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Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance

Page 29

by Posey Parks


  The next morning, Sierra ran around our home in Portland, placing notes on items to be shipped to Newark.

  “Dillon, I’m happy we are keeping our house. Portland is important to me,” she said, slipping into my arms in the middle of our living room.

  “I understand, Sierra. I can run my business from anywhere for the most part. Some holidays and summers will be spent here.” I kissed her pretty lips.

  “How did your walk through go this morning with Corelay?”

  She smiled. “It went well. Corelay is doing a wonderful job. I told her we will give her a raise.”

  “Good,” I smiled.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  She stood back, scanning the living room she recently redecorated. “Yes.”

  “Sierra, we just bought a new house. You can spend all your free time redecorating.”

  “Yeah, ok.” She walked over to the stairs.

  “Shana and Jason, grab your two toys and let’s go. Everything else will arrive in a couple of days.”

  “We are coming Mommy,” Shana stated.

  The kids tore down the stairs toward us.

  “Whoa, whoa, what’s all this?” I asked.

  “Dillon, I need my look like me doll and two Barbies.”

  I leaned down. “And Jason, what about you, buddy?”

  “I couldn’t leave my bears and Daddy’s football.”

  “All right, to the truck, guys.” I smiled.


  We sat in my in-laws sitting room, waiting for Dillon and Lily.

  My kids ran into the room, attacking my legs. “Hey, you two! Did you have fun this summer?”

  “Yes, we went swimming every day!” they shouted.

  They turned their attention to Shana and Jason.

  Marsha walked over. “Hello, everyone.”

  Sierra and the kids said their hellos.

  Ed stepped into the room. “Hello, Dillon.”

  “Hey, Ed. Thanks again for taking care of these little trouble makers.” I pointed to Dillon and Lily.

  “It was no problem at all.” He smiled.

  “Dillon and Lily, give Mommy a hug!” Lindsay walked into the room kneeling. The kids ran into her arms.

  I glanced at Ed, then back at Lindsay.

  Lindsay peeped up at me. “My mother called me. She said I should say goodbye to the kids since I won’t see them for awhile.”

  I didn’t say a word. She wanted to get a rise out of me.

  She held the kids’ hands, walking closer. “Sierra.”

  “Hello, Lindsay.”

  Lindsay waved and smiled at Shana and Jason.

  Her eyes fell back on me. “You in a suit? That’s different. Well a custom suit anyway,” she stated, staring me up and down.

  She wasn’t going to stop pushing. “Baby, take the kids to the truck.”


  Cruise stepped forward, retrieving the kids’ luggage.

  “Lindsay, let’s talk in private.”


  I followed her into Ed’s office, closing the door behind us.

  I threw my arms out. “Go ahead, Lindsay, get it off your chest.”

  She folded her arms, circling me like a shark. “Dillon Sergio Magarelli, the governors son. How convenient you hid that from me all these years. I never knew you! Does she know you?”


  “She’s ok living with a liar?!”

  “Sierra is none of your concern! You are angry because of the custody arrangement.”

  “You are damn right!”

  “I did what I needed to protect my children. You can party as much as you want now. I will still send the kids to visit you. However, the child support is over. I am financially taking care of them now. Hell, really like I’ve always done. You never had to provide for the children financially. The house is paid off. I agreed to continue paying spousal support for three years. That is, it! I am being generous. If you don’t find a job in three years that is your problem. Have your boyfriend Blake take care of you because soon I will be done! I have a wife and children to support. We are growing our family. Sierra is pregnant. My family is my priority.”

  “Is that why she stayed? Because she is having your baby?”

  “What the fuck?!” No. I told you before, she isn’t all about money. Just like you, she comes from money. The difference is, she doesn’t need me to take care of her. She’s a business owner.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “You know what? This conversation is over!” I began walking toward the door.

  “Yeah, leave, Mr. Billionaire!”

  I halted not turning to make eye contact. I continued on my way.



  My parents and my sister were waiting in the atrium when we walked into the house. They were excited to spend time with the kids. After our greetings with the family, Sierra pulled me aside.

  “Dillon, I am going to take Shana and Jason upstairs and show them their bedrooms. Then we are going out to dinner, alone.”

  “Sierra, what?!”

  “Dillon, it’s ok. Let Dillon and Lily spend time with their grandparents. You should spend time with them too. You all have been apart for a long time.”

  I was pissed.

  “Dillon, you are turning beet red. Calm down.” She wrapped her arms around my waist. “Baby, it’s ok.”

  “It’s not,” I huffed. “Cruise and Jasper will accompany you.”

  “Ok.” She turned her attention to the kids. Sierra swooped Jason up into her arms. “Shana, let’s go upstairs.”

