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Maid For An Alien Prince: A SciFi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Exchange Program Book 1)

Page 15

by Roxie Ray

  We didn’t even make it to dinner, the halfway prepped meal left on the counter as he hauled me off to bed. But I wasn’t complaining. Not when I had a big sexy alien prince to keep me satisfied all night.

  The next morning, I met Sophie for coffee just as we’d planned. Of course, Kain was trailing right behind me.

  Sophie lifted her eyebrows as I sat down at the table she’d already claimed, and then she glanced at Kain.

  “I mean really, who are you to have that dude hot on your heels every day?”

  I laughed off her question, and we chatted while we waited for the orders we’d placed on the touch screen on the table. Sophie was an open book, telling me anything and everything I wanted to know about her.

  She’d been here on Hollander for three years, working for the same person.

  “So you didn’t want to return to Earth when your contract was up?” I asked, genuinely curious. Was this common? Dina had done the same. It made me think even more about what I might do when my year was up.

  “Why would I?” Sophie asked, eyes wide. “I mean, just look around. I don’t know about you, but in my opinion, Earth pales in comparison. I love it here.”

  I smiled. “I can understand that.” And I truly could, especially if staying meant Niall and I could really explore our future together.

  Our coffees were delivered, and they were even better than I’d hoped for. Similar to what was found on Earth, but the flavor profiles were so much more nuanced. That was how it was with everything here. Every sound, every sight, every scent, every taste—they were all heightened in a way that made me fall in love with this planet even more every day.

  Sophie and I continued to chat for a while, and I found that I really liked her a lot. I could see us becoming fast friends.

  “So,” she said with a sly smile after we’d finished our coffee. “Tell me about this prince of yours that you work for. What’s going on there?” She winked, implying there was more going on than just me working for him.

  I laughed, feeling giddy just at the prospect of some girl talk about my man. I felt completely at ease around Sophie, and it was nice to finally be able to discuss Niall’s and my relationship with someone who wasn’t directly connected to the royal family.

  I opened my mouth to tell her about Niall but before I could, a strange look came over her normally sweet face. She looked more than a little upset.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, turning to follow Sophie’s gaze. Oh.

  Just across the shop stood none other than Yivonne. Yay. My favorite person. She was at the counter, ordering a coffee from a droid barista.

  Sophie glanced back at me, her nose wrinkling in distaste. “That woman over there—her name is Yivonne. Let’s just say that not many people here are very fond of her.”

  I laughed at her sugar-coated take on the woman. “Believe me, I know. I’ve been in her presence once before, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience.”

  Sophie leaned in, giving me a bit of juicy gossip about Yivonne’s family. “They’re basically gold diggers. Even though her father is rich, it’s never enough.” She lowered her voice further. “It’s even been rumored that Yivonne and her mother have been planning her marriage to Prince Niall since she was a little girl.”

  I lifted my brows. Well. That explained a lot of her hostility toward me. But honestly, that wasn’t my problem. Just because she wanted to marry the crown prince and climb the social ladder didn’t mean I had to let it affect me. Niall wasn’t interested in her.

  He was interested in me, though. And as far as I was concerned, he was mine.

  A smile pulled at my lips as I thought about last night, and an idea began to form. Perhaps tonight, I should show just how much he belonged to me.

  “What’s that look?” Sophie asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.

  “Oh, nothing,” I said, though I knew the glimmer in my eyes said differently. “Just that I’m pretty sure Niall isn’t on board with that plan of hers.”

  Sophie laughed. “That could be a problem.”

  I grinned. Indeed.

  But after I left the shop, Kain still trailing behind me, I forgot all about Yivonne and her absurd plans. Instead I got to work on my own plan for the night ahead.

  “I have several more stops to make,” I told Kain, making a mental list of what I needed to purchase, starting with some brand-new lingerie. I couldn’t wait for Niall to get home.



  The minute I walked in the door, an exotic scent hit me. A hint of something floral as well as something cloying and heady.

  Brittany was nowhere to be found. But I followed my nose, and it led me straight to my bedroom. The door was shut, but I had no doubt Brittany was in there.

  I knocked on the door, and her voice drifted through. “Come in.”

  I didn’t know what I was expecting, but when I pushed open the bedroom door, my entire body sprang to attention.

  Brittany was sprawled across my bed in nothing but black lacy lingerie, her dark waves spread out over the pillows. The source of the smell was now evident. There were several bouquets of roses scattered around, including petals all over the bed surrounding my sexy as hell mate. Candles were flickering—the only light in the room, and incense burned on a tray near the bed.

  A bottle of Vamblosne and two long-stemmed glasses sat on the tray as well. I took it all in then zeroed in on Brittany as I strode toward the foot of the bed in seconds flat. My body was hyperaware of every breath, every movement that she made, and my cock already strained against my pants.

  “What’s the special occasion?” I asked, my gaze roving all over her body. The lace of the lingerie was sheer, revealing most of her creamy skin and only covering the essential areas. The sheer tease of seeing her like that had me wanting to rip the fragile lace right off of her.

