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The Mountain Man's Baby

Page 26

by Alice Moore

  “I like that story…” Mumbling softly, I smiled while Nick released my hand, and I flexed my fingers before a little laugh bubbled up from my throat. “I like that story a lot. Do you have any others?”

  Picking up my take-out box, I gave only a little attention to not making a mess as Nick hummed. His smile was wide, and he leaned back against the wall to cross his long legs. This was something I couldn’t do with James; his stories always made me cringe.

  Savoring the relaxed atmosphere, I listened when Nick launched into another world tale with a lightness in my chest and Chinese food stretching my stomach.


  “Don’t be nervous, Hannah. You’ll do great.” Stroking Hannah’s knee as she sat fidgeting in the passenger seat, I put my car in park to idle against the sidewalk. The sun was bright, the day warm, and she flashed me a strained smile before reaching for the visor again. For once she wasn’t wearing a turtleneck; this 60 degree weather meant she’d bake in it. Instead, her bust was held back by a silk blouse, and her abs were hidden under a knee-length pencil skirt.

  Scanning Hannah through narrowed eyes as she checked her make up for the hundredth time, I clenched my jaw together and held back a grunt. Sexy couldn’t even begin to describe her, and against my jeans my cock strained as it had for the past half hour.

  “Don’t say that. Please, please, please don’t say I’ll be great. I don’t want to be great- that’s too much expectation. It’s my first day. I just want to get in on time for right now.” Grinning at how fast she spoke, I only shook my head before she popped open her door. “Thank you for the ride- I’ll see you later, James.”

  Waiting for Hannah to rush into the building before pulling off the curb, I raked my hand through my hair as I drove towards the west end of town. The difference was palpable even inside my car; run down buildings rose up on either side of the street, and children too young to be out alone were causing ruckus. Pulling into the parking lot of a seedy, little restaurant, I parked and hauled myself out of my car with tight muscles.

  Dropping myself onto a stool that groaned under my weight, I flagged the bartender for a beer mindlessly. The time only read 8:44 in the morning, but I couldn’t find it in me to care.

  Next to me, Frank scraped his plate before speaking up without so much as a glance my way.

  “I fucked up.” This was such a short admission, gravelly and rough, and I ducked my head in a silent question until he continued. “I need your help.”

  Furrowing my brows, I pursed my lips together to tilt my head, staring blankly at Frank. He hated me, I knew; he had every right to hate me after everything I did to get under his skin.

  And yet, he asked me here for help.

  “I’ll do what I can.” Truthfully, I didn’t know or care about what he needed, and Frank stiffened noticeably at my response. Dropping his fork with a harsh clatter, he made a noise of disgust that had the hairs on my arms standing on end. He looked twisted and stressed, and I couldn’t help but wonder what had him so riled up. Still, I kept my mouth shut. That was the best option when dealing with him and hoping to avoid a fight I knew I couldn’t win.

  “I need a surgeon. Here’s a list.” Passing me a folded piece of paper, Frank dug a few crumpled-up bills from his pocket and tossed them onto his plate. “Two days. Bring them here.”

  Just like that Frank stormed off, and I glanced around the otherwise empty place to unfold the paper. My beer hadn’t even arrived yet, but the thought was instantly wiped from my mind as I scanned the list.

  Needles. Saline. Feeding tube. Sauna. Restraints.

  Prenatal vitamins.

  My eyes widened at such specific needs, and I twisted to stare at the door.

  “What the fuck did you get yourself into, Frank?” Muttering to myself, I hopped off the stool and shoved the paper in my pocket. No one was around to answer my question, but I could guess well enough. Shaking my head wildly as I went back to my car, I rolled my jaw as my mind worked furiously.

  As surprised as I was that Frank had called me, I wasn’t sure I wanted in on whatever shit he was knee-deep in. I didn’t even know how he got my number; Nick hadn’t given it to him, nor anyone else, for that matter.