  I walked over to Cruise. “Listen, you protect my family today! Take Jasper with you. When Sierra mentions going to dinner, you call me with the restaurant information. I will be there.”

  “Absolutely, Mr. Magarelli.”

  “Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa are taking us on a tour of the castle!” Lily yelled.

  I laughed.

  She grabbed my hand. “Come on Daddy. Grandpa said you grew up here.”

  I held her hand as we walked through the elaborate mansion. I was trying to focus on the kids, but my mind wandered to Sierra.

  The house we bought needed major renovations. The bathrooms, bedrooms, and living room need to be remodeled.

  For now, we will have to live in a construction zone. Living here isn’t an option. I don’t want Shana and Jason to feel left out because Dillon and Lily are getting all the attention. Dillon and Lily can visit my parents. My parents will have to understand they need to spend time with Shana and Jason too. All of them are my children.


  Sierra and the kids were sitting down to dinner when I walked into the colorful kid friendly restaurant. “Dillon!” Jason shouted.

  I scooped him up out of his chair, hugging him tight. “Did you have fun today?”


  “Shana, what about you?” She looked up from the kid menu.

  “Jersey Shore is fun!”

  I glanced at Sierra. “Jersey Shore, huh?”

  “Yes, Dillon. The kids and I had fun at Jenkinson’s Boardwalk.”

  “Dillon, we couldn’t see everything today. We didn’t have enough time.”

  “Shana, don’t worry about it. We will go back to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk tomorrow as a family.”


  I placed Jason back in his chair. He returned to scribbling on the paper menu with a blue crayon. I settled in next to Sierra.

  She leaned into my ear. “Dillon, you didn’t have to come. We would have been fine.”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist as I stared at the menu. “Baby, I did. I love you guys. We are going to have a great time this weekend.”

  Sierra smiled, resting her head on my shoulder.


  Before the summer ended I felt it was important I handle a certain problem. Dillon sometimes entertained th
e other bosses at the family’s night club. One of the waitresses must have informed her each time Dillon arrived at the club. Without fail the Gnat would appear. She wore revealing dresses trying to gain Dillon’s attention.

  Stretched out in a lounge chair on the front deck of my yacht, I absorbed the sun.

  “Mrs. Magarelli, your guest is here.”

  I stood shrugging on my sheer orange bikini cover up. My eyes made contact with hers from behind the orange tinted aviator sunglasses. “Thank you, Adriana.”

  Her cold brown eyes stared back. She nodded. Adriana led the way sashaying toward the State room in her Christian Louboutin white and gold studded sneakers. Adriana’s blonde hair was swooped up into a long pony tail. Her Glocks were concealed in holsters under her red blouse. The black capris hugged Adriana’s slender frame.

  Strolling into the Stateroom, Adriana stood close to the entrance.

  “Good afternoon! I hope my men were pleasant,” I smiled.

  She glanced back at my two body guards from the gold sofa then back at me. “I was told Dillon wanted to see me.”

  I laughed as I retrieved my custom black and gold Glock from the counter top. Sashaying over, I sat before her on the cherry wood coffee table. My gun rested snug in my hand as I crossed my hands over my knees. “I sent for you.” I removed my sunglasses from my face, placing them beside me on the table. I cocked my head to the side. “Do you enjoy living on the edge, Maranda?”

  She twisted her lips. “I don’t want to talk to you. I want to see Dillon!”

  Hopping off the coffee table, I slapped her across the face with the Glock. My chest heaved in and out. “I’ve been more than nice; you annoying bitch! I am the Donna and you will respect me!” I spit.

  Stepping around the table I pointed my gun toward her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” She shielded her face with an extended hand.

  Squeezing the trigger, the bullet slammed into her arm.

  “Ouch!” she wailed, holding her bloody arm.

  “Every time Dillon is at his club handling business here you come. I’m tired of you sniffing behind my husband.” My unrelenting eyes stared into hers.

  The sound of a chopper could be heard overhead. “You get your last wish…to see my husband.”

  My eyes darted toward the door. Dillon stepped inside draped in a white linen suit. Red tinted aviators shielded his eyes.

  Dillon removed his aviator’s slipping them in his inner jacket pocket. “Hello, baby.” Dillon pulled me into his arms taking my orange matte lips. “You are fucking hot! Do you know what I plan to do to you?...” he glanced at his Hublot watch. “…In fifteen minutes?”

  “I have a pretty good idea,” I teased staring into his handsome face.

  He adjusted his cock. “All right, first things, first.” Dillon turned to Maranda. “Myself and my wife are tired. I’m tired of seeing you and my wife is tired of hearing about you.”

  “Dillon, I only wanted a little play time every now and then.”

  Dillon stepped behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His lips melted against my neck. “There’s only one woman who gets this dick and that’s Mrs. Magarelli my beautiful wife.”