  Brittany lifted one delicate shoulder, her eyes twinkling and a seductive smile pulling at her lips as she said, “I wanted to do something special for you.”

  “Believe me,” I said, shrugging off my shirt. “I feel extremely special.”

  How had I gotten so lucky to have a woman such as her for a mate? She was everything I ever could have wanted; I just never knew what I was looking for until I found her.

  Brittany’s dropped her gaze to my chest, and she breathed a little faster. The heat in those deep brown eyes had me growing even harder with every second that passed.

  Slowly, wanting to tease her a little myself, I began to unbutton my pants. She lowered her eyes to follow my movements, and a rush of desire raced through me when she darted her tongue out to lick her lips.

  Fuck, the things she did to me, the way she made me feel. And I fucking loved her reaction to my body. I didn’t think I would ever tire of seeing her aroused just at the sight of me. And that just so happened to go both ways. It was all I could do not to fuck her senseless every time we were in the same room together.

  When I was completely stripped bare, I reached forward and grabbed her ankles, pulling her to the edge of the bed.

  She let out a gasp and a little squeal that had my cock throbbing. “I’m going to show you just how special you make me feel, sweetheart.”

  Without waiting for a response, I pushed her legs apart and fluidly dropped to my knees. She squirmed, little pants coming from those sexy lips as she looked down between her legs at me. Her tits were rising and falling with every breath, and it was all I could do, once again, not to rip that lace free.

  I gave her a wicked smirk and a wink, then slung her legs over my shoulders and gripped her ass, pulling her even closer to the edge of the bed so that her pussy was right in front of my face.

  “Oh, god, Niall,” she said, wiggling her hips, trying to get some sort of contact with me.

  “Patience, baby,” I murmured, though I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to hold out. I pressed my mouth to the scrap of fabric covering her pussy, and she cried out, bucking off the bed.

  I chu
ckled darkly, arching a brow at her. “You like that?” I asked.

  She whimpered, reaching for my head, tangling her fingers in my hair. I loved it when she did that. Like she was so desperate for me.

  I pressed a kiss to her center, then opened my mouth and licked her through the fabric, which was already drenched with her desire.

  “Niall,” she moaned, her head whipping from side to side as she squirmed some more. I gripped her ass harder, pinning her to the bed.

  “Be still, sweetheart,” I growled, and then tugged at the scrap of lace with my teeth. With one quick movement, I tore it free.

  Her eyes went wide, and she lifted her head from the bed to stare at me, her pupils blown out with lust. “Did you just—”

  I laughed again, and the words died in her throat, turning into a low moan as my voice vibrated against her clit. Unable to wait any longer to taste my sexy little mate, I flicked my tongue over her clit, then dragged it lower through her folds, lapping up her juices.

  She arched against me, and I pressed my mouth more firmly against her pussy, spreading her open with my lips, delving into her warmth with my tongue. Once, twice, three times, I thrust my tongue inside her wetness before pulling back to lick every inch of her hot little cunt.

  Fuck, I could do this for hours. Days. Maybe forever. I didn’t think I would ever tire of the feel of her, the taste of her, the sounds she made as I pleasured her and pushed her to the brink of sanity.

  She writhed beneath me, her thighs quaking, and I continued to devour her, savoring every last drop of her sweet juices. My cock grew harder and harder with every moan that left her lips.

  And then she was coming, my sweet little human. My mate. The woman who had already come to mean so much to me. She bucked against me, her back arching up off the bed. She let go of my hair and gripped the sheets, crushing the rose petals in the process as her entire body shook with the force of her release.

  I drank her in, loving every second of it. Loving that I was the one making her come apart beneath me. Wanting this moment to last forever.

  But soon enough she was coming down from her orgasm, her body still shaking with aftershocks, her breath ragged and her eyes wild. She locked her gaze with me, heat burning bright, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Insatiable,” I murmured, pressing one last kiss to her swollen pussy lips.

  She bit her lip in that sexy way of hers. I didn’t even think she was aware that she did it, or the effect it had on me. She looked so sweet and innocent when she looked up at me like that through lowered lids. But I was starting to learn that my sweet little mate was a firecracker in the bed, just like she was outside of it.

  It was one of the million things I loved about her. Brittany sat up on the bed and reached for me, grabbing my arms and pulling me toward her.

  I climbed up on the bed, hovering over her, a smile on my lips as I stared down at her.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me, sweetheart?”

  She reached down between my legs and wrapped her fingers around my cock, stroking up and down a few times as she grinned wickedly. “I have a pretty good idea.”

  I groaned, dropping my head to rest on her chest, lost for a moment in the feeling of her silky hands caressing my length. So. Fucking. Perfect.

  I rubbed my nose over her tits, breathing in her sweet scent, and then I captured her pebbled nipple in my teeth and tugged.

  She moaned once more—yeah, that was definitely my favorite sound in all of the universe—tightening her hand on my cock. I shuddered, anticipation coursing through me at her touch.

  “I need to see you,” I said, my words rough and gravelly, my breath ragged.

  I pushed up on my knees and raked my gaze up and down her luscious body, pausing for a minute to watch her stroke my cock. She looked so tiny beneath me. She was so tiny compared to me. But she definitely wasn’t weak.

