love, if you ask me,’ says Benjamin. ‘I mean, Jesus. Is he your husband or your father? But if you’re happy …’

  ‘Benjamin. You’re … great. But …’ I put a hand on his arm.

  ‘You know, this is karma.’ He puts his hand over mine, clasping it tight to his arm. ‘All those girls I messed around. Some of them even left their husbands for me. And here you are. In love with some other guy.’ He looks at my hand under his, eyes sad. ‘I didn’t mean to tell you. It just came out.’

  My hand slides from his arm. ‘Thank you. I’m flattered. But there’s another girl out there for you.’

  ‘I’m not so sure about that. I’ve met a lot of girls. Believe me.’

  I nod. ‘I believe you. Can we still be friends?’

  ‘Good friends?’ He raises a flirtatious eyebrow.

  ‘Just friends.’

  ‘I still want to knock Leo Falkirk’s teeth out,’ he insists.

  ‘That’s sweet,’ I say. ‘But I have a feeling Jen will do it for you.’

  ‘I’ll see you on set, okay?’ Benjamin turns and jogs away.

  I watch him, thinking, Wow. Today really is the day for broken hearts.

  There’s an awkward atmosphere back at the villa. I can sense it even as I push Ivy across the lawns. By the time I reach the swimming pool, I can almost touch it.

  Crew members quieten as I approach.

  ‘Where’s Nadia?’ I ask a cameraman.

  ‘She went inside.’ He doesn’t look at me.

  ‘And Cassandra?’ I ask.

  The cameraman still doesn’t look up. ‘You’d have to ask Nadia about that.’


  I find Nadia inside the main villa, pacing around the light, airy lounge area.

  Behind her, bright tropical fish swim in a crystal clear aquarium. They dart in and around as she shouts, ‘I mean, Jesus Christ. You don’t shit where you eat.’

  Nadia takes a fierce sip from a blue espresso cup, and rolls her eyes to the heavens.

  I see Marc by the window, dressed in a black suit and frowning.

  ‘Hi,’ I say tentatively, parking up the stroller. ‘Um … anyone want to fill me in?’

  Nadia gives me a tired smile. ‘Sure. You want to sit down?’

  I sit on the edge of the sofa, looking towards Marc.

  His eyes find mine, silently asking if I’m okay.

  I give a weary smile and tiny nod. But I’m not really okay. Not until I know what’s going on.

  ‘So what’s happening?’ I ask.

  ‘Upheaval.’ Nadia tips her head back. ‘Movies would be so much simpler without actors. It’s like one big soap opera sometimes. Trying to keep one person happy. And then someone else …’

  ‘Where’s Cassandra?’ I ask.

  ‘Gone,’ says Nadia.

  I should feel warm relief sink into my stomach. But I don’t.

  ‘And … she was okay about leaving?’ I ask.

  Marc lets out a harsh laugh.

  ‘No,’ Nadia admits. ‘She was … not okay. But she made her bed. I couldn’t keep her on. I’m a family woman. The whole set is my family. We work together. You don’t do that to your sisters.’

  ‘What about Leo?’ I ask.

  ‘He’s still on the movie,’ says Nadia, taking a seat beside me.

  I turn to her. ‘But he was just as much to blame.’

  Nadia smiles. ‘I love you for your fairness. But he did nothing malicious. Just stupid. Cassandra … I don’t believe she did anything by accident.’

  ‘Leo was the one
in the relationship,’ I say.

  ‘He is a silly boy,’ says Nadia, slapping her knees for emphasis. ‘But I’ve decided he can stay. For now.’ She stands and goes to the fish tank, sending yellow fish swimming in different directions. ‘Now we have a decision to make. Do we tell Leo’s girlfriend, or hope he has the balls to do it himself?’

  ‘Leo won’t say a word,’ Marc growls, striding to the sofa. ‘You can count on that. Not unless someone forces his hand.’

  ‘I’m going to tell her,’ I announce, standing.

  ‘Are you sure?’ says Nadia.

  ‘I can’t keep a secret from Jen, even if I wanted to.’ I head for Ivy’s stroller. ‘She’ll have it out of me. Anyway, this is going to get out, isn’t it? Cassandra clearly knows her way around a tabloid. Someone has to tell Jen before she reads about it in the newspaper.’

  ‘Sophia is right,’ says Marc. ‘It will come out.’

  ‘Listen,’ says Nadia. ‘You two take the afternoon off, okay? I need to rejig some things. Work out how we’ll move forward. There’ll be no more filming today.’

  I blink at her. ‘But we’re already behind –’

  ‘It’s okay.’ She waves a hand. ‘Movies always run behind. And we always catch up.’

  ‘Well whatever happens with filming, I need to find Jen right now,’ I decide.

  ‘She’s … with Leo,’ says Nadia. ‘They’re both in town. I sent them away before I talked to Cassandra. Leo has no idea what’s going on.’

  Marc frowns. ‘Yet.’


  The villa complex has a collection of sports cars for guest use, so Marc drives me into town in a red Venturi.

  Ivy stays with Tanya, sleeping soundly in her stroller.

  ‘Jen’s shopping,’ I tell Marc, as we zoom past a field of plump, purple grapes, then swerve around a white-washed vineyard.

  It’s hard to read my phone while we’re driving so fast, but I’m just about managing it. ‘She’s ditched Leo,’ I continue. ‘He’s looking for surfer gear. And she’s in Saint Eves, or something. Do you know it?’

  ‘You mean Yves Saint Laurent?’ says Marc, giving the wheel a sharp turn. ‘The extremely famous French designer?’


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