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Maid For An Alien Prince: A SciFi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Exchange Program Book 1)

Page 10

by Roxie Ray

  He’d been nothing but polite, and he always had a smile and a friendly word for me when he saw me. We’d continued our lessons in learning the Hollander language, and he’d even invited me to eat dinner with him here at home a couple of times.

  He was a lot more attentive now than when I’d first met him, as if having me here wasn’t an inconvenience—though to be fair, I hadn’t exactly been the friendliest person in those first few days.

  But now, alone in his big, empty home, I was actually starting to feel lonely. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I missed him. But it was so quiet without him around, and I had nothing to do now that I’d finished my work. I couldn’t help but think about how much nicer it was when he was around. Something I never would have thought I’d say two weeks ago.

  I couldn’t explain the changes, other than the fact he was just being nice to me now, but part of me felt this strange pull, like I was drawn to him, wanting to spend more time with him, wanting to get to know him better. It was ridiculous. I needed to be more careful with my thoughts and feelings because if I’d learned anything from my past, it was to be wary of men, especially those who were rich and powerful. Still, there was this inexplicable thread between us, like it was trying to draw me closer and closer.

  Before I could spend too much time thinking about that, since it made me all kinds of uncomfortable, the front door opened, startling me.

  I spun, half expecting to see Niall standing there, as if my thoughts alone might have summoned him. What I didn’t expect was to see Queen Merida waltzing in, a giant smile on her beautiful face and a basket of exotic-looking fruits and delectable pastries in her hands.

  “Good afternoon, my dear,” she said in her melodic voice. “I sure hope you’re hungry.”

  Those were for me?

  My surprise must have been evident on my face because the queen smiled even wider and beckoned for me to follow her. “Come join me in the dining room?”

  Without waiting for a response, she breezed through the house. Not knowing what else to do, I followed her.

  She made herself at home, taking the seat Niall normally sat in, and gestured for me to have a seat next to her.

  I gave her a quick little bow. “Good afternoon, Your Highness. It’s a pleasure to see you.”

  She laughed and waved her hand in the air. “Please, call me Merida. I think we can leave the formalities behind, don’t you?”

  I didn’t know what to say, or what had brought her here, so I simply nodded and took a seat.

  The queen—Merida—began unwrapping some of the pastries and spreading them out before us on the table. “Don’t these look delicious? Some of my favorites!”

  “They really do,” I replied truthfully, even though I didn’t know what half of the vibrantly colored fruits were. The longer I was here, the more I started to feel like being on an alien planet was like being in a tropical paradise, not that I had much experience with tropical paradises.

  “So, my dear, tell me more about yourself.” She propped an elbow on the table and rested her cheek in her palm, like she was truly fascinated and really wanted to know. “I was so disappointed our luncheon was cut short last week, and I didn’t get to know you more. Though I’m sure my son saw to it that you had a decent meal?” She quirked an eyebrow, and I could have sworn I saw a glimmer in her eyes.

  “He did,” I said, naming the restaurant he’d taken me to. Her smile grew wider. Not sure I wanted to go there, still uncertain about the strange feeling that pulsed in my chest when I thought about Niall, I went with her initial request to tell her about myself, figuring that was a much safer topic. “What else would you like to know about me?”

  “Hmm.” Merida reached for a bright purple fruit and brought it to her lips as she tilted her head in thought. “So, what is Earth like? I’ve heard horror stories of the state Earth is in these days. If what I’ve heard is even somewhat true, just surviving should be considered a victory.”

  She wasn’t far from the truth, and I confirmed that the divide between the rich and the poor had widened dramatically, and how it was becoming more difficult to live a decent life with the constant hike in the cost of living.

  Merida’s eyes were bright as she reached out and took my hand in hers. “You’ve done well making something of yourself. I’m certain your parents would be proud.”

  Unexpectedly, tears pricked my eyes, the genuine kindness in her words touching me deeply.

  “Thank you,” I managed to say.

  Merida squeezed my hand. “I have much respect for you, continuing to work so hard even when I’m sure it seemed fruitless at times. No doubt, that work ethic caught Niall’s attention when your contract was up for auction.”

  I cleared my throat, unsure what to say. It had been so long since I lost my parents. So very long since I’d had a woman to talk to like this, and Merida made it feel effortless. I struggled to blink back tears as I was reminded of my own mother’s pep talks and encouraging words. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed and needed that until this very moment.

  As if she understood without me saying it aloud, Merida gave me a gentle pat on the hand. “I promise you’ll be well taken care of while you’re here on Hollander. I’ll see to it myself, but I have a feeling Niall will do just fine with that on his own.”

  There was an undercurrent in her tone I didn’t quite understand, but before I could question it or think about it, she dove right in to speaking about her sons. She had nothing but praise for the three of them, Niall especially, though I didn’t get the impression she played favorites.

  It was clear she adored all three of her sons, and I inquired about when I might meet them.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t met Soren yet. He’s usually around the palace grounds. He’s a physician here on Hollander. Aiken, on the other hand, comes and goes. He recently was home for a visit, but he’s since returned to the planet where he’s away for schooling.”