  No, she was one of the strongest women I’d ever met, on this planet or otherwise. The strength she’d shown in the past few days left me in awe, and I knew there was no one else as suited as her to be my mate—and no one I’d rather have than her. She was perfect.

  Slowly, I began to undress her, unfastening the hooks and clasps of the sexy lingerie. It was almost a shame that I’d already ripped it up. But her response had been well worth it.

  “I’ll buy you a new one,” I promised with a wink when I finally had her laid bare before me. I held up the scraps of fabric, and she let out a husky laugh.

  “Believe me, it was worth it.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” I said before pulling her up to her knees. I took her hands and moved them from my cock to wrap them around my neck.

  Then I flipped us around so I was lying on my back with Brittany straddling my hips. The heat of her pussy was just inches from my cock.

  She lowered herself further, rubbing her pussy lips over the length of my shaft, spreading her wetness all over me.

  “Fuck, baby,” I groaned, digging my fingers into her thighs.

  She stared down at me with heavy-lidded eyes, rocking her hips back and forth as she rested her palms on my chest. A look of pure bliss spread over her face when she found the perfect spot and she rolled her hips around and around, using my piercings to tease her clit.

  Damn, how did I get so lucky? I thought for what had to be the hundredth time. She was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  I let her do her thing, resting my hands behind my head as she pleasured us both. After a few moments, though, the pressure began to build in my dick, my balls tightening as my orgasm edged closer.

  This wasn’t how I wanted to come, though. I wanted to be buried so deep inside her that I didn’t know where I ended and she began.

  Without warning, I grabbed her and flipped her once more so she was face down on the bed, her squeal of surprise making my cock throb and ache. I grabbed her hips and pulled them high in the air, admiring the arch of her spine, the curve of her hips, the pink dampness of her swollen pussy peeking out between her legs.

  Taking my cock in one hand, and steadying her with the other, I teased her slit, running the tip of my cock up and down until she was begging me for more.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. Gently, I pushed inside her, taking her slowly, not wanting to hurt her. But I should have known better.

  Brittany slammed her hips back against me, taking all of me until I bottomed out. The pleasure was so intense I nearly blew my load then and there. But I hung on by a thread, needing to feel her come on my cock first.

  I glanced down, loving the way it looked to have my cock so deep inside her, and gripping her hips, I began thrusting harder and faster. She moaned my name, and I marveled at the way she felt. She was so tight, so wet, and we fit together perfectly.

  It shouldn’t have been possible for her to take all of my considerable length, but something about the mating bond caused her body to adapt, and it was like her body had been flawlessly molded to mine.

  I ran my hand up and down the length of her spine, tracing her curves with my fingers, and she shuddered at my touch. She clamped her pussy down on my cock, squeezing me and milking me as another orgasm overtook her body. She threw her head back and looked over her shoulder at me.

  When our eyes locked, it was like I was taken to another plane of existence. Something in my chest seemed to snap, and our connection grew stronger than it ever had before.

  Mine. She was mine. And I never wanted to let her go. Emotion swirled within me as I continued to fuck her, our gazes holding all the while. Then my own release was taking hold, my cock swelling and throbbing as I filled her tight little pussy, my cum mingling with her own.

  I could barely breathe as we collapsed to the bed together in a tangle of limbs, completely spent. For a few moments, the only sound was our panting as we struggled to catch our breath.

  I pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “That was pretty damn special,” I said, smiling.

  “Mission accomplished then,” she
replied, her voice still ragged.

  Not ready to break our connection, I kept my still-hard cock inside her as I moved us slightly on the bed so I could wrap my arms around her from behind.

  “How was your day?” I asked as I sprinkled her back with light kisses.

  She laughed. “Right. My day.” She shook her head. “Sorry, I forgot anything else existed for a minute there.”

  I chuckled, knowing exactly what she meant. It was starting to get dark out, but we hadn’t even had dinner yet. I was fine with that, though. I was more than happy to come home to this every night.

  Brittany turned slightly so she could look at me and then told me about her day. How she’d had coffee with that woman she’d met yesterday—Sophie. I listened without interrupting, but I decided to look into this woman. I didn’t know who she was, and it was better to be safe than sorry, especially in light of our ongoing investigation into who wanted to hurt Brittany.

  Instinctively, I tightened my arms around her. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. That was a vow I would uphold with my very life.

  The intensity of the emotion I felt at that was overwhelming, but it was my mate we were talking about here. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe and happy.

  Brittany’s voice grew tired as she finished telling me about her trip to the market, and I held her as she fell asleep. But eventually I knew I had to get up. There were things I needed to take care of, even though I’d much rather stay right here in bed with Brittany until tomorrow.

  Slipping silently out of bed, I went to my home office down the hall and called Kain on my communicator. His image appeared on the holoscreen a moment later, and I could make out the guest house where he was staying in the background.

  “Dude,” he growled, apparently put out. “Put some fucking clothes on.”

  I looked down and laughed but adjusted the screen so he could only see me from the waist up. “Deal with it.”


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