  Not that any of that mattered because I couldn’t get out now. Some part of me still obsessed about Frank, and that was why I made this trip. I could’ve ignored his call and all that would come of it was silent glares and animosity.

  I made it downtown before I decided to call Nash, and he picked up on the second ring. His voice filled my car, deep and drawling, and I set my phone on the center console as he spoke.

  “James- hey. What’s up? Did you already drop off that girl for her first day with Nick?” He sounded much too cheerful for me so early in the morning, and I grunted as I stopped at a red light.

  “Yeah. Have you seen Frank lately?” For just a second Hannah entered my mind, but I pushed her back as I posed my question. The speaker crackled loudly, and the light turned green before Nash offered a response.

  “Not in a week and a half or so. He said he had some shit to do and was going dark. Why?” Groaning softly at that, I banged the steering wheel weakly; if Frank didn’t tell Nash what was happening, he certainly didn’t want anyone to know about it.

  I was a necessity to whatever he was planning, nothing more.

  “Nothing. Forget I asked.”

  “Uh… okay? I’m going to hang up, then.” Just as he promised, Nash hung up, and I reached to rub my face in irritation. This is such a shit show.

  My day went by fast, and I didn’t even bother with the surgeon part of Frank’s request. Everything else was fairly easy to get; most medical supply stores sold most of what I needed. Even the prenatal vitamins were over the counter, and by the time the sun had started to set my trunk was weighed down heavily.

  Frank’s scrawling handwriting told me he needed a six-month supply of everything, and I scowled at the orange glow slathered across my hood. I’d spent all damn day running around just to avoid thinking about what that crazy bastard was going to do. I was an errand boy; that was what my life had been reduced to.

  It was illegal on so many levels, and I parked my car outside my apartment building to sit there for a moment. Frank knocked up a drug addict, and now he had to get her clean and healthy enough to carry. My lips thinned at that; he’d never struck me as the kind of man to care about that. Staring into space, I silently pondered if he’d grown a conscious in the past year or so since we’d last seen each other.

  I doubted it, but the possibility was there.

  “Fuck…” I didn’t want children- not in this crappy world. Frank was even more acquainted with the darkness than I was, and I wasn’t sure there was anything that could change my mind.

  Hannah’s image blossomed in my mind’s eye, and my eyelids shut tightly. She had her reservations about me, I knew. I wasn’t stupid enough to think she’d want a relationship on top of what she was going through. University- a new job- her life was just starting, and I wouldn’t get in the way.

  But fuck did I want her. On those nights she stayed over, I couldn’t think of a time when I was more content to hold her. Waking up to her hair splayed across my chest and her soft breaths tickling my neck was an addictive pleasure.

  This was how it was going to stay until I could work up the balls to ask her out once she’d settled into her work place. As long as I could have her, I didn’t care how it happened. Clenching my hands into fists at the thought, I took a deep, sharp breath before pulling my keys from the ignition and climbing out of my car.

  My apartment was empty, and I went a few doors down to knock on Nick’s door. As usual he answered immediately, his shirt unbuttoned and hair tousled from countless, raking fingers. Before I could even open my mouth, he spoke up, leaning on the door frame to cross his arms over his chest.

  “She’s not here. Ethan took her out to celebrate her first day of work with his girlfriend and one of her friends.” Frowning under my br
other’s keen, sharpened gaze, I glanced down the hallway even though Ethan wasn’t there. “You have to remember that Hannah’s the same age as Ethan, James. It’s not a bad thing to party on special occasions, you know.”

  “I know it’s not. That’s not what I was thinking.” My words came automatically, and Nick snorted roughly to draw my attention. His face contorted in annoyance, sending a scowl across mine as he shook his head.

  “You think he’s going to try to move on her, or put her in a situation that makes her uncomfortable. You’re not her father, James. She doesn’t need or want anyone looking over her shoulder criticizing her decisions. If she wants to go party with Ethan, then she will go, and you’ll end up pissing her off by getting your panties in a wad.” At the mention of that bastard I stiffened, and Nick arched an eyebrow as his frown deepened. “So, it is about him. James, Hannah has enough on her plate. Don’t complicate it.”

