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Calling for a Miracle [The Order of Vampyres 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 29

by Lydia Michaels

  The intimidating woman lowered her gaze to the floor. Larissa feared she had somehow offended her. In a very quiet voice the other woman confessed, “I am a mated female. However, I chose to leave my mate.”

  “What? How? It is impossible to ignore the call.”

  “I did not ignore the call. We bonded. Cer was not who I wanted to spend my eternity with, so I fled. Eleazar helped me escape and I have not seen Cer since the night I left him.”

  “Your mate’s name was Sir?”

  Adriel numbly chuckled, still gazing at the floor. “No, his name was Cerberus. It means demon of the pit, which is exactly what he was.” She shook her head as if dispelling some memory that had grabbed hold of her for a moment. “Anyway, Cer is my mate and he owns no part of me. However, being mated, I can assure you a male is incapable of telling his mate no without suffering greatly for it. It may anger him. It may put him in a rage for a bit, but a strong female will fight for what is right, her mate’s displeasure be damned.”

  “Is that what you did? Did you fight Cer?”

  “No, my dear. Cer was too strong for me. There was no beating him. Eleazar on the other hand would never abide punishing you the way my mate would have punished me for going against his will.”

  “I do not wish to be punished at all. The bishop is ten times my age. He has inconceivable strength and has offered me his protection which I need. I am sorry, but I think you will be disappointed. I am not the female you were hoping for.”

  “Eleazar tells me you feel his passion.” Larissa blushed. “I see it’s true. He also tells me you somehow managed to knock him out.”

  “That was an accident.”

  “No, sweet Larissa. That was God’s gift. I always knew if Eleazar ever was gifted with a mate, she would have to possess incredible strength so she was not worn down like water wears a shell into a pebble over time. Eleazar is no easy male to tolerate. God would not give you to him unless you were capable of standing as his equal.”

  “You are wrong.”

  “Am I? Could it be that you two share passion because when he is around you he is so distracted he lowers his guard? Perhaps you are like a mirror for his strength. Whatever he throws at you, be it passion or power, you reflect it right back, making a kind of volley that knocks between the both of you.”

  “I don’t know why we can feel each other’s passion. I thought it was like that for all mates. I do know that I have no power over him. Whatever happened that one time was a fluke. I am not that strong nor do I possess such gifts.”

  “We shall see,” she said, letting the topic drop for a bit, or so Larissa hoped. “Why don’t you tell me how you like living here?”

  “I haven’t really been outside of this room. The bishop has been busy since we arrived. I do not wish to get in his way. I am grateful for his protection and intend not to let my presence interfere in his responsibilities.”

  Adriel pursed her lips. “I believe Eleazar would be upset to hear you describing yourself as some burden. He would not resent your interference.”

  Larissa was beginning to think this female did not know the bishop very well after all. “I am not the type of female who is comfortable intruding on my husband.”

  “Pardon me, Larissa, but could that be because your husband is a self-serving bastard? I do believe it is a good thing Eleazar is preoccupied at the moment. You have insulted his character several times since I arrived.”

  Larissa’s eyes grew wide. “I mean no insult. I only mean that I do not wish to be a burden. My presence here complicates things for Eleazar. I know he will keep me safe and I am grateful. I only want to be what he needs in order to show my gratitude. His kindness is something I will gladly accept, but it is not required so long as he keeps his word and protects me from Silus.”

  She frowned, her forehead pulling tight against her taut red braids. “What has happened that has you thinking this way? You are in no danger. Eleazar will handle your business with Silus. What are you afraid of? It is impossible for him to turn you out. Is that what you fear?”

  Larissa lowered her eyes. She could not admit to this strong-willed woman that she was indeed fearful that Eleazar would lose interest in her or grow weary of her demands if she pressed too hard. She could not face Silus again, especially after what she overheard in the hall the day before. She needed to proceed cautiously and not make any waves. She would never be permitted to leave again. The bishop’s place was here. If he threw her out, she would have nowhere to go that Silus would not be able to find her.

