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Going Under

Page 30

by Lauren Dane

  She allowed him to shield her, moving her down the steps as the rest of the hunters surrounded her, protecting her. She breathed Gage’s magick in, even as hers rose to meet it.

  He made her feel safe.

  They got her in the car and slammed the doors, locking them as they managed to maneuver around the crowd. People jumped on the hood, banging on the windshield, and Lark threw a hand out with a blast of magick that cleared the guy off, sending him off to the side as they continued forward.

  “Keep driving. Don’t stop unless I say so,” Lark ordered.

  Molly shook, but wrestled herself back under control. She would not let them win. She would not let them see her upset. She would wait until she got back to her place before she let herself go.

  “You did great.” Gage spoke quietly to her, his arm around the back of her seat. She leaned into him briefly, letting herself take comfort.

  “You all right? You kicked ass.” Lark reached around to squeeze the non-casted leg.

  “Not every day someone says they’re going to shoot me.”

  Lark’s face darkened. “That guy is an asshole who needs to be beaten senseless. Or rather, beaten since he has no sense to start with.”

  Molly put her head back and closed her eyes.


  “Can’t.” She pulled her phone out. “Calls to make.”

  At least the calls gave her something to do to keep the shaking at bay until they got back to the hotel an hour later. News vans had parked out front so they went in the back way and took the freight elevator up.

  Faine checked the room, as did Gage.

  “I’ve got it for now if you want a break,” Gage told Faine, watching her carefully. She was sick of being watched carefully.

  Faine kissed her cheek. “I’m very proud of you.”

  She threw her good arm around him, hugging him tight. “Thank you.”

  He disappeared and she turned back to Gage.

  “I’m going to run you a bath. Then I’ll garbage bag up your cast.”

  “No bath. I can’t get in and out on my own with the leg hanging over the side. I’ll shower.”

  “Fine. I’ll get it started.” He looked her over carefully and walked down the hall while she got the duct tape and two garbage bags out.

  * * *

  BY the time he came back down the hall she’d gotten her leg in a bag and had taped it up.

  “I’ve got the arm.” She walked past him and closed the bathroom door behind her.

  He allowed himself the full body shakes he’d been holding back for hours. Christ. She could have been killed and if she had been, it would have been while they were mad at one another.

  He got his Bluetooth in and began to make calls while he got her some tea, made her a sandwich and listened to be sure she didn’t fall or have trouble in the shower.

  The capitol police together with the Olympia police had managed to get things under control after nearly two hours of fighting. The news was talking about her speech in slightly awed terms. He wasn’t sure how it would all turn out, but she’d hit it out of the park. Her speech had ridden the line between scary threats and olive branch.

  He hoped the humans listened. For all their sakes.

  She came out finally on a puff of Molly-scented steam. Coconut like the soap she used. She threw the plastic away and looked at the tea. “Thank you. I’m fine. You can go now.”

  He stepped to her, banded an arm around her waist and hauled her close. Carefully. Damn it, he was going to have to grovel like there was no tomorrow because there wasn’t without her in his life.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Is the tea cold?”

  He growled and she didn’t even give him the raised brow.

  “I’m sorry I broke up with you. I take it back. I never meant it anyway. I love you, Molly. I’ve loved you for a long time and I was a fool for pretending I didn’t and for not saying it when it’s been so true. I love you and I am sorry for hurting your feelings. I’m sorry for all the stuff I said about you calling Sato. I know why you did it and I know you weren’t seeking permission and it was a low blow and I shouldn’t have said it.”

  Some of her stiffness went away but he wasn’t out of the danger zone just yet.

  “I was jealous. Okay? I was jealous that Sato comforted you and made you feel better when I should have. I wanted you to come to me to share and it didn’t matter that you didn’t have the time to do it or that it was something you needed to address with him.”

  She kept quiet.

  “Damn, you’re a hard woman. Do you still love me?”

  She nodded. “You think my love is so thin and flimsy that the minute you act like a jerk it goes away? If that was the case, I’d have been over you months ago.”

  “Ouch. I guess I deserved that. What can I do to make it up to you?”

  “I need you to be honest with me. I need you to tell me what’s bothering you. I need you to share with me because that’s what you do to keep a relationship working. And it’s a relationship. One that people will know about.”

  “I never hid you. I told Rose I was dating you just yesterday.”

  “This isn’t dating.”

  “You’re right, you’re right. And so yes, of course one that everyone knows about because how can I not brag when my woman looks as good as you? I’m scared. Scared of losing you. Scared you can’t count on me to protect you. Scared you’ll look at a man like Sato and see one who is a lot more like you than I am and you’ll regret loving me. I know you miss your human life and I worry you’ll regret your choices and this life.”

  She kissed his chest, snuggling in and he let go of the panic and fear he’d been choking on.