  “I look forward to meeting them,” I said, surprised to find that I truly meant it. “And the king as well.”

  I hoped that wasn’t too forward, and if Merida’s smile was any indication, it wasn’t.

  “I would like that too.” Then, in what felt like an abrupt shift in the conversation, she said, “What I’d truly like, though, is for my sons to all find good wives and be happy.”

  My mind immediately went to Yivonne, and an uncomfortable emotion I couldn’t quite identify washed over me. That woman was definitely not suited for Niall.

  Merida leaned closer and gave me a conspiratorial look, once again seeming to read my mind. “Many people think that status is what’s most important when it comes to my sons choosing wives.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I’m not one of those people, though. Nor am I a speciesist. I want my sons to marry for love. And if that means any of them were to choose a human for a wife, I would welcome them with open arms.”

  I could feel the heat rising up my chest and neck, and knew my face had to be bright red. Merida might be many things, but subtle wasn’t one of them. I had no idea what to say to that, so I busied myself with devouring one of the pastries, my mind spinning at the implication. Did she think there was something going on between Niall and me? The thought of it had me blushing even harder.

  Thankfully, she changed the subject to asking me what I thought of Hollander so far, and before long she stood and stated that she had things to attend to.

  “I know Niall has already made sure you can stroll through the grounds, but I’ve also made sure all the guards allow you to come into the palace itself,” she said with another of those disarming smiles that put me at ease. “You’re more than welcome anytime you’d like, Brittany. There are plenty of diversions if you’re looking for something to do. A pool, a gym, and any form of entertainment imaginable.”

  “That sounds lovely,” I said, rising with her. “Especially the pool. I’m afraid I don’t have a suit, though.” Swimming hadn’t been high on my list of priorit
ies back home. Working, eating, and sleeping were all I had time for.

  Merida let out a peal of laughter then took a seat once more. “In that case…”

  She pulled out a small device from a pocket hidden in the folds of her dress and tapped the screen a few times. It was similar to the holographic screen at the restaurant, but much smaller.

  “Here, use my Holopad. You can browse the retail catalogs and find a swimsuit. Order anything you like.”

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t,” I said, but she waved off my protests.

  “Nonsense. I insist. Anything you like, just place an order and it will arrive within minutes.”

  I’d thought she was exaggerating, but after I found a shimmering purple suit with elaborate strappy ties across the back that I absolutely loved, it truly was only a matter of minutes before a notification popped up on the Holopad.

  Merida leaned over and read it for me as the Hollander text just looked like a bunch of scribbles to me. “Your order has arrived!”

  She jumped up from her seat and headed to the door, and I was hot on her heels. Sure enough, when she opened the door, there was a package sitting on the front doorstep, and a tiny little robotic droid was flying away.

  “Well, that takes convenience to a whole new level.”

  Merida laughed. “I think you’ll find some of the perks of living on Hollander are beyond your wildest imagination.”

  I had no doubt about that. So far, I had zero complaints, especially now that Niall was acting so kindly.

  “Thank you so much, Merida,” I said, hoping she recognized the sincerity in my voice.

  “Think nothing of it, my dear. I’m more than happy to help.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek, then was breezing through the door. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”

  She disappeared down the walk, leaving me alone. I scooped the package up and hurried to my bedroom to change. I found a sheer short dress that would work well for a coverup, and in a matter of moments I was headed up to the palace.

  Just as Merida had promised, the guards to the palace also knew who I was, and all I had to do was ask, and one pointed me in the direction of the pool. I found it easily enough on the west side of the palace. The garden surrounding it was just as beautiful as everything else I’d seen on the palace grounds, and as I slipped into the refreshing water, I sighed at the pure pleasure of it all.

  It had been far too long since I went swimming, and I’d never swam in such a beautiful location before. I felt utterly spoiled, almost as if I were a princess myself. Perhaps I could get used to living on Hollander after all. I was starting to see why Dina might have stuck around once her contract was up all those years ago.

  After swimming a few laps, I floated on my back, staring up at the brilliant azure blue of the cloudless sky. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so relaxed, and I let my eyes drift closed, luxuriating in the feel of the water on my skin and the warmth of the Hollander sun.

  The sudden sound of a voice startled me so badly, I jerked, and my body slipped under the water.

  Barely a second later, I felt myself being dragged back up to the surface. I spluttered and gasped for breath, shocked.

  “What—” I blinked against the brightness of the sun, stunned to see Niall standing before me in the pool, water cascading down his face, his yellow hair dripping like mine.

  “Are you okay?” he demanded, his expression frantic as he searched my face. He strengthened the hold he had on my arm where he’d grabbed me and hauled me up.

  I nodded mutely, too stunned to speak. A look of relief washed over his chiseled features. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. You just looked so… For a minute I thought—” He sucked in a breath. “I just had to make sure you were okay.”

  He reached out with his free hand and brushed my hair back from my face, more gently than I would have thought possible from a man as large and muscled as him, his lingering concern still visible as if he had to make absolutely certain I was fine.