  The sudden contact of the other woman’s hand upon hers had Larissa looking up. In a soft voice Adriel said, “Do not fear, child. Eleazar loves you above any other already. He loves you, not some biddable image of you. I can tell by your thoughts that you love him as well. Give it time. He will not let you down and you will eventually understand that Eleazar is not someone who gives his love or his word easily, nor does he break his word. He has given you both and that is something you can depend on and trust for all of eawichkeit. Give him the gift of you. That is what he wants. Who he wants. You.”

  “You are very kind.”

  “No, I am not. I am honest though. Believe me. Silus is nothing you need to worry about. He will never harm you again.”

  A while later Adriel left and Larissa gladly changed into a fresh dress. She was just sitting down to slip into her shoes when the door opened. She looked up as Eleazar stepped in the room and shut the door. They simply stared at each other for a moment.

  “I see Adriel brought you the items I asked her to find.”

  “Yes, thank you, Bishop.”

  He looked away from her and Larissa sensed something was wrong. Ignoring the shoes she stood and walked toward him. “What is it?”

  “The council requests your presence in the hall. I have tried to persuade them to leave you be, but due to my involvement in this case, I must pass my authority to Abraham Gerig. I cannot act as more than a member of The Order while you are giving testimony. I will however be there with you and I promise I will let no other harm you.”

  Larissa felt her bones begin to shake. They were taking away his authority. She was suddenly not so sure the council would decide in her favor. What if they gave her back to Silus? What if her husband got a hold of her and made her pay for abandoning him? He said he would beat her! He said he would show her her place and make her repent.

  Eleazar’s hands gripped her shoulders firmly. “Larissa, look at me.” She looked up at him and realized he could sense her fear. He frowned and vowed, “He will not touch you. I need you to trust me. I will never let anything happen to you. Ever. I am sorry you must go through this, but once it is done it is done forever. You are my mate. Mine. No other will ever have you.”

  She shut her eyes and nodded, trying to regain her composure. Eleazar gently ran the back of his finger down her cheek. She opened her eyes as he whispered, “Put your shoes on. They are waiting for us.”

  “Now? We must do this now?”

  “Better now than later, my love. Come. Let us be done with this.”

  Chapter 30

  Eleazar held Larissa’s arm as they walked down the corridor toward Council Hall in silence. He could feel her fear. She was terrified. He tried not to let it bother him that she had yet to find the trust in him to protect her. Although he was bound as the bishop to set an example and he could not break The Order’s laws, he would be sure never to jeopardize her safety.

  He imagined Silus was just now on his way, most likely just digesting the news that his wife had been returned to the farm. He could hear the tromping of rapid horse steps thundering from the east. Eleazar had no doubt that was Mr. Hostetler coming anxiously to collect his wife. He took pleasure in knowing the male was about to be severely disappointed.

  As they approached the last corridor, Eleazar paused and looked at Larissa. “Be calm, my love. This shall all be over soon and we can begin moving on with our lives in peace.” He kissed her lips softly. Sh
e had been worrying them and they appeared slightly bruised. “Come.”

  As they approached the doors to Council Hall, Adriel looked up from her sewing. She was sitting on her bench, prepared to hear the trial. She smiled at Larissa then continued on her work.

  The room silenced as Eleazar guided Larissa down the center aisle. He could feel her heart beating recklessly. He lovingly squeezed her hand and led her to the first bench. Leaning close, he whispered, “I am right here. If you are afraid, just look to me or your grandfathers. Do not forget they each hold a position as an elder. Your brother, Adam, is also here.”

  “Where is my father?”

  Eleazar pressed his lips together. She needed no other stress at the moment. “He could not make this meeting. He is attending business elsewhere.”