  “I could never regret loving you, Gage. Toshio Sato is a fine man. Intelligent and handsome, successful even. But he’s not who I love. You’re who I love. He’s not who I want. You’re who I want. I can’t go back to my old life. That’s been hard to accept, but that’s reality. They won’t have me. I lost it and for a while that held me back. But I have this life now. With you and this clan. I have friends. I have a man I love madly. I have these awesome, growing powers and sometimes I feel . . . guilty. Guilty for thinking they’re so cool. Guilty for feeling guilty. I like being powerful. I like my magick. I don’t regret this life. I regret that I had to lose my old one with so much devastation. But I don’t regret that it brought me to you.”

  “I like the increase in my powers too. There’s nothing to be guilty over, your powers shut that heckler down today. I was amazed. You were also really hot and bossy. We’re back together then?”

  “I dare you to share your fears with me from now on. As a regular thing. That’s the only way we can do this and be successful at it. There’s too much pressure to add unnecessary relationship strain. If you’re worried or jealous or mad, you need to say so. Or I can’t take you back. Also if you break up with me like that again, that’ll be the last time. A relationship has to be based on trust. I need to trust you not to take things that are so important to me and use them to hurt me. Being in a relationship with me isn’t a game; it’s not a tool you can use to manipulate me with. I won’t stand for that.”

  “Deal. I’m sorry. You’re totally right to be mad and hurt. It was so wrong of me. I love you so much, Molly. Please, let’s make this work.”

  “All right then. I love you too. Now, pleasure me and maybe bring me donuts later. Tomorrow will be another fun-filled day at Clan Owen.”

  He grinned, walking her backward toward the bedroom. “The cast adds a challenge, but I’m up for it if you are.”

  “I totally am.”

  * * *

  Turn the page for Lauren Dane’s next

  Bound By Magick novel

  Coming soon from Berkley Sensation!

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  HE tasted magick. Magick and blood rushed over his skin and through his system. His beast surged forward as he caught a human male by the back of the ne
ck and threw him up against a nearby fence.

  His beast raged within, aching to be let free. Aching to rip those who dared harm his protected to small pieces.

  These humans had thrown firebombs into a community center that had been full of Others at the time. The parking lot had been full. Children had been playing on the field out back.

  If it hadn’t been for Clan Gennessee, who’d posted guards . . . Guards who’d noted the behavior of those humans who’d attacked them, who’d acted immediately and evacuated.

  His fist made contact with a man’s face, satisfaction roaring through Faine as the human crumpled to the ground.

  The air was filled with the stench of the fuel used in the firebombs. With the scent of sweat and fear. His beast loved the latter.

  Most of the humans were down, but what caught his attention was her.

  She strode through the melee like a Valkyrie. Her magick sang with each step she took. Men fell all around her as she managed to use her fists and her power to push them back. Her face was a mask of fury and vengeance.

  He blew out a breath as he took her in from head to toe. Helena Jaansen was magnificent.

  She was totally focused as they fought the humans for a few minutes more before the threat they posed had been thoroughly dealt with. The police had not shown up yet, though some ambulances had arrived and those who’d escaped the building when it had been firebombed were being treated outside of the fray.

  When it was over she put her fingers to her lips and whistled loudly

  . Her men and women froze, turning their attention to her.

  “I want a team working immediately to gather evidence. Get the kits from the van. John and Evan, I want everything on video. The police will arrive shortly. Do not impede them, but do not cede ground either.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on these humans.” Faine spoke and she turned her attention to him.

  “Yes. Thank you. Feel free to break something if they try to escape.” She turned away, issuing orders as she went.

  The police rolled up seconds later, exiting their cars with their weapons drawn.

  Helena approached them, her hands up. “Nice timing. Those responsible for trying to kill a community center full of people are all here, on the ground.”

  “On the ground!” one of the officers screamed at her.

  Helena looked at them. “My hands are up. I am not going to get on the ground.”

  “We will shoot you if you don’t comply.”

  “You can try. Or you can do your job and deal with this situation you avoided until you figured it was over.” Like cowards hung in the air, unspoken, but not unheard.

  She kept her hands up, but remained on her feet. “There’s video of the attack. We’ve got a backup, just in case it gets lost. You’re free to look at it. My people are guarding the room where the monitors are. It’s in a relatively unscathed part of the building. Back door, up the stairs to your left. They know you’re on the way, but they will continue to monitor as you watch. We’ll wait right here with our hands up while you do.”

  “You don’t give the orders here.” The cop who stepped forward sneered. She was unmoved.

  “Officer—” She leaned forward slightly, reading his name tag. “Officer Franklin. I’m Helena Jaansen and as you’re too late on the scene of an assault called in twenty minutes ago, let me catch you up to speed. I’m not giving orders. I’m letting you know how it is. You can either protect us all, as it’s your job, or you can refuse. In either case, I will protect my people. And you won’t stop me from protecting children from these thugs. I have no desire to make this into an issue. But should you . . .” She shrugged. “I’m not a defenseless four-year-old just trying to jump rope. I can fight back.”

  Another law enforcement guy came up through the crowd. “Stand down, officers,” he called out.

  Franklin looked back, clearly intending to countermand that order, but when he saw the uniform and the big, yellow FBI letters, he stopped. “This is out of your jurisdiction.”

