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The Spice of Life (The Transformation #1)

Page 17

by Jake Furie Lapin

  Now it was Mai Ling’s turn to shake her head. “Huh uh. Nope. Can’t do it.”

  “Why not?”

  She just shrugged. “I just don’t bring guys back to my place. It’s kind of a rule I have.” She cocked her head sideways and twisted a piece of hair around her finger. “So…what’s it going to be then? C’mon! Let’s go to your place. You know you want to! I’ve gotta have that mammoth cock inside me. You’re killing me, Jake!”

  I held firm. “No, I’m serious. I won’t do that. So, why don’t we go to a hotel? It would be a shame to miss out on this connection just because we couldn’t find a place to go, wouldn’t it?”

  Mai Ling finally agreed. We checked in to a local hotel around the corner, and started making out on the bed right away. Again I was blown away by how passionate and wild she was; she bit my neck, and my lower lip and she drove her long nails into my back. For such a small thing, she was incredibly forceful and energetic. She practically tore my clothes off this time and raked her nails down my bare chest, pausing only when she reached my groin. She moaned again, stroking the length of my shaft, running her long nails lightly over my balls.

  “You like it then?” I asked.

  “God yes! I need it, babe. Come here.”

  She lay back on the bed and opened her legs. I could see how aroused and swollen her pussy was, glistening with juices. I gently guided myself into her, but because she was so petite, I could only get about half of my cock inside her. She was so small and tight that it was almost painful for me, and not terribly satisfying.

  She, on the other hand, was moaning and almost screaming with pleasure. After just a few thrusts, she climaxed for the first time, bucking and pitching herself upwards. “More!” she shouted. “Give me more of that rock solid cock! I want more!” I pushed in another inch or so, and she shrieked as another orgasm swept over her. It was actually quite uncomfortable for me sexually. My first affair wasn’t going quite how I had planned.

  Kelli was listening intently, and seized on this comment. “That’s interesting. How did you feel emotionally?” Here was a chance to steer them into safer waters, waters that didn’t make her want to strip naked and impale herself on his lap.

  “Emotionally, I felt fine. It was nice to get some form of relief after having been starved of sex for so long. I was mostly just trying to find some physical pleasure. In the end, I didn’t actually come inside of Mai Ling. She was too tight. She orgasmed six or seven times though, and then she let me ejaculate over her stomach when she was through.”

  Kelli looked down at her notes and then back up at Jake.

  “So, why was Mai Ling so important then? It sounds like you had fun, but I guess I don’t quite understand why she has such significance in your journey.”

  Jake sat up a little bit straighter. “Ah! Right. The reason that Mai Ling is so important isn’t because of the sex we had. No, there is a much bigger reason. That day that we met up and went to the hotel for sex, I was much, much more overweight and out of shape than how you see me now. I had basically lost my confidence and sense of pride in my appearance. But Mai Ling helped me change that.”

  “Really? How?”

  “That day, after we had sex and were lying in bed she said, “You know, Jake. You’re really not a bad looking guy. There’s a lot of potential here.”

  I wasn’t sure how to take that, so I replied, “What do you mean by potential?”

  “Well, I already told you on my profile that I’m a personal trainer at the gym. I see guys like you, and I think ‘Wow! If he just worked out, he could have any woman he wanted!’ And that’s the truth. You COULD have any woman you wanted if you are willing to put in the work and get fit.”

  I pretended to be offended. “What, so I’m not cute now?”

  Mai Ling just giggled and ran her hand over my chest and stomach. “No silly. That’s my point. You ARE cute, but this could be a lot more toned and defined. Then you’d be incredibly hot.”

  I was intrigued. “So, since you’re a trainer, what do you recommend?”

  “I’ll tell you what,” said Mai Ling. “Why don’t you let me give you a few training sessions? Come by the gym tomorrow and we’ll get you started!”

  And that is what happened. Things didn’t work out sexually between me and Mai Ling, but she became my personal trainer for a while. Because of her, I started to get my confidence back and really got back into shape. I owe that to her.”

  Once again, Kelli was impressed. “Wow! That’s an amazing story. And how did she take it when you told her that you weren’t going to continue as lovers?”

  “Oh, she was fine. She had plenty to choose from. She did tell me that I had been one of the best though. She couldn’t stop talking about my large penis for a while, but eventually we really were just friends and she put me through my paces at the gym like nobody else. After she was finished with me, I was a completely different person.”

  “I can imagine,” said Kelli. Jake’s transformation was incredibly inspiring for her. She imagined doing something similar, changing her life around.

  At that moment, there was a knock on her office door. It was her secretary. “Uh, Kelli? There’s a delivery for you.”

  Kelli wasn’t expecting anything so she was confused. “Bring it in,” she said. Turning to Jake, she asked, “You don’t mind, do you?”

  He grinned. He looked excited, somehow. “No, I don’t mind at all. By all means, see what your delivery is.”

  His tone suddenly made Kelli feel suspicious. “Wait a minute…is this…this isn’t…have you sent me something?”

  Jake just kept grinning. At that moment, the secretary brought in a huge box and set it down next to Kelli, then left, closing the door behind her.

  Jake gazed at her with those intense eyes. “Go on, Kelli. Open it.”

  She carefully pried open the cardboard container and gasped at what she saw. Inside was a beautifully carved wooden box, with intricate designs all around it.

  Jake immediately took out a small pocket measuring tape, and a packet of organic honey from his pocket. “52 x 31 x 31 inches, purrrrfect,” Jake said as he measured the box.

  “This is from you…?” she stammered.

  He stood up and walked over to her. She could smell him and feel the heat from his body.

  “Yes, it’s from me. Do you know what this is, Kelli?”

  She shook her head. “Tell me.”

  “Promise me Kelli, from now on, you will keep all of your sexual toys in this box. Your vibrators, your plugs, your nipple clamps, your handcuffs. All of it. It goes in here, in the sacred box.”

  Kelli looked up at him. “But…but I don’t even have…” She was trying to tell him that she didn’t even own half of the toys he had just mentioned, but as she was trying to speak, he leaned forward and placed his finger against her lips. He opened the small packet of organic honey, dipped his finger into it, and spread it evenly across her lips.

  “Shhhhhh, Kelli. Don’t argue. You will have all of these things in good time. I intend to teach you.” Jake reached over and pulled her head closer, and passionately kissed her honey dripped lips.

  She stared up at him, feeling herself get wet. Thoughts of his domination swept over her whole body, making her nipples perk up and her pussy get more and more juicy.

  “Teach me what, Jake?” she whispered.

  He leaned forward, close to her ear: “Everything.”

  Then he took a step back. “Oh, and one more thing, Kelli.” She looked at him and waited for him to speak.

  “From now on, there is a new rule. You will call me, Sir.”


  Jake Furie Lapin, is a writer, entrepreneur, wine drinker and coffee addict based in New Jersey. Jake's writings aim to explore sexuality and sensuality, including the BDSM lifestyle, through the beauty of the written word. The Spice of Life is his first novel. He has also published a periodical, Jake’s Chronicles, which journals the everyday life of Jake Furie
Lapin with continuations of his blogs, recipes, reviews and more. Jake encourages all of his readers and fans to explore this website and check out his blog @ The Contact Me page has links to all his social media accounts. Let him know your thoughts through your comments and feedback.

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