  She nodded and lowered her gaze to her lap. He released her hand and watched as she folded them demurely upon her lap. There was suddenly a ruckus coming from behind the doors. He heard Silus’s voice and then the doors of the hall flew wide open as he stormed in.

  The man marched up the aisle and Abraham knocked the gavel against the table calling for order. Voices settled as Silus made it to the front. His eyes locked on his wife’s form and he reached to grab her arm roughly.

  Eleazar growled and was between them in less than a heartbeat. “You will not touch her.”

  The man frowned. “Bishop, I appreciate your help, but she is my wife and now that she has been returned to me I can handle this disgrace on my own. Please step aside.”

  “Brother Silus, please take a seat,” Abraham called from the bench.

  Silus looked to the bench then back to Eleazar. “What is going on here? I was informed of no meeting. Whatever my wife has done to draw such attention I assure you she will atone for. I do not wish for her to make more of a spectacle of my family name than she already has.”

  Larissa remained still with her hands folded and her lashes lowered. Eleazar could see her shoulders begin to tremble. He stepped closer to her and lovingly caressed the side of her face. Silus scowled at the display and snapped, “Larissa, get up.” When Larissa did not move or even look at her husband, he snapped, “I said get up!” As he went to grab for her again, a growl snapped from the bishop’s chest louder than thunder claps from the heavens in a heat storm. Wisely, the other man stepped back.

  He looked to the council and demanded to know what was going on. Abraham, now irritated, suggested, “If you will please take a seat I would be more than happy to inform you.”

  Reluctantly Silus took a seat on the other side of the aisle and stared daggers at the bishop. Eleazar was not intimidated in the least. Once he was certain the other man would not move again, he took his place beside Larissa.

  “It has come to the council’s attention,” Abraham began, “that Sister Larissa has been called to her mate.”

  Silus shot up from his seat. “She is lying!”

  “Sit. Down. I will not remind you again that you have been ordered here by your elders and you will follow the laws of this council or be forced to leave.” Silus reluctantly sat and Abraham continued. “As I was saying, it has come to our attention that Sister Larissa has been called to her mate and as a married female, certain items must be addressed, specifically, her marriage to you. I take it from your reaction to this news that you are planning on protesting your wife’s confession, Brother Silus.”

  “This is ludicrous. She is no more being called than I am. She is only trying to shrug her responsibilities again. If she is so certain of this calling,” he sneered, “then where is her mate? She has been missing for almost four months. Surely she would have been able to find him by now.”

  Eleazar slowly stood to his full height and looked down at the other male. “I am her mate and as such I advise you to choose your words carefully when speaking of my mate.”

  “You?” As if the idea where completely unfathomable to Silus, he shook his head. “But you are the bishop. God would not curse you with such a bothersome, inept—” He began to gasp for air. His hands went to his throat and he frantically clawed at his flesh, unable to release whatever was strangling him.

  “Bishop King, please refrain from harming Brother Silus.”

  Eleazar released his hold on the other male and Silus began to gasp and cough as he caught his breath. He looked to the bishop with bloodshot eyes then to the council. He wheezed, “This is a conspiracy. She is a witch who has caught our bishop under her spell. How am I to plead my case, knowing I will come to great harm under the edict of a man so enthralled? A man who has the final say in all matters.”

  “Bishop King is merely a member of The Order on this day. He has surrendered his authority in order to hear his mate’s testimony and act as her counsel.”

  “Testimony? Surely you cannot intend to allow her to speak on Order business. She will lie to all of you and find herself in a cell for her sins.”

  “I and the rest of the elders shall be the judge of her truthfulness.” Abraham looked to Larissa and, in a less severe voice, said, “My child, do you think you might be able to come up here and answer a few questions?”

  Larissa slowly looked up and nodded. Eleazar helped her stand then walked her to the seat beside the council. As he walked back he smiled at Silus, who was having an extremely difficult struggle with his composure. As he returned to his seat, Abraham continued, “Sister Larissa, would you mind telling us how you came to realize you were being called to Bishop King?”