  It was hot as fuck the way my husband couldn’t keep his hands off of me. Tears spilled down Maranda’s face. Staring into Maranda’s face, I extending my Glock again, then squeezed the trigger. The bullet slammed into Maranda’s forehead.

  Adriana stepped into view. Her stone cold eyes met mine.

  “She is to sleep with the fishes.”

  “Of course, Mrs. Magarelli.”

  Adriana placed the chain saw on the coffee table then unrolled a sheet of plastic.

  Dillon turned me around, scooping me up into his arms. He whisked me away to our bedroom. He snatched off my bikini cover up. I couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough. Dillon lay me on the bed ripping off my bikini bottoms. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I screamed the moment he filled me with his big dick. “God, I love you, Dillon!”

  “I love you so much, Sierra.” His hair rolled over my breasts. Quickly, he untied the bikini top, tossing it aside. His mouth devoured my breasts. Holding my thigh tight he hovered over me staring into my eyes. His hungry gaze was intense and sexy as fuck. Circling my hips, I met his thrust. Dillon and I yelled as we came. Nothing like an after-kill fuck.



  Sierra is handling her new role as the Donna well. I had to be there when she killed Maranda. My sexy killer wife. Just thinking about Sierra’s bad ass makes my dick hard.

  We were settling into our life in New Jersey, well. The kids enjoyed the summer. Our new house was a war zone. I hated living in the construction zone. It reminded me when I was remodeling Sierra’s house last year. I can’t believe we’ve been together for a year. The kids attend my old private school. Sierra and I are happy to have all our children attending school together.

  I loved watching Sierra’s belly grow. She tried working until she was nine months pregnant. I wasn’t having it. I worked from home in the month January. I wanted to be home when Sierra went into labor. We welcomed Nia Emma Magarelli into the world on January 22nd.

  Jason and Dillon wore big brother T-shirts, and Shana and Lily wore big sister T-shirts. They fawned all over their little sister. Running my fingers over her golden brown hair and staring into her little gray eyes stole my heart.

  My dream came true. The boys out-numbered the girls. Sierra had two boys. Carter Dillon Magarelli, then Jayden Dillon Magarelli. Carter has green eyes with brown hair and Jayden has gray eyes with golden brown hair. They are going to be lady killers when they get older.

  I remembered, Sierra and I laughed when we learned we were having another boy. She knew that was my goal, to out-number the girls. We were busy parents, but we wouldn’t change anything for the world. As time went on, my parents treated all their grandchildren the same. Made me proud.

  Sierra’s parents, on the other hand, refused to come to New Jersey to see their grandchildren. Sierra flew to Atlanta with our children to visit her family. I didn’t want our children to never see their grandparents, even if they hated me.

  Sierra is still the love of my life. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face. She’s an extraordinary wife. When she learns of women overstepping their boundaries, she deals with it in whatever way she sees fit. I only have eyes for my bella Sierra.

  My father found another man to replace him in office for the next term. My brother will eventually, run for governor and continue my father’s work in office and in the mafia. Under my reign as the Don, I make our family millions of dollars all over the world. I am the most successful Don to date. My grandfather doesn’t want me to stop running the Mafia. He wants my brother to remain the number two. Five years is the magic number. My grandfather will have to accept my brother as the new Don at that time. I will devote my time and energy to my wife and kids. It will be time for us to travel the world.

  Walking into our bedroom, I noticed Sierra standing on the balcony enjoying the sunset. I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Hey, baby. I missed you.”

  She rested her head against my chest. “I missed you to Dillon. I’m happy you are home.”

  “Yeah? Do you want to make another baby?”

  She turned in my arms. Her hands swept along my chest. Sierra’s beautiful gray eyes stared into mine. “Dillon!”

  “Yep, I take that as a yes.” I smiled, brightly.

  “Dillon, no. But I do want you to make love to me.” She licked her lips.

  “Baby, you don’t have to ask me twice!” I swooped her up into my arms carrying her to our bed.

  Laying her on the bed, I hovered over her. I swept my fingers through her long hair as our eyes locked. “Always remember I would be broken without you in my life. You make me whole. I am the happiest man in the world.”

  I am thankful for Sierra Magarelli.

bsp; Sierra’s fingers massaged my curly hair. “Dillon, you are my soul. I love you.”


  Note from Posey Parks

  Thank you so much for reading Hidden Witness 2.

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  Samantha Posey Love Unfolded

  Samantha Posey Love Reveals

  Samantha Posey Love Conquers

  Not Giving Up

  Not Giving Up 2

  The Set Dilemma


  Relentless Chase

  Relentless Chase 2

  Relentless Chase 3

  Hidden Witness

  Billionaire’s Stripper

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