  “It’s not about him. For fuck’s sake- why do you always have to psychoanalyze me?” Nick’s eyes narrowed on me as I lied through my teeth, and I clenched my hands into fists. “Just because I know him doesn’t mean I feel guilty for his decisions, Nick.”

  “… If you say so. But I’m warning you now- this is going to get ugly quick if you don’t back the Hell off.”


  Looking out over my office, I crossed my ankles to lean on the door frame as I took in the bright atmosphere. The upturn the weather had taken had a visible effect, and I reached absently to loosen my tie. Everyone was eager to leave, to spend some time in the sun before it disappeared. Glancing down at my watch, I stared at the ticking second hand as it slowly but surely made its way to the 12.

  “You have a nice night, Nick.” Thomas waved as he past with a smile on his face, and I nodded in acknowledgement. The man had been my secretary since middle school, and for a moment I scanned his form as he took the long way around the cube farm.

  He was as gay as a roundabout, and he didn’t think I knew he was dating one of my senior staff members- who happened to sit on the far right corner of the farm. Watching them pass by each other, I could clearly see Thomas’ naughty, little smirk, and one of my own stretched my lips.

  My mind went back to the day we met in home economics. Thomas had the biggest crush on me, but he never acted on it. Thus, a great and comfortable friendship was born.

  One of the only true friendships I had.

  “You’re not leaving for the night?” Tearing my gaze off Thomas, I sucked in a sharp breath as Hannah sidled up next to me. She was light footed, and the slight shock of her words zinged through me. Clearing my throat, I shook my head while she watched, her bright, blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

  “Not right now, no. What about you? Any plans for tonight?” I already knew the answer to my question, and Hannah shrugged to bring my attention to the stack of folders in her arms.

  “I’m just finishing this. It’ll probably be a while.” She shuffled in her heels, a surefire sign of a liar, and I frowned down at her before she cracked. Heat blossomed in her cheeks, and she ducked her head to mumble as amusement bubbled up against my ribs. “James asked for a date, but I said ‘no’ because I was working late. At least now it’s not a lie?”

  “You need to tell him you’re not interested, and you probably won’t be. Seriously, Hannah, you’re to the point where you’re stringing him along.” Turning on my heel, I wandered into my office and wasn’t surprised when she followed me. These past two weeks since she began working were filled with these little moments. Most of the time, I found myself enjoying it- even looking forward to it. Everything she said had merit in some way or another, whether it was intellectual or emotional.

  For someone I once thought was shallow, Hannah was very much filled with a colorful depth she was only just beginning to explore.

  “I did… but he asked me anyway.” Leaning on my desk as she sat in a chair, I groaned at her little tidbit of information. Reaching to rub my neck in agitation, my fingertips tingled from the sharp surge of annoyance that warmed my blood. Hannah watched me, searching, and I rolled my brother’s idiocy around in my head. James’ and my conversation two weeks ago floated up to fill the space between my ears, and I glanced at Hannah with a heavy sigh.

  “Well… I don’t know what to tell you. I mean, you’re not the kind of girl to tell him to piss off, so you’ll just have to find another way, Hannah. Let’s drink and do paperwork, huh?” Without waiting for an answer, I wandered over to a low cabinet to open the doors and grab two wine glasses. There was a time and a place for certain kinds of alcohol, and I reached for a nice bottle of red wine to pop the cork expertly.

  “Why are you single anyway, Nick?” Hannah’s question came out of left field, and I stiffened as I poured our drinks. “You’re a great guy.”

  Twisting to pass her a glass, I held back a frown at the curiosity in her gaze, and my chest tightened. My thighs buzzed with the physical memory of her perfect, tight ass in my lap, but I only leaned on my desk to take a gulp of my wine. Every time she came to me instead of James, the rush that surged through me was unparalleled.