  Without looking up from her lap she quietly answered. “Bishop King told me so. I had been struggling with changes in my diet and sleep patterns, but I simply assumed it was my nerves.”

  “Why would you assume it was your nerves?”

  “I had run from my home. I knew I would eventually be found.”

  “So you did not leave the farm to follow your calling. How long after leaving did you learn of your call?”

  “Just this week.”

  “And has there been any other evidence that what the bishop claimed was true?”

  “Yes. I had a dream.”

  “About Bishop King?”


  “Would you mind describing the dream?”

  Eleazar objected, “That is of a private matter and irrelevant.”

  “Very well,” Abraham said. “Are you in accordance with God’s will, child?”


  “And would it satisfy you to legally wed the bishop?”


  “Would you be tempted to return to your husband, Silus? It is important you understand the choice you are making here. You will not be permitted to entertain more than one relationship.”

  Larissa looked up at the council. Although her chin quivered and he could sense her nervousness, she spoke clearly for all of the elders to hear. “The bishop is my mate. I wish to be his frau. I will not return to Silus’s home or his bed. My marriage to him was over the moment I bonded with my mate.”

  A wave of whispers filled the room at the same time there was a crash and Silus was suddenly rushing toward Larissa. Eleazar was there first. He stood before the smaller man, blocking Larissa. Silus seethed. “You whore! You had no right to give my property to another male!”

  Many members of the council began to shout at once, many of them Silus’s elders. Silus continued to bore holes through Eleazar’s chest as if he could see Larissa behind him. In a hushed whisper Eleazar leaned close to the man and said, “Make no mistake, Silus, she is my mate and we have bonded. It was by my will, her will, and the will of God. Your claim to Larissa ends here and now. You will not lay a finger upon her ever again. Not because she is my property or because I would beat you to death, but because she would rather suffer the affection of a thousand serpents than play victim to you one more time. You will respect her choice in this matter and all matters from here on. Do not test me on this. I may have surrendered my title today, but tomorrow and every day after that I will be your bishop. Our laws are quite clear regar
ding mated females. You risk quite a bit if you choose not to heed my warning. And I assure you, there really is no chance of gaining favor with the council. I promise if you disobey me on this, you will never find the absolution you want, because you will be worse than dead.”

  The man seethed as he listened to the bishop’s warning and those shouting around them. His jaw ticked and Eleazar waited for the man to back down. Finally, he took a step back. Silus looked to the council and hissed, “This is a mockery of justice. I will save you all time. I rescind my vows to this harlot. Draw up whatever papers you must and I shall sign them. I will send them with my prayers for the bishop. For he has welcomed a witch into this holy home and I fear you will all pay the price for her presence.” He then turned and stormed out of the hall.

  * * * *

  Larissa was trembling so badly she could feel her heart clattering against her ribs. Silus was gone and the council had dismissed the others, however, they still remained in the hall, discussing the display that had just taken place. She heard Eleazar make demands of the elders to draw up the proper paperwork straight away, but she eventually found it easier not to listen. She had never been the focus of so many males before. It was unsettling and she longed to return to her room.

  After several more minutes she heard Eleazar excuse himself as he ushered her away from the council bench. Groups of males milled around and Eleazar expertly ushered her through the crowd, making sure no other body touched her or spoke to her. When they reached the door, he held it for her and brought her to the bench that Adriel sat upon. The woman smiled up at them with great satisfaction in her green eyes. Although it was quieter in the hall, there was still a great deal of men standing about.

  “I must finish this, Adriel. Can you keep an eye on Larissa?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you.” Eleazar sat her down then lowered his body to her eye level. “Larissa, stay here with Adriel. She will take good care of you. I will be back as soon as possible and then we will retire for the evening. I know this day has been hard on you. You did wonderful in there.” He kissed her numb lips and walked back inside the hall.


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