  “You can put your hands down,” the FBI guy told Helena. She did, but she kept her body at attention.

  “Firebombs are actually firmly in our jurisdiction. Especially when it’s connected to a nationwide crime syndicate aimed at a certain group of citizens. That’s right smack dab in our wheelhouse.”

  One of Helena’s brows rose and Faine wanted to put his lips on it.

  The FBI guy looked back to Helena. “You were saying there was video of the event?”

  “Marian?” One of her people approached slowly, keeping her hands in plain sight. “Can you show Agent . . .”

  “I’m Gill Anderson. Head of the new Cross Species Task Force.”

  “The what?” Officer Franklin and Helena said this in unison.

  “We set up this week.”

  “Okay then. Marian, please show the agent up to the room with the monitors.” Helena turned back to Anderson. “We have backups of the video, by the way. I was just telling Officer Franklin this.”

  “You don’t trust us to be fair?” Anderson asked this after one of his agents went with Marian.

  “I don’t know you one way or the other. But I do know such evidence has been lost more than once since this mess started. And that makes me careful. Careful keeps people alive.”

  Anderson nodded. “Fair enough. Officer Franklin, please take the humans on the ground into custody. My people will conduct interviews at the station.”

  “You can’t just jump in the middle of this!”

  “I can. And I am. So, please get these men and women cuffed. Read them their rights and throw them in cells. Separately, please.” Anderson turned back to Helena. “I’d like to interview you and your people as well.”


  Faine took up a spot next to Helena. She didn’t seem to mind, but Anderson did. Too bad.

  “If any of these assholes get lost on the way to the station, I’m going to be vexed, Agent.”

  “That would make two of us. Look, I’d prefer if we could start off on the right foot. I am here to help.”

  “I’m Helena Jaansen. I work for Clan Gennessee.”

  Anderson looked up into Faine’s face. “Faine Leviathan. I work for her.”

  Faine caught the ghost of a smile flitting over her lips. Just a brief flash before it was gone.

  “You’re a Were of some sort?”

  “Of some sort.” They’d all decided not to reveal the existence of anything beyond the Veil. For the time being, no humans needed to know a damned thing about Lycia or the packs of Lycians, part man, part giant wolf, who dominated it.

  Helena decided to forge ahead. The FBI guy didn’t need to know any more about Faine.

  “At four p.m.—prime after-school time, by the way—the guards noticed a group of humans who seemed to be casing the building.”

  “How did they know to identify that behavior as casing?”

  Helena just shot him a look. “Really, Agent Anderson?” There was no need to let on just how well trained and militarized Clan Gennessee was, or the level of training of those Others who made up their new unified defense force. Or hell, even the existence of such a defense force.

  “Go on. But don’t think I’m not going to want to know just how well your people are trained.”

  He could want it until the sun burned out.

  “They watched, notifying me and my people. One of the guards came out to get a closer look.” Her mouth flattened briefly as he cast a look toward the body, covered by a sheet, that they’d moved out of the way of traffic. “He was attacked by two humans, shot in the head before he’d had a chance to react. The guards inside then began an evacuation out the back as those humans threw what we later ascertained to be firebombs through the front windows of the community center.

  “By this point, we’d arrived, having only been in La Habra. They have automatic weapons, but we also have our own mode of protection. One of the men you took away is Gentry Fenton, one of the lieutenan
ts for PURITY.”

  “How many of them were there?”

  “Fourteen at the first.” Faine broke in with his rumbly voice. Despite the stress and grief of the situation, it still made all Helena’s parts tingly. “Then a van approached with six more.”

  Anderson interviewed her people, spoke to his own after they’d viewed the video and left two hours later.

  PURITY had thrown twenty people with guns and bombs at a building full of kids and elderly people. It had been bad enough that some humans had gravitated toward the bigoted message of groups like PURITY and Humans First. But this sort of violence was a whole different level.

  And rapidly becoming more common.

  She wasn’t sure how much longer things could go on without erupting into full-blown civil war.

  Chapter 2

  HELENA blew out a breath and turned to face her people. Covered in soot, blood and no small amount of dirty, they waited for her to give them orders.

  Her gaze flitted over to the sheet and the two witches who’d been standing over it. She’d failed him. That Were who’d volunteered to be on her team. Who’d been doing his job and ended up dead for it. His pack members had shown up just a few minutes before and were preparing to remove his body.

  “I’ll be expecting your detailed reports. Tomorrow morning. Alix, Sam and Marcus, I want you to be lead on this. Get all the pertinent info to me. I need to speak with Gennessee, to brief her and the rest of the Governance Council about this. She’ll then relay that information to the Owen.”

  The Enforcer from the South Bay Pack approached.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. He was a good soldier.” Helena carefully spoke, knowing grief was expected, but that wolves felt it was an honor to die protecting pack.

  He inclined his head just slightly. “We appreciate the honor you paid him by having your people watch over him. We’ll be sending two replacements tomorrow.”

  She wasn’t going to argue. She needed every body she could get. But it was hard, she knew firsthand, to put your people in the line of fire.


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