  I was a shitty brother, but Risha was right- Hannah was a person no one could dislike. That made it so much harder to keep her out of my head.

  “I’m single because money is the biggest threat to love. I don’t mind dropping a few grand on a woman as long as she’s upfront about it. Most of the time, they’ll put up a front- pretend and lie. I can’t stand that. If you want money, just tell me.” My voice roughened, and I stared absently at the carpeted floor to avoid looking at Hannah’s expression. I knew what she’d show me- pity at the fact that I think this way- but I didn’t want her pity. “After a while, I was content with simply dating and sex for the company.”

  “When I worked for Jonny, he told me all the time that the men that came into the club didn’t want to feel like they were paying the girls. Some of the good ones said it’s an art to keep the men from realizing how much they were taking out of their wallets. I would watch between my sets, and it looked really hard. Most of the time, the guys were drinking and belligerent, but the girls still acted like they understood and sympathized. That’s why Jonny never let me on the floor- I can’t do that.” Involuntarily flickering to Hannah, my eyes narrowed on the goosebumps that washed her unprotected arms. “I guess… the only difference is scenery.”

  “I guess it is.” Echoing her, I lifted my glass to my lips as Hannah glanced at me, copying my action. Something dark and excited passed through her eyes, and mine trailed down her front to rest on the files in her lap. “You already did all of that, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe…” Many things I might’ve been, but an idiot wasn’t one of them. My ears twitched at the sultry note in Hannah’s answer, and beneath my shirt I grew hot as she openly checked me out. She probably didn’t realize how blatant she was, but it’d been a long time since a woman looked at me like this. Usually their gazes went straight to my pants, but not to the bulge I would’ve preferred.

  “Does James know you have a crush on me?” Capturing Hannah’s gaze, surprise rocketed through me when she didn’t blush fiercely and look away. Ethan had mentioned experiencing the same thing, and I clenched my jaw tightly. She was shy about the strangest things, but direct questions weren’t on that list.

  “I don’t know.” Nor do I particularly care. It was almost as if she’d said that part out loud, and I drew my brows together as she took another sip from her glass. A sick part of me was glad beyond measure that Hannah wanted me and not James, and I didn’t bother to beat it down. My brother was chasing after unrequited desire; Hannah had already told him she didn’t want him in that way.

  The fact that they were still friends with benefits was irrelevant.

  In the growing silence we stared at each other, and with each heavy, passing second my abdomen tightened. The tent in my pants was almost noticeable, and I gulped down the rest of my wine before setting the glass on my desk.

“Do you remember what I told you during our interview?” Sauntering over to Hannah on stiff legs, I gripped the arms of her chair to lean in close to her face. Through narrowed eyes I watched her nod, and I put my weight on one arm to drag my fingertips down the opening of her blouse. “Good. I don’t like to repeat myself.”

  Popping one of the snaps, I didn’t bother to hide my grin as Hannah sucked in air with a whistle, thrusting her chest against my knuckles. Pink flooded her cheeks, but she was as still as the grave. Traveling down, I fingered the bridge between her bra cups before opening my mouth.

  “Tell me which part you like better- foreplay or sex?” Anticipation coiled in my gut, causing my voice to tremble lightly as I pried apart a second snap button. The bink echoed around the room, and I relished the quake that ripped through Hannah as I moved further south.

  “Foreplay…” Rasping her answer, Hannah squeezed her glass and curled her fist in her lap. Humming softly, I grabbed the dangerous cup with my free hand to bring the rim to my lips. Licking the stain of her pale lipstick, I drained the wine before setting it on the floor, and my heart pounded hard against my ribs. Desire burned my veins, turning my blood to vapor that filled my head with a luscious red as her taste settled on my tongue.

  “I’m going to wind you up, Hannah…” Opening another button, I brushed her faint abdominal muscles with my fingertips as my mumble caused her eyelids to flutter delicately. “My rules are simple. You’re not allowed to touch yourself, or let anyone else touch you. I want to see how much it take to break you.”


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