  That was when I realized his chest was completely bare. A faint thrumming sounded in my ears, and it took me a moment to realize it was my blood pounding as my pulse kicked into overdrive. I sucked in a breath as I stared at him. It was the first time I’d ever seen him without a shirt, and holy hell, he was magnificent.

  Broad planes and sharp lines, and perfectly carved muscles that put every other man I’d ever seen to shame. His golden-yellow skin glistened in the sunlight reflecting off the water droplets that ran in rivulets down his chest, his stomach, lower.

  I swallowed hard, and a pull in my lower belly had me feeling like I couldn’t breathe—why couldn’t I breathe?

  His tattoos seemed even more vibrant now, entirely covering his chest, shoulders, and arms. My fingers twitched, itching to reach out and trace the colorful designs.

  A deep rumble sounded in Niall’s chest, and I jerked my gaze up to his face, only to find his silver eyes smoldering like coals as he stared down at me. He tightened his grip on me, and when he spoke, his voice was strained, ragged. It sent a delicious shiver down my spine.

  “You can’t look at me like that and expect me to be a gentleman, Brittany.”

  The sound of my name on his lips in that husky voice, along with the fire in his eyes, did something to me. I was hyperaware of the distance between us—or lack thereof.

  My heart thundered, and I realized in that moment what I was feeling. I was turned on. In a way I’d never known. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch him, to know what it would feel like to have his body under my hands.

  With a rush of boldness I didn’t question, I placed my palms flat on his chest, then trailed my fingers down slowly, tracing the lines of his tattoos.


  The warning in his voice was unmistakable. But now that I’d started, I couldn’t stop. I ran my fingers back up over his chest, my body seeming to have a mind of its own. I raked my gaze over his body, my breath coming in shallow pants, and when I sunk my teeth into my lower lip, something in Niall seemed to snap.

  Moving faster than should be possible, he grabbed my waist and moved us through the water until he’d pressed me up against the side of the pool.

  He pinned me with his body, a wall of hot flesh and hard muscle, and before I could think twice about what was happening, he’d crushed his lips down on mine.

  Hard and demanding, he kissed me. My mouth fell open on a gasp, and he dove right in, sweeping his tongue against mine.

  Every nerve in my body sparked to life, an electric current igniting me until I felt like I might combust. As if they had a mind of their own, my arms wrapped around him, my nails digging into his back, and a growl rumbled from his mouth.

  I shuddered, pure pleasure coursing through me as he kissed me like I’d never been kissed in my entire life. Like my body had been made for this, I responded instinctively, kissing him back with a frenzied passion I couldn’t comprehend.

  My chest felt tight as I lost myself in the kiss, a pulling sensation drawing me ever closer to him. It was the same feeling I’d had all week when I thought about him, a pull I didn’t understand. All I knew was it felt right, and I wanted more.

  I gave myself over to the feeling, letting my body take charge as he kissed me senseless. There was no room for thinking, only feeling. The caress of his tongue nearly sent me over the edge, and I moaned his name.

  He dug his fingers into my waist where he still held me tightly, nearly crushing me between the wall of the pool and his hard body, and I loved every second of it. I could feel the strength of him, and the equal amount of restraint he was using to not consume me entirely.

  It only turned me on more. Was he feeling this too? This undeniable connection? This burning, pulsing, all-consuming need?

  Just when I thought I might break apart into a million pieces, Niall broke the kiss, pulling back from me and staring down at me as he panted raggedly, his eyes still blazing with bright quicksilver flames.
  He took another deliberate step back, dropping his hands from my waist, and I could see the war raging within him.

  He swallowed, then spoke, his voice rough and gravelly. “I won’t cross any lines you’ve drawn, Brittany… But I can’t bring myself to regret that kiss.”

  My heart pounded harder, and the insatiable desire to pull him back to me nearly drowned out any sense of self-preservation I had left. I was hanging on by a thread.

  He stepped closer again but kept a few inches between our bodies as he leaned down and brushed his lips over mine one more time, as if he didn’t quite trust himself. I wasn’t sure I trusted myself, either.

  “If you want more of me, you’ll have to come to me next time,” he whispered against my lips.

  Next time… I could barely process what had just happened. The thought of next time, though, had my thighs shaking and my body feeling as if it were on fire. What was going on with me? I’d been kissed before, but never had it left me so utterly wrecked and needy.

  Niall stepped to the side, and then hauled himself out of the pool in one smooth motion, his muscles bunching and flexing. A liquid tug low in my belly had me biting my lip, and I barely kept myself from pulling him back into the pool.

  “Be careful,” he said with one last glance down at me. “Enjoy your swim.”

  Then he was gone, striding out of the pool area and along a garden path. I watched his retreating back until he disappeared around a corner.

  Lifting a hand to my lips, I tried to put myself back together, tried to make sense of what just happened. The feeling in my chest pulsed, that invisible string between us pulling taut as if it were drawing me along with him, insisting I follow him and figure out what the hell was going on.

  But I didn’t. I forced myself to stay put until my breathing returned to normal and my body didn’t feel as if it were going to ignite at any moment.


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